Living the good life off of government benefits

Did some interesting reading on Obamacare. Can't say I think its a good thing.

Of course it's all negative. You're reading right wing sites that are vested in portraying this as the worst idea ever. Why don't you try looking at facts instead of fear mongering?

The ACA resulted in insurance companies returning premiums to customers last year. Preventative health care is now available with no co-pays for checkups, and costs are coming down.

I live in a country with single-payer health insurance and it's so much better for both the doctors and the patients.

How I Lost My Fear of Universal Health Care | RH Reality Check

why not actually read the bill yourself rather than, as you told Claudette - relying on left rather than right wing sites
I live in a country with single-payer health insurance and it's so much better for both the doctors and the patients.

well then we should immediately try it in other industries too!! It would be so much better than capitalism for sure!!

See wny we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow, so very very slow!!
well then we should immediately try it in other industries too!! It would be so much better than capitalism for sure!!

See wny we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow, so very very slow!!

I know it's hard for you to comprehend, Eddie, but government does SOME things better than private business. Funding and managing health care is one of them. Education is another, and infrastructure still another.

Sadly, you can't open your closed little mind to any new ideas whatsoever. You lack any critical thinking capabilities whatsoever and cannot judge whether something is better or not because you won't even look at it.

Health care is a right, according to the United Nations and I know as a Canadian, I believe that to be true. Health care is only a right in the US if you are rich. If you are poor, screw you. If the free market was such a good idea for health care, don't you think everybody would be doing it? Of course, in the US the free market has screwed up American health care so badly it's almost unfixable.

Thank heavens for the VA and other examples that the government can do it better and cheaper.
Of course, in the US the free market has screwed up American health care so badly it's almost unfixable.

dear, do you really think there is free market health care in the US???

See why we are 1000% positve a liberal will be slow, so very very slow.

I insist you get with your husband and come to a joint statement about whether there is free market health care in the US.
Kinda makes you wonder why so many Canadians come to the US for HC.

Also makes you wonder why there is now private HC available in Canada. If your system is so great then no one should have to go elsewhere for service nor would they want to use a private HC system.

Hell. I've got a friend who came here to get breast cancer treatment. If she'd waited for the Canadian system to get going she'd be dead now.
Kinda makes you wonder why so many Canadians come to the US for HC.

Also makes you wonder why there is now private HC available in Canada. If your system is so great then no one should have to go elsewhere for service nor would they want to use a private HC system.

Hell. I've got a friend who came here to get breast cancer treatment. If she'd waited for the Canadian system to get going she'd be dead now.

yes, Canada is really a tiny adjunct of the American health care system. We have more CT scanners in Pittsburg than they have in the whole country!

Dragonlady is just a typical welfare queen who likes free stuff that others pay for!!
Kinda makes you wonder why so many Canadians come to the US for HC.

Also makes you wonder why there is now private HC available in Canada. If your system is so great then no one should have to go elsewhere for service nor would they want to use a private HC system.

Hell. I've got a friend who came here to get breast cancer treatment. If she'd waited for the Canadian system to get going she'd be dead now.

yes, Canada is really a tiny adjunct of the American health care system. We have more CT scanners in Pittsburg than they have in the whole country!
Dragonlady is just a typical welfare queen who likes free stuff that others pay for!!

Prove it.
Kinda makes you wonder why so many Canadians come to the US for HC.

Also makes you wonder why there is now private HC available in Canada. If your system is so great then no one should have to go elsewhere for service nor would they want to use a private HC system.

Hell. I've got a friend who came here to get breast cancer treatment. If she'd waited for the Canadian system to get going she'd be dead now.

yes, Canada is really a tiny adjunct of the American health care system. We have more CT scanners in Pittsburg than they have in the whole country!
Dragonlady is just a typical welfare queen who likes free stuff that others pay for!!

Prove it.

"it" ?????????????
Kinda makes you wonder why so many Canadians come to the US for HC.

Also makes you wonder why there is now private HC available in Canada. If your system is so great then no one should have to go elsewhere for service nor would they want to use a private HC system.

Hell. I've got a friend who came here to get breast cancer treatment. If she'd waited for the Canadian system to get going she'd be dead now.

First off, let's address the myths in your post. Very few Canadians come to the US for health care treatment. This is a myth that the US medical lobby perpetuates. Most of the Canadians who receive medical treatment in the US, were in the US on business or on vacation, and happened to require medical treatment while there. And ALL health care in Canada is private care, except for publically owned hospitals. Doctors, labs, and clinics are all private businesses run by individuals. Always has been, always will be. Doctors are self-emplyed, not government employees.

In the late 1990's, when Conservative governments were trying to promote US style health care here, they slashed government funding of health care which resulting in long waiting lists. THEN there were more people crossing the border for treatment and especially MRI's, but since the Conservatives got thrown out of office in Ontario and health care funding was restore, this is no longer an issue.

Today, every province in the countries is within the targeted waiting times for all treatments. The one exception is osteopathic surgery - knee and hip replacements. There is an extreme shortage of osteopathic surgeons in Canada which keeps the waiting list long, but there is a triage system for waiting lists, always. Those most in need get seen first.

And you haven't mentioned how many Americans come to Canada for treatment. Americans who went to school in Canada keep their OHIP cards and sneak across the border for free treatment. Even Sarah Palin admitted her family did that. Plus, some of her research hospitals have such an excellent record for treatment, especially Sick Kids, and Sunnybrook, that people come from around the world for treatment here. But the US media never mentions that.

When did your friend have cancer? I find it impossible to believe it was within the last 10 years, because there are no waiting lists for cancer treatment and there haven't been since the Harris Conservatives were thrown out of office.

My friend is undergoing treatment for leukemia right now. She went into emergency on December 28th thinking she had the flu and it had turned to pneumonia, and they kept her in hospital, telling her if she had gone home, she would have died overnight. She started chemo on January 2nd. The intervening time was spent stabilizing her condition and getting her prepared for chemo. She completed her second round of chemo two weeks ago. No waiting time whatsoever.

My MIL had cancer 8 years ago. She had surgery within 7 days of diagnosis and started chemo as soon as she recovered from the surgery. She was nearly 80 at the time and is still going strong.
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Hell. I've got a friend who came here to get breast cancer treatment. If she'd waited for the Canadian system to get going she'd be dead now.
Chaoulli v. Quebec
The majority opinion stated: "The evidence in this case shows that delays in the public health care system are widespread, and that, in some serious cases, patients die as a result of waiting lists for public health care".

. Very few Canadians come to the US for health care treatment. This is a myth that the US medical lobby perpetuates.

The nonpartisan Fraser Institute reported that 46,159 Canadians sought
medical treatment outside of Canada in 2011, as wait times increased 104
percent — more than double — compared with statistics from 1993.

Specialist physicians surveyed
across 12 specialties and 10 provinces reported an average total wait
time of 19 weeks between the time a general practitioner refers a
patient and the time a specialist provides elective treatment — the
longest they have ever recorded.

How long will it be before Obamacare evolves into this or worse? Where will the Canadians go and better yet, where will we go?
Kinda makes you wonder why so many Canadians come to the US for HC.

Also makes you wonder why there is now private HC available in Canada. If your system is so great then no one should have to go elsewhere for service nor would they want to use a private HC system.

Hell. I've got a friend who came here to get breast cancer treatment. If she'd waited for the Canadian system to get going she'd be dead now.

First off, let's address the myths in your post. Very few Canadians come to the US for health care treatment. This is a myth that the US medical lobby perpetuates. Most of the Canadians who receive medical treatment in the US, were in the US on business or on vacation, and happened to require medical treatment while there. And ALL health care in Canada is private care, except for publically owned hospitals. Doctors, labs, and clinics are all private businesses run by individuals. Always has been, always will be. Doctors are self-emplyed, not government employees.

In the late 1990's, when Conservative governments were trying to promote US style health care here, they slashed government funding of health care which resulting in long waiting lists. THEN there were more people crossing the border for treatment and especially MRI's, but since the Conservatives got thrown out of office in Ontario and health care funding was restore, this is no longer an issue.

Today, every province in the countries is within the targeted waiting times for all treatments. The one exception is osteopathic surgery - knee and hip replacements. There is an extreme shortage of osteopathic surgeons in Canada which keeps the waiting list long, but there is a triage system for waiting lists, always. Those most in need get seen first.

And you haven't mentioned how many Americans come to Canada for treatment. Americans who went to school in Canada keep their OHIP cards and sneak across the border for free treatment. Even Sarah Palin admitted her family did that. Plus, some of her research hospitals have such an excellent record for treatment, especially Sick Kids, and Sunnybrook, that people come from around the world for treatment here. But the US media never mentions that.

When did your friend have cancer? I find it impossible to believe it was within the last 10 years, because there are no waiting lists for cancer treatment and there haven't been since the Harris Conservatives were thrown out of office.

My friend is undergoing treatment for leukemia right now. She went into emergency on December 28th thinking she had the flu and it had turned to pneumonia, and they kept her in hospital, telling her if she had gone home, she would have died overnight. She started chemo on January 2nd. The intervening time was spent stabilizing her condition and getting her prepared for chemo. She completed her second round of chemo two weeks ago. No waiting time whatsoever.

My MIL had cancer 8 years ago. She had surgery within 7 days of diagnosis and started chemo as soon as she recovered from the surgery. She was nearly 80 at the time and is still going strong.

Its annual cancer system quality index found that median wait times for intravenous chemotherapy ranged from 25 to 38 days last year. About half of patients waited no more than 33 days to start treatment.
Wait times for chemo still long despite more investment: Ontario report - Health - CBC News
and that is after diagnosis which wait times to get in to a doctor at all are what?

Ontario Wait Times
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The one I bolded, wise ass.

Don't backpeddle and run scared.

Show everyone your supperior IQ and prove your statement correct. Let's see some stats.

which statement exactly????????????

Your trite bullshit is becomimg tedious.

We have more CT scanners in Pittsburg than they have in the whole country!

do you beleive a liberal will always be slow now???????????

Cranking Up the Volume -
Jan 31, 2008 ... Expensive fact: Pittsburgh has more MRI machines than Canada. ... argued that
the overuse of CT scanning is adding up to dangerous levels of ...
Cranking Up the Volume -
which statement exactly????????????

Your trite bullshit is becomimg tedious.

We have more CT scanners in Pittsburg than they have in the whole country!

do you beleive a liberal will always be slow now???????????

Cranking Up the Volume -
Jan 31, 2008 ... Expensive fact: Pittsburgh has more MRI machines than Canada. ... argued that
the overuse of CT scanning is adding up to dangerous levels of ...
Cranking Up the Volume -

CT Scans and MRIs are two different things.
Did some interesting reading on Obamacare. Can't say I think its a good thing.

Of course it's all negative. You're reading right wing sites that are vested in portraying this as the worst idea ever. Why don't you try looking at facts instead of fear mongering?
The facts are the problem. PPACA isn't single payer. And, despite the naive hopes of progressives (and the naive fears of conservatives), neither is it a bridge to such. In fact, it's designed specifically to ward off real change. The entire purpose of the bill is to perpetuate corporate insurance as a permanent fixture in our health care.

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