Listen to the exact words in the exact books Democrats want in our public school libraries

Ever met home-schooled adults?

Many. We home schooled our son for a while, his public school was that abhorrently bad.
No social skills. Don't deal with adversity well.
A shitload better developed than kids who demand safe spaces

Or have meltdowns even hearing an opinion that might be different than theirs
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Take your child out of public school and homeschool the poor thing, but keep your hands off the books, asshole!

Let's put that to the test.

Are you for or against a teacher reading the Bible to their class?
So if government doesn't give your kids books, they don't have access to them. Not taking a crowbar to your own wallet, huh?
Maybe not every kid is comfortable going to his parents and saying "I think I might be LGBT but I'm not sure, please buy me a book that could guide me"?
They get better test scores, but their socialization skills are generally awful.


Study: Homeschoolers Outperform All Other Students on ... - CBN

Among the other facts presented by the institute:

  • Homeschooling is increasing among minority communities
  • Homeschool students score above average on achievement tests regardless of their parent's level of formal education or their family's household income
  • 87% of peer-reviewed studies on social, emotional, and psychological development show homeschool students perform statistically significantly better than those in conventional schools
  • Homeschool students are increasingly being actively recruited by colleges
^ Ongoing delusional perception.

The new conservative slogan is "Anyone who disagrees with me is a groomer!"

Seriously unhinged stuff.

The new liberal slogan is "Anyone who disagrees with me is delusional!"

You made false witness against my Lord and Savior
and will not back it up.
False witness again; the hole gets deeper & closer to Hell. :(
Chapter and verse.
You're literally posting on the thread where several posters have provided both cites and references of the Bible's glorification of child rape, torture and murder.

But here the link AGAIN:

What do you have?
Posted numerous times, including in this reply.

It gives me no pleasure to see how unhinged from reality you are, Sue.

Please don't think otherwise, and I hope you get the help you need.
This is a poster who is claiming God "glorifies" child RAPE in the Bible.

More delusion.

I've said the Bible glorifies child rape, torture and murder.

I haven't made this claim about God.
I am asking him repeatedly for citations and get only personal insults back.
Please know that I'll be praying that you get the help you need, Sue.

Here's the requested link - to the thread you're already posting in - yet AGAIN:

God help him.

But the same to you, Sue.

I mean this sincerely.
The left despises home schooling, they can't get their filthy paws on the little ones
I'm not a leftist, and don't despise home schooling, and your groomer fantasies are dangerously delusional, but I know y'all are no longer tethered to reality.

Sad stuff. :(
Like Sue, you're just digging yourself deeper.

I've expressed my views on home schooling, and quoted that for you.

So, why keep posting nonsense about conservatives being dangerous to kids?

Home schooling is good for many kids and the biggest percentage of home schooled kids are conservatives.
Let's put that to the test.

Are you for or against a teacher reading the Bible to their class?
^ Completely unhinged from reality.

Conservatives support the Bible and its glorification of child rape, torture and murder, and then project their behavior onto others.

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