Listen to the exact words in the exact books Democrats want in our public school libraries

I'm glad you admit you haven't.
If you had, you'd have known what was going on and what is being said is acceptable in what circumstances.
Thank you for conceding that the Bible glorifies the rape, torture and murder of children.

Why did it take you so long to do this?
Your post indicates that you've merely read some headlines or posts from other people who have found certain references in the Bible they don't understand and claim they mean things they don't mean.
There are parts of the Bible that require maturity to understand,
Concur; the Bible's not for under 12s to be sure.
but to ban it because of them is akin to banning Mark Twain because he used a few words found objectionable by today's society.
So you support children under 12 being told it's glorious to rape, torture and murder them?

I must disagree.
Seriously, you have to understand context.
See above.
There is a movement which has been under way since Reagan was elected, to end public education in the USA. This has been under way since school segregation ended, and the purpose is to ensure a segregated education for white children. Brought to you by the same extreme right wing dark forces who spent 50 years overturning the abortion ban.

So does nearly every rom-com ever written. But the far greater danger for children isn’t found in their libraries or their schools. The greatest danger for children is found in their churches.

The inappropriate sexual behaviour of church leadership towards the wives and children in their care is a national disgrace.

So while drag queens and trannies are being assaulted and killed as “pedophiles”, the faithful keep taking their children to church, church schools, church camps, to keep them safe.
The double-standards we see can only be described as surreal.

Obama's comment about guns and Bibles doesn't seem so outrageous.
Thoughtful. :rolleyes:
and teach the basics
Sounds good.
and stop pushing boys with wankers are really girls.
^ Deranged conservative fantasy.
That is Insantity and the preaching of a Cult.
Recognizing you have a problem can be the beginning of solving it - good luck to you in extracting yourself! :)
Members of Cults like yours hate Religion and go postal if someone mentions God in school.
^ Deranged conservative fantasy.
That is because it is a threat to your religion of Wokeness.
See above.
Why are you afraid of children reading books? What has you so terrified? I’d be far more worried about what the children are seeing on TV at home and then I would be about what they have to go looking for in a library.

These are not billboards or television commercials. These are books in a library that you have to go looking for. You’re afraid of children looking for knowledge that you don’t want them to have.

You don’t care if other parents do want their children to have knowledge you’re so frightened of knowledge that you must remove it from any possibility of being seen by your child.

Take your child out of public school and homeschool the poor thing, but keep your hands off the books, asshole!

What the fuck is wokeness???

Again, nothing that you claim is happening is real. This is all bullshit and you’re going crazy over it.
^ Win.
hadit asked an important question that should not be glossed over.

Is your point that no book should ever be kept out of a school library, ever?
Has anyone said that?

Sounds like a passive-aggressive straw man.
Anything the librarian chooses to put on the shelf should never be questioned?
See above.
Or . . . Is the point that parents with whom you disagree with should be silenced, but woah betide the librarian who runs afoul of your wokeness by shelving a history book from PragerU?
^ Your straw man on the move.

Thank you for conceding that the Bible glorifies the rape, torture and murder of children.

Why did it take you so long to do this?


Concur; the Bible's not for under 12s to be sure.

So you support children under 12 being told it's glorious to rape, torture and murder them?

I must disagree.

See above.
If you believe that's what the Bible teaches, I can't help you, because obviously you haven't read it.
Has anyone said that?

Sounds like a passive-aggressive straw man.

See above.

^ Your straw man on the move.
You're not answering. ARE there any books you would keep out of the hands of children, and why should your standard be more important than the standards of the parents who live with these children?



Lets see, thus far, you've managed to say you would keep the Bible away from children. That's pretty bad, you know. Maybe we should keep stranger danger away from them as well, as it glorifies normalizes and glamorizes child abuse, based on your understanding of what the Bible teaches.
Are you Seymour's sock account?

Let him respond.

J/K - I'm not an idiot like some. :)

Discussed - read the thread.

Why should yours?
I didn't say it should. I say the parents should have a say in what their children are exposed to. Apparently, you don't like that.
Lets see, thus far, you've managed to say you would keep the Bible away from children.
Under 12s, yes.

If you knew this, why did you ask the question above?

Many books aren't appropriate for under 12s, or at the very least don't belong in school libraries where they can access them.
That's pretty bad, you know.
I wouldn't call the Bible bad.

Just inappropriate for under 12s.
Maybe we should keep stranger danger away from them as well,
Stranger danger?

You seem to be straying from the topic.
as it glorifies normalizes and glamorizes child abuse, based on your understanding of what the Bible teaches.
Much material out there isn't appropriate for school libraries accessible by under 12s.

You might want to read the thread, as this is exhaustively discussed herein. :)
No elected Democrat has spoken out about this, which can only lead to the assumption that they approve of it.

Giannoulias thinks parents should be deciding what their kids read for their own kids, not somebody else's.

If Repubs were genuinely concerned about kid's wellbeing they'd help keep kids out of poverty.
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I didn't say it should.
Sure you have.

You want everything your child MIGHT be exposed to tightly controlled by YOUR standards.

You want YOUR standards of POSSIBLE exposure imposed on EVERYONE.
I say the parents should have a say in what their children are exposed to.
Every word?

Every image?

Every concept?

You have no trust at all?

Is this what you teach your children?

How incredibly backward and sad. :(

And of course the problem where OTHER children/parents are concerned is that THEY must abide by YOUR sad and narrow standards.
Apparently, you don't like that.
It saddens me that you live in world of triggered fantasy and fear.

I think that's incredibly unhealthy.

And I definitely do not like, and will not accept, your attempt to impose your tragic, backwards standards on other children and their parents.
He mentioned other books banned or restricted through the years: “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings,” by Maya Angelou; “The Handmaid’s Tale,” by Margaret Atwood; “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass,” an autobiography; “A Raisin in the Sun,” by Lorraine Hansberry; “Beloved,” by Toni Morrison; and “Maus” by Art Spiegelman. Easels spread around the hearing room in the Hart Senate Office Building held pictures of those book covers.

According to a March report from the Chicago-based American Library Association, the vast majority of the most threatened books “were written by or about members of the LGBTQIA+ community and people of color.”

But what is going on now is not a literary debate or an organized peaceful clash over values. Librarians and teachers, Durbin said, “have been threatened with physical violence and criminal prosecution by a small group of zealots.”

Giannoulias, who as secretary of state also serves as the state librarian, told the committee: “Tragically, our libraries have become the Thunderdomes of controversy and strife across our nation, the like of which we’ve never seen before. Those radical attacks on our libraries have divided our communities, and our librarians have been harassed, threatened and intimidated for simply doing their jobs.”

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., the top Republican on the panel, said the Senate had no role in this local debate.

I don't often agree with Graham, but he's right.
IOW, you want the kids to find the stuff at school where their parents have no influence, but not at home where their parents can have a say, and you REALLY don't want parents involved. Odd. Then go into other peoples' homes and put filters on their internet access and TV's. Tell us how it goes. And, while you're at it, is there ANYTHING you would keep out of libraries where kids are sent to read books, anything at all?

I want parents to control when and how their kids have access to such material, not you. They know their kids much better than you do.

Like I said, if you want your kids to access that stuff, let them do it at your home and leave the other kids alone. Why are you so terrified that some young child will not be educated in the latest trendy sexual knowledge before he/she reaches puberty? You are terrified that some parent somewhere will exercise their control over their own children and allow them to stay innocent a little while longer while you want them corrupted at an early age. See how your argument works when you blindly say stupid stuff about someone?

Many parents do take their kids out of government school and give them a better education at home. Do you approve of them doing that or do you rail at them as well because you want ALL the kids in the clutches of the government for 6 hours a day? Like I said, if you want your kids to access that stuff, do it at your home and leave the other kids alone. Better yet, let their PARENTS decide when it's appropriate for them to access stuff like that, NOT you.

If you seriously don't know what wokeness is, you're not paying attention and there's no helping you. Just accept that there are things going on that everyone else understands and you don't. Catch up if and when you can.

And finally, I'm not doing anything to set which books are and are not included in children's libraries, so why is YOUR opinion about what is appropriate for young children to consume so much more important than the opinions of the children's parents, who live with them every day? What makes you more important than them? Don't think I missed that you attempted to make it about me, as if I'm going into libraries with a torch and burning the bad books. It was a lame, juvenile stunt.

You want absolute control over everything your child sees or does. That’s not parenting that’s obsessive control. And you want whatever YOU disapprove of, to be kept away from ALL children. I think you're batshit crazy and you get NO input whatsoever on what is available for my child to read.

If you don't like the books your children are reading, that's up to you, but you're not the boss of all of the children in your school. If you don't like the way the school is doing things, you can remove your child and home school them.

You post like the librarians are pushing your children to read these books, when nothing could be further from the truth. The children have to LOOK for the books. Know what they're called, and what to look for. It's not like turning on the TV and there are naked people on the screen for you to watch.

You have to read the words and understand them. What exactly are you afraid of here?

If you believe that's what the Bible teaches, I can't help you, because obviously you haven't read it.

Well YOU obviously haven't read the Bible because it's full of adultery, incest, violence, and all manner of sexual deviance. Samson and Delilah, David and Bathsheba, Lot and his daughters. Women were stoned for adultery.

The first time I read the Bible from start to finish I was 14 and it was shocking to me the stuff I was reading.

So when you say there's nothing in the Bible that's salacious, I know that YOU haven't read the Bible at all.

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