Listen to the exact words in the exact books Democrats want in our public school libraries

Oh, but they do....And you and your ilk are going to have that point made clear in the coming court cases.
Did you note when he said “your children”. Those who don’t, won’t or can make children want to make this decision. Not those of us who do.

That’s the entire thing in a nutshell
Did you note when he said “your children”. Those who don’t, won’t or can make children want to make this decision. Not those of us who do.

That’s the entire thing in a nutshell
He believes that the only thing parents are allowed to do is house, clothe, and feed their children. Other than that, it's up to liberals to mandate what to teach them....IOW, If we raise our kids in a conservative household, with conservative values, religion, and morals, that to them is abuse.
Oh, but they do....And you and your ilk are going to have that point made clear in the coming court cases.
The court has continually ruled against the notion of children being the property of their parents. You can't sell them, beat them or deny them medical care. You are their guardian until the State deems you unfit.
The court has continually ruled against the notion of children being the property of their parents. You can't sell them, beat them or deny them medical care. You are their guardian until the State deems you unfit.
What a load of Bull shit....Want to start a real war? Going after peoples families is a great way to do it....
He believes that the only thing parents are allowed to do is house, clothe, and feed their children. Other than that, it's up to liberals to mandate what to teach them....IOW, If we raise our kids in a conservative household, with conservative values, religion, and morals, that to them is abuse.
You can teach them religion, you just can't deny them an education in science even if you're fearful that education will countermand your religious values.
What a load of Bull shit....Want to start a real war? Going after peoples families is a great way to do it....
Not bullshit. Real shit. If you try to deny your child life saving medial care because of your Bingo religion for instance a doctor can sue to have them be made guardians of your child until the treatment is complete.
One person's porn is another person's literature.

For instance, when I was in a Catholic HS in the late 70's, they had us read Orwell's 1984. That book contains SEVERAL explicit sex scenes, including one where the protagonist hires a prostitute.
You obviously did not realize that it is a cautionary tale rather than an operating manual.
Not bullshit. Real shit. If you try to deny your child life saving medial care because of your Bingo religion for instance a doctor can sue to have them be made guardians of your child until the treatment is complete.
First off, I don't align with the fundies that believe that medical attention should be withheld....Why is it you people have to go for the extreme all the time?
First off, I don't align with the fundies that believe that medical attention should be withheld....Why is it you people have to go for the extreme all the time?
To make the point that your rights as a parent has limits. See, even you agree with me on that. Where we disagree is where that limit is. Who'll decide that will be the majority.
To make the point that your rights as a parent has limits. See, even you agree with me on that. Where we disagree is where that limit is. Who'll decide that will be the majority.
There are limitations in the respect where a parent puts the child’s life or health in danger. But, like I said these are extreme cases…The courts have generally taken these cases on a case by case basis…often resulting in abdicating to the parents wishes, unless the medical attention is life threatening….

Your conclusion that it is “the majority” that decides is absurd.
Lawn Boy isn't child pornography.

It doesn't contain child pornography.
It has a vivid description of two elementary age boys performing oral sex on each other.
But the Bible - that is one VERY disturbing book.
Yes, and it has been kept away from middle schoolers.

According to, Christopher Williams, Davis School District's director of communication, that while The Bible was not removed under the new law: "The [review] committee also decided to retain the book in school library circulation only at the high school level based on age appropriateness due to vulgarity or violence."

There are no Bibles in the library at the Junior High in which I teach. Librarians "censor" books every day by choosing not to shelve them in the limited space available. Our librarian is fresh out of college, perhaps 25 years old. Why should her judgement, and not hundreds of parents of our students, be the only one that matters in which books to put in and which books to leave out?
comparing the Bible to this trash is ridiculous….and you know it.
The Bible is VASTLY more disturbing I agree...

...but Lawn Boy is far from trash.

Both books are quite good and important, but neither is appropriate for under 12s in terms of school library access.
I could find no data to support that.
I was going to check on this, as the claim didn't sound correct.

Thank you for doing the work on this. :)
Reference me the passages that are as graphic as the one in gender queer…
So you do NOT have a problem with the normalization/glorification of child grooming, trafficking, rape and murder.

But you DO have a problem with gayness.

Kinda what I've been saying about where conservatives are coming from on this.

It's not about concern for children.

It's about attacking LGBTQ folks.
Elementary schools I would imagine have versions of children’s Bible stories…so use that version.
It would depend, but I don't believe either work should be censored/expurgated/watered down, though there are, of course, some brilliant interpretations of the Bible and its various passages, though many of these may be inappropriate for under 12s as well.
Oh no, that’s not true….
Sure it is. Just calm down and leave LGBTQ kids alone. Stop trying to shove your conservative agenda down their throats.
One argument in here talks about having gay sex introduced in sex Ed along side with the regular sex Ed …
Sounds good to me; why anyone would have a problem with this is beyond me.
It shouldn’t be available in any school,
Elementary is wrong for both the Bible and this book, yes.
including high school.
They're fine for high school and any 12+ accessible library.
Why have teens read this sick stuff
If they wish to seek the Bible or Lawn Boy out, what's the problem?

Neither's in the curriculum.
when the majority can’t pass a basic math or English proficiency test?
True dat.

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