Liverpool rejects EDL trash

Have you started attending your local mosque yet? If not...why not? You are clearly pro-Islam. Remember the following:
1. You "must" take on a proper Arabic/Islamist name.
2. Some form of attire should show your unity and conversion. Wear a "araqiyah" on your head.
3. Attend a mosque regularly. To be "true" to your new MUST pray 5 times per day; any less and you are subject to penalties.
4. Attend all protests against non-believers, they are, after all, the enemy and must die.
5. If you have a wife or significant other, force her to wear at least the hijab. She must also go to prayers in the mosque, but can't sit with the males as she is a female and not worthy.
6. If your wife or significant other says no to you regarding anything you tell her to do....give her a basic beating. Remember, a stick is allowed in that process.
7. Don't forget to hurl insults at all non-Muslim women not attired in proper Muslim approved clothing and also shame them for walking alone, if they do so.
8. Advocate for the closing of all pubs and the serving of alcohol. It is strictly forbidden.
9. Demand that all meats be halal and that there be absolutely no pork served to anyone, regardless of religion.
10. Remember, no matter the infidel's age (infant, child, adult) or gender, because they are not Muslim, they are not innocents and thus are proper targets in the war to conquer the world.
11. If someone criticizes your newly adopted religion, you, per the Koran, can use "taqiyya" (lie) to infidels to protect it.
12. Remember, if the government doesn't allow you to force non-Muslims to obey Islamic teachings, the government is considered to be oppressing you.
13. Anything owned by a non-Muslim (land, car, other property) belongs to you, as a practicing Muslim. Infidels aren't worthy to own things.
14. If anyone criticizes your newly adopted religion, they are guilty of blasphemy and should be imprisoned or put to death.
15. If anyone draws a picture of Muhammad, it's death.
16. You need to remind your government that under Islam, a woman's testimony in court is half that of a male's and when up against a non-Muslim in court, the Muslim automatically wins.'s, in the courts, once Islam takes over.
So, since you are anti-EDL, you should get to work on what will eventually be, your mandatory conversion to that wonderfully peaceful religion called, Islam.
Think it isn't going to happen? Muhammad is now the number one birth name in England and with a high family birthrate of 7.1 children per family, you're going to lose to Islam eventually, it's just a matter of time.
Have a good day.

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