Listen to Pat Bachanan on Iran - They are a Paper Dragon


Apr 22, 2007
I am not a fan of Pat Buchanan, he is an antisemite and borderline Nazi supporter (or apologist). Yet he is dead on when discussing Iran. Iran is a paper dragon. They would get their butts kicked by Israel much less America. We wouldn't need to invade them to destroy their navy, military institutions, missile sites, nuclear sites, air force and bring their economy to their knees.

A ground attack would be a different story, but missile attack, air craft and drone strikes and a naval blockade would work.

But in the end it's unnecessary for the reason Pat describe. I am very against war with Iran and I'm a Zionist.

Is Iran the Fourth Reich? - Pat Buchanan - Page 1
Iran, we are told, is the most dangerous enemy America faces.

But is this true?

Depending on one's source, Iran's economy is 2 to 4 percent of ours. After oil and gas, its big exports appear to be caviar, carpets and pistachio nuts. Inflation is unbridled and Iran's currency is plummeting.

Here is the New York Times last month:

"Rouhani's aides describe Iran's economic situation as the worst in decades. ... The signs of woe abound.

"Lacking money, Iran's national soccer team scrapped a training trip to Portugal. Teachers in Tehran nervously awaited their wages, which were inexplicably delayed by more than a week. Officials warned recently that food and medicine imports have stalled for three weeks because of a lack of foreign currency."

Should Iran start a war, the sinking of its coastal navy would be a few days' work for the Fifth Fleet. Its air force of U.S. Phantoms dating to the Shah and few dozen MiGs dating to the early 1990s would provide a turkey shoot for Top Gun applicants.

In 30 days, the United States could destroy its airfields, missile sites and nuclear facilities, and impose an air and naval blockade that would reduce Iran to destitution.
And Iran is not only isolated economically.

She is a Shia nation in a Muslim world 90 percent Sunni, a Persian nation on the edge of a sea of 320 million Arabs. Kurds, Azeris, Arabs and Baluch make up close to half of Iran's population. War with America could tear Iran apart.

Why then would Tehran want a war -- and with a superpower?

Answer: It doesn't. Since the 1979 revolution, Iran has attacked no nation and gone to war once -- to defend herself against Saddam Hussein's aggression that had the backing of the United States.

Last year, Iran's departing president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who frightened so many, made a simple logical point about Iran's supposed bomb program:

"Let's even imagine that we have an atomic weapon, a nuclear weapon. What would we do with it? What intelligent person would fight 5,000 American bombs with one bomb?"

The New York Times reports Monday, "American intelligence experts believe Iran is still many months if not years away from having such a weapon." Time to clear this up.

Has Iran made the decision to build an atom bomb? Does Iran even have all the ingredients for a bomb? If Iran made a decision to build a bomb would we know about it? And how long would it take for Iran to build and test a nuclear device?

Obama is being urged not to meet with Rouhani, as the man has a checkered past. Yet U.S. presidents met three times with Stalin, three with the Butcher of Budapest, once with Chairman Mao.
Come on, neo-cons. Are the Iranians worthy of being nuked or not.

Stop the politics, and please tell us what is.
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Here's the problem with Patzenfuhrer's argument.

Iran doesn't have to put up a good showing in a war to reek havok.

All they have to do is shut down the straits of Hormuz for a couple of weeks. The result on the world economy would be utterly disasterous and the entire world could be thrown back into a recession.

Oh, maybe you need to check with your fellow Zionists, they are the ones pushing for war with Iran and Syria.
I'm guardedly optimistic with Iran's new President and what he's been saying . I don't think that we should start this new dialogue off with the same old worn out "demands then talk" strategy. If we could build somewhat friendly and open relations with their country, imagine how that could change that region in some good ways. I think that we need to approach the issue with the knowledge that we have nukes and so does Israel, we are not pressuring Israel in the same way we are pressuring Iran regarding the aforementioned. I don't think that we should be naive regarding Iran but maybe another approach will be the better way to go.
I'm guardedly optimistic with Iran's new President and what he's been saying . I don't think that we should start this new dialogue off with the same old worn out "demands then talk" strategy. If we could build somewhat friendly and open relations with their country, imagine how that could change that region in some good ways. I think that we need to approach the issue with the knowledge that we have nukes and so does Israel, we are not pressuring Israel in the same way we are pressuring Iran regarding the aforementioned. I don't think that we should be naive regarding Iran but maybe another approach will be the better way to go.

The same old stupid fucking liberal argument. We back off Israel so back of Iran. First, Israeli nukes are not a threat to us. If Iran had nukes there is a threat it could be delivered to terrorist. That is a legit threat. I personally don't think they would do that, but it's a possible.

Israel isn't going ton nuke us or give the bomb to terrorist to do it!
Here's the problem with Patzenfuhrer's argument.

Iran doesn't have to put up a good showing in a war to reek havok.

All they have to do is shut down the straits of Hormuz for a couple of weeks. The result on the world economy would be utterly disasterous and the entire world could be thrown back into a recession.

Oh, maybe you need to check with your fellow Zionists, they are the ones pushing for war with Iran and Syria.

Zionist aren't running the show, never had and never will no matter what a mental midget antisemite like you thinks. The US navy is more than capable of keeping the Straits of Hormuz open, so go blow it out your ass. Only a fool like you believes that because it supports your wet dream against the JJJOOOOSSSS!!!
Iran is nothing.

They fought Iraq for 8 years to a draw.

They aren't shit.
Here's the problem with Patzenfuhrer's argument.

Iran doesn't have to put up a good showing in a war to reek havok.

All they have to do is shut down the straits of Hormuz for a couple of weeks. The result on the world economy would be utterly disasterous and the entire world could be thrown back into a recession.

Oh, maybe you need to check with your fellow Zionists, they are the ones pushing for war with Iran and Syria.

Zionist aren't running the show, never had and never will no matter what a mental midget antisemite like you thinks. The US navy is more than capable of keeping the Straits of Hormuz open, so go blow it out your ass. Only a fool like you believes that because it supports your wet dream against the JJJOOOOSSSS!!!

I wish the Zionists weren't running the show. I am glad the rest of us FINALLY stood up to them on Syria.

You do realize AIPAC did full court press for the Syria War resolution, right. Thankfully, the American people finally said, "No".

As far as what the US Navy can and can't do (They only have half the number of ships they had last time Iran tried this during the Iran-Iraq War).
Here's the problem with Patzenfuhrer's argument.

Iran doesn't have to put up a good showing in a war to reek havok.

All they have to do is shut down the straits of Hormuz for a couple of weeks. The result on the world economy would be utterly disasterous and the entire world could be thrown back into a recession.

Oh, maybe you need to check with your fellow Zionists, they are the ones pushing for war with Iran and Syria.

Zionist aren't running the show, never had and never will no matter what a mental midget antisemite like you thinks. The US navy is more than capable of keeping the Straits of Hormuz open, so go blow it out your ass. Only a fool like you believes that because it supports your wet dream against the JJJOOOOSSSS!!!

I wish the Zionists weren't running the show. I am glad the rest of us FINALLY stood up to them on Syria.

You do realize AIPAC did full court press for the Syria War resolution, right. Thankfully, the American people finally said, "No".

As far as what the US Navy can and can't do (They only have half the number of ships they had last time Iran tried this during the Iran-Iraq War).

A Nazi thanked this post.


I like Buchanan. I don't agree with him on some issues, but he's a helluva smart guy, and he's been around the block.

And here he illustrates -- at least in my eyes -- the fact that we should keep our fucking noses out of the ME.


I like Buchanan. I don't agree with him on some issues, but he's a helluva smart guy, and he's been around the block.

And here he illustrates -- at least in my eyes -- the fact that we should keep our fucking noses out of the ME.


I like the fact that he is usually right about the middle east, is the only guy brave enough to call that the Zionists have way too much influence in Washington. I also agree that he is the one guy who called Free Trade a fucking disaster, and was proven right.

I'm less comfortable with his homophobia, his xenophobia and his holocaust denial and defense of Nazis.
Zionist aren't running the show, never had and never will no matter what a mental midget antisemite like you thinks. The US navy is more than capable of keeping the Straits of Hormuz open, so go blow it out your ass. Only a fool like you believes that because it supports your wet dream against the JJJOOOOSSSS!!!

I wish the Zionists weren't running the show. I am glad the rest of us FINALLY stood up to them on Syria.

You do realize AIPAC did full court press for the Syria War resolution, right. Thankfully, the American people finally said, "No".

As far as what the US Navy can and can't do (They only have half the number of ships they had last time Iran tried this during the Iran-Iraq War).

A Nazi thanked this post.


I don't think he's a Nazi, I think he's a troll seeing how much crazy the Mods will let him get away with.

He was an anarchist a few weeks ago, now he's a Nazi. Next month he'll be a Rastafarian.
I wish the Zionists weren't running the show. I am glad the rest of us FINALLY stood up to them on Syria.

You do realize AIPAC did full court press for the Syria War resolution, right. Thankfully, the American people finally said, "No".

As far as what the US Navy can and can't do (They only have half the number of ships they had last time Iran tried this during the Iran-Iraq War).

A Nazi thanked this post.


I don't think he's a Nazi, I think he's a troll seeing how much crazy the Mods will let him get away with.

He was an anarchist a few weeks ago, now he's a Nazi. Next month he'll be a Rastafarian.
National Anarchist....Nazi's pretending to be anarchists...bunch of idiots afraid to admit what they truly are.

I like Buchanan. I don't agree with him on some issues, but he's a helluva smart guy, and he's been around the block.

And here he illustrates -- at least in my eyes -- the fact that we should keep our fucking noses out of the ME.
......................................... :thup:

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