Listen: In audio recording, Trump heard discussing sensitive Iran document

Hey. Retard. Yes, you Letch. There are all different kinds of crimes. Some occur in one and only one location. That will be the proper jurisdiction for prosecution.

Some occur over time and involve different locations. The choice of jurisdiction and venue is often determined by the prosecutor in such cases by way of which jurisdiction is chosen for the grand jury presentment.

Once a case is indicted by such a grand jury, the jurisdiction follows accordingly. And once the accused has been arraigned, that’s the court. No prosecutor has authority to then simply ask for the case to be transferred to another jurisdiction.

It can sometimes happen that a second indictment takes place in another jurisdiction. The two remote cases (if they each have a valid legal nexus to one of the locations) can be consolidated.

But it’s not the choice of the prosecutor. It’s a motion by the prosecutor. It’s a choice of the court(s). And don’t cry too much, but the defense also gets a say in it.

Admit you’re wrong. Or don’t. I don’t really expect any honesty or factual accuracy from a jerkoff like you.
:abgg2q.jpg:They got him this time. Trump is on tape. He is talking about that document. No escaping this time.
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? With the Fed Prosecutors and will be admitted at evidence at trial.
There's only one little problem, Trump's lawyers couldn't find the document referenced in the audio tape and Jack Smith had specifically asked for it.

Trump's lawyers turned over documents in response to a March subpoena seeking all documents and materials related to Milley and Iran, including any materials containing invasion plans or maps, the sources told ABC News.

In their dealings with Trump's lawyers, special counsel Jack Smith's investigators said they specifically wanted the document that Trump referenced on the recording, sources familiar with the matter said. But they were unable to locate it.

It's also not clear whether Trump had the specific document with him during the July 2021 meeting while he was discussing it. Trump indicated during the recording that he knew the document in question was secret, sources said.

The special counsel's office declined to comment to ABC News.

Sounds like hearsay.
Listen to the damn tape. In case you have not been paying attention it was CNN who released the audio tape, so you are way behind on information.
What would that prove? Anyone can make a tape.
They will lose.

I think by now they know this, but will continue to deny it for as long as possible. These people so deep in their own denial that they would continue the lie than face reality.
Protip, if you "lose" a top secret document, it usually means ITS YOUR ASS.

The delldud has zero experience in handling classified material. I have seen what happens to a person who "accidentally mislay" or "Looses" a classified document, it's called prison. If you carry or handle classified material for any reason, there is a mountain of paperwork involved, including the document that says you have ultimate responsibility for safe guarding the security of material you are handling. That document lays the penalties for failure to insure safe handling, starting time in federal prison and a hefty fine.
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Jack Smith has copies of them.

Post #163

Trump's lawyers turned over documents in response to a March subpoena seeking all documents and materials related to Milley and Iran, including any materials containing invasion plans or maps, the sources told ABC News.

In their dealings with Trump's lawyers, special counsel Jack Smith's investigators said they specifically wanted the document that Trump referenced on the recording, sources familiar with the matter said. But they were unable to locate it.
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Except there are other potential charges related to the documents that haven't been filed yet, and the location is New Jersey.
Nope. The case won’t be moved absent a well reasoned motion to consolidate the indictments. And that comes with its own problems.

I guess what you’re saying is that he could be indicted outside of where this first indictment took place, Florida. And that may be. Why it would be in NJ rather than DC is a matter of pure speculation.

But, let’s say he gets indicted in DC for some fictional involvement with the J6 incidents. I doubt that case would be consolidated with the FL case.

If he were to get indicted in NJ, however, for basically a reiteration of some of the same alleged crimes as in the Florida case, I still don’t see how the Florida case would be moved to NJ. If anything, the NJ case could be sent to FL.
What occurred in Jersey was an entirely separate act from what occurred in Fla.

No “transfer”.

Thanks for signing your post. But I think you’re more of a twat. In any event, Letch, nobody is saying that documents in NJ are the same “act” as the possession of other documents in Florida.

“Transfer” has nothing to do with this.

You’re an idiot.

Let’s see if we can get this through you massively thick skull. The prosecutor will need to file a motion to consolidate any second or third indictment with the original indictment. Assuming it is premised on the same or similar legal theory, such a motion may or may not get granted.

One of the procedural problems will involve any alleged co-defendant. If a co-defendant’s case is not equally able to be brought in the other jurisdiction, the cases may not get consolidated.

But we shall see.
Nope. The case won’t be moved absent a well reasoned motion to consolidate the indictments. And that comes with its own problems.
I did not say the case would be moved. I said other secret document charges in New Jersey. By end of year trump will be facing charges in NYC (tax fraud), Florida (Mara Largo charges), Georgia (state election RICO violations), Washington (J6) and potentially New Jersey (Bedminster charges).
:abgg2q.jpg:They got him this time. Trump is on tape. He is talking about that document. No escaping this time.
Private, you’re a retard.

They have him on an audio recording. Assuming no deep fake bullshit, then what they “have” are spoken words only. They provide no context. And they have no actual evidence that he was holding the Milley memo at that time. And no evidence that he even had such a document. And no evidence that he showed any such thing to that female author.

Take a hike, private. You’re dismissed.
Private, you’re a retard.

They have him on an audio recording. Assuming no deep fake bullshit, then what they “have” are spoken words only. They provide no context. And they have no actual evidence that he was holding the Milley memo at that time. And no evidence that he even had such a document. And no evidence that he showed any such thing to that female author.

Take a hike, private. You’re dismissed.
Except for the uh....WITNESS testimony that Jack Smith has confirming in numerous depositions that The Orange Cat Turd King DID in fact show those documents at that 2021 Mar-a-Looserville session.
Everyone had classified documents.

No "Everybody" does not have classified documents. There is very involved vetting process for handling and access to classified information. The penalties for mishandling, loosing or misplacing such classified information are very harsh.

The Rapist and Traitor illegally (stolen actually) remove classified material from the WH and moved Shit-A-Lago where there were no areas set aside for the storage of classified material.

The Rapist and Traitor admits he did not declassify the classified documents found at Shit-A-Lago. The Rapist and Traitor admits could have but did not declassify the classified material and YOU continue to ignore this admission by the Rapist and Traitor.

You continue to ignore these facts. You ignore reality because you do not like it.
Private, you’re a retard.

They have him on an audio recording. Assuming no deep fake bullshit, then what they “have” are spoken words only. They provide no context. And they have no actual evidence that he was holding the Milley memo at that time. And no evidence that he even had such a document. And no evidence that he showed any such thing to that female author.

Take a hike, private. You’re dismissed.
So all Jack Smith needs to do is put Trump under oath, play the audio of Trump bragging about having the documents, ask him if he actually did have them, compare his answer to the sworn testimony of the numerous witnesses who have already testified in depositions that yes, they were there and yes, they saw the documents he was recorded bragging about, and then let the jury decide who is telling the truth.

It's a slam dunk.
Except for the uh....WITNESS testimony that Jack Smith has confirming in numerous depositions that The Orange Cat Turd King DID in fact show those documents at that 2021 Mar-a-Looserville session.
Let’s see those depositions, kid.

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