Listen to the exact words in the exact books Democrats want in our public school libraries

By your reasoning, The Diary of Anne Frank GLORIFIES Nazis and GLORIFIES the Holocaust. Hey, it's in the book!

And it's been banned in Florida:

No, not really, other than the story of Lot and the Angels, but many feel this is a mis-translation, that the real sins of Sodom was their refusal to welcome stangers, which basically sentenced them to death in the desert. The "intercourse" they asked for was to speak to the strangers to determine if they were to be welcomed or not.

The only time sex is mentioned as a sin is the 7th Commandment, which is the sin of adultery. Which somehow right wing Christians have taken to mean "If a man has sex with a woman who is engaged or married, this is adultery, but if a man who is married has sex with a single woman, it's not adultery.

Yes Christian religions have twisted the Bible into prohibiting all kinds of sex that neither God nor Jesus ever mentioned: premarital sex, homosexual sex. They claim masturbation is wrong because of Onan, but Onan's sin wasn't masturbation, it was disobeying God's order to impregnant his brother's widow, not masturbation.

One of the reasons why the invention of the printing press triggered the Great Reformation, was that people were able to read the Bible for themselves, and come up with their own interpretations of what it said, instead of following whatever the Catholic Church decreed be taught.

Mainstream Christianity, in this day and age, at least, is far to focussed on women's sexual sins, and not nearly focussed enough on the "Love one another as I have loved you" aspect, or "Treat others as you would like to be treated".

They also miss out on that whole "Judge not lest you be judged", and completely miss the second part of Jesus' admonition, which is whatever punishment you wish on others, will be visited on you.

And let's be honest here, who really wants to read about the trials of Job? And why would God do that to a man who loved him? Pustules in the mouth?????
Some good points, but The Book of Job is AWESOME - truly incredible stuff. :)

Though God is obviously being a sadistic/murderous/egotistical jerk... :(
And it's been banned in Florida:

Missed "a graphic novel based on..." didn't you?

There's the thoughtful Sue I know. :)

I think they're doing one, the other, and/or both, depending.

Do you think the passage cited from Lawn Boy is glorifying anal sex?

Does The Godfather glorify violence and depravity?

I think it's very complicated - art, great literature and life - and that events may be, and often are, both debased and admired therein.

^ My thoughtful reply to your thoughtful inquiry.

....okay, ignoring your strawmen.

Where is there even child rape in the Bible?
And it's been banned in Florida:

Do you know what a ban even is, moron?

Can you buy that book? Yes, yes you can.

Can you have that book at your house? Yes, yes you can.

Some good points, but The Book of Job is AWESOME - truly incredible stuff. :)

Though God is obviously being a sadistic/murderous/egotistical jerk... :(

God cannot and does not "murder" in the same way a child building a sand castle is not a bully for knocking that same sand castle down.

I know it seems that way, when you're godless.
I don't think so.

The most important book of the 20th century, it glorifies the human spirit through the life of one (arguably) ordinary young girl.

See above.

It mentions those things. That's not even your criteria for judging the Bible; you made many posts with many claims that the Bible includes "child rape". And yet, it's not there.
I got a call out thread for you.
I'm not sure what that is.

You can post (or PM me?) a link.
Go there.
See above.
Certainly as many times as you have mentioned the Bible and "child rape", it's easy enough to find them.
Don't you have Google?
Don't you?

But the problem here is psychological.

The battle isn't between you and me, but between you and you.

I hope your better angels win.

Does the Diary of Ann Frank ever suggest killing jews in the name of Hitler was a good thing? One of the very first stories in the Bible is about God commanding Abraham to sacrifice his son and treats his willingness to do so in the name of God as a blessing that is rewarded with his line being the seed for the Israelites.
INCREDIBLY disturbing glorification of child torture, and hero-makng of the torturer.
And it's been banned in Florida:

The 3 works - Frank's original diary, the film, and the GN based on the film - are all masterpieces.

The only thing I like about this is that the latter two are now FINALLY getting the attention they've deserved. :)

I'll be arranging additional purchase and distribution of the GN based on this outrageous episode, so I am ENERGIZED!

Do you think these stories are GLORIFYING these things--or showing the horrendous consequences of sin?

So you believe that adultery should be punished by stoning??? It's hard to figure out what you're saying here.

I think the story of Lot's Daughters is definitely glorifying incest, or at the very least, condoning it. Their plan was a success. They both had children.
....okay, ignoring your strawmen.

Disappointing, and you're incredibly confused about what words and things mean.
Where is there even child rape in the Bible?
This thread will help you find answers:

Also, you could read the Bible.

Or Google.
Do you know what a ban even is, moron?

Can you buy that book? Yes, yes you can.

Can you have that book at your house? Yes, yes you can.

The thread is discussing school library bans.

Do you know what a thread is?

Have you read this one?

God cannot and does not "murder" in the same way a child building a sand castle is not a bully for knocking that same sand castle down.
An excellent theological distinction.

But I'm only human, and thus see things from the perspective of my lowly species.

I know it seems that way, when you're godless.
You're godless?

I was thinking you're so heavenly minded you're no...

Well, you know how that one goes.

So you believe that adultery should be punished by stoning??? It's hard to figure out what you're saying here.

I think the story of Lot's Daughters is definitely glorifying incest, or at the very least, condoning it. Their plan was a success. They both had children.
And of course poor Rivka.

The Bible and pedophilia go together like peas and carrots.

And of course poor Rivka.

The Bible and pedophilia go together like peas and carrots.


The Bible has been used to justify every atrocity ever committed by man, including genocide, racism, and torture. Sins committed against heathens don't count.

You can't rape or murder other Christians, but the Aztecs, the Incas, the Cherokees, the Indonesians - none of those people are white or Christian. It's God's will you have dominion over them. The Pope gave dispensation. And Jews are always fair game because they killed Christ. Except they didn't, the Romans did, but there I go confusing the issue with facts.
The Bible has been used to justify every atrocity ever committed by man, including genocide, racism, and torture. Sins committed against heathens don't count.

You can't rape or murder other Christians, but the Aztecs, the Incas, the Cherokees, the Indonesians - none of those people are white or Christian. It's God's will you have dominion over them. The Pope gave dispensation. And Jews are always fair game because they killed Christ. Except they didn't, the Romans did, but there I go confusing the issue with facts.
Really, the Jews in question (and I include Judas in this) were ultimately doing God's will to bring about the Salvation.

They should be regarded as heroes. :)

Well, assuming none of them were gay. :eek:

Did Judas have a thing for Jesus?

He sure got bent when one of the many Marys poured sweet nothings on Him in Bethany...

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