Listen up GOP leadership: Why your base is terrified of immigration.

wow, that is some hate for his fellow country men and women

Please don't throw the word "hate" around lightly. It degrades the word and when we use it appropriately on the far-right, it has less meaning

Nothing said in the post was hateful.

If that what you think,your even dumber than previously shown. Both you and the Dean-O-Matic are hateful,bigoted little slim balls,you prove that day in and day out.
These right wingers aren't really commenting on the post, just attacking me. Immigration reform would make immigration legal. Right wingers don't want immigration reform. They don't want them here at all.

I responded and pretty much called you a liar because Republicans are not terrified of immigration. What we are against is illegal immigration as every patriotic American should be.

So again I ask, why are you terrified of our immigration laws?
These right wingers aren't really commenting on the post, just attacking me. Immigration reform would make immigration legal. Right wingers don't want immigration reform. They don't want them here at all.

Republicans are damned if they do, damned if they don't

If they block immigration reform and allow their members to spout their usual anti-Hispanic rhetoric they will lose the Hispanic vote

If they allow in 12 million eventual citizens, there are more Hispanics to vote against them

What will you do Republicans, what will you do?

You are just as bad as rdean...who sits around spouting "anti-Hispanic" rhetoric?

If we ALLOW 12 million people to become citizens there are more Hispanics to vote against us...
but you can use Hispanics to spout hateful rhetoric against us

none you on the left has any honor when it comes to your agenda for politics

you all make me sick with the hateful lies you spread all FOR POLITICS
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What do Republicans have to lose if they lose the Hispanic vote?

Florida and Texas

Be afraid very afraid
These right wingers aren't really commenting on the post, just attacking me. Immigration reform would make immigration legal. Right wingers don't want immigration reform. They don't want them here at all.

Republicans are damned if they do, damned if they don't

If they block immigration reform and allow their members to spout their usual anti-Hispanic rhetoric they will lose the Hispanic vote

If they allow in 12 million eventual citizens, there are more Hispanics to vote against them

What will you do Republicans, what will you do?

You are just as bad as rdean...who sits around spouting "anti-Hispanic" rhetoric?

If we ALLOW 12 million people to become citizens there are more Hispanics to vote against us...
but you can use Hispanics to spout hateful rhetoric against us

none you on the left has any honor when it comes to your agenda for politics

you all make me sick

Why do you think I call them the 'scum of the earth'?

I'm not kidding.

Not only are they scum, they're stupid.

I don't mean 'ignorant' as in lacking knowledge on a topic, I'm talking plain, old-fashioned, shit-your-pants stupid.

There is a certain bigotry that is a plague among dimocrap scum, and that is the bigotry of believing anything and everything that comes out of DNC Central based on a stereotype.

They are convinced that anything the DNC or the scumbag-in-chief wants has GOT to be a good thing.... With no regard to its effects on society or the American People in general.

The flip side of thier bigotry is, of course, the irrational belief that anything that comes out of the RNC is evil.

The truth is.... These people are just simply stupid. They can't function without constant supervision of thought. They have to wake up every morning and get their marching orders from pMSNBC, OFA, HuffBlo or DailyKooks.

And all they do in here is regurgitate what they here on pMSNBC and read on OFA.

Few of them have had an original thought in their pathetic excuse for a life.

If you notice, there is a glaring absence from a couple of the brighter libturds in here.

They're not disheartened, I think they're wising up. They're tired of being on the same side as the dumbest fucks on Earth.
Just when I think people in this country can't crawl any lower for their politics...

this country is lost and hopeless with people like this
Correction: the mainstream GOP is the base, the far right reactionary freaks are not.

Correction: the base is not afraid of immigration.

They are not afraid of immigration, but they are afraid of the reactionary freaks

They are terrified they will lose 1/2 of their base if they go for immigration reform.

Rock, meet hard place.

But they dug their own hole, so I don't feel sorry for them even in the slightest.
Correction: the mainstream GOP is the base, the far right reactionary freaks are not.

Correction: the base is not afraid of immigration.

They are not afraid of immigration, but they are afraid of the reactionary freaks

They are terrified they will lose 1/2 of their base if they go for immigration reform.

Rock, meet hard place.

But they dug their own hole, so I don't feel sorry for them even in the slightest.

Republicans are in deep trouble on immigration. As usual, they think that by blocking legislation, the issue will go away

What happens if the Republicans lose more of the Hispanic vote? They were at 30% the last election. If their position with the Hispanic vote erodes further, they lose Florida as a swing state. This will doom any chance of a Republican being President

35% of Texas is Hispanic with 12% black. Add an influx of white liberals from other states and Texas is up for grabs in the next ten years

Lose Florida and Texas and the Republican Party becomes a minor party
Just when I think people in this country can't crawl any lower for their politics...

this country is lost and hopeless with people like this

No it isn't, Steph.

But we're going to have to pay the price for allowing scum like this to take power in this Country.

How high a price we pay depends entirely on how soon we put these scum on the ash heap of history alongside Robespierre, Hitler and Stalin.
I swear, I've never seen a more hateful human being than rdean

it's a sickness

He hates or he loves or he doesn't care all depending on what he's told to feel. Rdean is a mindless drone who has no opinions of his own. Never has.
Just when I think people in this country can't crawl any lower for their politics...

this country is lost and hopeless with people like this

No it isn't, Steph.

But we're going to have to pay the price for allowing scum like this to take power in this Country.

How high a price we pay depends entirely on how soon we put these scum on the ash heap of history alongside Robespierre, Hitler and Stalin.

We cannot allow any further power input from the far right reactionaries like you and Steph if we are going to survive as a country. The mainstream GOP is limiting your influence. Good.

We can compete with the Democrats nationally because of that.
One of my Grandsons is Mexican on his Father's side. His amily was in Texas (Tejas) before the Revolution that won independence from Mexico. His ancestors fught on the side of the Rebels and helped win freedom from the Tyrant, Santa Anna. The Mexicans and Anlgos got along fine and intermarried, they were all 'Texicans'. Then came the later Anglo/Euro immigrants and brought the anti Mexican preudices with them. Most Native Texans of Mexican descent are Conservatives and strong Christians. They are a minority in the "Latino" community because of the immigrants from south of the border. My Grandson's parent's family (Mother and Father) are Republicans and are against illegal immigration. They want the laws inforced and modernized where needed.
They also realise that new immigrants hear, "Republicans hate you, Democrats love you" from the media and the Democrat politicians.
I thought it was awfully odd that Republicans would give Mitt Romney a free pass on wanting to cut education and bring in immigrants with degrees. Turns out I was right. The GOP base was voting anti Obama even though Romney's policies would hurt them more than anyone.

So why is that?

We all know how USMB Republicans have gone on about how business has been moving from Blue States to Red States. We know that those with a technical education soon followed. No where did the Republican leadership promise to help their base get those types of jobs. Just some vague "we support educational choice". We know there simply isn't enough highly trained people to fill all the technical jobs available in both Blue States and Red States.

We know the Republican base's position on education. You could never get Democrats or Independents to sit in a room and hear their leadership mock education and they then cheer. That will never happen.

The GOP base has finally put two and two together. Business wants the tax breaks, the give a ways, the relaxed rules on environmental and safety standards that are available in Red States. But they also need skilled workers. And the cheapest way is the import ones that are already qualified.

And when you import workers with degrees, everyone else soon follows. If I was an engineer from Mexico, I would be very suspicious of hiring a right winger to build my house.

Clearly, the GOP base feels with an influx of educated immigrants, they would be further marginalized.

USMB Republicans call this "hateful".
Immigration reform would make immigration legal. Right wingers don't want immigration reform. They don't want them here at all.

We Right Wingers don't want immigration "reform" in it's current form, i.e. citizenship for illegals already here. It's rewarding criminal behavior.

What person in his/her right mind would want to flood their country with millions of poor and uneducated people, especially when millions of Americans are already suffering because of this crappy economy? With immigration "reform", they'd have to compete against a third world country's undesirables.
They are not afraid of immigration, but they are afraid of the reactionary freaks

They are terrified they will lose 1/2 of their base if they go for immigration reform.

Rock, meet hard place.

But they dug their own hole, so I don't feel sorry for them even in the slightest.

Republicans are in deep trouble on immigration. As usual, they think that by blocking legislation, the issue will go away

What happens if the Republicans lose more of the Hispanic vote? They were at 30% the last election. If their position with the Hispanic vote erodes further, they lose Florida as a swing state. This will doom any chance of a Republican being President

35% of Texas is Hispanic with 12% black. Add an influx of white liberals from other states and Texas is up for grabs in the next ten years

Lose Florida and Texas and the Republican Party becomes a minor party

Waa waa waa. At least if the GOP dies, it'll be with dignity. The Dems, however, will be busy with their lips planted on brown butts.
wow, that is some hate for his fellow country men and women

Please don't throw the word "hate" around lightly. It degrades the word and when we use it appropriately on the far-right, it has less meaning

Nothing said in the post was hateful.

shit.... I was gonna neg the bitch but I guess I did not too long ago and the software won't let me.

what hateful dirtbags dimocraps are

I got it in your stead. No need to thank me, all in the service of what is right.

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