Listen to the exact words in the exact books Democrats want in our public school libraries

There are parts of the Bible that should be lightened up and made appropriate for young children, but in no way do they glorify what you seem to think they do.
I don't favor censoring the Bible.
The point being that you want to remove the Bible because parts of it describe the judgements God metes out, even though the entire book emphasizes the love God has for all, especially children. Using that standard, stranger danger should be removed because it might make children afraid.
^ Straw man/serious confusion.
Children SHOULD be afraid of things that are dangerous for them.
The glorification of child rape, torture and murder found in the Bible make many children afraid I'm sure.
Now, I find it interesting that you want to veer from pornography being easily accessible by children to violence and other things.
^ Delusion or straw man?
Is not pornography enough to talk about keeping away from kids?
There's no pornography under discussion.

That you believe there is constitutes dangerously deranged conservative delusion.
Wet Fart, who gets to decide what is "pornography".

Is 1984 pornographic?

Is the Bible Pornographic?

Ever met home-schooled adults? No social skills. Don't deal with adversity well.
Some good points, but mindful home schooling can be a life preserver for some kids.

And getting delusional conservative parents away from harassing schools may constitute a win as well.
You misunderstood me. I'm fine with me deciding what my child reads but I'm not OK with you banning books that I might want my child to have access to.

So if government doesn't give your kids books, they don't have access to them. Not taking a crowbar to your own wallet, huh?
How does this work, Sue?

Are you sinning EVERY time you vainly/pridefully bear false witness?

Or is it all just lumped together as one sin?

Asking for a friend.

(Baby Jesus)

But yeah - far too many conservatives are perpetually triggered by their delusional fantasies about pornography in public schools.

You made false witness against my Lord and Savior and will not back it up. Chapter and verse. What do you have?

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