Little boy to Obama: "you are naked."

Oh well.

I don't like when faggots like you hit on me.

If you are insulted?

Tough shit.

quit bringing me into your obama fantasy.

What Obama fantasy?

You are the one that offered to swallow my jiz.

Seriously ilikewood.

Lay off the sauce.

Especially so early in the morning.
Wow, and your telling me to lay off the sauce. Your called swallow , because your the first one to swallow obama's many lies. I guess your to stupid to realize that. So continue on being a gay bashing racist.
You can't make this anymore clear.

The time to oppose a President, around election time..and in extreme cases.


Strange that could have been said about these guys also then!!!

Maybe you should ask these people then:

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "The war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything "

U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”

Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets"--action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

if Bush lied about WMDs.. Obama IS lying about 46 million "uninsured"!

I mean it doesn't seem you understood...
I oppose the IDEAS and AGENDA of Obama... I personally have no feelings about the guy because I never liked Eddie Haskell of "Leave to Beaver" and Obama reminds me of Eddie!
But that's my personal opinion.
But when Obama's agenda ..

1) He favors bankrupting 1,300 insurance companies.
2) He favors reducing Federal/state/local tax revenue by $100 billion a year
3) He favors putting 400,000 people out of work, costing $5 billion in tax payments and $12 billion in unemployment.
4) He favors foreign oil wants to be their best customers.
5) Favors having 1 million barrels travel 1 mile over open ocean versus 750 barrels in one mile by pipeline.
6) Obama told us "I'd like higher gas prices." And he's got them! Obama gas/gal today $3.67 Bush 1/5/09 $1.67/gal.
7) Favors bankrupting utility companies...and favors Under my plan....electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket".
8) Obama also fundamentally doesn't understand a simple concept.. i.e. non-profits exist because of "profits"!

I just have a problem with a President that has had the most polarizing ratings in 60 years and the above are just a few of the items I and millions of others have a problem supporting!

How many of those Congressmen you quoted again (ignoring that they are still out of context) voted to give President the deciding power to invade and occupy Iraq?

OUT OF CONTEXT? When an American leader calls ALL AMERICAN SOLDIERS "TERRORISTs" how is that out of context?
When a President called his OWN military as methodically and systematically planning air-raiding villages and killing civilians" ALL on purpose ALL planned.. is that smart?
This "smartest" President was so dumb to think the terrorists take his statements "in context"? Hell no ! They take this statements like all Liberals do "BLOW way out of
proportion" and that convinced me when obama said that he A) didn't care about our military... B) didn't care about his country!

These quotes are so terrible in they helped prolong the Liberation of Iraq from what took militarily less then 6 weeks.. BUT when people like you and the above
ENCOURAGED the terrorists to put bombs on kids that blew up when they received candy from our troops!
IT IS true those events occurred. No one denies that... BUT idiots like you and the above are so stupid to help the MSM hype, blow out of proportion, make it sound like
ALL THE TIME, ALL OUR troops are like Ghengis Khan... that is what is so dumb and did everything to help cause 3,000 more deaths then ever necessary!
THE US troops did what they were there to do and all idiots like the above and you did WAS MAKE it last 6 more years then necessary! Simply by using quotes like the above!
Strange that could have been said about these guys also then!!!

Maybe you should ask these people then:

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "The war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything "

U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”

Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets"--action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

if Bush lied about WMDs.. Obama IS lying about 46 million "uninsured"!

I mean it doesn't seem you understood...
I oppose the IDEAS and AGENDA of Obama... I personally have no feelings about the guy because I never liked Eddie Haskell of "Leave to Beaver" and Obama reminds me of Eddie!
But that's my personal opinion.
But when Obama's agenda ..

1) He favors bankrupting 1,300 insurance companies.
2) He favors reducing Federal/state/local tax revenue by $100 billion a year
3) He favors putting 400,000 people out of work, costing $5 billion in tax payments and $12 billion in unemployment.
4) He favors foreign oil wants to be their best customers.
5) Favors having 1 million barrels travel 1 mile over open ocean versus 750 barrels in one mile by pipeline.
6) Obama told us "I'd like higher gas prices." And he's got them! Obama gas/gal today $3.67 Bush 1/5/09 $1.67/gal.
7) Favors bankrupting utility companies...and favors Under my plan....electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket".
8) Obama also fundamentally doesn't understand a simple concept.. i.e. non-profits exist because of "profits"!

I just have a problem with a President that has had the most polarizing ratings in 60 years and the above are just a few of the items I and millions of others have a problem supporting!

How many of those Congressmen you quoted again (ignoring that they are still out of context) voted to give President the deciding power to invade and occupy Iraq?

OUT OF CONTEXT? When an American leader calls ALL AMERICAN SOLDIERS "TERRORISTs" how is that out of context?
When a President called his OWN military as methodically and systematically planning air-raiding villages and killing civilians" ALL on purpose ALL planned.. is that smart?
This "smartest" President was so dumb to think the terrorists take his statements "in context"? Hell no ! They take this statements like all Liberals do "BLOW way out of
proportion" and that convinced me when obama said that he A) didn't care about our military... B) didn't care about his country!

These quotes are so terrible in they helped prolong the Liberation of Iraq from what took militarily less then 6 weeks.. BUT when people like you and the above
ENCOURAGED the terrorists to put bombs on kids that blew up when they received candy from our troops!
IT IS true those events occurred. No one denies that... BUT idiots like you and the above are so stupid to help the MSM hype, blow out of proportion, make it sound like
ALL THE TIME, ALL OUR troops are like Ghengis Khan... that is what is so dumb and did everything to help cause 3,000 more deaths then ever necessary!
THE US troops did what they were there to do and all idiots like the above and you did WAS MAKE it last 6 more years then necessary! Simply by using quotes like the above!

Who called American soldiers terrorists?

Lets see how misleading and out of context you can get
Strange that could have been said about these guys also then!!!

Maybe you should ask these people then:

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "The war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything "

U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”

Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets"--action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

if Bush lied about WMDs.. Obama IS lying about 46 million "uninsured"!

I mean it doesn't seem you understood...
I oppose the IDEAS and AGENDA of Obama... I personally have no feelings about the guy because I never liked Eddie Haskell of "Leave to Beaver" and Obama reminds me of Eddie!
But that's my personal opinion.
But when Obama's agenda ..

1) He favors bankrupting 1,300 insurance companies.
2) He favors reducing Federal/state/local tax revenue by $100 billion a year
3) He favors putting 400,000 people out of work, costing $5 billion in tax payments and $12 billion in unemployment.
4) He favors foreign oil wants to be their best customers.
5) Favors having 1 million barrels travel 1 mile over open ocean versus 750 barrels in one mile by pipeline.
6) Obama told us "I'd like higher gas prices." And he's got them! Obama gas/gal today $3.67 Bush 1/5/09 $1.67/gal.
7) Favors bankrupting utility companies...and favors Under my plan....electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket".
8) Obama also fundamentally doesn't understand a simple concept.. i.e. non-profits exist because of "profits"!

I just have a problem with a President that has had the most polarizing ratings in 60 years and the above are just a few of the items I and millions of others have a problem supporting!

How many of those Congressmen you quoted again (ignoring that they are still out of context) voted to give President the deciding power to invade and occupy Iraq?

OUT OF CONTEXT? When an American leader calls ALL AMERICAN SOLDIERS "TERRORISTs" how is that out of context?
When a President called his OWN military as methodically and systematically planning air-raiding villages and killing civilians" ALL on purpose ALL planned.. is that smart?
This "smartest" President was so dumb to think the terrorists take his statements "in context"? Hell no ! They take this statements like all Liberals do "BLOW way out of
proportion" and that convinced me when obama said that he A) didn't care about our military... B) didn't care about his country!

These quotes are so terrible in they helped prolong the Liberation of Iraq from what took militarily less then 6 weeks.. BUT when people like you and the above
ENCOURAGED the terrorists to put bombs on kids that blew up when they received candy from our troops!
IT IS true those events occurred. No one denies that... BUT idiots like you and the above are so stupid to help the MSM hype, blow out of proportion, make it sound like
ALL THE TIME, ALL OUR troops are like Ghengis Khan... that is what is so dumb and did everything to help cause 3,000 more deaths then ever necessary!
THE US troops did what they were there to do and all idiots like the above and you did WAS MAKE it last 6 more years then necessary! Simply by using quotes like the above!

He was asked about his plan to move troops into Afghanistan. In 2007.

"We've got to get the job done there and that requires us to have enough troops so that we're not just air-raiding villages and killing civilians, which is causing enormous problems there," Obama said.

You say "When a President called his OWN military as methodically and systematically planning air-raiding villages and killing civilians" ALL on purpose ALL planned

Bolded parts are simply figments of your imagination. But you've been shown this numerous times and yet you continue to lie about what was said. All your quotes are like that. You and your ilk, with the continuous stream of lies like that, are the ones emboldening our enemies.
How many of those Congressmen you quoted again (ignoring that they are still out of context) voted to give President the deciding power to invade and occupy Iraq?

OUT OF CONTEXT? When an American leader calls ALL AMERICAN SOLDIERS "TERRORISTs" how is that out of context?
When a President called his OWN military as methodically and systematically planning air-raiding villages and killing civilians" ALL on purpose ALL planned.. is that smart?
This "smartest" President was so dumb to think the terrorists take his statements "in context"? Hell no ! They take this statements like all Liberals do "BLOW way out of
proportion" and that convinced me when obama said that he A) didn't care about our military... B) didn't care about his country!

These quotes are so terrible in they helped prolong the Liberation of Iraq from what took militarily less then 6 weeks.. BUT when people like you and the above
ENCOURAGED the terrorists to put bombs on kids that blew up when they received candy from our troops!
IT IS true those events occurred. No one denies that... BUT idiots like you and the above are so stupid to help the MSM hype, blow out of proportion, make it sound like
ALL THE TIME, ALL OUR troops are like Ghengis Khan... that is what is so dumb and did everything to help cause 3,000 more deaths then ever necessary!
THE US troops did what they were there to do and all idiots like the above and you did WAS MAKE it last 6 more years then necessary! Simply by using quotes like the above!

Who called American soldiers terrorists?

Lets see how misleading and out of context you can get

Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night,
terrorizing kids and children."

How many of those Congressmen you quoted again (ignoring that they are still out of context) voted to give President the deciding power to invade and occupy Iraq?

OUT OF CONTEXT? When an American leader calls ALL AMERICAN SOLDIERS "TERRORISTs" how is that out of context?
When a President called his OWN military as methodically and systematically planning air-raiding villages and killing civilians" ALL on purpose ALL planned.. is that smart?
This "smartest" President was so dumb to think the terrorists take his statements "in context"? Hell no ! They take this statements like all Liberals do "BLOW way out of
proportion" and that convinced me when obama said that he A) didn't care about our military... B) didn't care about his country!

These quotes are so terrible in they helped prolong the Liberation of Iraq from what took militarily less then 6 weeks.. BUT when people like you and the above
ENCOURAGED the terrorists to put bombs on kids that blew up when they received candy from our troops!
IT IS true those events occurred. No one denies that... BUT idiots like you and the above are so stupid to help the MSM hype, blow out of proportion, make it sound like
ALL THE TIME, ALL OUR troops are like Ghengis Khan... that is what is so dumb and did everything to help cause 3,000 more deaths then ever necessary!
THE US troops did what they were there to do and all idiots like the above and you did WAS MAKE it last 6 more years then necessary! Simply by using quotes like the above!

Who called American soldiers terrorists?

Lets see how misleading and out of context you can get

For someone who is on this board as much as you, you tend to not know much about what you debate.
You missed the part where Sarah Palin had an an Orgasm at the sight of a Naked Obama.

Seems she like her men like I like my coffee.


But swallow i thought she was a racist. I mean that's what you been telling us.

Think of it in the same terms as the questionable sexuality of gay rights deniers.

The anger comes from somewhere, generally, confusion from within.
OUT OF CONTEXT? When an American leader calls ALL AMERICAN SOLDIERS "TERRORISTs" how is that out of context?
When a President called his OWN military as methodically and systematically planning air-raiding villages and killing civilians" ALL on purpose ALL planned.. is that smart?
This "smartest" President was so dumb to think the terrorists take his statements "in context"? Hell no ! They take this statements like all Liberals do "BLOW way out of
proportion" and that convinced me when obama said that he A) didn't care about our military... B) didn't care about his country!

These quotes are so terrible in they helped prolong the Liberation of Iraq from what took militarily less then 6 weeks.. BUT when people like you and the above
ENCOURAGED the terrorists to put bombs on kids that blew up when they received candy from our troops!
IT IS true those events occurred. No one denies that... BUT idiots like you and the above are so stupid to help the MSM hype, blow out of proportion, make it sound like
ALL THE TIME, ALL OUR troops are like Ghengis Khan... that is what is so dumb and did everything to help cause 3,000 more deaths then ever necessary!
THE US troops did what they were there to do and all idiots like the above and you did WAS MAKE it last 6 more years then necessary! Simply by using quotes like the above!

Who called American soldiers terrorists?

Lets see how misleading and out of context you can get

Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night,
terrorizing kids and children."


Again, here is the full quote from Meet the Press.

"You've got to begin to transfer authority to the Iraqis. And there is no reason, Bob, that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, you know, women, breaking sort of the customs of the--of--the historical customs, religious customs. Whether you like it or not......Iraqis should be doing that."

He was not calling American Soldiers terrorist. Furthermore The quote was not even accurate.
OUT OF CONTEXT? When an American leader calls ALL AMERICAN SOLDIERS "TERRORISTs" how is that out of context?
When a President called his OWN military as methodically and systematically planning air-raiding villages and killing civilians" ALL on purpose ALL planned.. is that smart?
This "smartest" President was so dumb to think the terrorists take his statements "in context"? Hell no ! They take this statements like all Liberals do "BLOW way out of
proportion" and that convinced me when obama said that he A) didn't care about our military... B) didn't care about his country!

These quotes are so terrible in they helped prolong the Liberation of Iraq from what took militarily less then 6 weeks.. BUT when people like you and the above
ENCOURAGED the terrorists to put bombs on kids that blew up when they received candy from our troops!
IT IS true those events occurred. No one denies that... BUT idiots like you and the above are so stupid to help the MSM hype, blow out of proportion, make it sound like
ALL THE TIME, ALL OUR troops are like Ghengis Khan... that is what is so dumb and did everything to help cause 3,000 more deaths then ever necessary!
THE US troops did what they were there to do and all idiots like the above and you did WAS MAKE it last 6 more years then necessary! Simply by using quotes like the above!

Who called American soldiers terrorists?

Lets see how misleading and out of context you can get

For someone who is on this board as much as you, you tend to not know much about what you debate.

no kidding
OUT OF CONTEXT? When an American leader calls ALL AMERICAN SOLDIERS "TERRORISTs" how is that out of context?
When a President called his OWN military as methodically and systematically planning air-raiding villages and killing civilians" ALL on purpose ALL planned.. is that smart?
This "smartest" President was so dumb to think the terrorists take his statements "in context"? Hell no ! They take this statements like all Liberals do "BLOW way out of
proportion" and that convinced me when obama said that he A) didn't care about our military... B) didn't care about his country!

These quotes are so terrible in they helped prolong the Liberation of Iraq from what took militarily less then 6 weeks.. BUT when people like you and the above
ENCOURAGED the terrorists to put bombs on kids that blew up when they received candy from our troops!
IT IS true those events occurred. No one denies that... BUT idiots like you and the above are so stupid to help the MSM hype, blow out of proportion, make it sound like
ALL THE TIME, ALL OUR troops are like Ghengis Khan... that is what is so dumb and did everything to help cause 3,000 more deaths then ever necessary!
THE US troops did what they were there to do and all idiots like the above and you did WAS MAKE it last 6 more years then necessary! Simply by using quotes like the above!

Who called American soldiers terrorists?

Lets see how misleading and out of context you can get

For someone who is on this board as much as you, you tend to not know much about what you debate.

Care to respond?

Go for it......only let's hear the whole quote, not the Foxnews version
OUT OF CONTEXT? When an American leader calls ALL AMERICAN SOLDIERS "TERRORISTs" how is that out of context?
When a President called his OWN military as methodically and systematically planning air-raiding villages and killing civilians" ALL on purpose ALL planned.. is that smart?
This "smartest" President was so dumb to think the terrorists take his statements "in context"? Hell no ! They take this statements like all Liberals do "BLOW way out of
proportion" and that convinced me when obama said that he A) didn't care about our military... B) didn't care about his country!

These quotes are so terrible in they helped prolong the Liberation of Iraq from what took militarily less then 6 weeks.. BUT when people like you and the above
ENCOURAGED the terrorists to put bombs on kids that blew up when they received candy from our troops!
IT IS true those events occurred. No one denies that... BUT idiots like you and the above are so stupid to help the MSM hype, blow out of proportion, make it sound like
ALL THE TIME, ALL OUR troops are like Ghengis Khan... that is what is so dumb and did everything to help cause 3,000 more deaths then ever necessary!
THE US troops did what they were there to do and all idiots like the above and you did WAS MAKE it last 6 more years then necessary! Simply by using quotes like the above!

Who called American soldiers terrorists?

Lets see how misleading and out of context you can get

Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night,
terrorizing kids and children."


Interesting spin

So by your definition, any soldier who strikes terror unto his enemy is a terrorist. You have defined pilots on bombing runs, artillery men, tank crews, those who plant land mines, infantry........basically, any soldier worth his salt is a terrorist by your definition
Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night,
terrorizing kids and children."

this man is now Sec. of Defense..what a disgrace..

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