Living the good life off of government benefits

To inject a little sanity into this debate.

The real problem here is not that the evil government is conspiring to put everyone one welfare and continue a political dominion. Frankly, a lot of people on the federal dole vote Republican because they honestly think their entitlements (Social Security, Unemployment, etc.) are "Earned" while "Those people", usually being browner in skin tone, are living off of them.

No, the real problem is that business and corporations have supervised a massive transfer of wealth from the working class to the monied class. As a result, we have a lot of people working very hard for less money. A lot of people take two jobs while others can't find one.

The problem is not that people are "living large". Most aren't. The problem is that they are insisting on actually living, and if that means voting for more of the same, so be it. No one is going to watch his child starve on "principle".

contrived horse shit as is usual ^

More truth than you can handle living in your double-wide, Cleetus^^^^

what makes you believe i live in a double wide or my name is Cleetus?
lol at slut step grand daughter, I love you Katz!

The slut has announced that lucky number 5 is in the oven baking right now. What an absolute pig she is. Whose the daddy? No one knows.

Now her sister is going to get on the welfare bandwagon with this divorce. Not that hubby is going anywhere. They aren't splitting up, just getting a divorce because single motherhood pays more. It's like having a second income and pays more than working.

I'd at least consider inviting her to dinner...and putting a few crushed RU-486 pills in her food. (Yes, I'm dead serious.)

Neither of them have ever been invited here for any reason and I wouldn't open the door if they showed up.
Katz thinks all life is precious, yet she doesn't talk about these children as precious.

The children are precious. Their mother is a slut. She would be a whore if she had some integrity.

It is your opinion that she is a slut. She is a relative of yours, and those kids are relations to you. Be grateful that you have her in your life.

She isn't in my life until someone brings her up. She is no relative and the children are nothing to me. Although I was able to have them taken away for six months.

She is a slut. Five kids no idea who any of the fathers are. CFS demanded to know so they could start getting child support. The slut gave them a list. Daddy wasn't anyone on the list. Gee in that case she hadn't a clue. But she is able to shake Uncle Sugar down for $60,000 a year.
The children are precious. Their mother is a slut. She would be a whore if she had some integrity.

It is your opinion that she is a slut. She is a relative of yours, and those kids are relations to you. Be grateful that you have her in your life.

She isn't in my life until someone brings her up. She is no relative and the children are nothing to me. Although I was able to have them taken away for six months.

She is a slut. Five kids no idea who any of the fathers are. CFS demanded to know so they could start getting child support. The slut gave them a list. Daddy wasn't anyone on the list. Gee in that case she hadn't a clue. But she is able to shake Uncle Sugar down for $60,000 a year.

She is a slut. Five kids no idea who any of the fathers are. CFS demanded to know so they could start getting child support. The slut gave them a list. Daddy wasn't anyone on the list. Gee in that case she hadn't a clue. But she is able to shake Uncle Sugar down for $60,000 a year.

You are too stupid to be one person. If she gives them the real father's name, then she loses her benefits and unless the father is capable of supporting the family, they'll starve. The kids could possibly all have the same father but he can't make enough to support them all.

I know a family like this, with 6 kids, all the same father, and it makes me angry to see people cheat the system like this, but still these people are not living the good life here. They live in a run down house, have no car, and their kids wear hand me down clothes. The kids are well cared for and obviously well loved, and the house is shabby but clean. But if you think anybody lives the good life on welfare, you are even dumber than your posts on this board would indicate.
Perhaps she should have thought of that before she had those kids. Birth control or demand her partner use a condom.

Sorry. I have no sympathy for stupid people. I do however have loads of sympathy for the taxpayers who have to support other peoples stupidity.

I have loads of Canadian friends who feel just as I do. Not everyone in Canada is happy to support freeloaders. You apparantly are since you let the Canadian Taxpayers support your daugher and her illegitimate kid.

As for the good life? I suppose having your rent payed, food on the table, free medical and dental doesn't equate to the "good life" for you but it sure costs taxpayers a bundle every year. We are forced to assume other peoples resonsibilities.

Just spoke with a friend of mine who has a friend who's an HR director for a company. She says it will cost over $300 dollars a pay period for men who are paying child support. Obamacare baby. Of course these guys can't afford it so their kids will get dumped into the exchanges "subsidized" by we the taxpayers of America. Can hardly wait.
Just spoke with a friend of mine who has a friend who's an HR director for a company. She says it will cost over $300 dollars a pay period for men who are paying child support. Obamacare baby. Of course these guys can't afford it so their kids will get dumped into the exchanges "subsidized" by we the taxpayers of America. Can hardly wait.

You guys are the ones who support a system where we spend twice as much as other industrialized nations so a few corporations can make big profits.

Fact is, if we had single payer like every other industrialized nation, we wouldn't be in this mess.
Unlike you Joe, I can't see having out HC run by the Govt.

The Govt that has never run anything cheaply or well. I can just imagine the red tape, loads of paperwork and panels deciding who is entitled to what.

I could be wrong but I really don't think so.
Unlike you Joe, I can't see having out HC run by the Govt.

The Govt that has never run anything cheaply or well. I can just imagine the red tape, loads of paperwork and panels deciding who is entitled to what.

I could be wrong but I really don't think so.

Of course not. You've been conditioned to believe- Government inept, Corporations efficient. It's not your fault, the Corporations spend billions to get you to think that.

I've worked for both the government and private corporations in my storied career. Frankly, I've see a bunch of ineptitude in the private sector and fantastic efficiency in government institutions. (Mostly the military).

The government already runs several Health Care systems. The biggest one is MediCare.

Medicare Beats Private Plans for Patient Satisfaction: Survey - Yahoo! News

Although only 8 percent of people with Medicare rated their insurance as fair or poor, 20 percent of adults covered by an employer-sponsored plan and 33 percent of those who purchase their own insurance reported dissatisfaction with their coverage.

In 2010, the study found, 23 percent of Medicare beneficiaries were unable to afford the care they needed. The same was true for 37 percent of those who received insurance through their jobs.

Meanwhile, those with employer-sponsored health plans and those who bought their own insurance were nearly twice as likely to report problems with their medical bills than people with Medicare, the study found.

Hey, how about the VA?

How Veterans' Hospitals Became the Best in Health Care - TIME

Until the early 1990s, care at VA hospitals was so substandard that Congress considered shutting down the entire system and giving ex-G.I.s vouchers for treatment at private facilities. Today it's a very different story. The VA runs the largest integrated health-care system in the country, with more than 1,400 hospitals, clinics and nursing homes employing 14,800 doctors and 61,000 nurses. And by a number of measures, this government-managed health-care program--socialized medicine on a small scale--is beating the marketplace. For the sixth year in a row, VA hospitals last year scored higher than private facilities on the University of Michigan's American Customer Satisfaction Index, based on patient surveys on the quality of care received. The VA scored 83 out of 100; private institutions, 71.

And all that was achieved at a relatively low cost. In the past 10 years, the number of veterans receiving treatment from the VA has more than doubled, from 2.5 million to 5.3 million, but the agency has cared for them with 10,000 fewer employees. The VA's cost per patient has remained steady during the past 10 years. The cost of private care has jumped about 40% in that same period.

I will agree about the military but Govt is full of waste and fraud as you well know.

As for the private sector always running smoothly, of course it doesn't but unlike Govt they have a bottom line.

No. I seriously doubt the Govt would run HC any better or cheaper than the private sector.
I will agree about the military but Govt is full of waste and fraud as you well know.

As for the private sector always running smoothly, of course it doesn't but unlike Govt they have a bottom line.

No. I seriously doubt the Govt would run HC any better or cheaper than the private sector.

The problem with a "bottom line" is that the "bottom line" has messed up priorities.

I've seen too many companies drive themselves out of business looking for that "bottom line".

Frankly, I think the government can run it better because..

1) It already does, as I've demonstrated with Medicare and the VA.
2) Every other country that has single payer spends less per person, yet has lower infant mortality and higher life expectenccies than we do.
I have to agree the wealthy abuse and take advantage of our freedoms to rob and steal the resources of the nation that belong to all. The poor and working class suffer the policies and regulations that pay them poorly and move our jobs overseas. Politicians who work for corporate interests take advantage of their cushy job and then create policies that support their benefactors. America is a sort of reverse Robin Hood society today. Dean Baker details the conservative abuse in this excellent book.

The Conservative Nanny State

The Conservative Nanny State: How the Wealthy Use the Government to Stay Rich and Get Richer

"The GOP dreams of a world in which the very rich arrogate to themselves the vast wealth a capitalist economy produces, an outcome made possible by rules, regulations, and practices they devise; given the force of law thanks to “representatives” they usher into office courtesy of a political system they have bought; and sanctified by an activist Supreme Court they have installed. It’s a vicious economic-political noose that threatens to tighten the grip on democracy and make it yield to the slightest pressure from its masters. Republicans must rule the country they profit from, even pillage, while the rest are to be marginalized and dismissed, essentially foreigners in their own land. Those who think Romney and the GOP live in the 1950s may need to reset their calendars. They’re not nearly so modern." Steven Johnston The Contemporary Condition: The Republican Imperium

"Wealth inequality. This is now at levels unprecedented in modern history, the greatest gap between rich and poor since the Great Depression. The Occupy movement's "one-percent" rhetoric is easy to deride, and their lack of concrete policy easy to dismiss, but there is no arguing with the numbers, Taking the extreme but leading example of the United States, one finds that the richest fifth of the population controls 85% of the country's wealth, while the poorest fifth controls an amount so much lower than one percent that it registers statistically as zero. Despite these facts, people remain confused about the realities of wealth distribution: in surveys a majority of Americans regularly report their belief that the top quintile controls only 60%, and further reported that the fair figure would be closer to 35%-that is, fully 50 points below the actual distribution, and against a background of commitment to free enterprise, individual effort, and success." Mark Kingwell 'Unruly Voices: Essays on Democracy, Civility and the Human Imagination'
Unlike you Joe, I can't see having out HC run by the Govt.

The Govt that has never run anything cheaply or well. I can just imagine the red tape, loads of paperwork and panels deciding who is entitled to what.

I could be wrong but I really don't think so.

You're misinformed on a number of counts, Claudette.

First is the differnce between health care and health care insurance. If the government took over health care every doctor and hospital would be run by the government.

Single payer HC system doesn't take over the medical care, it takes over the insurance scheme that pays the PRIVATE HC providers.

It's socialized INSURANCE, not socialized health care.

Secondly, Medicade and medicare's administrative budgets are 2% of the cost.

Private insurance companies have about a 20% administrative costs.

PLUS the cost to HC providers of the insurance paperwork to satisfy private insurance companies is much more egregious than for Medicade.

Yeah, that's right government HC insurance is much MUCH more efficent than private HC insurance.

Surprising, isn't it?

Years and years of lying propaganda are why you and millions of Americans are confused about the above point.

But if you doubt that 2% cost go check it for yourself.
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Unlike you Joe, I can't see having out HC run by the Govt.

The Govt that has never run anything cheaply or well. I can just imagine the red tape, loads of paperwork and panels deciding who is entitled to what.

I could be wrong but I really don't think so.

You're misinformed on a number of counts, Claudette.

First is the differnce between health care and health care insurance. If the government took over health care every doctor and hospital would be run by the government.

Single payer HC system doesn't take over the medical care, it takes over the insurance scheme that pays the PRIVATE HC providers.

It's socialized INSURANCE, not socialized health care.

Secondly, Medicade and medicare's administrative budgets are 2% of the cost.

Private insurance companies have about a 20% administrative costs.

PLUS the cost to HC providers of the insurance paperwork to satisfy private insurance companies is much more egregious than for Medicade.

Yeah, that's right government HC insurance is much MUCH more efficent than private HC insurance.

Surprising, isn't it?

Years and years of lying propaganda are why you and millions of Americans are confused about the above point.

But if you doubt that 2% cost go check it for yourself.

Government insurance is less efficient than private insurance. Medicare has 25% fraudulent spending. Tne America Choice Act federal insurance pool premium is more than double what my private insurance cost. Government is never efficient. It always has to pay off political supporters before it spends on citizens.
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Did some interesting reading on Obamacare. Can't say I think its a good thing.

Of course it's all negative. You're reading right wing sites that are vested in portraying this as the worst idea ever. Why don't you try looking at facts instead of fear mongering?

The ACA resulted in insurance companies returning premiums to customers last year. Preventative health care is now available with no co-pays for checkups, and costs are coming down.

I live in a country with single-payer health insurance and it's so much better for both the doctors and the patients.

How I Lost My Fear of Universal Health Care | RH Reality Check

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