Listen to the exact words in the exact books Democrats want in our public school libraries

He believes that the only thing parents are allowed to do is house, clothe, and feed their children. Other than that, it's up to liberals to mandate what to teach them....IOW, If we raise our kids in a conservative household, with conservative values, religion, and morals, that to them is abuse.

Um, funny thing. Some kids are gay. All the screaming Bible verses at them in the world is not going to make them less gay. Trying to hide books with gay characters isn't going to make them less gay.

So, um, yeah, if you have a gay kid and you are trying to use religion to make him straight, um... that is abuse.

There are limitations in the respect where a parent puts the child’s life or health in danger. But, like I said these are extreme cases…The courts have generally taken these cases on a case by case basis…often resulting in abdicating to the parents wishes, unless the medical attention is life threatening….

Given how many gay teens in religious households take their own lives every year, how can this sort of thing not be abuse?

You obviously did not realize that it is a cautionary tale rather than an operating manual.

Actually, I considered it turgid prose, with characters who were frankly unlikeable. But millions of school children get it inflicted on them every year because school teachers are lazy.
You’re falling for the “blame business” Democrat talking points.
I'm not. I think the Democrats are too soft of big business. But who do you suppose should be to blame for workers pay not keeping up with inflation even as productivity has increased along with profits and CEO compensation?
His policies that involve a) unnecessary spending
Yea, on the military. Not on services to poor people. Did you forget that your argument at the start of this was that the average person is struggling?
and thereby more money printing, b)
No one benefits more from that than businesses and banks. Trillions of dollars of quantitative easing didn't go to the poorest Americans, it went to the wealthiest.
unwillingness to require work requirements for welfare,
The vast majority of people on welfare work full time jobs but don't let me interrupt your defense of the rich and powerful as you pretend to Simp for the average man. 😄
and c) cutting oil production all contribute to higher inflation.

More bullshit. We are set to produce more oil than we ever have. We're the world largest producer. Problem is we don't own our oil. We give contracts to private business to drill our own resources and then allow them to sell those resources on the global market. Third worlders have figured out what colonialism and capitalism is all about, why haven't you Simps? 😄

There is absolutely no imaginable purpose for providing that to a kid except to hope the kid will be easier to convince to accept sex with a grown man. "Just hold still, Bobby. pant The pain will turn to pleasure, remember?"

That's exactly the purpose behind the left getting gay porn into public school libraries. Grooming.
Nope, didn’t say that…See, you people can’t have an honest discussion.

You did say "gay people don’t have children, so they must recruit". How should I have interpreted that other than "So, in your world, straight parents can't have gay children? I suppose you also think that if gays didn't recruit there'd be no more gays?". What else would "recruit" mean?
You did say "gay people don’t have children, so they must recruit". How should I have interpreted that other than "So, in your world, straight parents can't have gay children? I suppose you also think that if gays didn't recruit there'd be no more gays?". What else would "recruit" mean?
Well, why else would y’all be in the schools trying to recruit for?
Um, funny thing. Some kids are gay. All the screaming Bible verses at them in the world is not going to make them less gay. Trying to hide books with gay characters isn't going to make them less gay.

So, um, yeah, if you have a gay kid and you are trying to use religion to make him straight, um... that is abuse.

Given how many gay teens in religious households take their own lives every year, how can this sort of thing not be abuse?

Actually, I considered it turgid prose, with characters who were frankly unlikeable. But millions of school children get it inflicted on them every year because school teachers are lazy.
I see, so this is all the age old democrat attack on religion….
Well, why else would y’all be in the schools trying to recruit for?
News Flash - Being gay is not like football, there is no coach needing a certain number of players on the team. Also, football players are not born football players. Being gay is not contagious, you don't get it from someone else.
News Flash - Being gay is not like football, there is no coach needing a certain number of players on the team. Also, football players are not born football players. Being gay is not contagious, you don't get it from someone else.
Are you saying you don’t have cooties? Lol
Aw, did I get a little rough with ya? Lol….Get your feelings hurt? Poor baby….

You mean did you act like a crazy person, um, yeah, you did, Anger Issues.

I see, so this is all the age old democrat attack on religion….

You mean the one that started when they passed the First Amendment separating Church and State?
You mean did you act like a crazy person, um, yeah, you did, Anger Issues.

You mean the one that started when they passed the First Amendment separating Church and State?
Fun fact: the phrase "separation of church and state" appears nowhere in the U.S. Constitution nor its ammendments.
You mean did you act like a crazy person, um, yeah, you did, Anger Issues.

You mean the one that started when they passed the First Amendment separating Church and State?
Where has the government established religion by statute, or proclamation?
Fun fact: the phrase "separation of church and state" appears nowhere in the U.S. Constitution nor its ammendments.

Fun Fact: the Establishment Clause does.

Keep your bronze-age superstitions to yourself.

Where has the government established religion by statute, or proclamation?

When you try to suppress books because they offend your imaginary sky friend.
Fun Fact: the Establishment Clause does.

Keep your bronze-age superstitions to yourself.

When you try to suppress books because they offend your imaginary sky friend.
So, nowhere then….got it.
Right, because you have the nicest double wide in the trailer park, Cleetus, in the state you won't name. And you keep voting for these guys who hate gays and Mexicans, just like Jesus did and wonder why we have less and less of a middle class.

You do know that as salaries rise(up to a very high point) as does the likelihood of a person being/becoming a Republican? My guess is that those more prone to succeed by making more money were Republican in the first place and didn’t just become Republican to protect their newly found wealth. The exception to this rule are the ultra-wealthy elites who vote Democrat to protect their gravy train and power. Those more prone to mediocrity vote heavily Democrat.

My family makes a lot more money than you and we live in a state with far less taxes. You make less money and live in a high tax blue city. Many of your buddies are smart enough to leave places like yours and come to mine, but aren’t smart enough to leave their voting record behind.

Well, you see, here's the thing. I don't see being transgendered as being a disability.

I didn’t mean it in that way. I was referring to you calling yourself cis-gendered when that isn’t necessary. You are normal, there is no reason for a qualifier.

Yes, I realize you can't force a transgender to be cis-gendered any more than you can force a minority to be white or a gay person to be straight. Once you realize that, it's just a matter of determining the best treatment.

Um, sorry, but social conditioning is a real thing. That is where the vast majority of this gender dysphoia comes from, which is also exactly why the numbers of people claiming to have a gender dysphoria has risen so drastically in the last couple of decades. That doesn’t happen if it is a genetic trait. I don’t expect you to get it, but those are the facts.

Actually, what is sad is you guys wanting to cling on to your bigotries to hate people who aren't really bothering you

Not bigoted, just realistic.
That’s a bs argument. Maybe YOU didn’t give a shit what your kids were exposed to, others do. What makes you think YOU can make the choices for them?

JoeB doesn’t have kids. That seems to be a common thread amongst all these far-left nuts arguing for stuff like this.
You do know that as salaries rise(up to a very high point) as does the likelihood of a person being/becoming a Republican?

Um, sure, not sure what your point is. Most of us don't make six figures, so there's no reason for most of us to vote Republican. If people voted their economic interests, made the rich pay their fair share instead of borrowing from future generations, the GOP wouldn't have a reason for existing.

Instead, you guys whip out the God, Guns and Gays nonsense and get the small-minded bigots to vote against their own economic interests.

I didn’t mean it in that way. I was referring to you calling yourself cis-gendered when that isn’t necessary. You are normal, there is no reason for a qualifier.

Oh, I am hardly "normal". And I'm proud of it.

Um, sorry, but social conditioning is a real thing. That is where the vast majority of this gender dysphoia comes from, which is also exactly why the numbers of people claiming to have a gender dysphoria has risen so drastically in the last couple of decades. That doesn’t happen if it is a genetic trait. I don’t expect you to get it, but those are the facts.

The rise in gender-dysphoria is that we aren't suppressing it like we used to.
If I watched movies from the 1940's, I would think that America was entirely inhabited by WASPs. Few minorities (and the ones we did see were stereotypes), no gay people, etc.

Not bigoted, just realistic.

Nope, bigoted. Here's the thing. if you are "Normal" (whatever the hell that means these days) then LGBTQ people aren't having any effect on your life. None. Zip. Nada. But yet you take the time to hate them anyway.

My family makes a lot more money than you and we live in a state with far less taxes.
But you won't say what state that is, and now you are qualifying your FAMILY makes more than I do (you know, rather than you as an individual.).

Come on, guy tell us what state has the misfortune to have you as a resident, and I'll bring all the poverty stats.

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