Listen: In audio recording, Trump heard discussing sensitive Iran document

He basically admitted he was guilty of several of the charges the DOJ has leveled against him. What a Moron?

The Rapist and Traitor is his own worst witness. He cannot help shooting his mango mouth off. He is admitting his own guilt. No matter the MAGA MAGGOTS spin this, he is as guilty of as fuck.

These shit were demanding HRC be locked for her private server, but with the Rapist and Traitor illegally moving (stealing actually) classified documents, they roll on their backs and wait for him to shit on them....which he will.

He takes their money, grifts the fuck out them and they believe each and every fucking lie the Orange Fuck Stain tells them. He admits cannot and he could not and he did not declassify a damn thing, and they still support him.
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Jack Smith has copies of them.
So does the FBI.
They have the crime scene photos from the raid at Mar-a-Looserville.
They have no shame, they have proven it time and again.
Having seen what 175MM can do, the Rapist and Traitor should be more than willing to take a deal, but he will not. His ego wouldn't allow it.
Not one person stands a prayer arguing against these facts. Not one!
Utterly untrue. The president can't just think a document is declassified and therefore, it is. There is a process, culminating with marking up a classified document, or portions of it, as unclassified. If that never happens and the president dies, is such a document classified or unclassified?

And I never said Trump is the dumbest person on the planet. You made that up too.
You are just wrong.
The Rapist and Traitor is his own worst witness. He cannot shooting his mango mouth off. He is admitting his own guilt. No matter the MAGA MAGGOTS spin this, he is as guilty of as fuck.

These shit were demanding HRC be locked for her private server, but with the Rapist and Traitor illegally moving (stealing actually) classified documents, they roll on their backs and wait for him to shit on them....which he will.

He takes their money, grifts the fuck out them and they believe each and every fucking lie the Orange Fuck Stain tells them. He admits cannot and could not and did not declassify a damn thing, and they still support him.
I am pretty good at guessing and gambling. I am going to say 90% chance Trump is going to prison.
General Mark Hertling:

Having read the indictment (4x's now), the amount & type of classified information Trump took, hid, did not secure, and refused to give back is, IMHO, gobsmacking. Many analysts have called them "war plans." I doubt any documents fit into that specific contingency category.

The documents were likely extremely detailed intelligence assessments, w/ potential foe (& friendly) capabilities & weaknesses & US capabilities we would not want anyone - especially foes - to know. Many have said, this isn't a document issue it's a national security issue.

I have seen intel agencies, military units, foreign service officers put sweat & blood into providing these documents, making sure they are accurate. All those individuals KNOW they must get it right, because their work, their assessments, are provided to key decision-makers.

Those who view these docs - the President, high-level military leaders, State Dept officials & others - use these assessments for critical decision making. FOR our citizens, FOR our country. One phrase in the indictment struck me like a bullet. Trump saying: "my boxes."

None of these are "personal papers." These documents provide information/intelligence - gathered through the use of US capabilities, put together by really smart, dedicated, patriotic individuals - to be used by US officials to defend against all enemies, foreign & domestic.

Strategic leaders see and use these documents when they are in a position to serve the American people. They don't get to keep them, or review them, or show them around, or not keep them secure, when they are no longer in the position.

As a military leader in command of different organizations, I "used" each kind of the type of documents found in the trove at MAL. Each kind: Secret, Top Secret, TS-SCI, TS-HCI, NOFORM, TK, even the kinds of ones that were "redactted" (mostly likely various code word).

I was ONLY allowed to see them because they helped me make better decisions, plans, or conduct more effective operations. When I left the military or a specific job, I was "read out" of the clearance. That's what happens to everyone, including the President.

Yes, the President has declassification authority. But that requires a process that then protects a LOT of people. Anyone who says otherwise is a moron. And anyone who says someone can do it after leaving their leadership role is even more moronic.

There's a reason I reacted viscerally to the "my papers" statement. To claim they are "his" - as if they've been given to him for personal use or vanity just like the WWE belt, the NY Post clippings, or any other trinket or memento found in these boxes - is horrid.

Yes, military & intel officials are pissed. They know the power of these documents that were treated cavalierly. All Americans should be equally pissed. But it seems many are not because of how some in government are treating this case. We need to treat this seriously.

Everyone had classified documents and the DOJ ruled it was no big deal for them to have them. One day it is not a threat to national security, one day later it is a massive threat to national security.
Sorry but crimes committed in other jurisdictions get prosecuted there
Hey. Retard. Yes, you Letch. There are all different kinds of crimes. Some occur in one and only one location. That will be the proper jurisdiction for prosecution.

Some occur over time and involve different locations. The choice of jurisdiction and venue is often determined by the prosecutor in such cases by way of which jurisdiction is chosen for the grand jury presentment.

Once a case is indicted by such a grand jury, the jurisdiction follows accordingly. And once the accused has been arraigned, that’s the court. No prosecutor has authority to then simply ask for the case to be transferred to another jurisdiction.

It can sometimes happen that a second indictment takes place in another jurisdiction. The two remote cases (if they each have a valid legal nexus to one of the locations) can be consolidated.

But it’s not the choice of the prosecutor. It’s a motion by the prosecutor. It’s a choice of the court(s). And don’t cry too much, but the defense also gets a say in it.

Admit you’re wrong. Or don’t. I don’t really expect any honesty or factual accuracy from a jerkoff like you.
I am pretty good at guessing and gambling. I am going to say 90% chance Trump is going to prison.

At this point, there is very little he can do to avoid prison time. If he had admitted some guilt early on, he might gotten some sort of house arrest but it will damn near impossible for him NOT to go to jail.
Hey. Retard. Yes, you Letch. There are all different kinds of crimes. Some occur in one and only one location. That will be the proper jurisdiction for prosecution.

Some occur over time and involve different locations. The choice of jurisdiction and venue is often determined by the prosecutor in such cases by way of which jurisdiction is chosen for the grand jury presentment.

Once a case is indicted by such a grand jury, the jurisdiction follows accordingly. And once the accused has been arraigned, that’s the court. No prosecutor has authority to then simply ask for the case to be transferred to another jurisdiction.

It can sometimes happen that a second indictment takes place in another jurisdiction. The two remote cases (if they each have a valid legal nexus to one of the locations) can be consolidated.

But it’s not the choice of the prosecutor. It’s a motion by the prosecutor. It’s a choice of the court(s). And don’t cry too much, but the defense also gets a say in it.

Admit you’re wrong. Or don’t. I don’t really expect any honesty or factual accuracy from a jerkoff like you.
What occurred in Jersey was an entirely separate act from what occurred in Fla.

No “transfer”.

Well, here it is. The audio recording of Trump showing a classified defense document to a couple giggling staff members who have no security clearance.

The recording, made at a meeting at Trump’s golf course in Bedminster, N.J., is an important piece of evidence obtained by special counsel Jack Smith. It appears to undercut Trump’s claims that he had declassified the documents before leaving office or didn’t know about possessing restricted documents after leaving the White House.
Who really made it? Since we don't know I'll just write this off as more leftist bullshit, like it always is. You got him now, # 3456.
Who really made it? Since we don't know I'll just write this off as more leftist bullshit, like it always is. You got him now, # 3456.
We DO. Know who made it retard.

It was made by a Meadows biographer

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