Live Stream: RIOT WATCH - St Louis, MO ...

ST. LOUIS (AP) — Noisy demonstrators marched through two malls in an upscale area of suburban St. Louis Saturday to protest the acquittal of a white former St. Louis officer in the shooting of a black man, picking up after a night of mostly peaceful demonstrations that escalated into scattered acts of vandalism and violence.

A few hundred people walked through West County Center in Des Peres, an upscale community west of St. Louis, loudly chanting slogans such as “black lives matter” and “it is our duty to fight for our freedom” to decry the judge’s verdict Friday clearing ex-St. Louis police officer Jason Stockley of first-degree murder in the 2011 shooting death of Anthony Lamar Smith. A short time later, they demonstrated at Chesterfield Mall and at a festival featuring restaurant food from across the region. No arrests were reported at any of the demonstrations.

Today's protests sound real scary. LOL
Batten down the hatches at the mall!

The mall was closed for a time. Loss of business.
OMG! They got scared of the noisy white ladies?

The right to protest ends where the equally valid and important rights of others begin. When that point is reached, it is no longer protest, but anarchy.
They walked through the mall. A few hundred people. And then they left. If that's anarchy, I'm the Queen of Sheba.
How did that work out for Michael "The Charging Bull" Brown fans? BLM is so tough!!
Weird facts in this case though. Don't understand why the perp's prints were not on the handgun in his car but the officer's prints were. Even if you assume the gun was a plant, the officer would have to be fairly stupid not to wipe it down.
I saw him try to run over police officers, that's attempted murder. CASE DISMISSED! BLM is now 0 for 26 in matters like this.
Yeah he was acquitted but I'm just saying there are some odd facts in the case. The crimes committed by the perp don't have any impact on the crime that the officer was accused of. He could've been chasing the Devil himself but if he shot him five times and planted the gun, no amount of crimes committed by the Devil would mean the officer was innocent. You don't balance guilt, you try it one perp at a time.

After reviewing every frame of video...Judge says no way officer concealed a full sized revolver on his person. Officer wasn't even wearing a jacket.

Dindu nuffin defense strikes out again...these assholes will say anything...remember the "hands up, don't shoot" bullshit? All lies.
Again we have imbeciles who have no idea of the facts jumping to conclusions and wreaking havoc. And it is once again being allowed to happen because they have a filthy spineless coward democrat as mayor!

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St. Louis cop's acquittal triggers second day of protests
People are so mad so they tear their own shit up? most likely the protesters are not from that community
What did they tear up?
Business commerce for starters.
How did that work out for Michael "The Charging Bull" Brown fans? BLM is so tough!!
Weird facts in this case though. Don't understand why the perp's prints were not on the handgun in his car but the officer's prints were. Even if you assume the gun was a plant, the officer would have to be fairly stupid not to wipe it down.
I saw him try to run over police officers, that's attempted murder. CASE DISMISSED! BLM is now 0 for 26 in matters like this.
Yeah he was acquitted but I'm just saying there are some odd facts in the case. The crimes committed by the perp don't have any impact on the crime that the officer was accused of. He could've been chasing the Devil himself but if he shot him five times and planted the gun, no amount of crimes committed by the Devil would mean the officer was innocent. You don't balance guilt, you try it one perp at a time.

After reviewing every frame of video...Judge says no way officer concealed a full sized revolver on his person. Officer wasn't even wearing a jacket.

Dindu nuffin defense strikes out again...these assholes will say anything...remember the "hands up, don't shoot" bullshit? All lies.
That's cool. Then justice has been done. Just weird facts to me. No excuse for rioting though. St. Louis braces for more protests over cop's acquittal

And again you don't weigh relative crimes. You try them one at a time. Doesn't matter what the perp did if you don't fear for your life you don't shoot them five times.
We had 8 years of the most spiteful, spoiled punk, riot inciting president in history, everyone's beloved, carpet-headed, rodent-featured, inverted-crucifix-nosed, purple-lipped miscarried placenta of a president, Obamasshole. There has NEVER been a president under whom we've had more constant race riots. The Obamas are such chip-on-shoulder crybabies, that even in a race of disgusting, chip-on-shoulder crybabies, these two THINGS still manage to stand out!
How did that work out for Michael "The Charging Bull" Brown fans? BLM is so tough!!
Where's your link that anyone is burning anything up?
Today there was a peaceful stroll through two malls and outside a restaurant. A few hundred people.
Protesting yet another cop who got away with an unjustified shooting, looks like to me.
But anyway, when you put out false thread titles, people are going to start ignoring your threads. What if some day you wanted to tell the truth?
Think about it.
We had 8 years of the most spiteful, spoiled punk, riot inciting president in history, everyone's beloved, carpet-headed, rodent-featured, inverted-crucifix-nosed, purple-lipped miscarried placenta of a president, Obamasshole. There has NEVER been a president under whom we've had more constant race riots. The Obamas are such chip-on-shoulder crybabies, that even in a race of disgusting, chip-on-shoulder crybabies, these two THINGS still manage to stand out!
How many race riots have happened under Trump? And in just 8 months. He's going to break Barry's race riot record even faster than his golf and vacation records.
How did that work out for Michael "The Charging Bull" Brown fans? BLM is so tough!!
Weird facts in this case though. Don't understand why the perp's prints were not on the handgun in his car but the officer's prints were. Even if you assume the gun was a plant, the officer would have to be fairly stupid not to wipe it down.
I saw him try to run over police officers, that's attempted murder. CASE DISMISSED! BLM is now 0 for 26 in matters like this.
Yeah he was acquitted but I'm just saying there are some odd facts in the case. The crimes committed by the perp don't have any impact on the crime that the officer was accused of. He could've been chasing the Devil himself but if he shot him five times and planted the gun, no amount of crimes committed by the Devil would mean the officer was innocent. You don't balance guilt, you try it one perp at a time.

After reviewing every frame of video...Judge says no way officer concealed a full sized revolver on his person. Officer wasn't even wearing a jacket.

Dindu nuffin defense strikes out again...these assholes will say anything...remember the "hands up, don't shoot" bullshit? All lies.
That's cool. Then justice has been done. Just weird facts to me. No excuse for rioting though. St. Louis braces for more protests over cop's acquittal

And again you don't weigh relative crimes. You try them one at a time. Doesn't matter what the perp did if you don't fear for your life you don't shoot them five times.
Michael Brown deserved to be disposed of, along with Trey von Martin and all of the other yahoos that the sympathizer's think were without flaw...
ST. LOUIS (AP) — Noisy demonstrators marched through two malls in an upscale area of suburban St. Louis Saturday to protest the acquittal of a white former St. Louis officer in the shooting of a black man, picking up after a night of mostly peaceful demonstrations that escalated into scattered acts of vandalism and violence.

A few hundred people walked through West County Center in Des Peres, an upscale community west of St. Louis, loudly chanting slogans such as “black lives matter” and “it is our duty to fight for our freedom” to decry the judge’s verdict Friday clearing ex-St. Louis police officer Jason Stockley of first-degree murder in the 2011 shooting death of Anthony Lamar Smith. A short time later, they demonstrated at Chesterfield Mall and at a festival featuring restaurant food from across the region. No arrests were reported at any of the demonstrations.

Today's protests sound real scary. LOL
Batten down the hatches at the mall!

The mall was closed for a time. Loss of business.
OMG! They got scared of the noisy white ladies?

The right to protest ends where the equally valid and important rights of others begin. When that point is reached, it is no longer protest, but anarchy.
They walked through the mall. A few hundred people. And then they left. If that's anarchy, I'm the Queen of Sheba.

The merchants have the right to conduct business in an atmosphere conducive to it. That's why they pay rent and fees.
Weird facts in this case though. Don't understand why the perp's prints were not on the handgun in his car but the officer's prints were. Even if you assume the gun was a plant, the officer would have to be fairly stupid not to wipe it down.
I saw him try to run over police officers, that's attempted murder. CASE DISMISSED! BLM is now 0 for 26 in matters like this.
Yeah he was acquitted but I'm just saying there are some odd facts in the case. The crimes committed by the perp don't have any impact on the crime that the officer was accused of. He could've been chasing the Devil himself but if he shot him five times and planted the gun, no amount of crimes committed by the Devil would mean the officer was innocent. You don't balance guilt, you try it one perp at a time.

After reviewing every frame of video...Judge says no way officer concealed a full sized revolver on his person. Officer wasn't even wearing a jacket.

Dindu nuffin defense strikes out again...these assholes will say anything...remember the "hands up, don't shoot" bullshit? All lies.
That's cool. Then justice has been done. Just weird facts to me. No excuse for rioting though. St. Louis braces for more protests over cop's acquittal

And again you don't weigh relative crimes. You try them one at a time. Doesn't matter what the perp did if you don't fear for your life you don't shoot them five times.

Last night there were ten arrests. Not a technical riot I suppose but someone was into something.
Weird facts in this case though. Don't understand why the perp's prints were not on the handgun in his car but the officer's prints were. Even if you assume the gun was a plant, the officer would have to be fairly stupid not to wipe it down.
I saw him try to run over police officers, that's attempted murder. CASE DISMISSED! BLM is now 0 for 26 in matters like this.
Yeah he was acquitted but I'm just saying there are some odd facts in the case. The crimes committed by the perp don't have any impact on the crime that the officer was accused of. He could've been chasing the Devil himself but if he shot him five times and planted the gun, no amount of crimes committed by the Devil would mean the officer was innocent. You don't balance guilt, you try it one perp at a time.

After reviewing every frame of video...Judge says no way officer concealed a full sized revolver on his person. Officer wasn't even wearing a jacket.

Dindu nuffin defense strikes out again...these assholes will say anything...remember the "hands up, don't shoot" bullshit? All lies.
That's cool. Then justice has been done. Just weird facts to me. No excuse for rioting though. St. Louis braces for more protests over cop's acquittal

And again you don't weigh relative crimes. You try them one at a time. Doesn't matter what the perp did if you don't fear for your life you don't shoot them five times.

No one is rioting!? What, they're just playing catch with bottles, rocks and bricks.
I didn't claim that at all. I wasn't speaking about one specific incident, I'm speaking about the whole package, all incidents coming together to make people feel like they're being targeted. Now, this is whether what happens is real or not. For example there was the incident of the police officer trying to calm a white woman down. She said she was scared, she didn't want to get shot. Why would she think this? Because of the way a lot of this has been portrayed. The officer said she wasn't black, she wouldn't get shot. This ended up in the media which again perpetuates the whole thing that black people are targets.

Now, you can try blaming the media, but the media is a part of the system which is becoming more and more partisan every year. The problems are becoming worse each year and the two sides have more interest fighting each other than actually doing anything about anything.

That's the problem.

You don't care what color he is. Fine, but that doesn't change the facts that black people often feel like they're being treated differently by the police and others. And after suffering slavery, then segregation, then hidden racism or more overt racism since then, who can really blame them. Then you have political leaders who will always try and stir up the shit in order to further their agenda.

Until the US tries to solve its basic problems, like the way people vote, the two party system being corrupt and partisan as hell, then everything else is pointless. Because nothing will actually change.

They feel like they are being targeted...because they are.

African-Americans are 13% of the population of the United States, but commit 50% of the homicides and nearly 40% of the violent crimes.

If we assume an equal gender divide...nearly 40% of violent crimes and homicides are committed by SIX PERCENT of the population.

Again, when the witnesses identify a black male, or surveillance tapes show a black guy nearly 40% of the time, at 6% of the population, that's pretty fuckin' targeted.

I suppose law enforcement can waste their time and resources looking for a white guy the spirit of equality. Is that the liberal solution?

This is the factcheck from BBC Channel 4 to back up my statistics.

FactCheck: do black Americans commit more crime?

Yes, I understand this.

The question here is, why do black people commit more crimes?

Could it be that black people are more likely to be in poverty? Depending on who you listen to, it could be anywhere between like 20% and 30% of black people in poverty. But you have different levels of poverty, and you different levels of social issues, mostly inner city areas are more likely to produce criminals, and black people often live in large cities and they live in the poorer parts.

Detroit is the city (well things have changed quickly there, but based on these statistics) with the highest level of black population. It has 84.3% black population. Also Detroit has lost lots of industry. There are problems in the US with other places attracting businesses and getting tax breaks, and often it's going to hurt those people who are most in poverty.

Other larger cities with large black populations are the inner city places, Birmingham AL, Baltimore, etc etc.

Some people will say that it's blacks that have made these places bad, others might say that it's other reasons. The further you go back the more you see the problems, white people have been controlling things for so long, and black people have ended up with the menial jobs, and been kicked around by white people and made to feel like there's no hope. If two people went from a job in many places, who'd get the job? The white guy. So, these lack of hope can't have helped either. Everyone can make it in the US, but some people have to struggle against unfair bias far more and get frustrated and turn to crime in order to actually make it.
I don't buy it.

There are desperately poor areas in Appalachia and in various places in rural America. But we never see white people behaving the way blacks do: rioting, looting, whining, burning cars and buildings, destroying businesses, etc, etc. And you don't see them making excuses and blaming the whole world for their problems and struggles, either. There is much more at work here. It's a cultural problem as much as a poverty problem, imo.

The one thing that is crystal clear, is that making never-ending excuses for failure and lack of effort does not help.

You don't buy it? Does this mean it isn't true?

Like I said, inner city areas are more likely to end up with people committing crime.

White people probably know that they're at the bottom of the pile because of their own efforts. Black people might not see things like this. They might see racial prejudice as the reason for their position in society, regardless of whether this is true or not. And therefore they believe things are hopeless. Being in inner cities makes people's lives less personal, so they're more likely to commit crime because they don't have the fear of annoying their neighbors, or even being caught by the police.

This isn't necessarily about excuses. This is about seeing what's out there in the world.

The biggest problem is the US govt and many state govts don't want to solve societies issues, and that's the reason why the US has far more problems than Europe. However the right like to make things simple, by just blaming race.

The problem is that the Americas are the crime capital of the world, not Africa. Many countries in Africa have lower crimes rates than the USA, so is it just black people who are the problem? What about Honduras? Is that to blame on the black people too? No, there are hardly any there.
frigidweirdo said:
You don’t buy it? Does this mean it isn’t true?

Of course not, but I have a choice about what I believe. I was raised in an inner city and spent decades there, so my opinions are based on personal experience, not wishful thinking.

frigidweirdo said:
Like I said, inner city areas are more likely to end up with people committing crime.

Yes, like Baltimore, Detroit, New Orleans, etc, etc., all cities with large black populations in their inner cities? Yeah, I’d agree with that.

frigidweirdo said:
This isn’t necessarily about excuses. This is about seeing what’s out there in the world.

No, it’s not about “seeing what’s out there.” It’s about seeing what we choose to see “out there.”

frigidweirdo said:
White people probably know that they’re at the bottom of the pile because of their own efforts. Black people might not see things like this. They might see racial prejudice as the reason for their position in society, regardless of whether this is true or not. And therefore they believe things are hopeless. Being in inner cities makes people’s lives less personal, so they’re more likely to commit crime because they don’t have the fear of annoying their neighbors, or even being caught by the police.

If black people believe things are hopeless, then that will be true, for them. No one can make them believe in themselves, or in the value of getting an education, or in the value of hard work and thrift. These beliefs are either a part of a culture, or they are not. No one can change that but the people in question. That’s why I said most of the problems are cultural. That’s not to say there are not other issues involved. But if the cultural aspect is not addressed things will never improve, imo. And, only blacks can address their own cultural problems.

frigidweirdo said:
The biggest problem is the US govt and many state govts don’t want to solve societies issues, and that’s the reason why the US has far more problems than Europe. However the right like to make things simple, by just blaming race.

What “issues” is government supposed to solve. It IS NOT the business of government to do for people what they are NOT willing to do for themselves. And this has nothing to do with Europe.

frigidweirdo said:
The problem is that the Americas are the crime capital of the world, not Africa. Many countries in Africa have lower crimes rates than the USA, so is it just black people who are the problem? What about Honduras? Is that to blame on the black people too? No, there are hardly any there.

Blacks are thirteen percent of the population yet they commit an astronomical number of violent crimes (rape and murder, for instance) given the relative size of their population. I’m not an expert in crime statistics so I won’t get into a pissing contest with you about crime in Africa, or America. I couldn’t care less about Africa’s crime rates, or anything else for that matter.

But blacks DO commit loads of crime here, especially in the inner cities. But rather than make more excuses for their behavior, we should consider one huge factor that is always overlooked: the decision to commit a crime is a personal choice. IT IS A CHOICE. No one makes blacks loot and riot. No one make them gather together a mob and run through a mall stealing everything they can carry and attacking innocent people along the way. These are choices these people make for themselves. And they deserve to be sent to prison if they make those choices.

And here's one more thing that’s very interesting. Why is it that so many people immigrate here with nothing but the clothes on their backs, often not speaking English, having no friends, etc., yet through sheer hard work and determination THEY manage to carve out a life for themselves, earn a living, and succeed in modest, and sometimes huge ways. I’ve seen this over and over, with my own eyes, done by people I have known. One thing I’ve never heard these people do, is whine and moan, and blame everyone and everything for their own problems. These immigrants, legal and illegal, were far too busy working their asses off to complain and whine. And they had a secret weapon, too: a huge desire to work hard and improve their lives. They didn’t expect anyone to do anything for them. It’s a cultural thing.
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