Listen to Newt Gingrich clip on hannity

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Newt is 100% right. This is exactly what I have been saying. Newt just said it a lot more eloquently. And if they are successful in preventing a second Trump term, I don't see how we can turn it around.

If they prevent it in this horrid, lawless manner, there will be secession.

If Trump manages to win, the Left will riot, literally. Again, secession.

Trump didn't break US, it broke THEM. They could have just said, meh, we'll come back and win in four years. But they didn't. They had to get Butthurt and destroy everything.
If they prevent it in this horrid, lawless manner, there will be secession.

If Trump manages to win, the Left will riot, literally. Again, secession.

Trump didn't break US, it broke THEM. They could have just said, meh, we'll come back and win in four years. But they didn't. They had to get Butthurt and destroy everything.
If they are successful in preventing Trump from running, they will have total power and they will use it with no conscience whatsoever to put down anybody who attempts to defy them. They've already proved they're capable of that.

Those cheering on the persecution and prosecution of Trump have no idea what sort of hell will be unleashed from that Pandora's box. But I am 100% certain they won't like it but it will be too late to reverse course then.
If they are successful in preventing Trump from running, they will have total power and they will use it with no conscience whatsoever to put down anybody who attempts to defy them. They've already proved they're capable of that.

Those cheering on the persecution and prosecution of Trump have no idea what sort of hell will be unleashed from that Pandora's box. But I am 100% certain they won't like it but it will be too late to reverse course then.

I'm not sure I think that Trump is our only shot here. I'm certainly not opposed to him as president for another term, but we have others who would dismantle the Deep State.

I also don't agree that they have "total power". They think they do. But they "rule" a huge, diverse nation of about 320 million people, a great deal of them armed. Sadly, we could be about to see just what kind of power they think they have. I still believe a lot of us are stubborn, single-minded people--but I've been wrong before.

You should be. Buckle up. Many of us want out, and I'm not talking just a few. We don't want to be ruled by elitist thugs anymore.
Afraid of what?
Newt is a twit.
You care to explain your plan of secession.......GO.

I love how you continually use terms like US, and you are part of some organized group...........oh wait, you are in fact, in the trump Cult.
I'm not sure I think that Trump is our only shot here. I'm certainly not opposed to him as president for another term, but we have others who would dismantle the Deep State.

I also don't agree that they have "total power". They think they do. But they "rule" a huge, diverse nation of about 320 million people, a great deal of them armed. Sadly, we could be about to see just what kind of power they think they have. I still believe a lot of us are stubborn, single-minded people--but I've been wrong before.
Yes, there are still people capable of critical and abstract thinking, who know our history, and who still embrace the concepts of liberty, prosperity, security, choices, options, opportunity for all in the values this country was founded on. All that is to say they embrace the idea of a limited goverment of, by, and for the people in which the people govern themselves instead of a monarchy or totalitarian regime that rules the people.

But too many of us are busy leading productive, beneficial lives and have allowed a long, silent coup to happen to us. It isn't complete yet, but it is in progress and has been ramped up big time in this current administration.

The neo-Democrats want no part of limited government. They have demonstrated that they want to rule and they will accomplish that by any means they think it takes to get it done.

You are witnessing the ruthlessness and lawlessness they are willing to utilize in the treatment of all who threaten their power in any way. You have watched the weaponization of the IRS, FBI, court system et al. You've watched them take over the military and install military leaders who embrace 'wokeness' in place of military readiness to defend us against our enemies. And they control most of the media, social media, education, entertainment, scientific institutions, big business, and many religious institutions now meaning they control the message most people are allowed to hear.

And you see much support from the left for dissolving the electoral college, packing the Supreme Court, keeping the border open, and making sure elections can be manipulated as all that is helpful to their ambitions.

No they don't have total power yet, but that is their goal. And most of those who turn a blind eye to what is happening because they don't want to believe it are going to be horrified at what they have allowed to happen.
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If they prevent it in this horrid, lawless manner, there will be secession.

If Trump manages to win, the Left will riot, literally. Again, secession.
You still haven’t explained how that will work?
You gonna threaten your neighbors so they move?
You still haven’t explained how that will work?
You gonna threaten your neighbors so they move?

This is not rocket science.

A state will secede. The feds will either allow them or not. I think they should. What do you liberals care if conservative states secede? You hate us anyway, right?
This is not rocket science.

A state will secede. The feds will either allow them or not. I think they should. What do you liberals care if conservative states secede? You hate us anyway, right?
Because a Red State is at best 2/3 conservative
That’s still a bunch of liberals you’ll still be neighbors with.

Best of luck.
Because a Red State is at best 2/3 conservative
That’s still a bunch of liberals you’ll still be neighbors with.

Best of luck.

Doesn't matter; the representatives vote. Hey, if cities/states can offer "sanctuary" to illegals who break our laws, Blue States can certainly offer sanctuary to liberals fleeing secession. And guess what? Red states will let them go.

Sound great?

What's wrong with it?
Doesn't matter; the representatives vote. Hey, if cities/states can offer "sanctuary" to illegals who break our laws, Blue States can certainly offer sanctuary to liberals fleeing secession. And guess what? Red states will let them go.

Sound great?

What's wrong with it?
It's just all talk.
You can dream though.

You always paint me as some far left wicked out liberal, where as in reality,
I Just Despise Trump and everything he does to save himself and con Americans, all in the disguise of MAGA. trump is a con man, and I recognize him as such.
I think ALL politicians are scum, but trump is my most despised, followed closely by his sheep.......MTG, Boebert, Gaetz and Cancun Cruz.
Afraid of what?
Newt is a twit.
You care to explain your plan of secession.......GO.

I love how you continually use terms like US, and you are part of some organized group...........oh wait, you are in fact, in the trump Cult.
You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet

What was the plan in 1776? The patriots played it by ear, improvising as the war dragged on. Even George Washington was an opportunist, picking his spots only when the situation unfolded before him.
This is not rocket science.

A state will secede. The feds will either allow them or not. I think they should. What do you liberals care if conservative states secede? You hate us anyway, right?
There aren't enough crazies to secede. Those that think there might be enough are the craziest of the bunch.
Political topics belong in politics.
You need to have a minimum of two sentences of your own opinion about the topic as well.
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