Live on CNN: Radical Anarchists at Berkeley, heavily armed with cardboard shields...


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Sorry, but more evidence of why these kids need their Safe Spaces. They want to overthrow the government with their cardboard shields and rocks. This is the generation that is going to lead America?

I'm not making light of their alt-left intentions, but...sigh...I can't make this stuff up....whoever the Mastermind behind this cout d'etate is really needs to lay off of the Playstation and Magic The Gathering.
Can't have any dissenting speech on a communist campus. After all hearing new ideas is sooooooooooooo dangerous.
Now they smash property, burn stuff and probably still have no clue why in the hell they are even out there. They are defying police demands to disperse, chanting and whining about nothing in particular. A big bonfire party involving criminal activities against authority.

As I've said before, thank God these kids weren't around when the Greatest Generation rose to the challenge in Europe.
Yeah, I'm watching this right now.

Never, Liberals, lecture us on what you presume to be our intolerance of foreigners when you yourselves cannot tolerate a different opinion than yours. This is a prime example of intolerance. I'd ask these kids to take a long hard look in the mirror, but they'd just smash it.
Why water cannon trucks aren't used on this anarchists scum?

Use the bloody things for heaven's sake!
And was I right about rioting being counter productive as now the students tuition will be going up higher, insurance higher, their costs like morning coffee will even be higher.
With Alumni donation checks being canceled, parents cancelling checks as they won't be sending their kids in that mess the existing students will be paying the price dearly.
Congrats for making your lives harder!
Good luck wearing your hippy sandals around Berkeley now with all that broken glass.
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Why water cannon trucks aren't used on this anarchists scum?

Use the bloody things for heaven's sake!
Please, darlin', those are not anarchists. They're stone commies.

No real Randian/Rothbardian/agorist anarchists would be caught dead anywhere near a rabble like that.
Let the ignorant bastards burn the place down. The episode is just another left wing show of ignorance.
Surprised no one has started a faux rage thread about this already.

Its been taken over by black bloc guys, and it's devolved into a riot already.
Yes, there already is a thread.

Real black bloc guys wouldn't be caught dead around that violent human debris.
Why water cannon trucks aren't used on this anarchists scum?

Use the bloody things for heaven's sake!
Please, darlin', those are not anarchists. They're stone commies.

No real Randian/Rothbardian/agorist anarchists would be caught dead anywhere near a rabble like that.

whatever they are

use pressured water on them....clean the world.....

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