Live Stream: RIOT WATCH - St Louis, MO ...

I saw him try to run over police officers, that's attempted murder. CASE DISMISSED! BLM is now 0 for 26 in matters like this.
Yeah he was acquitted but I'm just saying there are some odd facts in the case. The crimes committed by the perp don't have any impact on the crime that the officer was accused of. He could've been chasing the Devil himself but if he shot him five times and planted the gun, no amount of crimes committed by the Devil would mean the officer was innocent. You don't balance guilt, you try it one perp at a time.

After reviewing every frame of video...Judge says no way officer concealed a full sized revolver on his person. Officer wasn't even wearing a jacket.

Dindu nuffin defense strikes out again...these assholes will say anything...remember the "hands up, don't shoot" bullshit? All lies.
That's cool. Then justice has been done. Just weird facts to me. No excuse for rioting though. St. Louis braces for more protests over cop's acquittal

And again you don't weigh relative crimes. You try them one at a time. Doesn't matter what the perp did if you don't fear for your life you don't shoot them five times.

No one is rioting!? What, they're just playing catch with bottles, rocks and bricks.
The OP said protesters are burning up the town. They aren't. But any amount of unlawful activity is not consistent with peaceful protest.
ST. LOUIS (AP) — Noisy demonstrators marched through two malls in an upscale area of suburban St. Louis Saturday to protest the acquittal of a white former St. Louis officer in the shooting of a black man, picking up after a night of mostly peaceful demonstrations that escalated into scattered acts of vandalism and violence.

A few hundred people walked through West County Center in Des Peres, an upscale community west of St. Louis, loudly chanting slogans such as “black lives matter” and “it is our duty to fight for our freedom” to decry the judge’s verdict Friday clearing ex-St. Louis police officer Jason Stockley of first-degree murder in the 2011 shooting death of Anthony Lamar Smith. A short time later, they demonstrated at Chesterfield Mall and at a festival featuring restaurant food from across the region. No arrests were reported at any of the demonstrations.

Today's protests sound real scary. LOL
Batten down the hatches at the mall!

The mall was closed for a time. Loss of business.
OMG! They got scared of the noisy white ladies?

The right to protest ends where the equally valid and important rights of others begin. When that point is reached, it is no longer protest, but anarchy.
They walked through the mall. A few hundred people. And then they left. If that's anarchy, I'm the Queen of Sheba.

The merchants have the right to conduct business in an atmosphere conducive to it. That's why they pay rent and fees.
Oh, the horror.
Where will it all end, Billy?
The mall was closed for a time. Loss of business.
OMG! They got scared of the noisy white ladies?

The right to protest ends where the equally valid and important rights of others begin. When that point is reached, it is no longer protest, but anarchy.
They walked through the mall. A few hundred people. And then they left. If that's anarchy, I'm the Queen of Sheba.

The merchants have the right to conduct business in an atmosphere conducive to it. That's why they pay rent and fees.
Oh, the horror.
Where will it all end, Billy?

Who can say? Antifa has endorsed violence.
I saw him try to run over police officers, that's attempted murder. CASE DISMISSED! BLM is now 0 for 26 in matters like this.
Yeah he was acquitted but I'm just saying there are some odd facts in the case. The crimes committed by the perp don't have any impact on the crime that the officer was accused of. He could've been chasing the Devil himself but if he shot him five times and planted the gun, no amount of crimes committed by the Devil would mean the officer was innocent. You don't balance guilt, you try it one perp at a time.

After reviewing every frame of video...Judge says no way officer concealed a full sized revolver on his person. Officer wasn't even wearing a jacket.

Dindu nuffin defense strikes out again...these assholes will say anything...remember the "hands up, don't shoot" bullshit? All lies.
That's cool. Then justice has been done. Just weird facts to me. No excuse for rioting though. St. Louis braces for more protests over cop's acquittal

And again you don't weigh relative crimes. You try them one at a time. Doesn't matter what the perp did if you don't fear for your life you don't shoot them five times.

Last night there were ten arrests. Not a technical riot I suppose but someone was into something.
True, a small group of folks started shit with the police and got a face full of pepper spray, which is as it should be. Protest is okay. St. Louis is doing well NOT to have riots this weekend. Let's hope it stays that way.
I saw him try to run over police officers, that's attempted murder. CASE DISMISSED! BLM is now 0 for 26 in matters like this.
Yeah he was acquitted but I'm just saying there are some odd facts in the case. The crimes committed by the perp don't have any impact on the crime that the officer was accused of. He could've been chasing the Devil himself but if he shot him five times and planted the gun, no amount of crimes committed by the Devil would mean the officer was innocent. You don't balance guilt, you try it one perp at a time.

After reviewing every frame of video...Judge says no way officer concealed a full sized revolver on his person. Officer wasn't even wearing a jacket.

Dindu nuffin defense strikes out again...these assholes will say anything...remember the "hands up, don't shoot" bullshit? All lies.
That's cool. Then justice has been done. Just weird facts to me. No excuse for rioting though. St. Louis braces for more protests over cop's acquittal

And again you don't weigh relative crimes. You try them one at a time. Doesn't matter what the perp did if you don't fear for your life you don't shoot them five times.

No one is rioting!? What, they're just playing catch with bottles, rocks and bricks.
Those people got arrested last night as they should have.
It was a protest with some ill behaved protesters who learned their lesson fast. I suppose you called the protest at Berkeley a riot too. You should really learn the definitions of common words.
How did that work out for Michael "The Charging Bull" Brown fans? BLM is so tough!!
Weird facts in this case though. Don't understand why the perp's prints were not on the handgun in his car but the officer's prints were. Even if you assume the gun was a plant, the officer would have to be fairly stupid not to wipe it down.
I saw him try to run over police officers, that's attempted murder. CASE DISMISSED! BLM is now 0 for 26 in matters like this.
Yeah he was acquitted but I'm just saying there are some odd facts in the case. The crimes committed by the perp don't have any impact on the crime that the officer was accused of. He could've been chasing the Devil himself but if he shot him five times and planted the gun, no amount of crimes committed by the Devil would mean the officer was innocent. You don't balance guilt, you try it one perp at a time.

Yeah, so weird the maobama DOJ declined to even attempt to pursue a constitutional rights violations case against the officer. This situation occurred 3 years before the Brown case.

Yeah he was acquitted but I'm just saying there are some odd facts in the case. The crimes committed by the perp don't have any impact on the crime that the officer was accused of. He could've been chasing the Devil himself but if he shot him five times and planted the gun, no amount of crimes committed by the Devil would mean the officer was innocent. You don't balance guilt, you try it one perp at a time.

After reviewing every frame of video...Judge says no way officer concealed a full sized revolver on his person. Officer wasn't even wearing a jacket.

Dindu nuffin defense strikes out again...these assholes will say anything...remember the "hands up, don't shoot" bullshit? All lies.
That's cool. Then justice has been done. Just weird facts to me. No excuse for rioting though. St. Louis braces for more protests over cop's acquittal

And again you don't weigh relative crimes. You try them one at a time. Doesn't matter what the perp did if you don't fear for your life you don't shoot them five times.

No one is rioting!? What, they're just playing catch with bottles, rocks and bricks.
Those people got arrested last night as they should have.
It was a protest with some ill behaved protesters who learned their lesson fast. I suppose you called the protest at Berkeley a riot too. You should really learn the definitions of common words.

Hmmm…riot is only a common word these days because of you fricken clowns.
Weird facts in this case though. Don't understand why the perp's prints were not on the handgun in his car but the officer's prints were. Even if you assume the gun was a plant, the officer would have to be fairly stupid not to wipe it down.
I saw him try to run over police officers, that's attempted murder. CASE DISMISSED! BLM is now 0 for 26 in matters like this.
Yeah he was acquitted but I'm just saying there are some odd facts in the case. The crimes committed by the perp don't have any impact on the crime that the officer was accused of. He could've been chasing the Devil himself but if he shot him five times and planted the gun, no amount of crimes committed by the Devil would mean the officer was innocent. You don't balance guilt, you try it one perp at a time.

After reviewing every frame of video...Judge says no way officer concealed a full sized revolver on his person. Officer wasn't even wearing a jacket.

Dindu nuffin defense strikes out again...these assholes will say anything...remember the "hands up, don't shoot" bullshit? All lies.
That's cool. Then justice has been done. Just weird facts to me. No excuse for rioting though. St. Louis braces for more protests over cop's acquittal

And again you don't weigh relative crimes. You try them one at a time. Doesn't matter what the perp did if you don't fear for your life you don't shoot them five times.

Tell that to the female cop that got her jaw broken by a freaking brick.

How did that work out for Michael "The Charging Bull" Brown fans? BLM is so tough!!
Weird facts in this case though. Don't understand why the perp's prints were not on the handgun in his car but the officer's prints were. Even if you assume the gun was a plant, the officer would have to be fairly stupid not to wipe it down.
I saw him try to run over police officers, that's attempted murder. CASE DISMISSED! BLM is now 0 for 26 in matters like this.
Yeah he was acquitted but I'm just saying there are some odd facts in the case. The crimes committed by the perp don't have any impact on the crime that the officer was accused of. He could've been chasing the Devil himself but if he shot him five times and planted the gun, no amount of crimes committed by the Devil would mean the officer was innocent. You don't balance guilt, you try it one perp at a time.

Yeah, so weird the maobama DOJ declined to even attempt to pursue a constitutional rights violations case against the officer. This situation occurred 3 years before the Brown case.


The International Court of Justice in the Hague also declined to pursue him so that must mean he's that much more innocent, right? You do understand what it takes to charge someone with a federal crime of deprivation of constitutional rights? A prima facie case takes much more than one incident. But thanks for playing.
I saw him try to run over police officers, that's attempted murder. CASE DISMISSED! BLM is now 0 for 26 in matters like this.
Yeah he was acquitted but I'm just saying there are some odd facts in the case. The crimes committed by the perp don't have any impact on the crime that the officer was accused of. He could've been chasing the Devil himself but if he shot him five times and planted the gun, no amount of crimes committed by the Devil would mean the officer was innocent. You don't balance guilt, you try it one perp at a time.

After reviewing every frame of video...Judge says no way officer concealed a full sized revolver on his person. Officer wasn't even wearing a jacket.

Dindu nuffin defense strikes out again...these assholes will say anything...remember the "hands up, don't shoot" bullshit? All lies.
That's cool. Then justice has been done. Just weird facts to me. No excuse for rioting though. St. Louis braces for more protests over cop's acquittal

And again you don't weigh relative crimes. You try them one at a time. Doesn't matter what the perp did if you don't fear for your life you don't shoot them five times.

Tell that to the female cop that got her jaw broken by a freaking brick.

Ouch! I bet she didn't call it a riot, either, though. What she might have called the protesters, I don't want to think, but she had the right.
Poor thing.
We had 8 years of the most spiteful, spoiled punk, riot inciting president in history, everyone's beloved, carpet-headed, rodent-featured, inverted-crucifix-nosed, purple-lipped miscarried placenta of a president, Obamasshole. There has NEVER been a president under whom we've had more constant race riots. The Obamas are such chip-on-shoulder crybabies, that even in a race of disgusting, chip-on-shoulder crybabies, these two THINGS still manage to stand out!
How many race riots have happened under Trump? And in just 8 months. He's going to break Barry's race riot record even faster than his golf and vacation records.

What the fuck fantasies are you talking about???? When a black career criminal thug gets what he deserves, Trump is NOT the one who inserts himself into the situation (when presidents have no business getting involved in local crime matters anyway) and LIES and says it was an innocent black man murdered by racist cops, as Obamaggot spent his regime doing!!! Obama said himself to the Ferguson rioters in late 2014, "Stay the course." I saw the interview, I SAW the words come out of Obama's purple-lipped triangular mouth. So don't even LIE and say that Obama didn't incite race riots. I've seen it with that blatant black racist, Sharpton-human-condom multiple times! For Chrissakes, he openly supported the violent hate group Black Lives Fecal Matter and had them visit the WH multiple times!
How did that work out for Michael "The Charging Bull" Brown fans? BLM is so tough!!
Weird facts in this case though. Don't understand why the perp's prints were not on the handgun in his car but the officer's prints were. Even if you assume the gun was a plant, the officer would have to be fairly stupid not to wipe it down.
I saw him try to run over police officers, that's attempted murder. CASE DISMISSED! BLM is now 0 for 26 in matters like this.
Yeah he was acquitted but I'm just saying there are some odd facts in the case. The crimes committed by the perp don't have any impact on the crime that the officer was accused of. He could've been chasing the Devil himself but if he shot him five times and planted the gun, no amount of crimes committed by the Devil would mean the officer was innocent. You don't balance guilt, you try it one perp at a time.

Yeah, so weird the maobama DOJ declined to even attempt to pursue a constitutional rights violations case against the officer. This situation occurred 3 years before the Brown case.


The International Court of Justice in the Hague also declined to pursue him so that must mean he's that much more innocent, right? You do understand what it takes to charge someone with a federal crime of deprivation of constitutional rights? A prima facie case takes much more than one incident. But thanks for playing.

LMAO, tell that to Wilson and Zimmerman, both were investigated by Holders DOJ for rights violations.

We had 8 years of the most spiteful, spoiled punk, riot inciting president in history, everyone's beloved, carpet-headed, rodent-featured, inverted-crucifix-nosed, purple-lipped miscarried placenta of a president, Obamasshole. There has NEVER been a president under whom we've had more constant race riots. The Obamas are such chip-on-shoulder crybabies, that even in a race of disgusting, chip-on-shoulder crybabies, these two THINGS still manage to stand out!
How many race riots have happened under Trump? And in just 8 months. He's going to break Barry's race riot record even faster than his golf and vacation records.

What the fuck fantasies are you talking about???? When a black career criminal thug gets what he deserves, Trump is NOT the one who inserts himself into the situation (when presidents have no business getting involved in local crime matters anyway) and LIES and says it was an innocent black man murdered by racist cops, as Obamaggot spent his regime doing!!! Obama said himself to the Ferguson rioters in late 2014, "Stay the course." I saw the interview, I SAW the words come out of Obama's purple-lipped triangular mouth. So don't even LIE and say that Obama didn't incite race riots. I've seen it with that blatant black racist, Sharpton-human-condom multiple times!
Duh. Trump wants black people to be murdered. It shores up his base.
As a D.C. resident, I know what riots look like and what impact they have. I recall how freaked out Momma was -- I was in the 6th grade at the time and she came to get me from my school in the serene shadow of the National Cathedral -- and we were nowhere near the riots. The protests in the St. Louis area are not at all riots.



correction to my post # 120
blacks said they want to kill people--that is not exactly true
they want to kill white people
They kill more blacks It's in the book
yes I know...they murder at over SEVEN times the rate of whites, and most of their victims are blacks
I was quoting the headline and quote of BLM
caps and bold for emphasis on;y
I believe you now
Blacks who commit homicide do so at a rate about 7.5 times larger than whites who commit homicide. The trend in black homicide correlates well with the change in overall homicide. This disparity also exists for other crimes: blacks commit them at about 7-10 times the rates of whites.

Going on a suggestion made by reader JH when we first examined the homicide statistics1, I put both races together on one plot to make comparisons fair.

First is the homicide rate for Blacks and Whites, over-plotted with the homicide victim rate for both groups, finally over-plotted with the overall homicide rate (taken from the post on guns and homicides).

Figure 1
Note that the blue line is scaled to the right vertical axis, and is the overall homicide rate (as estimated by the FBI and Census). The black lines are killers, and the red victims. The dashed are Blacks, the solid Whites. (See this post for separate pictures of each race, where the general decline of White homicide rates, and its slight upward bump in 1990 is more visible.)

Obviously, the overall homicide rate correlates nicely with the Black rates. In an odd coincidence, according to the FBI the number of Black victims is almost identical to the number of White victims.

Whatever is happening in Black populations is largely responsible for the decline in homicide rates.

One thing is more or less constant: the rates for Black killers are much higher than for White killers, as this picture which shows the ratio of rates demonstrates:

Add in income to see the two races almost equal.
Yeah he was acquitted but I'm just saying there are some odd facts in the case. The crimes committed by the perp don't have any impact on the crime that the officer was accused of. He could've been chasing the Devil himself but if he shot him five times and planted the gun, no amount of crimes committed by the Devil would mean the officer was innocent. You don't balance guilt, you try it one perp at a time.

After reviewing every frame of video...Judge says no way officer concealed a full sized revolver on his person. Officer wasn't even wearing a jacket.

Dindu nuffin defense strikes out again...these assholes will say anything...remember the "hands up, don't shoot" bullshit? All lies.
That's cool. Then justice has been done. Just weird facts to me. No excuse for rioting though. St. Louis braces for more protests over cop's acquittal

And again you don't weigh relative crimes. You try them one at a time. Doesn't matter what the perp did if you don't fear for your life you don't shoot them five times.

Tell that to the female cop that got her jaw broken by a freaking brick.

Ouch! I bet she didn't call it a riot, either, though. What she might have called the protesters, I don't want to think, but she had the right.
Poor thing.

I think you're engaging in some stink'n think'n. They also vandalized a police car and the mayors house. Fortunately there were on wide spread riots, there were localized incidents of rioting.


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