Live Stream: RIOT WATCH - St Louis, MO ...

Sonny Sonny Sonny. Your arguing with a FZ nigga. He is ignorant just like a dumb fucking animal. You need to deal with these dumb ass fz niggaz different. Now me I look at it like deer hunting. Just set up a thread and put out a salt block and kick back in your tree stand. When one of the fz niggaz comes out of the trees to the open field just bust em.

Now I'm telling you as a friend these fz niggaz are a special kind of stupid. In the animal world they are like armadillos on the highway. By attitude alone they are niggaz. And it's time to start treating them like what they are.

I try to reason with them, but fail at every turn. They just don't seen interested in anything except mud slinging, childish taunting, and accusing people of shit without anything solid to base it on. I've been trying for hours to get them to see that their bullshit is full of holes, and can easily be debunk. When they run out of twists and turns to their lies and baseless accusations, they quickly turn the conversation to something else. Honestly speaking, I've dealt with children that are easier to get a point across to. At least children can understand something after the fourth or fifth time you explain something to them.

These idiots only know shit stirring and silly games, that's it, nothing else. You should go read the conversations that I've had with them today, especially the conversation with G.T.. That asshole has shit for brains.
They are niggaz Sonny. And when a nigga goes feral is just like a dog going mad. Cyber treat them like Ol Yeller.
They're beyond hope. People like that are just plain garbage, disgusting trash.
Their just niggaz. The fz ain't nothing but one big nigga farm. And these niggaz is dumber then mules.
You got your basic lazy ass niggaz here and your inner city niggaz but they are niggaz.
Look what they have turned flame Friday back into. They look like a poor ass group of porch monkeys yelling shit from the porch.

Ain't no pride in what they do because their niggaz. They got no content because they are niggaz. I don't care what color or faith they are they ARE niggaz. They way the hell a long way from being good enough to call Negro's. Because they ain't. They niggaz.
That certainly appears to be the case.

Some are lower than that ........................................ just saying
ohhh so youre a racist now too?
The problem is that the Americas are the crime capital of the world, not Africa.

No doubt the "brown" savages in Mexico and south from there are quite uncivilized. As far as Africa, are you insane? That is worse than the most violent Central or South American country.

South Africa which was actually a White area before Negroes arrived and was at one time one of the safest places on Earth for all races there. Now it is as unsafe as any area occupied by low IQ criminally inclined savages.

There is a crazy racist dude on this site that claims Blacks taught Whites twice about civilization. :p So insane. Funny but also sad. Being delusional is no way to go through life.

So, when was South Africa a white country exactly?
Currently, we are living in the most racially equal country in the history of our species
No we are not. In terms of racial equality the USA stands entirely in the shadow Canada and Britain.

yet this victim mentality that all types of people have, black and white, is hindering our progress.
The so- called victim mentality you throw around so freely is really reactionism aimed at real threats to the Black community orchestrated and carried out by some government thugs in police uniforms.

Today I witnessed a reporter doing nothing other than his job, which was to cover the verdict at the scene, get harassed, sworn at and even have things thrown at him. He wasn't acting racist. He wasn't doing anything wrong at all. He was in fact helping the protesters cause by giving them more coverage. Yet he was disrespected and humiliated.
I don't believe for a moment that most white journalist have black interests in mind when they write their media input.BTW If it was a Breitbart or Fox News reporter THATwas intimidated he got what he/she deserved.

And the mob of black people who were bullying and chasing this man were allowed to get away with it because well, they're upset and they are the ultimate victims in our society so it's okay.

Must have been a Fox News or Breitbart reporter.

The problem is that this is happening to all people. Kids are brought up seeing and learning that the people who cry the most and scream loudest get special attention.
Thats been the case for thousands if years.

They don't have to work as hard to achieve the thing they want. Generations are growing up entitled, lazy and loud when they don't get their way, because they are being taught that this is what's normal. Being taught that everyone's a victim of the government or "the man" and you can blame all your poor choices on them is terrible for

Thats plain fantasy. Most Blacks are God-fearing Christians who work hard for a living.
I guess you don't see them...they must be invisible.

Turns out colour doesn't mean anything in terms of economic equality anymore. Barack Obama just served two terms as President therefore an argument for racial bias on a societal level is invalid.
There are at least three so called societal levels...white, honorary white snd black. All three levels have been socially conditioned to believe that white is superior to black.
That includes the Obamas. But more on point...don't try to make Obamas successful campaigns for the presidecy a sign of thr times. RW white males, and the women who love them tried their damnest to stop him both times.

We live in a fact-less society, where people believe unproven things because everyone else believes it. That's what religion is. A delusion. Mass hysteria of the highest scale and we are seeing it again in this "age of government oppression", which does not exist anywhere except in the minds of the "born victims" generation
Often the very "proof" we seek is tainted by bias.and is frequently worthless except for
use as ammunition that cannot be verified.
Most of us , right, left, or in the middle tend to follow media that supports our own views.
Many on the right shut out the opposition and declare it to be fake news no matter how factual the ipoint might be.

Humanity has to keep moving forward and the only way this will happen is if we move forward from the injustices of the past, and recognise our fellow human as our equal and our partner in the business that is life.

Sounds good. But the past injustices keep reoccurring with increasing frequency.
Incorrect. The forensics team stated his wounds were consistent with reaching for a gun...and just because the gun didn't have his DNA on it. Doesn't mean he didn't touch it.

Now run along douchebag and
Don't have a hissy fit because your anti cop bullshit fell apart.
The wounds were consistent with being shot 5 times with racist, premeditated bullets, you stupid bitch.
Incorrect again.

It proved the police officer didn't plant any gun.

Again the liberal anti cop rhetoric fails.

Maybe you should read up on the forensics of the case. And stop relying on your delusions.
I understand the lack of a 'y' chromosome prohibits you from having a full memory of the events and wreaks havoc on your cognitive ability, so maybe you shouldn't argue with men?
Incorrect. The forensics team stated his wounds were consistent with reaching for a gun...and just because the gun didn't have his DNA on it. Doesn't mean he didn't touch it.

Now run along douchebag and
Don't have a hissy fit because your anti cop bullshit fell apart.
The wounds were consistent with being shot 5 times with racist, premeditated bullets, you stupid bitch.
Big brave man (debatable) is afraid to read the forensics files on the case. Lest he be found to be the dumbass he really is.

So sad.
these blacks are being shot for being resisting/attacking criminals--in self defense
what don't you and these protesters understand about that?
they are not being shot because they are black
We saw the vids, asshole. Stop lying on the dead.
you do agree, the police have the right to self defense, yes or no?
you were not there, yes or no ..STFU
you don't know what happened there--NOTHING
all of blacks' martyrs are CRIMINALS--resisting arrest !!! all of them
wow....they sure do love their criminals
Big brave man (debatable) is afraid to read the forensics files on the case. Lest he be found to be the dumbass he really is.

So sad.
It's a little hard to do that when you haven't posted it.
Poor helpless libtard can't seem to find the facts of the case to read... but whines like a butthurt baby when others have.

Sounds about right.
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1. the blacks protest because they think he was shot because of his skin color !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. it was a drug dealer !!!!!!!!!!!!!
they LOVE drug dealers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
they must WANT drug dealers around
don't shoot the drug dealers, who are RESISTING arrest and are a threat ...............??? !!??

blacks will always be at the bottom if they think this way...not because of racism or the evil police
they will always graduate at lower levels
Gilbert Flores murder is beyond reasonable doubt we have bad police training & corrupt cops covering for each others crimes.

"In his report, Rodriguez writes that it’s “extremely naïve” to think Flores, even with his hands raised and standing at least 20 feet away, wasn’t an imminent threat at the moment officers shot and killed him.

Rodriguez is a familiar figure in police shooting cases. By his own estimate, he trained tens of thousands of the state’s licensed peace officers during his 16-year stint as DPS training academy director."
Gilbert Flores murder is beyond reasonable doubt we have bad police training & corrupt cops covering for each others crimes.

"In his report, Rodriguez writes that it’s “extremely naïve” to think Flores, even with his hands raised and standing at least 20 feet away, wasn’t an imminent threat at the moment officers shot and killed him.

Rodriguez is a familiar figure in police shooting cases. By his own estimate, he trained tens of thousands of the state’s licensed peace officers during his 16-year stint as DPS training academy director."

Gilbert Flores murder is beyond reasonable doubt we have bad police training & corrupt cops covering for each others crimes.

"In his report, Rodriguez writes that it’s “extremely naïve” to think Flores, even with his hands raised and standing at least 20 feet away, wasn’t an imminent threat at the moment officers shot and killed him.

Rodriguez is a familiar figure in police shooting cases. By his own estimate, he trained tens of thousands of the state’s licensed peace officers during his 16-year stint as DPS training academy director."
in 2011, there were over 30 MILLION calls for police assistance --this isn't counting traffic stops
there were about 950 people killed by police last year
please do the math on how many times police kill per times they are called
humans are imperfect ...there will always be errors/bad judgement/accidents/etc
but by the numbers you see here, there is NOT a chronic, major problem with police shootings
Gilbert Flores murder is beyond reasonable doubt we have bad police training & corrupt cops covering for each others crimes.

"In his report, Rodriguez writes that it’s “extremely naïve” to think Flores, even with his hands raised and standing at least 20 feet away, wasn’t an imminent threat at the moment officers shot and killed him.

Rodriguez is a familiar figure in police shooting cases. By his own estimate, he trained tens of thousands of the state’s licensed peace officers during his 16-year stint as DPS training academy director."

Dear repubtard, His hands were in the air as cops had guns aimed at safe distance of 33 feet away when they murdered him. Police have safe jobs not even in the top 10 dangerous jobs. They are overpaid thugs that retire rich on pensions bankrupting taxpayers. Cab drivers get shot far more than cops! If citizens can't get justice then riots will grow & more corrupt cops will get assassinated .
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for as many times as police have to deal with jerks/as******psychos/ RESISTING CRIMINALS/etc, I think they are doing a fantastic job at NOT shooting so much--per my statistics in previous post
Gilbert Flores murder is beyond reasonable doubt we have bad police training & corrupt cops covering for each others crimes.

"In his report, Rodriguez writes that it’s “extremely naïve” to think Flores, even with his hands raised and standing at least 20 feet away, wasn’t an imminent threat at the moment officers shot and killed him.

Rodriguez is a familiar figure in police shooting cases. By his own estimate, he trained tens of thousands of the state’s licensed peace officers during his 16-year stint as DPS training academy director."

Dear repubtard, His hands were in the air empty as cops had guns aimed at him at over 33 feet away when they murdered him. Police have safe jobs not even in the top 10 dangerous jobs. They are overpaid thugs that retire rich on pensions bankrupting taxpayers. Cab drivers & truckers get shot far more than cops! If citizens can't get justice then riots will grow & more corrupt cops will get assassinated .

1) I am not a Republican.

2) I have not seen the evidence. Have you? Or are you proceeding solely from what you have been told by others who haven't seen it?

3) So far as reported, the judge in the case is beyond reproach.

4) Your last statement is unmitigated nonsense. Protests will be permitted to reach a certain point and then they will be stopped, with brute force if necessary.
The problem is that the Americas are the crime capital of the world, not Africa.

No doubt the "brown" savages in Mexico and south from there are quite uncivilized. As far as Africa, are you insane? That is worse than the most violent Central or South American country.

South Africa which was actually a White area before Negroes arrived and was at one time one of the safest places on Earth for all races there. Now it is as unsafe as any area occupied by low IQ criminally inclined savages.

There is a crazy racist dude on this site that claims Blacks taught Whites twice about civilization. :p So insane. Funny but also sad. Being delusional is no way to go through life.

Rhodesia is another case study of what happens when formerly white run countries get taken over by blacks.

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