Listen to the exact words in the exact books Democrats want in our public school libraries

God cannot and does not "murder" in the same way a child building a sand castle is not a bully for knocking that same sand castle down.

I know it seems that way, when you're godless.

So killing people is okay if God does it... or God orders it.
And you wonder why I don't want you God-botherers to have any real power.
Really, the Jews in question (and I include Judas in this) were ultimately doing God's will to bring about the Salvation.

They should be regarded as heroes. :)

Well, assuming none of them were gay. :eek:

Did Judas have a thing for Jesus?

He sure got bent when one of the many Marys poured sweet nothings on Him in Bethany...

You would think so but NO, Jews killed Jesus!!! As I said, the Jews didn't kill him, the Romans did.

Judas was a rebel Zionist, who believed that Jesus had come to lead the uprising against the Romans. Judas was bitterly disappointed that Jesus wasn't that guy. The Romans certainly feared the Jewish people would follow him, and he did call himself the King of the Jews, which troubled them.
It isn't fake, dumbass.

You're such a partisan fumduck

Really??? Then why did Project Veritas pass on publishing it.

You just keep believing all of the liars, and calling the truth tellers "liars". And you continue to support Donald Trump. Griifters gotta grift.
I'm not sure what that is.

You can post (or PM me?) a link.

See above.


Don't you?

But the problem here is psychological.

The battle isn't between you and me, but between you and you.

I hope your better angels win.


Psychological....better angels. Ha. This is easy. Post the verses.

An excellent theological distinction.

But I'm only human, and thus see things from the perspective of my lowly species.


You're godless?

I was thinking you're so heavenly minded you're no...

Well, you know how that one goes.


You are unable to perceive that the Creator--especially one who decides the eternal fate of the created--has rights to give and take life?

Wow, small imagination, eh?
Psychological....better angels. Ha. This is easy. Post the verses.

Thank you for the link. (The Bull Ring????)

But this is already being discussed here - why change the venue?

Your struggle with yourself - Jacob vs. Jacob - will continue until you:

1) Put me on ignore.

2) Accept this (God-given?) opportunity to examine and evolve your beliefs and understandings.

In the meantime, you're just throwing up smoke and mirrors, as well as repeatedly bearing false witness against me, which is a sin.

I'm happy to forgive you for your sinful conduct once you (if you) come to realize that you've sinned of course. :)

But my guess is that you'll (falsely and pridefully) resolve your panic by placing me on ignore before I can forgive you.

In the meantime & beyond, conservatives will continue in their homophobic panic over words and ideas in books.

I wish y'all would join us in the 20th century. :)
You are unable to perceive that the Creator
A great book implores:

Judge not lest ye be judged.

Have you read it?
--especially one who decides the eternal fate of the created--has rights to give and take life?
See above.
Wow, small imagination, eh?
I don't think your imagination is small - you've demonstrated otherwise with your re-imagining of various literary classics. :)

I think - as I've said - that you're in a panic.

Faced with the troubling contents of a book you claim to have read cover to cover 3 times, you've chosen to repeatedly sin by falsely accusing me of being a liar, and attempted in every way you can to obfuscate a reality you find deeply troubling.

In your heart of hearts, you know what I've said is true.

Good luck in your struggle to accept this, and please know I won't judge you for (falsely/pridefully) resolving this by placing me on ignore.

Take care. :)

As to the topic, the delusional conservative panic over words will no doubt continue. :(
Thank you for the link. (The Bull Ring????)

But this is already being discussed here - why change the venue?

Your struggle with yourself - Jacob vs. Jacob - will continue until you:

1) Put me on ignore.

2) Accept this (God-given?) opportunity to examine and evolve your beliefs and understandings.

In the meantime, you're just throwing up smoke and mirrors, as well as repeatedly bearing false witness against me, which is a sin.

I'm happy to forgive you for your sinful conduct once you (if you) come to realize that you've sinned of course. :)

But my guess is that you'll (falsely and pridefully) resolve your panic by placing me on ignore before I can forgive you.

In the meantime & beyond, conservatives will continue in their homophobic panic over words and ideas in books.

I wish y'all would join us in the 20th century. :)

Child rape glorified in the Bible. Chapter and Verse. This is not difficult.
A great book implores:

Judge not lest ye be judged.

Have you read it?

See above.

I don't think your imagination is small - you've demonstrated otherwise with your re-imagining of various literary classics. :)

I think - as I've said - that you're in a panic.

Faced with the troubling contents of a book you claim to have read cover to cover 3 times, you've chosen to repeatedly sin by falsely accusing me of being a liar, and attempted in every way you can to obfuscate a reality you find deeply troubling.

In your heart of hearts, you know what I've said is true.

Good luck in your struggle to accept this, and please know I won't judge you for (falsely/pridefully) resolving this by placing me on ignore.

Take care. :)

As to the topic, the delusional conservative panic over words will no doubt continue. :(

This is not difficult. Chapter and verse, child rape and murder glorified.

Can't do it? Pile more words up, liar.
Under 12s, yes.

If you knew this, why did you ask the question above?

Many books aren't appropriate for under 12s, or at the very least don't belong in school libraries where they can access them.

I wouldn't call the Bible bad.

Just inappropriate for under 12s.
There are parts of the Bible that should be lightened up and made appropriate for young children, but in no way do they glorify what you seem to think they do.
Stranger danger?

You seem to be straying from the topic.

Much material out there isn't appropriate for school libraries accessible by under 12s.

You might want to read the thread, as this is exhaustively discussed herein. :)
The point being that you want to remove the Bible because parts of it describe the judgements God metes out, even though the entire book emphasizes the love God has for all, especially children. Using that standard, stranger danger should be removed because it might make children afraid.

Children SHOULD be afraid of things that are dangerous for them. Now, I find it interesting that you want to veer from pornography being easily accessible by children to violence and other things. Is not pornography enough to talk about keeping away from kids?
You want absolute control over everything your child sees or does. That’s not parenting that’s obsessive control. And you want whatever YOU disapprove of, to be kept away from ALL children. I think you're batshit crazy and you get NO input whatsoever on what is available for my child to read.a
And what have I said consistently throughout this thread? I said if you want to expose YOUR children to pornography, you can do in your own home. Leave everyone else's children out of it. Why are you so adamant that other peoples' kids be exposed to it in school? Sounds a little fishy if you ask me.
If you don't like the books your children are reading, that's up to you, but you're not the boss of all of the children in your school. If you don't like the way the school is doing things, you can remove your child and home school them.
Or address the schoolboard to get them to change things, and if there are enough parents so saying, change happens. IOW, refuse to sit down and shut up, which is what you're demanding. You obviously want only your voice to heard and ALL kids to be exposed to what you want. Homeschooling works for parents who are dedicated to making it work, and kids can get an excellent education out of it, but if parents are unable to do it right, they have the right to let their voice be heard, and like I said, if enough are heard, change happens. As it should.
You post like the librarians are pushing your children to read these books, when nothing could be further from the truth. The children have to LOOK for the books. Know what they're called, and what to look for. It's not like turning on the TV and there are naked people on the screen for you to watch.
Why are books placed in a children's library, to be hidden from the children or to be advertised as positive things for the children to consume? Think about what you're saying for a moment. You're saying that books should be put in the library but they're not REALLY going to be found by the kids because we're going to make it inconvenient for them to be found. As for knowing what to look for, you apparently have never seen a bored kid just going down a shelf, looking at random books to see what's there. IOW, the books are there for the kids to find, and someone wants the books to be found whether their parents think they are ready for them or not. IOW, leave other parents' kids alone. If you think your kids need to be exposed to pornography, why are you so adamant that everyone else's kids be as well? It's not the schools' job to give it to them. If you think it's important and a good thing, do it yourself.
You have to read the words and understand them. What exactly are you afraid of here?
What does fear have to do with it? I want parents to have more control over what their children are exposed to, apparently you do not. I'll ask you, what exactly are you afraid of here? Are you afraid that parents will actually help their kids grow up healthy and stable, or are you REALLY afraid that the government's control over families and children will be weakened? Be honest, you want to make choices for other children, and want to weaken their parents' influence.
Well YOU obviously haven't read the Bible because it's full of adultery, incest, violence, and all manner of sexual deviance. Samson and Delilah, David and Bathsheba, Lot and his daughters. Women were stoned for adultery.
And glorified absolutely none of it. In fact, if you read it, you would quickly realize they are put in there as warnings and condemned. Samson lost his strength due to the wiles of a woman, David lost his child because he had a man murdered and took his wife. Lot was raped by his own daughters after he was ready to give them to a crowd of raving bi-sexuals to protect his visitors. Now, where were just women stoned for adultery, and what did Jesus say about it? Both the man and the woman were to be executed for that crime. The fact that you say that tells me you really didn't do much more than skim over the Bible.
The first time I read the Bible from start to finish I was 14 and it was shocking to me the stuff I was reading.

So when you say there's nothing in the Bible that's salacious, I know that YOU haven't read the Bible at all.
Quote me where I said there's nothing salacious in the Bible and show me where in the Bible sexual sin is celebrated as something a God follower should indulge in. Is Stranger Danger bad for children because it talks about scary things that might happen to kids who are not careful? When firemen come to an elementary school and talk about fire safety, is their literature to be kept away because they might frighten the children and make them afraid a fire will break out at home and kill them all? IOW, these all talk about dangerous things, and kids need to be warned about them.

Here's what I find fascinating. On the one hand, you insist that pornographic material be made available for kids to consume in their libraries and freak out in the strongest ways when someone says, "No, I'd rather my kids not be exposed to that yet", yet you're horrified that the Bible mentions sexual sin, and apparently want to keep it away from kids, even though it tells them how much God loves them. Isn't that interesting?
And what have I said consistently throughout this thread? I said if you want to expose YOUR children to pornography, you can do in your own home. Leave everyone else's children out of it. Why are you so adamant that other peoples' kids be exposed to it in school? Sounds a little fishy if you ask me.

Wet Fart, who gets to decide what is "pornography".

Is 1984 pornographic?

Is the Bible Pornographic?

Homeschooling works for parents who are dedicated to making it work, and kids can get an excellent education out of it, but if parents are unable to do it right, they have the right to let their voice be heard, and like I said, if enough are heard, change happens. As it should.

Ever met home-schooled adults? No social skills. Don't deal with adversity well.
Wet Fart, who gets to decide what is "pornography".
I do. Did you miss the meeting when I was appointed? I recall something about your vote being fraudulent and that they weren't going to consider it, but whatever.
Is 1984 pornographic?
I don't know. Refresh my memory because it's been a while since I read it. Does it glorify and normalize sexual perversions like pornography does?
Is the Bible Pornographic?
No. Pornography generally glorifies and normalizes sexual perversions and the Bible does not. In your mind, does stating that person X had sex with person Y make something pornographic? Heck, if you get turned on by reading the Bible, you might want to talk with someone about that.
Ever met home-schooled adults? No social skills. Don't deal with adversity well.
I certainly have, and the ones I know are as normal as any government school graduate, probably a lot more well-adjusted. Heck, Abraham Lincoln was homeschooled, and he turned out okay. There are thousands of homeschooled kids graduating years ahead of their government school counterparts and blending in so well that you don't even know they're there. In fact, there's probably one right behind you! Now, go change your underwear and get back to work.

I have to wonder if you've actually knowingly interacted with homeschooled people or if you're just basing your irrational hate on a few headlines you've read that echo your fear that something might get in the way of government control over kids' education.
Child rape glorified in the Bible. Chapter and Verse. This is not difficult.


Bearing false witness.

Good luck with St. Pete!


But yeah - conservatives can be quite delusional when it comes to basic literary understanding, and this seems to extend to forum posts/threads. :(
This is not difficult. Chapter and verse, child rape and murder glorified.

Can't do it? Pile more words up, liar.
How does this work, Sue?

Are you sinning EVERY time you vainly/pridefully bear false witness?

Or is it all just lumped together as one sin?

Asking for a friend.

(Baby Jesus)

But yeah - far too many conservatives are perpetually triggered by their delusional fantasies about pornography in public schools.

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