Listen to the exact words in the exact books Democrats want in our public school libraries

Your dedication to religious bigotry and hatred is impressive.
^ Projection.

I'm a person of faith.

I also dwell in reality.

But I get it.

Many Christian conservatives - especially here - want their grooming guide to child rape, torture and murder available to children AND those who prey on children.

But gay stuff? :eek:
Oh it's happening.
In your mind.

If you want to prevent child grooming, keep the Bible away from children and perhaps those who want to rape, torture and murder them.

Are you going to respond to the numerous Bible cites you demanded, or continue trolling?
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Exactly what is the difference? Just because these parents say these books are "inappropriate" doesn't mean they are. They're banning books about slavery, books for black students, Hispanic students, and Asian students. Anything that even mentions or has a gay character, whether its a sexual depiction or not.

What I find bizarre is that parents want to dictate what my children can see or have access to in the school library and I don’t think these so-called Christians have any business telling the rest of us how to live.

Why don't you concern yourselves with the graphic sexual depictions on public television???? On the internet????? Why don't you access the pornography that is all over public media, which is creating a culture where 1 in 5 girls are sexually assaulted before they leave high school?????

^ This.
DBA is a he.. but you are right, he likes to pretend all that icky stuff isn't in the bible.
Gender's tough to gauge on the net sometimes.

But their trolling is nearly surreal.

They demand cites of Bible grooming & other wildly inappropriate content for children, and then ignore everything posted except to troll with emojis.

Something isn't right with people who want their incredibly disturbing material available to young children, but simultaneously attack far less disturbing material, and grossly mischaracterize it.
Quite right. Frankly, I worry a lot less about a book like "Not all Boys are Blue" and a lot more about the Twilight Series, which has some pretty negative messages for women about getting into bad relationships or thinking you can change a bad man into something good.

Poor writing and plot structure aside, the “Twilight” novels are not appropriate for young girls. When all the pretty words and romantic ideals are taken out of Stephenie Meyer’s famous work, it boils down to creepiness.

Bella, the main character, is weak, uninspiring and doesn’t portray a strong woman. Instead, once she meets Edward – a glittering, morally-torn vampire – she becomes entirely dependent on him. Later in the novels, she gives up her future and the chance to go to a great college to marry him.

Bella and Edward’s relationship is disturbing at times. Edward watches Bella while she sleeps, stares at her intently in the day time, occasionally makes Bella fearful, has the ability to harm or kill her – if only accidentally – and becomes infuriated when she is with other people, going as far as to damage her truck to prevent her from seeing someone.

He repeatedly warns Bella of how dangerous he is, and she continues to stay in the relationship because she believes they’re really in love. When he leaves her, she begins showing signs of suicidal tendencies, but she immediately takes him back when he returns.
VERY good points; Twilight has bothered me for some time.

I wouldn't ban it from 12+ school libraries, but it DOES reinforce a number of dangerous ideas.
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What banning? No one is saying these books can't be published, just that they're inappropriate for children to read. THAT is the difference, and it's extremely sad that you pretend you don't see it.
Read the thread.

Banning from school libraries is what we're discussing.
As has been said, if you want your children to have access to pornography, you can do that in your own home.
There is no pornography under discussion.

Claiming there is?

Conservative delusion/trolling.
They do go after those things as well. The difference being that their children are required to be in school, so it's on the school to give them appropriate material to read in the libraries.
No Bible for under 12s then?
Correct - the Bible is VASTLY more disturbing and inappropriate for under 12s.

Numerous examples posted, but you refuse to read them, preferring to repeatedly troll and ask for information already provided.

You also won't read the Bible.

Or Google.

But here's the thing...

You believe that children are SO "pliable" that they need to be reminded they aren't super heroes or a sex that doesn't match their genitalia.

But you're okay with the Bible, and do NOT believe they need to be reminded they aren't one of its many glorified rapists, rape victims, murderers, murder victims, torturers, torture victims, pedophiles or pedophile victims.

So what's the deal?

Children reading about rape and torture and murder is okay IF it's in the Bible?

Because suddenly they're NOT pliable because Moses/Jesus?

You're a hypocrite at BEST, and a dangerous fool at worst.

Another Insane Lettist post.
Exactly what is the difference? Just because these parents say these books are "inappropriate" doesn't mean they are. They're banning books about slavery, books for black students, Hispanic students, and Asian students. Anything that even mentions or has a gay character, whether its a sexual depiction or not.

What I find bizarre is that parents want to dictate what my children can see or have access to in the school library and I don’t think these so-called Christians have any business telling the rest of us how to live.

Why don't you concern yourselves with the graphic sexual depictions on public television???? On the internet????? Why don't you access the pornography that is all over public media, which is creating a culture where 1 in 5 girls are sexually assaulted before they leave high school?????

That's nice, you sick fuck who wants to promote this filth to kids.

You can buy your porn at and since you're a really shitty person who deserves to be locked up and kept away from kids, you'll probably give that porn to kids.

And since you're in the hellscape of Canuckistan, they'll probably call you brave instead of guiding your sick fuck self to where perverts who mess with kids should go.
Someone hasn't read/doesn't understand the Bible.

Or is in profound denial of what they have read.
I'm glad you admit you haven't. If you had, you'd have known what was going on and what is being said is acceptable in what circumstances. Your post indicates that you've merely read some headlines or posts from other people who have found certain references in the Bible they don't understand and claim they mean things they don't mean. There are parts of the Bible that require maturity to understand, but to ban it because of them is akin to banning Mark Twain because he used a few words found objectionable by today's society.
Oooooooookay... :rolleyes:
Seriously, you have to understand context.
Read the thread.

Banning from school libraries is what we're discussing.

There is no pornography under discussion.

Claiming there is?

Conservative delusion/trolling.

No Bible for under 12s then?
Are you her sock account? Let her respond.
Gender's tough to gauge on the net sometimes.

But their trolling is nearly surreal.

They demand cites of Bible grooming & other wildly inappropriate content for children, and then ignore everything posted except to troll with emojis.

Something isn't right with people who want their incredibly disturbing material available to young children, but simultaneously attack far less disturbing material, and grossly mischaracterize it.

There is a movement which has been under way since Reagan was elected, to end public education in the USA. This has been under way since school segregation ended, and the purpose is to ensure a segregated education for white children. Brought to you by the same extreme right wing dark forces who spent 50 years overturning the abortion ban.

VERY good points; Twilight has bothered me for some time.

I wouldn't ban it from 12+ school libraries, but it DOES reinforce a number of dangerous ideas.

So does nearly every rom-com ever written. But the far greater danger for children isn’t found in their libraries or their schools. The greatest danger for children is found in their churches.

The inappropriate sexual behaviour of church leadership towards the wives and children in their care is a national disgrace.

So while drag queens and trannies are being assaulted and killed as “pedophiles”, the faithful keep taking their children to church, church schools, church camps, to keep them safe.
There is a movement which has been under way since Reagan was elected, to end public education in the USA. This has been under way since school segregation ended, and the purpose is to ensure a segregated education for white children. Brought to you by the same extreme right wing dark forces who spent 50 years overturning the abortion ban.

So does nearly every rom-com ever written. But the far greater danger for children isn’t found in their libraries or their schools. The greatest danger for children is found in their churches.

The inappropriate sexual behaviour of church leadership towards the wives and children in their care is a national disgrace.

So while drag queens and trannies are being assaulted and killed as “pedophiles”, the faithful keep taking their children to church, church schools, church camps, to keep them safe.
STFU and teach the basics and stop pushing boys with wankers are really girls.

That is Insantity and the preaching of a Cult. Members of Cults like yours hate Religion and go postal if someone mentions God in school. That is because it is a threat to your religion of Wokeness.
What banning? No one is saying these books can't be published, just that they're inappropriate for children to read. THAT is the difference, and it's extremely sad that you pretend you don't see it.

As has been said, if you want your children to have access to pornography, you can do that in your own home.

They do go after those things as well. The difference being that their children are required to be in school, so it's on the school to give them appropriate material to read in the libraries. Have you not seen parents getting in trouble for reading books in schoolboard meetings that their children can easily access in the library, but are not appropriate for adults to hear?

Why are you afraid of children reading books? What has you so terrified? I’d be far more worried about what the children are seeing on TV at home and then I would be about what they have to go looking for in a library.

These are not billboards or television commercials. These are books in a library that you have to go looking for. You’re afraid of children looking for knowledge that you don’t want them to have.

You don’t care if other parents do want their children to have knowledge you’re so frightened of knowledge that you must remove it from any possibility of being seen by your child.

Take your child out of public school and homeschool the poor thing, but keep your hands off the books, asshole!

STFU and teach the basics and stop pushing boys with wankers are really girls.

That is Insantity and the preaching of a Cult. Members of Cults like yours hate Religion and go postal if someone mentions God in school. That is because it is a threat to your religion of Wokeness.

What the fuck is wokeness???

Again, nothing that you claim is happening is real. This is all bullshit and you’re going crazy over it.
Why are you afraid of children reading books? What has you so terrified? I’d be far more worried about what the children are seeing on TV at home and then I would be about what they have to go looking for in a library.

These are not billboards or television commercials. These are books in a library that you have to go looking for. You’re afraid of children looking for knowledge that you don’t want them to have.

You don’t care if other parents do want their children to have knowledge you’re so frightened of knowledge that you must remove it from any possibility of being seen by your child.

Take your child out of public school and homeschool the poor thing, but keep your hands off the books, asshole!

What the fuck is wokeness???

Again, nothing that you claim is happening is real. This is all bullshit and you’re going crazy over it.
Go find another sucker to swallow your Lies. Its not me.
Why are you afraid of children reading books? What has you so terrified? I’d be far more worried about what the children are seeing on TV at home and then I would be about what they have to go looking for in a library.
IOW, you want the kids to find the stuff at school where their parents have no influence, but not at home where their parents can have a say, and you REALLY don't want parents involved. Odd. Then go into other peoples' homes and put filters on their internet access and TV's. Tell us how it goes. And, while you're at it, is there ANYTHING you would keep out of libraries where kids are sent to read books, anything at all?
These are not billboards or television commercials. These are books in a library that you have to go looking for. You’re afraid of children looking for knowledge that you don’t want them to have.
I want parents to control when and how their kids have access to such material, not you. They know their kids much better than you do.
You don’t care if other parents do want their children to have knowledge you’re so frightened of knowledge that you must remove it from any possibility of being seen by your child.
Like I said, if you want your kids to access that stuff, let them do it at your home and leave the other kids alone. Why are you so terrified that some young child will not be educated in the latest trendy sexual knowledge before he/she reaches puberty? You are terrified that some parent somewhere will exercise their control over their own children and allow them to stay innocent a little while longer while you want them corrupted at an early age. See how your argument works when you blindly say stupid stuff about someone?
Take your child out of public school and homeschool the poor thing, but keep your hands off the books, asshole!
Many parents do take their kids out of government school and give them a better education at home. Do you approve of them doing that or do you rail at them as well because you want ALL the kids in the clutches of the government for 6 hours a day? Like I said, if you want your kids to access that stuff, do it at your home and leave the other kids alone. Better yet, let their PARENTS decide when it's appropriate for them to access stuff like that, NOT you.
What the fuck is wokeness???

Again, nothing that you claim is happening is real. This is all bullshit and you’re going crazy over it.
If you seriously don't know what wokeness is, you're not paying attention and there's no helping you. Just accept that there are things going on that everyone else understands and you don't. Catch up if and when you can.

And finally, I'm not doing anything to set which books are and are not included in children's libraries, so why is YOUR opinion about what is appropriate for young children to consume so much more important than the opinions of the children's parents, who live with them every day? What makes you more important than them? Don't think I missed that you attempted to make it about me, as if I'm going into libraries with a torch and burning the bad books. It was a lame, juvenile stunt.
hadit asked an important question that should not be glossed over.

Is your point that no book should ever be kept out of a school library, ever? Anything the librarian chooses to put on the shelf should never be questioned?

Or . . . Is the point that parents with whom you disagree with should be silenced, but woah betide the librarian who runs afoul of your wokeness by shelving a history book from PragerU?
That's nice, you sick fuck who wants to promote this filth to kids.
I don't think she supports exposing under 12s to the Bible.
You can buy your porn at
Thanks for the tip! :)

But we're not discussing porn - it's a deranged conservative fantasy that this has anything to do with porn.
and since you're a really shitty person who deserves to be locked up and kept away from kids, you'll probably give that porn to kids.

Speaking of deranged conservative fantasies...
And since you're in the hellscape of Canuckistan, they'll probably call you brave instead of guiding your sick fuck self to where perverts who mess with kids should go.
See above.

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