Listen: In audio recording, Trump heard discussing sensitive Iran document

Well, here it is. The audio recording of Trump showing a classified defense document to a couple giggling staff members who have no security clearance.

The recording, made at a meeting at Trump’s golf course in Bedminster, N.J., is an important piece of evidence obtained by special counsel Jack Smith. It appears to undercut Trump’s claims that he had declassified the documents before leaving office or didn’t know about possessing restricted documents after leaving the White House.

The sad part is that evidence such as this has to be shared with the opposing attorneys. The look on Trumps face as he hears it for the first time in court and his response would be worth calling in sick to work on that day. Of course his defenders would be saying FAKE NEWS and immediately start talking about the stolen election. They should just say life isn't fair. Life is unfair and everything is fake. Gosh, glad I am not a republican who supports Trump.
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The audio was made by Meadows biographers and was not only legal but Trump knew it was being recorded.
I generally don't pay attention to what the corporate and government media put right in front of me. That is a recipe to be brainwashed and mentally conditioned.

If all the channels have you focused on something? It is probably not that important. IMO.

We can agree to disagree about that. If you want to be nasty, feel free.

This is. . . as I thought. That means, none of this is a, "bombshell," IMO. Nor does it mean, it is really that important. Though, I admit, I could be wrong.

Now, think it out. If Trump knew this was all being recorded? It means, he was putting on a show, for posterity, for his audience, and for the recording. It means, the reality of this being "classified," or his statements about anything being, "top secret," are probably nothing but bragging and hyperbole. :rolleyes:

It's just, as he has claimed, an elaborate hoax. . . . . one created by him! :auiqs.jpg:
None of it, is "real."
Or, alternatively, it is as real as this;


So all Jack Smith needs to do is put Trump under oath, play the audio of Trump bragging about having the documents, ask him if he actually did have them, compare his answer to the sworn testimony of the numerous witnesses who have already testified in depositions that yes, they were there and yes, they saw the documents he was recorded bragging about, and then let the jury decide who is telling the truth.

It's a slam dunk.
You’re a bigger retard than I thought. And I recognized you as brain dead.

Let’s see if I can put you on the right track with two words: Fifth Amendment.

Get back to me if you ever regenerate a brain cell.
Read. The. Indictment.
Why? This is a colossal distraction for the hoi polloi, right?

There are so many folks obsessed with Trump, I have no doubt, someone here will do it. All I've got to do is ask. This forum is such a great resource!


I have already skimmed it, and read closely the last six or seven pages.
So all Jack Smith needs to do is put Trump under oath, play the audio of Trump bragging about having the documents, ask him if he actually did have them, compare his answer to the sworn testimony of the numerous witnesses who have already testified in depositions that yes, they were there and yes, they saw the documents he was recorded bragging about, and then let the jury decide who is telling the truth.

It's a slam dunk.

Oh Please, the Rapist and Traitor would be boasting about it on the witness stand, he is glad he did it.
No "Everybody" does not have classified documents. There is very involved vetting process for handling and access to classified information. The penalties for mishandling, loosing or misplacing such classified information are very harsh.

The Rapist and Traitor illegally (stolen actually) remove classified material from the WH and moved Shit-A-Lago where there were no areas set aside for the storage of classified material.

The Rapist and Traitor admits he did not declassify the classified documents found at Shit-A-Lago. The Rapist and Traitor admits could have but did not declassify the classified material and YOU continue to ignore this admission by the Rapist and Traitor.

You continue to ignore these facts. You ignore reality because you do not like it.
Everybody had classified docs.
Why? This is a colossal distraction for the hoi polloi, right?

There are so many folks obsessed with Trump, I have no doubt, someone here will do it. All I've got to do is ask. This forum is such a great resource!


I have already skimmed it, and read closely the last six or seven pages.
You spun a conspiracy theory in a vacuum of ignorance.

Read. The. Indictment.

So you don't ask such stupid questions again.
Speaking as a Watergate historian, there’s nowhere on thousands of hours of Nixon tapes where Nixon makes any comment as clear, as clearly illegal, and as clearly self-aware as this Trump tape.
Sometimes Trump's gaslighting is obvious to even you rubes and he has to backtrack.
Zzz. Sometimes even intelligent people say stupid shit.

Once in a very rare blue moon, even you libtards can get a handle on something truthful.
Everyone had classified documents and the DOJ ruled it was no big deal for them to have them. One day it is not a threat to national security, one day later it is a massive threat to national security.

Trump Prosecutors Struggled Over Motives. Then They Heard the Tape.​

What turned the tide was an audio tape and other evidence investigators confirmed around February from meetings Trump held almost two years earlier and a thousand miles from the former president’s Palm Beach, Fla., resort, according to people familiar with the matter.

That crucial evidence, along with notes from a Trump lawyer describing his response to the investigation, helped spur prosecutors to push forward with a criminal case, the people said—an unprecedented step that might have been avoided if Trump had cooperated even late last year, as some of his lawyers had urged him to do.
You spun a conspiracy theory in a vacuum of ignorance.

Read. The. Indictment.

So you don't ask such stupid questions again.
So it is yoar contention, that you really bleev Trump will end up in the pokey?

Sure he did...

This totally wins my case, you know. Except it is like, highly confidential - secret. This is secret information. Look, look at this..." ~ Donald "Mr. Espionage" Trump.
If they don't have the documents, they have nothing.

Your desperation is noted and laughed at. Meanwhile, we have Trump's own words...

    • This totally wins my case, you know. Except it is like, highly confidential - secret. This is secret information. Look, look at this...

  • Look. [papers shuffling] This was him. They presented me this- this is off the record, but they presented me this.
  • Pages long, look. Wait a minute, let's see here. [papers shuffling]
  • I was just thinking, because we were talking about it. And you know, he said, 'He wanted to attack Iran, and what...,' These are the papers.
  • [staffer: "we'll have to see. Yeah, we'll have to try to..."] Declassify it. See as president I could have declassified it. Now I can’t, you know, but this is still a secret.
Those papers were news articles showing he was right. You have nothing.

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