Live Streaming: Protesters Going Absolutely Nuts At 2nd Trump Rally In Tucson, AZ

These people are American heroes. Noisy,but dignified,and standing up for their country.
No klansmen were hurt in the making of this film.

If they were real American hero's they'd get a Fn job and have better things to do with their life. What do these losers hope to gain by protesting? What are they protesting about, that a guy is running for President, and you call them hero's?
"Live streaming..."

Gotta set up your own media outlet to make sure the flames of civil riots are stoked well enough eh? Got news for you, most Trumpsters or potential Trumpsters are old school glued to Fox News. And from watching their coverage, the situation looked pretty much like a yawn. I especially liked how when Trump was bragging at his rally in AZ about "the thousands and thousands here to see me" the Fox helicopter showed the scene of a large corral with maybe 200 people milling around tiny-hands' speaking podium with him there.

I suspect it's been pretty much the same everywhere else too. Like his hands, 90% smaller in actual fact than he brags about them to
These people are American heroes. Noisy,but dignified,and standing up for their country.
No klansmen were hurt in the making of this film.

If they were real American hero's they'd get a Fn job and have better things to do with their life. What do these losers hope to gain by protesting? What are they protesting about, that a guy is running for President, and you call them hero's?
Well I know for a fact that they all have jobs.
Its inspiring that they can get off their arses and stand up against hate.
These people are American heroes. Noisy,but dignified,and standing up for their country.
No klansmen were hurt in the making of this film.

If they were real American hero's they'd get a Fn job and have better things to do with their life. What do these losers hope to gain by protesting? What are they protesting about, that a guy is running for President, and you call them hero's?
Well I know for a fact that they all have jobs.
Its inspiring that they can get off their arses and stand up against hate.

And just how do you know they are employed? Are you their employer or something?

I have news for you: even if I wanted to protest something, I don't have the time because I'm working. When I'm not working, I'm resting for work.

The only hate they have is within themselves.
These people are American heroes. Noisy,but dignified,and standing up for their country.
No klansmen were hurt in the making of this film.

If they were real American hero's they'd get a Fn job and have better things to do with their life. What do these losers hope to gain by protesting? What are they protesting about, that a guy is running for President, and you call them hero's?
Well I know for a fact that they all have jobs.
Its inspiring that they can get off their arses and stand up against hate.

And just how do you know they are employed? Are you their employer or something?

I have news for you: even if I wanted to protest something, I don't have the time because I'm working. When I'm not working, I'm resting for work.

The only hate they have is within themselves.
They were sent there by my elitist control squad, This was organised 2 years ago. You bigots are just playing catch up.
If they were real American hero's they'd get a Fn job and have better things to do with their life. What do these losers hope to gain by protesting? What are they protesting about, that a guy is running for President, and you call them hero's?

You want to stifle dissent?

Dissent? These are trouble makers, pure out and out troublemakers.

You want your voice heard, we have this internet, we have local news and news papers where you can voice your opinion, we have political talk shows that you can call into. We have more ways than ever before in the history of this country where you can be heard.
These people are American heroes. Noisy,but dignified,and standing up for their country.
No klansmen were hurt in the making of this film.

If they were real American hero's they'd get a Fn job and have better things to do with their life. What do these losers hope to gain by protesting? What are they protesting about, that a guy is running for President, and you call them hero's?
Well I know for a fact that they all have jobs.
Its inspiring that they can get off their arses and stand up against hate.

And just how do you know they are employed? Are you their employer or something?

I have news for you: even if I wanted to protest something, I don't have the time because I'm working. When I'm not working, I'm resting for work.

The only hate they have is within themselves.
They were sent there by my elitist control squad, This was organised 2 years ago. You bigots are just playing catch up.

Since they knew Trump was running two years ago, ask them if they can tell me what the lottery numbers will be next week.
These people are American heroes. Noisy,but dignified,and standing up for their country.
No klansmen were hurt in the making of this film.

If they were real American hero's they'd get a Fn job and have better things to do with their life. What do these losers hope to gain by protesting? What are they protesting about, that a guy is running for President, and you call them hero's?
Well I know for a fact that they all have jobs.
Its inspiring that they can get off their arses and stand up against hate.

And just how do you know they are employed? Are you their employer or something?

I have news for you: even if I wanted to protest something, I don't have the time because I'm working. When I'm not working, I'm resting for work.

The only hate they have is within themselves.
They were sent there by my elitist control squad, This was organised 2 years ago. You bigots are just playing catch up.

Since they knew Trump was running two years ago, ask them if they can tell me what the lottery numbers will be next week.
LOL - there is so much you dont know about.
Dissent? These are trouble makers, pure out and out troublemakers.

You want your voice heard, we have this internet, we have local news and news papers where you can voice your opinion, we have political talk shows that you can call into. We have more ways than ever before in the history of this country where you can be heard.

Protesting is one of the most basic forms of dissent.

You know what I find absolutely fascinating and disgusting at the same time about conservatives? They are the people who state "leave our guns alone because we don't trust the govt and you are infringing on our rights". They are also the people who want individual freedoms and want people to leave them alone to live their lives how they want. Paradoxically they are also the people who didn't want to give black people the right to vote (now, before you say they were "Democrats" - they certainly were not the democrats of today and their belief system is aligned with conservative thought), didn't want women to vote, will deny gays the right to marry, and tell women what to do with their bodies.

You guys are the people who are always shouting loudest about freedoms, but are first on the bandwagon to deny others theirs. As I said, fascinating and disgusting at the same time. I won't even go into the hypocrisy of it all.
Dissent? These are trouble makers, pure out and out troublemakers.

You want your voice heard, we have this internet, we have local news and news papers where you can voice your opinion, we have political talk shows that you can call into. We have more ways than ever before in the history of this country where you can be heard.

Protesting is one of the most basic forms of dissent.

You know what I find absolutely fascinating and disgusting at the same time about conservatives? They are the people who state "leave our guns alone because we don't trust the govt and you are infringing on our rights". They are also the people who want individual freedoms and want people to leave them alone to live their lives how they want. Paradoxically they are also the people who didn't want to give black people the right to vote (now, before you say they were "Democrats" - they certainly were not the democrats of today and their belief system is aligned with conservative thought), didn't want women to vote, will deny gays the right to marry, and tell women what to do with their bodies.

You guys are the people who are always shouting loudest about freedoms, but are first on the bandwagon to deny others theirs. As I said, fascinating and disgusting at the same time. I won't even go into the hypocrisy of it all.

Yeah, well, states voted to have gay marriage. Most turned it down. But instead of liberals just accepting democracy and the will of the people, they eventually FORCED states (against their will) to accept their perversion.

Yeah, they were certainly not the Democrats of today, but they were Democrats. So who are Democrats today? The same Democrats that want to welcome foreigners to this country taking jobs away from the blacks. The same Democrats that fought to have school vouchers eliminated because it stepped on the toes of their teachers union. The same Democrats that promoted single-parent families that are directly proportional to crime and poverty. Today, over 70% of black kids are born out of wedlock.

Back to the topic: people do have the right to protest, but not disrupt a peaceful assembly. People do have the right to protest, but not stop traffic and cause problems for motorists.
Yeah, well, states voted to have gay marriage. Most turned it down. But instead of liberals just accepting democracy and the will of the people, they eventually FORCED states (against their will) to accept their perversion.

Yeah, they were certainly not the Democrats of today, but they were Democrats. So who are Democrats today? The same Democrats that want to welcome foreigners to this country taking jobs away from the blacks. The same Democrats that fought to have school vouchers eliminated because it stepped on the toes of their teachers union. The same Democrats that promoted single-parent families that are directly proportional to crime and poverty. Today, over 70% of black kids are born out of wedlock.

Back to the topic: people do have the right to protest, but not disrupt a peaceful assembly. People do have the right to protest, but not stop traffic and cause problems for motorists.

Oh, so now the US is a 'democracy'. I thought it was a constitutional republic. It was also the 'will' of the people not to allow blacks to have the same rights as other citizens. Or women to vote. Being gay is no more a perversion than having black skin is.

Here's a newsflash for you Ray - with the exception of the American Indian, the US is built on immigration.

I concur with your interpretation of the right to protest
Yeah, well, states voted to have gay marriage. Most turned it down. But instead of liberals just accepting democracy and the will of the people, they eventually FORCED states (against their will) to accept their perversion.

Yeah, they were certainly not the Democrats of today, but they were Democrats. So who are Democrats today? The same Democrats that want to welcome foreigners to this country taking jobs away from the blacks. The same Democrats that fought to have school vouchers eliminated because it stepped on the toes of their teachers union. The same Democrats that promoted single-parent families that are directly proportional to crime and poverty. Today, over 70% of black kids are born out of wedlock.

Back to the topic: people do have the right to protest, but not disrupt a peaceful assembly. People do have the right to protest, but not stop traffic and cause problems for motorists.

Oh, so now the US is a 'democracy'. I thought it was a constitutional republic. It was also the 'will' of the people not to allow blacks to have the same rights as other citizens. Or women to vote. Being gay is no more a perversion than having black skin is.

Here's a newsflash for you Ray - with the exception of the American Indian, the US is built on immigration.

I concur with your interpretation of the right to protest
The U.S. was founded for White people of European heritage. See the 1790 Naturalization Act, the very first act of the 1st Congress.
Yeah, well, states voted to have gay marriage. Most turned it down. But instead of liberals just accepting democracy and the will of the people, they eventually FORCED states (against their will) to accept their perversion.

Yeah, they were certainly not the Democrats of today, but they were Democrats. So who are Democrats today? The same Democrats that want to welcome foreigners to this country taking jobs away from the blacks. The same Democrats that fought to have school vouchers eliminated because it stepped on the toes of their teachers union. The same Democrats that promoted single-parent families that are directly proportional to crime and poverty. Today, over 70% of black kids are born out of wedlock.

Back to the topic: people do have the right to protest, but not disrupt a peaceful assembly. People do have the right to protest, but not stop traffic and cause problems for motorists.

Oh, so now the US is a 'democracy'. I thought it was a constitutional republic. It was also the 'will' of the people not to allow blacks to have the same rights as other citizens. Or women to vote. Being gay is no more a perversion than having black skin is.

Here's a newsflash for you Ray - with the exception of the American Indian, the US is built on immigration.

I concur with your interpretation of the right to protest

Immigration isn't as much of a problem as when they come here to reap our benefits. It isn't much of a problem when they want to join America to become Americans.

I was born into a very ethnic neighborhood. Most people there spoke Polish. The vendors spoke Polish, the people in the banks spoke Polish, the church masses were in Polish.

But outside of our community, those people spoke English. They didn't come here, work, and then send the money home back to their family. They brought their immediate family and left the others behind.

I went to vote last week, and when I got to the polls, everything was in two languages including the ballots. Sorry, but I don't like two languages, I like one: English.

Immigration is fine when people want to assimilate with us, it's not fine when they come here and try to change our country into theirs, and then make demands on top of it.
Immigration isn't as much of a problem as when they come here to reap our benefits. It isn't much of a problem when they want to join America to become Americans.

I was born into a very ethnic neighborhood. Most people there spoke Polish. The vendors spoke Polish, the people in the banks spoke Polish, the church masses were in Polish.

But outside of our community, those people spoke English. They didn't come here, work, and then send the money home back to their family. They brought their immediate family and left the others behind.

I went to vote last week, and when I got to the polls, everything was in two languages including the ballots. Sorry, but I don't like two languages, I like one: English.

Immigration is fine when people want to assimilate with us, it's not fine when they come here and try to change our country into theirs, and then make demands on top of it.

No Empire or nation exists that was here when mankind first walked the earth. The Greeks, Eygptian, Roman, Ottoman, British Empires - all gone. Aztec, Inca, Yuan Dynasty - gone. Times change.

And I'm betting dollars to doughnuts that your Polish friends, and Russians, and Italian - whoever - all sent monies back to their families.

One thing I do find strange though - more than anything - is why somebody would immigrate to another country and then go about trying to change that country into the place they just left. Why not just stay there? Their argument usually runs along the lines of "there are more opportunities in western countries, and a better standard of living". To which I reply "Well, yeah. So stop trying to turn it into the place you just left. The reason we're like we are is because we got it right." On the other side of the coin, I think too much stock is given to those immigrants who like the old ways from the old country. A lot of hispanic people hate their old countries and embrace the US lifestyle....

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