Listen to the exact words in the exact books Democrats want in our public school libraries

A grooming pedophile Democrat
at your public school


False witness again; the hole gets deeper & closer to Hell. :(

You're literally posting on the thread where several posters have provided both cites and references of the Bible's glorification of child rape, torture and murder.

But here the link AGAIN:

Posted numerous times, including in this reply.

It gives me no pleasure to see how unhinged from reality you are, Sue.

Please don't think otherwise, and I hope you get the help you need.

You cited nothing in that thread. Increasing personal insults = you have NOTHING but unhinged rantings which everyone can see


More delusion.

I've said the Bible glorifies child rape, torture and murder.

I haven't made this claim about God.

Please know that I'll be praying that you get the help you need, Sue.

Here's the requested link - to the thread you're already posting in - yet AGAIN:


But the same to you, Sue.

I mean this sincerely.

Okay, the Bible.

Quote the chapter and verses. Can't do it? Everyone can see.
You cited nothing in that thread.
This thread.

And as has been repeatedly explained to you, I never claimed to have cited anything - I referenced, others cited.

How many times do you need to be told this?

Are you okay?

Do you need intervention of some kind?

I'm sincerely worried about you. :(
Increasing personal insults = you have NOTHING but unhinged rantings which everyone can see
100% projection.
I'm praying for you. :)
Okay, the Bible.
I sincerely hope you get the help you need.

My posting a link to THIS thread - yet again - will not provide this help I fear.
Quote the chapter and verses.
The thread - this thread - repeatedly linked as demanded by you, contains said cites.

You're having some kind of an episode, and I hope you get help for it.

Can't do it?
I won't do it a 16th (or so) time, no - your issues won't be helped by my doing so.
Everyone can see.
Everyone's looking, but only some can see.

None so blind...

You'll be in my prayers. :)

So sad to see so many conservatives being destroyed by their homophobic delusions about child pornography and grooming as expressed in this deranged thread. :(
This thread.

And as has been repeatedly explained to you, I never claimed to have cited anything - I referenced, others cited.

How many times do you need to be told this?

Are you okay?

Do you need intervention of some kind?

I'm sincerely worried about you. :(

100% projection.

I'm praying for you. :)

^ Projection/delusion.

Were you aware that severe mental illness and high religiosity were strongly correlated?

This might help explain the bizarre, unfounded claims and beliefs of many conservatives in relation to their delusions about child pornography, homosexuality, and grooming in the schools.

Perhaps the Bible and it's celebration/glorification of child rape, torture and murder (see this very thread for more details) have some part in this; Christian conservatives have perhaps taken in these terrifying biblical assertions, and are now vomiting them up in literal projection.

Do take care and get the help you need, Sue. :)
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Wow, the Christian Broadcast Network? I stopped taking those guys seriously when they said Dungeons and Dragons was leading to suicide and devil worship.
While CBN may be a less than stellar source of unbiased information, home schooling should not be so readily dismissed despite valid concerns about socialization.

It may also be the only way that mentally ill conservative Christian parents who can't/won't pursue treatment can resolve their delusional terrors about pornography/homosexuality/grooming in the schools with minimal negative impact on the children of those not so afflicted.

There could also be benefit for the children of these mentally ill Christian conservatives, as among other positives, they'll no longer be caught between parental delusions and school efforts to simply teach, and less stress for these children could well be the result.
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^ Projection/delusion.

Were you aware that severe mental illness and high religiosity were strongly correlated?

This might help explain the bizarre, unfounded claims and beliefs of many conservatives in relation to their delusions about child pornography and grooming in the schools.

Perhaps the Bible and it's celebration/glorification of child rape, torture and murder have some part in this; Christian conservatives have perhaps taken in these terrifying biblical assertions, and are now vomiting them up in literal projection.

Do take care and get the help you need, Sue. :)

^ Projection/delusion.

Were you aware that severe mental illness and high religiosity were strongly correlated?

This might help explain the bizarre, unfounded claims and beliefs of many conservatives in relation to their delusions about child pornography and grooming in the schools.

Perhaps the Bible and it's celebration/glorification of child rape, torture and murder have some part in this; Christian conservatives have perhaps taken in these terrifying biblical assertions, and are now vomiting them up in literal projection.

Do take care and get the help you need, Sue. :)
You are one demented asshole!
While CBN may be a less than stellar source of unbiased information, home schooling should not be so readily dismissed despite valid concerns about socialization.

It may also be the only way that mentally ill conservative Christian parents who can't/won't pursue treatment can resolve their delusional terrors about pornography/grooming in the schools with minimal negative impact on the children of those not so afflicted.

There could also be benefit for the children of these mentally ill Christian conservatives, as among other positives, they'll no longer be caught between parental delusions and school efforts to simply teach, and less stress for these children could well be the result.

That works fine, until they get to college and realize that "learning at the speed of Mom" doesn't work. Not to mention when they actually encounter real gay people in the real world.

The people who are yanking their kids out of Public schools already live in affluent districts that are adequately funded.

The bigger problem is the districts that aren't adequately funded.
That works fine, until they get to college and realize that "learning at the speed of Mom" doesn't work. Not to mention when they actually encounter real gay people in the real world.

The people who are yanking their kids out of Public schools already live in affluent districts that are adequately funded.

The bigger problem is the districts that aren't adequately funded.
I think it's a question of making the best of a bad situation.

Children of mental illness are going to have a tough road no matter what, and if their parents won't seek treatment, the best thing is probably to minimize the damage their parents do.

It's best for everyone, including the children, though certainly not perfect.
I don't favor censoring the Bible.

^ Straw man/serious confusion.

The glorification of child rape, torture and murder found in the Bible make many children afraid I'm sure.
And there you go again, claiming there's "glorification" of those things. There isn't. Obviously, you've not read it and are just relying on some headlines you saw somewhere.
^ Delusion or straw man?

There's no pornography under discussion.

That you believe there is constitutes dangerously deranged conservative delusion.
Parents should have input to decide when their young children gain access to certain material. Why is that even controversial?
Many. We home schooled our son for a while, his public school was that abhorrently bad.

A shitload better developed than kids who demand safe spaces

Or have meltdowns even hearing an opinion that might be different than theirs
Most anti-homeschoolers have no idea that they meet homeschooled people every day and can't tell the difference. They also have a hard time with the reality that many homeschooled kids routinely out-perform their government schooled counterparts. They read some headlines and reflexively oppose anything that increases the influence parents have over their children and gets in the way of government influence.
Wow, the Christian Broadcast Network? I stopped taking those guys seriously when they said Dungeons and Dragons was leading to suicide and devil worship.
What do you mean, you stopped. You started the first time you saw the word "Christian" in their name.
That works fine, until they get to college and realize that "learning at the speed of Mom" doesn't work. Not to mention when they actually encounter real gay people in the real world.

The people who are yanking their kids out of Public schools already live in affluent districts that are adequately funded.

The bigger problem is the districts that aren't adequately funded.
You obviously know nothing about homeschooling beyond a few headlines you read that agree with your pre-determined bias.
^ Projection/delusion.

Were you aware that severe mental illness and high religiosity were strongly correlated?

This might help explain the bizarre, unfounded claims and beliefs of many conservatives in relation to their delusions about child pornography, homosexuality, and grooming in the schools.

Perhaps the Bible and it's celebration/glorification of child rape, torture and murder (see this very thread for more details) have some part in this; Christian conservatives have perhaps taken in these terrifying biblical assertions, and are now vomiting them up in literal projection.

Do take care and get the help you need, Sue. :)
NPR talked about how we all experience cognitive dissonance. I can't help think Republicans must be constantly struggling with it since every issue they argue they either have half right or all wrong. And they must know it but they decide that it doesn't matter. Because overall, they believe they are right. They may be wrong on every issue but they are "right" regardless.

And they may be right for themselves. If they are rich, then yes voting GOP will make America Great Again, for them. If they hate gays because their bible says so, that trumps the fact that gays should have equal rights. And even though we see cops treat blacks like second class citizens, they justify it by asking why the blacks just don't listen to cops when they give them lawful commands

But then why didn't Ashlii Babbott or all the insurrectionists she led listen to the cops at the Capitol?

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