Listen to the exact words in the exact books Democrats want in our public school libraries

I agree.

The Bible OK, but not pornographic smut. They can get their hands on it other ways, like kids always did in the past.

Let them seek it out other ways.
It's always funny to me when adults show themselves less capable of having reasonable discussions about sex and sex education than teenagers are. 😄
So, in your world, straight parents can't have gay children? I suppose you also think that if gays didn't recruit there'd be no more gays?
Nope, didn’t say that…See, you people can’t have an honest discussion.
Do you need it explained to you what question marks signify? 😄
The nation is slowly dying. Economics, financially, which you gloss over. You cannot gloss over the expenses of things to defend us increasing massively. And the time to bring those things into service also. The new Air Force One planes are costing billions more and are going to be years late due to the lower IQ's and equity in problem solving. We are not the can-do nation anymore. We are more Argentina like.
The nation is slowly dying. Economics, financially, which you gloss over. You cannot gloss over the expenses of things to defend us increasing massively. And the time to bring those things into service also. The new Air Force One planes are costing billions more and are going to be years late due to the lower IQ's and equity in problem solving. We are not the can-do nation anymore. We are more Argentina like.
Jesus Christ you're dumb. 😄
The nation is slowly dying. Economics, financially, which you gloss over. You cannot gloss over the expenses of things to defend us increasing massively. And the time to bring those things into service also. The new Air Force One planes are costing billions more and are going to be years late due to the lower IQ's and equity in problem solving. We are not the can-do nation anymore. We are more Argentina like.
This insistence on prioritizing skin color over merit will be the downfall of our nation.
Jesus Christ you're dumb. 😄
It's all about costs. I go to stores and try to survive, and I see 20 per cent inflation over two years I say...Damn I am dumb. I should embrace this. I should love spending near 6 dollars a pound for ground beef. Stupid me for believing it should be 2 dollars a pound. And for renters. We should love seeing increase of hundreds of dollars each new 12-month agreement. we love it. On top of it we have authoritarians dehumanizing us in areas we live in. So much fun.
It's all about costs. I go to stores and try to survive, and I see 20 per cent inflation over two years I say...Damn I am dumb. I should embrace this. I should love spending near 6 dollars a pound for ground beef. Stupid me for believing it should be 2 dollars a pound. And for renters. We should love seeing increase of hundreds of dollars each new 12-month agreement. we love it. On top of it we have authoritarians dehumanizing us in areas we live in. So much fun.
You are dumb. 😄 Who cares what you think the cost of things should be? Maybe take that up with capitalists raking in record profits and bonuses before you cry to me like some dumb Simp.
Talk about dumb! More than half of Americans are barely getting by with this high inflation, and much of it is due to Biden‘s policies.
Which policies? Name them. 😄

Families might be struggling but CEOs and multinational companies aren't. We're a wealthy nation. It's who gets access to that wealth that's a problem. Trickle down economic is for suckers who like getting pissed on.
I’ll post what I wish twink…I don’t need your permission….
I didn't say you needed my permission you Bingo. I only suggested you learn what question marks signify so you don't have everyone reading your posts and laughing at you. But hey, you do you. 😄
Which policies? Name them. 😄

Families might be struggling but CEOs and multinational companies aren't. We're a wealthy nation. It's who gets access to that wealth that's a problem. Trickle down economic is for suckers who like getting pissed on.
You’re falling for the “blame business” Democrat talking points.

His policies that involve a) unnecessary spending and thereby more money printing, b) unwillingness to require work requirements for welfare, and c) cutting oil production all contribute to higher inflation.
Stopped reading right there.....Once you stop trolling, maybe we could talk. But, when you start your reply with this childish bs, you can take a hike.

Nope, you earned that nickname, enjoy it, Anger Issues.
Which policies? Name them. 😄

Families might be struggling but CEOs and multinational companies aren't. We're a wealthy nation. It's who gets access to that wealth that's a problem. Trickle down economic is for suckers who like getting pissed on.
And P.S. As far as trickle down, if one positions oneself correctly - via a college education in a marketable career - one gains by working for a successful, profitable company.

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