Live on CNN: Radical Anarchists at Berkeley, heavily armed with cardboard shields...

Surprised no one has started a faux rage thread about this already.

Its been taken over by black bloc guys, and it's devolved into a riot already.

Fer fuks couldnt link it?
Tucker Carlson has Milo on the phone! It is the anti American anti free speech libtards at UC Berkeley! Do not waste your money sending a kid to college in America!
Sorry, but more evidence of why these kids need their Safe Spaces. They want to overthrow the government with their cardboard shields and rocks. This is the generation that is going to lead America?

I'm not making light of their alt-left intentions, but...sigh...I can't make this stuff up....whoever the Mastermind behind this cout d'etate is really needs to lay off of the Playstation and Magic The Gathering.

shockedcanadian They'd do better issuing their own currency.
Build a banking credit system like the Washington Times Bank,
invest your labor and resources, and circulate your own wealth locally.
Whatever businesses you build, write as much of the expenses
and investments off your taxes, and start shifting more control
of resources locally through schools, churches, civic groups, businesses etc. district by district.

You can develop a self-governing pool for labor, health care, education, etc.
That's a better way to 'rebel' against outside control and abuse of govt or corporate power.
DIY and compete to be the most effective and sustainable you can be.

Not only will you enjoy greater independence, but the empowerment
will influence others. That's the next revolution, similar to the Reformation
where churches broke from from the centralized Catholic authority.

People and states can do the same with local school districts and cities.
Just organize, invest locally and directly, and deduct as much as possible
so govt reduces to just what needs to managed on that level.
It's Berkeley. Will anyone really care if the entire university is burned to the ground? The students can sit on the ground and get lectures by human microphone.

I love it. The protesters should start smashing the heads of suspected "dissidents".
Surprised no one has started a faux rage thread about this already.

Its been taken over by black bloc guys, and it's devolved into a riot already.
"A group of protesters dressed in black and some in hooded sweatshirts broke windows, threw smoke bombs and flares at a building and set a large bonfire outside the building."
The Latest: Milo Yiannopoulos' Berkeley Talk Canceled

Black hoodies and masks are the "uniform" of ANTIFA, the communist terrorist organization. Since it is an international terrorist organization it is time for the Feds to move in and make arrests.
The Left can't handle free speech. The Left can't handle free speech. The Left can't handle free speech.

Is that clear?
The great irony: UC Berkeley, birthplace of the free speech movement, just allowed students to violently shut down speech that offended them
Why water cannon trucks aren't used on this anarchists scum?

Use the bloody things for heaven's sake!
The school administration was in on it; did you not notice the gay rainbow colors lighting up what looks like the admin building?
having violent riots will only make Milo even more famous!

that's the good thing.
Surprised no one has started a faux rage thread about this already.

Its been taken over by black bloc guys, and it's devolved into a riot already.
"A group of protesters dressed in black and some in hooded sweatshirts broke windows, threw smoke bombs and flares at a building and set a large bonfire outside the building."
The Latest: Milo Yiannopoulos' Berkeley Talk Canceled

Black hoodies and masks are the "uniform" of ANTIFA, the communist terrorist organization. Since it is an international terrorist organization it is time for the Feds to move in make arrests.

ANTIFA is not an "organization".

All black is the "uniform" of black bloc anarchists.

Doesn't change the fact that they are terrorists and need to be dealt with as such.
It's Berkeley. Will anyone really care if the entire university is burned to the ground? The students can sit on the ground and get lectures by human microphone.

I love it. The protesters should start smashing the heads of suspected "dissidents".
Burning Berkeley to the ground just might improve the place.

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