Listen to the exact words in the exact books Democrats want in our public school libraries

Wow, the Christian Broadcast Network? I stopped taking those guys seriously when they said Dungeons and Dragons was leading to suicide and devil worship.

And normal people stopped taking the MSM seriously around the same time. I guess you missed that boat.
NPR talked about how we all experience cognitive dissonance. I can't help think Republicans must be constantly struggling with it since every issue they argue they either have half right or all wrong. And they must know it but they decide that it doesn't matter. Because overall, they believe they are right. They may be wrong on every issue but they are "right" regardless.

And they may be right for themselves. If they are rich, then yes voting GOP will make America Great Again, for them. If they hate gays because their bible says so, that trumps the fact that gays should have equal rights. And even though we see cops treat blacks like second class citizens, they justify it by asking why the blacks just don't listen to cops when they give them lawful commands

But then why didn't Ashlii Babbott or all the insurrectionists she led listen to the cops at the Capitol?

Wait, the rich vote Republican again? We all know the ultra-rich vote for Democrats. We also all know that as income grows(up to a point), so does the liklhood of one becoming a Republican. The working “rich” vote Republican, that is for sure. The working “rich” are more succcesful for a reason…they are go-getters, intelligent and yes, Republican. Democrats like to pretend that it is these working “rich” that are the problem in the US and that they are eveidencly much less informed and less intelligent than those that have not succeeded to the same extent. That is quite a conundrum you have there.
Wait, the rich vote Republican again? We all know the ultra-rich vote for Democrats. We also all know that as income grows(up to a point), so does the liklhood of one becoming a Republican. The working “rich” vote Republican, that is for sure. The working “rich” are more succcesful for a reason…they are go-getters, intelligent and yes, Republican. Democrats like to pretend that it is these working “rich” that are the problem in the US and that they are eveidencly much less informed and less intelligent than those that have not succeeded to the same extent. That is quite a conundrum you have there.
Nope. We have Soros but the next top 10 donors donate mostly to the GOP. Or take this guy for example

And if you show me a rich people who publicly donated to Democrats, how do you know they didn't privately donate more to the GOP?

Bankman-Fried contributed more than $70 million to election campaigns in less than 18 months, placing him among the nation’s top political donors. He personally gave at least $40 million to politicians and political action committees ahead of the 2022 midterm elections, mostly to Democrats and liberal-leaning groups, making him the second overall top donor to Democrats, only behind George Soros, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

SBF claims he gave tens of millions in untraceable donations to Republicans

Although federal election receipts show that Bankman-Fried donated almost exclusively to Democrats, he claimed on a November phone call with YouTuber Tiffany Fong that he donated an equal amount to Republicans and Democrats.

“All my Republican donations were dark,” he said, referring to political donations that are not publicly disclosed in FEC filings. “The reason was not for regulatory reasons, it’s because reporters freak the f—k out if you donate to Republicans. They’re all super liberal, and I didn’t want to have that fight.”

Here's another reason you're wrong. Harlan Crow and billionaires like him have guys like Clarence Thomas in their pocket. The right wing Supreme Court votes in favor of rich people and corporations 100% of the time. It's not Ruth Bader Gingsberg who does that. It's Republicans Supreme Court justices. I know they're supposed to be above politics but they aren't.
Nope. We have Soros but the next top 10 donors donate mostly to the GOP. Or take this guy for example

And if you show me a rich people who publicly donated to Democrats, how do you know they didn't privately donate more to the GOP?

Bankman-Fried contributed more than $70 million to election campaigns in less than 18 months, placing him among the nation’s top political donors. He personally gave at least $40 million to politicians and political action committees ahead of the 2022 midterm elections, mostly to Democrats and liberal-leaning groups, making him the second overall top donor to Democrats, only behind George Soros, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

SBF claims he gave tens of millions in untraceable donations to Republicans

Although federal election receipts show that Bankman-Fried donated almost exclusively to Democrats, he claimed on a November phone call with YouTuber Tiffany Fong that he donated an equal amount to Republicans and Democrats.

“All my Republican donations were dark,” he said, referring to political donations that are not publicly disclosed in FEC filings. “The reason was not for regulatory reasons, it’s because reporters freak the f—k out if you donate to Republicans. They’re all super liberal, and I didn’t want to have that fight.”

Here's another reason you're wrong. Harlan Crow and billionaires like him have guys like Clarence Thomas in their pocket. The right wing Supreme Court votes in favor of rich people and corporations 100% of the time. It's not Ruth Bader Gingsberg who does that. It's Republicans Supreme Court justices. I know they're supposed to be above politics but they aren't.

It is your contention that the ultra-rich and the working ”rich” are the Republican base. I disagree on the ultra-rich. They act as if they care, but they know that their lifestyles will not be affected by higher taxes because 1) they have teams of accountants and 2) they pay the same rate as someone making 400k/yr. They know that raising taxes affects the working ”rich”, not them.
Maybe not every kid is comfortable going to his parents and saying "I think I might be LGBT but I'm not sure, please buy me a book that could guide me"?

And that's why government should force every six year old to read porn, got it. Teaching kids to hide things from their parents isn't your job. Raising their kids isn't your job. Butt out and raise your own kids
NPR talked about how we all experience cognitive dissonance. I can't help think Republicans must be constantly struggling with it since every issue they argue they either have half right or all wrong. And they must know it but they decide that it doesn't matter. Because overall, they believe they are right. They may be wrong on every issue but they are "right" regardless.

And they may be right for themselves. If they are rich, then yes voting GOP will make America Great Again, for them. If they hate gays because their bible says so, that trumps the fact that gays should have equal rights. And even though we see cops treat blacks like second class citizens, they justify it by asking why the blacks just don't listen to cops when they give them lawful commands

But then why didn't Ashlii Babbott or all the insurrectionists she led listen to the cops at the Capitol?
wow, you think safe spaces are a real thing. That's adorable.
Your abject ignorance isn't.

No elected Democrat has spoken out about this, which can only lead to the assumption that they approve of it.

So you can say whatever dumb shit you want and create a wedge issue and if we don't respond to your stupidity that means we approve?

This is Republicans trying to control the conversation. They create social wedge issues where no exist. Republicans are why Republicans are so angry. The corporate media is lying to them. Manipulating them. Controlling them. They are sheep just like Putin supporters in Russia.
And there you go again, claiming there's "glorification" of those things. There isn't.
We can agree to disagree. :)
Obviously, you've not read it and are just relying on some headlines you saw somewhere.
Parents should have input to decide when their young children gain access to certain material.
Reasonable parents, not delusionally triggered conservatives (or liberals).
Why is that even controversial?
See above.
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Most anti-homeschoolers have no idea that they meet homeschooled people every day and can't tell the difference. They also have a hard time with the reality that many homeschooled kids routinely out-perform their government schooled counterparts. They read some headlines and reflexively oppose anything that increases the influence parents have over their children and gets in the way of government influence.
Home school.


Exactly what is the difference? Just because these parents say these books are "inappropriate" doesn't mean they are. They're banning books about slavery, books for black students, Hispanic students, and Asian students. Anything that even mentions or has a gay character, whether its a sexual depiction or not.

What I find bizarre is that parents want to dictate what my children can see or have access to in the school library and I don’t think these so-called Christians have any business telling the rest of us how to live.

Why don't you concern yourselves with the graphic sexual depictions on public television???? On the internet????? Why don't you access the pornography that is all over public media, which is creating a culture where 1 in 5 girls are sexually assaulted before they leave high school?????


You can still buy gay porn for your kids on your own dime. Relax.
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NPR talked about how we all experience cognitive dissonance. I can't help think Republicans must be constantly struggling with it since every issue they argue they either have half right or all wrong. And they must know it but they decide that it doesn't matter. Because overall, they believe they are right. They may be wrong on every issue but they are "right" regardless.

And they may be right for themselves. If they are rich, then yes voting GOP will make America Great Again, for them. If they hate gays because their bible says so, that trumps the fact that gays should have equal rights. And even though we see cops treat blacks like second class citizens, they justify it by asking why the blacks just don't listen to cops when they give them lawful commands

But then why didn't Ashlii Babbott or all the insurrectionists she led listen to the cops at the Capitol?
I think this goes well beyond cognitive dissonance, and into genuine and profound mental illness.

It's terribly sad - for the parents, the kids, the teachers.

ALL of them.

No one wins, but the constant creation of chaos and mental illness often go together like peas & carrots. :(
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Nope. We have Soros but the next top 10 donors donate mostly to the GOP. Or take this guy for example

And if you show me a rich people who publicly donated to Democrats, how do you know they didn't privately donate more to the GOP?

Bankman-Fried contributed more than $70 million to election campaigns in less than 18 months, placing him among the nation’s top political donors. He personally gave at least $40 million to politicians and political action committees ahead of the 2022 midterm elections, mostly to Democrats and liberal-leaning groups, making him the second overall top donor to Democrats, only behind George Soros, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

SBF claims he gave tens of millions in untraceable donations to Republicans

Although federal election receipts show that Bankman-Fried donated almost exclusively to Democrats, he claimed on a November phone call with YouTuber Tiffany Fong that he donated an equal amount to Republicans and Democrats.

“All my Republican donations were dark,” he said, referring to political donations that are not publicly disclosed in FEC filings. “The reason was not for regulatory reasons, it’s because reporters freak the f—k out if you donate to Republicans. They’re all super liberal, and I didn’t want to have that fight.”

Here's another reason you're wrong. Harlan Crow and billionaires like him have guys like Clarence Thomas in their pocket. The right wing Supreme Court votes in favor of rich people and corporations 100% of the time. It's not Ruth Bader Gingsberg who does that. It's Republicans Supreme Court justices. I know they're supposed to be above politics but they aren't.
Interesting SBF info.

I don't know that he's trustworthy, but these alleged donations can be traced to see if he's telling the truth or just spinning his con some more.
I think this goes well beyond cognitive dissonance, and into genuine and profound mental illness.

It's terribly sad - for the parents, the kids, the teachers.

ALL of them.

No one wins, but the constant creation of chaos and mental illness often go together like peas & carrots. :(
And the funny thing is, no kid is reading anything that the teachers don't make them read. Especially a book about gays. The only ones reading it are gays and if the books make them feel better about themselves.
And that's why government should force every six year old to read porn, got it. Teaching kids to hide things from their parents isn't your job. Raising their kids isn't your job. Butt out and raise your own kids
^ More extraordinary conservative delusion on this topic.

Incredibly tragic, and harms everyone, especially the kids.
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And the funny thing is, no kid is reading anything that the teachers don't make them read. Especially a book about gays. The only ones reading it are gays and if the books make them feel better about themselves.
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Interesting SBF info.

I don't know that he's trustworthy, but these alleged donations can be traced to see if he's telling the truth or just spinning his con some more.
I'm pretty sure dark money/donations can't be traced

Opaque nonprofits and shell companies may give unlimited amounts of money to super PACs. While super PACs are legally required to disclose their donors, some of these groups are effectively dark money outlets when the bulk of their funding cannot be traced back to the original donor.

Citizens United and all.

At least $3 out of every $10 in outside spending reported to the FEC since Citizens United can be traced to dark money groups. Dark money groups are increasingly routing funds through contributions to super PACs or into activities that do not trigger disclosure rather than reporting spending to the FEC.

Proponents of dark money maintain it is protected under the First Amendment, while critics complain recipients of dark money (as with any contribution) are beholden to their funders, while voters are kept in the dark about connections between donor and politician when favors are paid back.

You know who didn't disclose properly? Clarence Thomas.
So you can say whatever dumb shit you want and create a wedge issue and if we don't respond to your stupidity that means we approve?

This is Republicans trying to control the conversation. They create social wedge issues where no exist. Republicans are why Republicans are so angry. The corporate media is lying to them. Manipulating them. Controlling them. They are sheep just like Putin supporters in Russia.

Do you approve of this content in public school libraries?

I noticed you didn't actually address the issue...
So you can say whatever dumb shit you want and create a wedge issue and if we don't respond to your stupidity that means we approve?

This is Republicans trying to control the conversation. They create social wedge issues where no exist. Republicans are why Republicans are so angry. The corporate media is lying to them. Manipulating them. Controlling them. They are sheep just like Putin supporters in Russia.
At this point the way we are going, why have children? All of the money spent on all of the elites conditioning on the citizens by government to accept any way of living and we still have issues. In fact, even more. The old way you may not like. And neither do many others on all sides. We are in decline now with the new way. The new way that saw the good of any diversity, affirmative action and feminism peak out as the best we were told with all involved did not pan out. We see it. It is so bad that equity was instituted and enforced. Our high tech huge industrial projects, science, space, and military modernizations are all having problems and massively more expensive than they have to be. This affects all of us.

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