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Add up all the people killed in 9/11, and all the soldiers killed in all of our wars since then and then add a few more, and you will have about as many people as cops shoot and kill each year. 55,000 You don't think there is something wrong with that?
So bullpup, if these same people burned your house down in protest. You would fell the same?
Add up all the people killed in 9/11, and all the soldiers killed in all of our wars since then and then add a few more, and you will have about as many people as cops shoot and kill each year. 55,000 You don't think there is something wrong with that?
So bullpup, if these same people burned your house down in protest. You would fell the same?

The numbers have nothing to do with what anyone feels.
Add up all the people killed in 9/11, and all the soldiers killed in all of our wars since then and then add a few more, and you will have about as many people as cops shoot and kill each year. 55,000 You don't think there is something wrong with that?
So bullpup, if these same people burned your house down in protest. You would fell the same?

The numbers have nothing to do with what anyone feels.
I asked you if they burned your house down, would you still defend them? Or maybe hurt a loved one? That's yes or no.
Add up all the people killed in 9/11, and all the soldiers killed in all of our wars since then and then add a few more, and you will have about as many people as cops shoot and kill each year. 55,000 You don't think there is something wrong with that?
Link please?

I must modify my statement. Instead of shot or killed, it was killed or injured. I was wrong, but it was inadvertent. The numbers are accurate.
US police killed or injured more than 55,000 people in one year
Study: 55,000 Killed or Injured in Police Interactions in 2012
2977 were killed in 911
September 11th Fast Facts - CNN
About 5000 american soldiers killed in wars since 9/11
What Are The Iraq And Afghanistan Casualty Statistics?

So what? Cops put their lives on the line every day. Are you saying that these incidents were illegal? If so, provide evidence for each case.
Add up all the people killed in 9/11, and all the soldiers killed in all of our wars since then and then add a few more, and you will have about as many people as cops shoot and kill each year. 55,000 You don't think there is something wrong with that?
So bullpup, if these same people burned your house down in protest. You would fell the same?

The numbers have nothing to do with what anyone feels.
I asked you if they burned your house down, would you still defend them? Or maybe hurt a loved one? That's yes or no.

Stupid question. Of course I would have large problems with anyone who did that. What does that have to do with anything?
Add up all the people killed in 9/11, and all the soldiers killed in all of our wars since then and then add a few more, and you will have about as many people as cops shoot and kill each year. 55,000 You don't think there is something wrong with that?
So bullpup, if these same people burned your house down in protest. You would fell the same?

The numbers have nothing to do with what anyone feels.
I asked you if they burned your house down, would you still defend them? Or maybe hurt a loved one? That's yes or no.

Stupid question. Of course I would have large problems with anyone who did that. What does that have to do with anything?
You seem to sympothyize with the protesters. Even when they break the law.
Possible. feel free to add them up for yourself.

After your clarification it makes more sense. You run from the cops and they tackle you, you have been injured in a police interaction. A criminal crashes a car in a high speed pursuit, everyone in the car and the car they hit was technically injured in during a police interaction. And the way liberals like to work the numbers, it likely include officers injured by perpetrators.

Once again, don't run and you won't be injured. So simply, yet so difficult to get liberals to comprehend.

Reinstate the fleeing felon rule. Less innocent people injured, less police injured, criminals less likely to flee, so they are also less injured. Win/win/win!
Add up all the people killed in 9/11, and all the soldiers killed in all of our wars since then and then add a few more, and you will have about as many people as cops shoot and kill each year. 55,000 You don't think there is something wrong with that?
So bullpup, if these same people burned your house down in protest. You would fell the same?

The numbers have nothing to do with what anyone feels.
I asked you if they burned your house down, would you still defend them? Or maybe hurt a loved one? That's yes or no.

Stupid question. Of course I would have large problems with anyone who did that. What does that have to do with anything?
Bull dog, you would have to put that number, 55,000 in proper perspective. There are 326,625,791 people in the US. What is that? One shooting per 6000? There are certainly more crimes than one in 6000 people!
You're black, so we'll shoot you. Then you say that black people should stop being black because they're giving the police a reason to shoot them. Holy sheets.

A heroin dealer ignored police commands, tried to run over an officer, attempted to elude police in an 80 mile an hour car chase, reached for a gun in the vehicle...but they only shot him because he's black.

You sir are the problem.

No, I'm not. But hey, you keep saying that.

The problems are large, and actually the way the police act isn't getting close to it.

The problem is the whole political system, the voters and the like. Nothing's changing, the US seems to want to keep the trash in the yard, rather than clean up.
You're black, so we'll shoot you. Then you say that black people should stop being black because they're giving the police a reason to shoot them. Holy sheets.

A heroin dealer ignored police commands, tried to run over an officer, attempted to elude police in an 80 mile an hour car chase, reached for a gun in the vehicle...but they only shot him because he's black.

You sir are the problem.

No, I'm not. But hey, you keep saying that.

The problems are large, and actually the way the police act isn't getting close to it.

The problem is the whole political system, the voters and the like. Nothing's changing, the US seems to want to keep the trash in the yard, rather than clean up.
But, Trump wants to "Drain the Swamp!" He agrees with you!
You're black, so we'll shoot you. Then you say that black people should stop being black because they're giving the police a reason to shoot them. Holy sheets.

A heroin dealer ignored police commands, tried to run over an officer, attempted to elude police in an 80 mile an hour car chase, reached for a gun in the vehicle...but they only shot him because he's black.

You sir are the problem.

No, I'm not. But hey, you keep saying that.

The problems are large, and actually the way the police act isn't getting close to it.

The problem is the whole political system, the voters and the like. Nothing's changing, the US seems to want to keep the trash in the yard, rather than clean up.

Again...A heroin dealer ignored police commands, tried to run over an officer, attempted to elude police in an 80 mile an hour car chase, reached for a gun in the vehicle...but YOU claim they only shot him because he's black.

They shot him because he was a criminal with a gun who thought it was his right to endanger everyone in his path engaging in a high speed chase.

I don't give a flying fuck what color he is...dig him up and shoot him again.
The left and the BLM and ANTIFA freaks are a desperation failed attempt to change public opinion.
You're black, so we'll shoot you. Then you say that black people should stop being black because they're giving the police a reason to shoot them. Holy sheets.

A heroin dealer ignored police commands, tried to run over an officer, attempted to elude police in an 80 mile an hour car chase, reached for a gun in the vehicle...but they only shot him because he's black.

You sir are the problem.

No, I'm not. But hey, you keep saying that.

The problems are large, and actually the way the police act isn't getting close to it.

The problem is the whole political system, the voters and the like. Nothing's changing, the US seems to want to keep the trash in the yard, rather than clean up.
But, Trump wants to "Drain the Swamp!" He agrees with you!

Actually he doesn't. He's not proposing a change to the way people vote at all, he's not proposing changing the system.
You're black, so we'll shoot you. Then you say that black people should stop being black because they're giving the police a reason to shoot them. Holy sheets.

A heroin dealer ignored police commands, tried to run over an officer, attempted to elude police in an 80 mile an hour car chase, reached for a gun in the vehicle...but they only shot him because he's black.

You sir are the problem.

No, I'm not. But hey, you keep saying that.

The problems are large, and actually the way the police act isn't getting close to it.

The problem is the whole political system, the voters and the like. Nothing's changing, the US seems to want to keep the trash in the yard, rather than clean up.

Again...A heroin dealer ignored police commands, tried to run over an officer, attempted to elude police in an 80 mile an hour car chase, reached for a gun in the vehicle...but YOU claim they only shot him because he's black.

They shot him because he was a criminal with a gun who thought it was his right to endanger everyone in his path engaging in a high speed chase.

I don't give a flying fuck what color he is...dig him up and shoot him again.

I didn't claim that at all. I wasn't speaking about one specific incident, I'm speaking about the whole package, all incidents coming together to make people feel like they're being targeted. Now, this is whether what happens is real or not. For example there was the incident of the police officer trying to calm a white woman down. She said she was scared, she didn't want to get shot. Why would she think this? Because of the way a lot of this has been portrayed. The officer said she wasn't black, she wouldn't get shot. This ended up in the media which again perpetuates the whole thing that black people are targets.

Now, you can try blaming the media, but the media is a part of the system which is becoming more and more partisan every year. The problems are becoming worse each year and the two sides have more interest fighting each other than actually doing anything about anything.

That's the problem.

You don't care what color he is. Fine, but that doesn't change the facts that black people often feel like they're being treated differently by the police and others. And after suffering slavery, then segregation, then hidden racism or more overt racism since then, who can really blame them. Then you have political leaders who will always try and stir up the shit in order to further their agenda.

Until the US tries to solve its basic problems, like the way people vote, the two party system being corrupt and partisan as hell, then everything else is pointless. Because nothing will actually change.
The left and the BLM and ANTIFA freaks are a desperation failed attempt to change public opinion.


The Antifa people had an impact on many on the left, the Neo-Nazis has an impact on those on the right.

I wouldn't call that failed.
I didn't claim that at all. I wasn't speaking about one specific incident, I'm speaking about the whole package, all incidents coming together to make people feel like they're being targeted. Now, this is whether what happens is real or not. For example there was the incident of the police officer trying to calm a white woman down. She said she was scared, she didn't want to get shot. Why would she think this? Because of the way a lot of this has been portrayed. The officer said she wasn't black, she wouldn't get shot. This ended up in the media which again perpetuates the whole thing that black people are targets.

Now, you can try blaming the media, but the media is a part of the system which is becoming more and more partisan every year. The problems are becoming worse each year and the two sides have more interest fighting each other than actually doing anything about anything.

That's the problem.

You don't care what color he is. Fine, but that doesn't change the facts that black people often feel like they're being treated differently by the police and others. And after suffering slavery, then segregation, then hidden racism or more overt racism since then, who can really blame them. Then you have political leaders who will always try and stir up the shit in order to further their agenda.

Until the US tries to solve its basic problems, like the way people vote, the two party system being corrupt and partisan as hell, then everything else is pointless. Because nothing will actually change.

They feel like they are being targeted...because they are.

African-Americans are 13% of the population of the United States, but commit 50% of the homicides and nearly 40% of the violent crimes.

If we assume an equal gender divide...nearly 40% of violent crimes and homicides are committed by SIX PERCENT of the population.

Again, when the witnesses identify a black male, or surveillance tapes show a black guy nearly 40% of the time, at 6% of the population, that's pretty fuckin' targeted.

I suppose law enforcement can waste their time and resources looking for a white guy the spirit of equality. Is that the liberal solution?

This is the factcheck from BBC Channel 4 to back up my statistics.

FactCheck: do black Americans commit more crime?
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I didn't claim that at all. I wasn't speaking about one specific incident, I'm speaking about the whole package, all incidents coming together to make people feel like they're being targeted. Now, this is whether what happens is real or not. For example there was the incident of the police officer trying to calm a white woman down. She said she was scared, she didn't want to get shot. Why would she think this? Because of the way a lot of this has been portrayed. The officer said she wasn't black, she wouldn't get shot. This ended up in the media which again perpetuates the whole thing that black people are targets.

Now, you can try blaming the media, but the media is a part of the system which is becoming more and more partisan every year. The problems are becoming worse each year and the two sides have more interest fighting each other than actually doing anything about anything.

That's the problem.

You don't care what color he is. Fine, but that doesn't change the facts that black people often feel like they're being treated differently by the police and others. And after suffering slavery, then segregation, then hidden racism or more overt racism since then, who can really blame them. Then you have political leaders who will always try and stir up the shit in order to further their agenda.

Until the US tries to solve its basic problems, like the way people vote, the two party system being corrupt and partisan as hell, then everything else is pointless. Because nothing will actually change.

They feel like they are being targeted...because they are.

African-Americans are 13% of the population of the United States, but commit 50% of the homicides and nearly 40% of the violent crimes.

If we assume an equal gender divide...nearly 40% of violent crimes and homicides are committed by SIX PERCENT of the population.

Again, when the witnesses identify a black male, or surveillance tapes show a black guy nearly 40% of the time, at 6% of the population, that's pretty fuckin' targeted.

I suppose law enforcement can waste their time and resources looking for a white guy the spirit of equality. Is that the liberal solution?

This is the factcheck from BBC Channel 4 to back up my statistics.

FactCheck: do black Americans commit more crime?

Yes, I understand this.
The question here is, why do black people commit more crimes?

Could it be that black people are more likely to be in poverty? Depending on who you listen to, it could be anywhere between like 20% and 30% of black people in poverty. But you have different levels of poverty, and you different levels of social issues, mostly inner city areas are more likely to produce criminals, and black people often live in large cities and they live in the poorer parts.

Detroit is the city (well things have changed quickly there, but based on these statistics) with the highest level of black population. It has 84.3% black population. Also Detroit has lost lots of industry. There are problems in the US with other places attracting businesses and getting tax breaks, and often it's going to hurt those people who are most in poverty.

Other larger cities with large black populations are the inner city places, Birmingham AL, Baltimore, etc etc.

Some people will say that it's blacks that have made these places bad, others might say that it's other reasons. The further you go back the more you see the problems, white people have been controlling things for so long, and black people have ended up with the menial jobs, and been kicked around by white people and made to feel like there's no hope. If two people went from a job in many places, who'd get the job? The white guy. So, these lack of hope can't have helped either. Everyone can make it in the US, but some people have to struggle against unfair bias far more and get frustrated and turn to crime in order to actually make it.

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