Listen to the exact words in the exact books Democrats want in our public school libraries

How about teaching non-consensual incest?

And they made their father drink wine that night: and the firstborn went in, and lay with her father; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose. And it came to pass on the morrow, that the firstborn said unto the younger, Behold, I lay yesternight with my father: let us make him drink wine this night also; and go thou in, and lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father. And they made their father drink wine that night also: and the younger arose, and lay with him; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose. Thus were both the daughters of Lot with child by their father. – Bible : Genesis (19) : 33 – 36.
Oh NOW you've done it! :)

Like I've been saying, not appropriate for under 12s.

But the above is FAR from the most disturbing content in the Bible.
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At this point, I'd like to post some of the pictures from the graphic novel "Gender Queer" that your link claims will change lives. I'd like to ask, "Dragonlady, you really think that this is appropriate for school children?"

But I cannot, for fear of being suspended or banned from USMB for posting pictures of children graphically having oral sex, both with other children and with adult men.

If you want to teach children that being gay isn't wrong, that could better be done in print form, and presented as opinion, not as a hidden message in a comic book.

In fact, that might be a very good lesson in rhetoric, if two different selections were presented, one arguing that gay being gay isn't wrong and one arguing that it is wrong. By rhetoric, I mean:

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That is something that used to be taught in public schools, before they became indoctrination centers in which only one opinion on any given topic is allowed.
Lotsa books not appropriate for under 12s - it's not just the Bible.
Pretty revealing that we can ot post here, a forum of supposed "adults", what THEY want to make available to CHILDREN.
"THEY!" :eek:

Who are "they?"

What age children?
Then we are further hampered by the fact that we can't point out what they obviously are
"They" seem reasonable, adult, open-minded, thoughtful, decent and abiding in the 21st century.

Feel free to point this out at any time. :)
You realize there's a whole bunch of gay people who don't take it up the ass. They are called Lesbians.
Also, did you know that 37% of straight people have tried anal sex? Not to mention all the ones who've done fellatio and cunnilingus.

Hey, you know what, I love history. Most people are bored by it. Probably try to forget it five minutes after High School is over.
Your kids will not be irreparably damaged by finding out that gay people exist and have sex sometimes.

Oh, Anger Issues, we don't need to make decisions based on what a few prudes who couldn't afford a religious school think.
Lotsa gay men don't do anal sex either.
The court has continually ruled against the notion of children being the property of their parents. You can't sell them, beat them or deny them medical care. You are their guardian until the State deems you unfit.
But I can continue fondling my rabbit and beating my goldfish, yes?
What a load of Bull shit....Want to start a real war? Going after peoples families is a great way to do it....
Holy shit, dude.

No one's going after anyone's family.

He's just pointing that it's not 300 BCE anymore, and you'd best spare the rod.
says the adult who wants to seed children’s libraries with hardcore pedo porn.
Are you saying you're an adult who wants to seed children's libraries with hardcore pedo porn? :eek:

Yikes if so.
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It has a vivid description of two elementary age boys performing oral sex on each other.
And then some. :eek:
Yes, and it has been kept away from middle schoolers.
I don't agree with that where 12+s are concerned.

According to, Christopher Williams, Davis School District's director of communication, that while The Bible was not removed under the new law: "The [review] committee also decided to retain the book in school library circulation only at the high school level based on age appropriateness due to vulgarity or violence."

There are no Bibles in the library at the Junior High in which I teach.
I'm sorry to hear that - the Book is a masterpiece, and VERY important.
Librarians "censor" books every day by choosing not to shelve them in the limited space available.
They curate, yes.
Our librarian is fresh out of college, perhaps 25 years old. Why should her judgement, and not hundreds of parents of our students, be the only one that matters in which books to put in and which books to leave out?
Did I say her judgment should outweigh that of others?

It should not, and that includes the improper exclusion of the Bible - it's one of the most important books in human history.
The Bible is VASTLY more disturbing I agree...

...but Lawn Boy is far from trash.

Both books are quite good and important, but neither is appropriate for under 12s in terms of school library access.
Um no….if you want children to read these books, then you check them out from your library, and let your kids read them….I’ll choose for my kids.
So you do NOT have a problem with the normalization/glorification of child grooming, trafficking, rape and murder.

But you DO have a problem with gayness.

Kinda what I've been saying about where conservatives are coming from on this.

It's not about concern for children.

It's about attacking LGBTQ folks.

It would depend, but I don't believe either work should be censored/expurgated/watered down, though there are, of course, some brilliant interpretations of the Bible and its various passages, though many of these may be inappropriate for under 12s as well.
So now you’re going to resort to lying eh? I notice neither did you reference any passages from the Bible, Nor are you making any convincing argument…
Sure it is. Just calm down and leave LGBTQ kids alone. Stop trying to shove your conservative agenda down their throats.

Sounds good to me; why anyone would have a problem with this is beyond me.
Then you’ve never raised children.
Holy shit, dude.

No one's going after anyone's family.

He's just pointing that it's not 300 BCE anymore, and you'd best spare the rod.
What you gonna do about it Karen? What children are exposed to are first and foremost, the responsibility of the parents. You may not like it, but tough shit.

gay people don’t have children, so they must recruit.

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