Living the good life off of government benefits

My slut step granddaughter has made so much money that her sister is getting a divorce so she can start making the big money too.

lol at slut step grand daughter, I love you Katz!

The slut has announced that lucky number 5 is in the oven baking right now. What an absolute pig she is. Whose the daddy? No one knows.

Now her sister is going to get on the welfare bandwagon with this divorce. Not that hubby is going anywhere. They aren't splitting up, just getting a divorce because single motherhood pays more. It's like having a second income and pays more than working.
My slut step granddaughter has made so much money that her sister is getting a divorce so she can start making the big money too.

lol at slut step grand daughter, I love you Katz!

The slut has announced that lucky number 5 is in the oven baking right now. What an absolute pig she is. Whose the daddy? No one knows.

Now her sister is going to get on the welfare bandwagon with this divorce. Not that hubby is going anywhere. They aren't splitting up, just getting a divorce because single motherhood pays more. It's like having a second income and pays more than working.

Sounds like your family is one big right-wing talking point.:eusa_whistle:
lol at slut step grand daughter, I love you Katz!

The slut has announced that lucky number 5 is in the oven baking right now. What an absolute pig she is. Whose the daddy? No one knows.

Now her sister is going to get on the welfare bandwagon with this divorce. Not that hubby is going anywhere. They aren't splitting up, just getting a divorce because single motherhood pays more. It's like having a second income and pays more than working.

Sounds like your family is one big right-wing talking point.:eusa_whistle:

The slut girls are democrats. The boy who works is a republican.

Of course the girls are democrats, with each democrat elected, they get a raise.
My slut step granddaughter has made so much money that her sister is getting a divorce so she can start making the big money too.

lol at slut step grand daughter, I love you Katz!

The slut has announced that lucky number 5 is in the oven baking right now. What an absolute pig she is. Whose the daddy? No one knows.

Now her sister is going to get on the welfare bandwagon with this divorce. Not that hubby is going anywhere. They aren't splitting up, just getting a divorce because single motherhood pays more. It's like having a second income and pays more than working.

Her sister needs to be careful, if her husband pays child support she may not be elegible for welfare. Plus you can't give welfare if you have a working age healthy male in the home, married or not.
The slut has announced that lucky number 5 is in the oven baking right now. What an absolute pig she is. Whose the daddy? No one knows.

Now her sister is going to get on the welfare bandwagon with this divorce. Not that hubby is going anywhere. They aren't splitting up, just getting a divorce because single motherhood pays more. It's like having a second income and pays more than working.

Sounds like your family is one big right-wing talking point.:eusa_whistle:

The slut girls are democrats. The boy who works is a republican.

Of course the girls are democrats, with each democrat elected, they get a raise.

As the Talking Points Turn continues...
lol at slut step grand daughter, I love you Katz!

The slut has announced that lucky number 5 is in the oven baking right now. What an absolute pig she is. Whose the daddy? No one knows.

Now her sister is going to get on the welfare bandwagon with this divorce. Not that hubby is going anywhere. They aren't splitting up, just getting a divorce because single motherhood pays more. It's like having a second income and pays more than working.

Her sister needs to be careful, if her husband pays child support she may not be elegible for welfare. Plus you can't give welfare if you have a working age healthy male in the home, married or not.

You know Orcs don't exist but you enjoyed Lord of the Rings anyway, right?

Just enjoy the story...


Living the good life

Reported by: Chris Papst

Email: [email protected]

Contributor: Nate Wardle

Published: 2/04 9:34 pm
Updated: 2/05 10:41 pm
We’ve all heard the line that America is becoming an entitlement society or welfare state, with half of U.S. households now receiving some type of government benefit. But a CBS 21 News investigation has taken that stat one step further to show you how much people are actually getting for free.

A few years ago, reporter Chris Papst worked with a single mom who had two children. She turned down a raise because she said the extra money would decrease her government benefits. It was hard to understand why she did that, until Chris started working on this story.

“You do what you have to do as a single mom,” explained Kristina Cogan. “And that’s what I did.”

For Kristina Cogan, a single mom of two, life has been a challenge. Ever since her divorce, she has struggled to simply give her kids what they need.

So five years ago, she walked through the doors of the Department of Public Welfare and applied for welfare.

“What was it like the first time you had to walk into that office?” we asked her.

“It’s scary. You’re depending on other people,” Cogan replied.

“What if that assistance wasn’t there for you?” we continued.

“I don’t know what I would have done, I mean, it’s critical for a lot of people,” Cogan answered.

So critical that Cogan is still collecting. The Lancaster native’s in nursing school and hopes to one day free herself from the system. But she admits living a life off the government can be comfortable.

“If you’re going to get something for free, are you going to work for it?” Cogan explained. “It kind of like sucks you in. They feel like they are hopeless. They feel like they have no alternative.

It’s not hard to see why. For this story, CBS 21 researched what government programs are available to a single mother of two making $19,000 a year. What we found was incredible.

Our family would be eligible for $14,976 in free day care, another $13,400 for Head Start and Early Head Start, $7,148 in housing vouchers, $6,500 for weatherization projects, $400 to pay heating bills, $480 a year for a cell phone, with an extra $230 for a land line, and $182 in free legal advice.

The family would get more than $6,028 in food assistance and another $6,045 in medical assistance. The mother is eligible for $5,500 in Pell Grants for school with an additional $12,000 for the Education Opportunity Grant; SMART Grant; and TEACH Grant.

Our family would also get $6,800 in tax credits, and $1,900 in withholding would be returned.

Add it up and this family can get $81,589 in free assistance.

“This isn’t the American dream,” commented Matt Brouillette of the Commonwealth Foundation.

Matt Brouillette is with the Commonwealth Foundation, a government watchdog group which emphasizes a safety net, not a safety hammock.

“When there are taxpayer funded programs that could give you the equivalent lifestyle of a middle-class family, why would you have an incentive to go to work?” Brouillette questioned.

Government figures show, Pennsylvania’s Welfare Department now takes up a whopping 43 percent of the state’s budget. That number is growing much faster than revenue.

Brouillette admits in our hyper-politicized culture, meaningful reform is unlikely until there’s a financial crisis, which he says is coming.

all of it here
Living the good life off of government benefits - CBS 21 News - Breaking news, sports and weather for the Harrisburg -York -Lancaster -Lebanon Pennsylvania area

And none is cash in hand. If these claims were remotely true, why do you think there are 3 million Americans homeless on the streets or in shelters. 1.3 million are children. Another are homeless vets. No one even exist on welfare. The good life? :cuckoo::eusa_liar:

A lot of people abuse the system. I'm still waiting for the haters of gov't. programs for the poor, and there are many on this tea bagger infested forum, to criticize the breaks given to corporations and the very wealthy.
I'm paying for a dog license today. Reckon I can write it off on taxes. No. Now the Mittster can write off a horse!! And Use the Caymans as a residence for tax purposes!!! Think I could do this? Oh well rich man, poor man, but the right wing/conservative/tea baggers aim their arrows at the little guy only.
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The slut girls are democrats. The boy who works is a republican.

Of course the girls are democrats, with each democrat elected, they get a raise.

You call other women "sluts", even members of your own family, and think that it's OK. Republican women have always betrayed other women, denigrating them, and helping to block the ERA. You're worse than Limbaugh and the "legitimate rape" guys.

Perhaps if the girl's husband could get a job that paid enough to support his family, they wouldn't be looking at scamming the system. But of course something like that would never occur to someone so smug and self-righteous as you.

And really, if you feel this strongly about it, you could report them to the authorities. If not, then you are aiding and abetting, which makes you just as guilty as them.
The slut girls are democrats. The boy who works is a republican.

Of course the girls are democrats, with each democrat elected, they get a raise.

You call other women "sluts", even members of your own family, and think that it's OK. Republican women have always betrayed other women, denigrating them, and helping to block the ERA. You're worse than Limbaugh and the "legitimate rape" guys.

Perhaps if the girl's husband could get a job that paid enough to support his family, they wouldn't be looking at scamming the system. But of course something like that would never occur to someone so smug and self-righteous as you.

And really, if you feel this strongly about it, you could report them to the authorities. If not, then you are aiding and abetting, which makes you just as guilty as them.

I don't agree with her use of terms, but for you to sit here all high and mighty as though the left doesn't call others sluts and *****, now really??
sarah palin is a slut - Bing
Take care of yourselves. Take responsibility for yourselves and don't expect others to pay for your bullshit.

I guess Canada should have told the Americans to go fuck themselves, it wasn't Canada that OBL was attacking. We should have stayed out of Afghanistan because terrorists weren't bombing our financial centres. Americans should fight their own wars.

Throughout the collective history of the human race, people have banded together in communities and tribes because, as a species, we are not meant to live on our own. We are meant to live communally and to help take care of one another. On our own, we're pretty helpless to fight off attackers, disease, starvation, but in large numbers, we can literally move mountains.

This mantra of "personal responsibility" is entire a Republican fiction which they came up with Reagan. It's a piece of contrived bullshit to justify selfishness and greed. "Get all you can and screw everbody else" seems to be the Republican motto.

It would be easier for people to take care of themselves, if they could control whether or not they would be thrown out of work by government policiesover which they have no control. Or, if they could control interest rates so their housing costs, or car loans wouldn't escalate beyond their ability to pay. It would also be good if you could guarantee that the company they work for doesn't go out of business, or decide to manufacture in China because it's cheaper.

It would also be great, if they could control their genetics and environment so that no illness befalls them, no accidents could lay them low, and no foolishness on their part results in illness or injury. Or the weather so that their homes aren't destroyed in a tornado, hurricane or flood.

Yes, let's have everyone take responsibility for themselves and screw everybody else.

Well since your Govt decided to go to war alongside America guess you better address your thoughts to them.

Canada has always been a close allie of America.

As for AQ not attacking Canada? Not yet they haven't. Who's to say they won't in the future?

Spain probably said much the same as you do until they were attacked. Can happen to any country out there.

As for the rest of your drivel??

In the past people were hunter gatherers. It behooved them to travel in bands for security and safety.

Then they became farmers. Able to grow and raise their own food. They didn't need the protection of others once that happened. People had their own farms, livestock and grew their own vegetables. No need for banding together with anyone. They took care of themselves.

Things have changed loads since then. People work for a living. They don't hunt and gather anymore. Farming is done by big corporations now. Still a few small farms around but not that many.

Loads of people work in cities and towns. They work for a wage. They have families to feed and bills to pay. I'm sure they don't expect the rest of the taxpayers to pay the bills for em.

Get real idiot. This is the here and now. Not the past. Personal responsibility is something everyone should practice. They also shouldn't expect the taxpayers of America to pay for their responsibilities.

You and hubby should have supported YOUR daughter. Not the taxpayers of Canada. Guess personal responsibility isn't in your make up. Your more than willing to let others foot the bills for YOUR daughter. Freebies after all.
I don't agree with her use of terms, but for you to sit here all high and mighty as though the left doesn't call others sluts and *****, now really??
sarah palin is a slut - Bing

The only people who called Sarah Palin a "****" were Bill Maher and Howard Stern. Both are misogynistic assholes and neither are elected officials or officials of the Democratic Party. In fact, both make a point of doing politically incorrect humour, and Stern bills himself as a "shock jock".

I personally never listen to Howard Stern because I think he's a misogynistic asshole. I occasionally watch Bill Maher but find him personally repugnant and I'm put off by his nastiness and attitude towards women.

But women who denigrate other women, put them down and call them sluts, are in a special class of low-life scum. Katz is not just denigrating other women, these are women in her own family. She has obviously done a bang up job of being an inspiration and a role model for the women in her family.
Take care of yourselves. Take responsibility for yourselves and don't expect others to pay for your bullshit.

I guess Canada should have told the Americans to go fuck themselves, it wasn't Canada that OBL was attacking. We should have stayed out of Afghanistan because terrorists weren't bombing our financial centres. Americans should fight their own wars.

Throughout the collective history of the human race, people have banded together in communities and tribes because, as a species, we are not meant to live on our own. We are meant to live communally and to help take care of one another. On our own, we're pretty helpless to fight off attackers, disease, starvation, but in large numbers, we can literally move mountains.

This mantra of "personal responsibility" is entire a Republican fiction which they came up with Reagan. It's a piece of contrived bullshit to justify selfishness and greed. "Get all you can and screw everbody else" seems to be the Republican motto.

It would be easier for people to take care of themselves, if they could control whether or not they would be thrown out of work by government policiesover which they have no control. Or, if they could control interest rates so their housing costs, or car loans wouldn't escalate beyond their ability to pay. It would also be good if you could guarantee that the company they work for doesn't go out of business, or decide to manufacture in China because it's cheaper.

It would also be great, if they could control their genetics and environment so that no illness befalls them, no accidents could lay them low, and no foolishness on their part results in illness or injury. Or the weather so that their homes aren't destroyed in a tornado, hurricane or flood.

Yes, let's have everyone take responsibility for themselves and screw everybody else.

Well since your Govt decided to go to war alongside America guess you better address your thoughts to them.

Canada has always been a close allie of America.

As for AQ not attacking Canada? Not yet they haven't. Who's to say they won't in the future?

Spain probably said much the same as you do until they were attacked. Can happen to any country out there.

As for the rest of your drivel??

In the past people were hunter gatherers. It behooved them to travel in bands for security and safety.

Then they became farmers. Able to grow and raise their own food. They didn't need the protection of others once that happened. People had their own farms, livestock and grew their own vegetables. No need for banding together with anyone. They took care of themselves.

Things have changed loads since then. People work for a living. They don't hunt and gather anymore. Farming is done by big corporations now. Still a few small farms around but not that many.

Loads of people work in cities and towns. They work for a wage. They have families to feed and bills to pay. I'm sure they don't expect the rest of the taxpayers to pay the bills for em.

Get real idiot. This is the here and now. Not the past. Personal responsibility is something everyone should practice. They also shouldn't expect the taxpayers of America to pay for their responsibilities.

You and hubby should have supported YOUR daughter. Not the taxpayers of Canada. Guess personal responsibility isn't in your make up. Your more than willing to let others foot the bills for YOUR daughter. Freebies after all.
Agreed. Not all Canadian are that ditzy, but they have their fair share.
I don't agree with her use of terms, but for you to sit here all high and mighty as though the left doesn't call others sluts and *****, now really??
sarah palin is a slut - Bing

The only people who called Sarah Palin a "****" were Bill Maher and Howard Stern. Both are misogynistic assholes and neither are elected officials or officials of the Democratic Party. In fact, both make a point of doing politically incorrect humour, and Stern bills himself as a "shock jock".

I personally never listen to Howard Stern because I think he's a misogynistic asshole. I occasionally watch Bill Maher but find him personally repugnant and I'm put off by his nastiness and attitude towards women.

But women who denigrate other women, put them down and call them sluts, are in a special class of low-life scum. Katz is not just denigrating other women, these are women in her own family. She has obviously done a bang up job of being an inspiration and a role model for the women in her family.

oh, please.
I don't agree with her use of terms, but for you to sit here all high and mighty as though the left doesn't call others sluts and *****, now really??
sarah palin is a slut - Bing

The only people who called Sarah Palin a "****" were Bill Maher and Howard Stern. Both are misogynistic assholes and neither are elected officials or officials of the Democratic Party. In fact, both make a point of doing politically incorrect humour, and Stern bills himself as a "shock jock".

I personally never listen to Howard Stern because I think he's a misogynistic asshole. I occasionally watch Bill Maher but find him personally repugnant and I'm put off by his nastiness and attitude towards women.

But women who denigrate other women, put them down and call them sluts, are in a special class of low-life scum. Katz is not just denigrating other women, these are women in her own family. She has obviously done a bang up job of being an inspiration and a role model for the women in her family.

Seriously though, if you had her in you family, wouldn't at least strongly consider seriously rebelling?
The slut has announced that lucky number 5 is in the oven baking right now. What an absolute pig she is. Whose the daddy? No one knows.

Now her sister is going to get on the welfare bandwagon with this divorce. Not that hubby is going anywhere. They aren't splitting up, just getting a divorce because single motherhood pays more. It's like having a second income and pays more than working.

Her sister needs to be careful, if her husband pays child support she may not be elegible for welfare. Plus you can't give welfare if you have a working age healthy male in the home, married or not.

You know Orcs don't exist but you enjoyed Lord of the Rings anyway, right?

Just enjoy the story...

I used to think orcs didn't exist. Then I saw michelle obama. Orcs do exist.
Her sister needs to be careful, if her husband pays child support she may not be elegible for welfare. Plus you can't give welfare if you have a working age healthy male in the home, married or not.

You know Orcs don't exist but you enjoyed Lord of the Rings anyway, right?

Just enjoy the story...

I used to think orcs didn't exist. Then I saw michelle obama. Orcs do exist.

You're a miserable, bitter, lonely old woman, aren't you?
Now the Mittster can write off a horse!! And Use the Caymans as a residence for tax purposes!!! Think I could do this?
Is there something in the tax code that says he can write off a horse and you can't?

If you incorporate a company to own the horse, the expenses in maintaining and training the horse become tax deductible to the corporation, as are the expenses of travelling to competitions and competing. Trust me, if you can afford to own a world class dressage horse, you are financially set for life. The costs of travelling and competing for one season on the world championship level of dressage, will buy you a pretty nice two storey house in most parts of the US. First prize is 30,000 euros, but you'd have to win nearly every event of the season to break even on your travel and training costs.

Most of the top riders are dependent upon rich sponsors/spouses/benefactors to buy them horses. Please note that Mrs. Romney's horse went to the Olympics. Mrs. Romney wasn't invited. I know of one rich man's wife who threw a snit when her horse got invited and she didn't. It was quite gracious of Mrs. Romney to turn her horse over to another rider, when it was her riding that got the horse his spot on the team.

So yes, if Mittens incorporated his wife's horse, which any smart tax lawyer would suggest doing, the costs of the horse's training, travel, and upkeep, as well as that of his wife, her groom, coach, and all other costs associated with Mrs. Romney's hobby, would be tax deductible, but any prize money won by the horse, would reduce the amount of the deductions.
My slut step granddaughter has made so much money that her sister is getting a divorce so she can start making the big money too.

lol at slut step grand daughter, I love you Katz!

The slut has announced that lucky number 5 is in the oven baking right now. What an absolute pig she is. Whose the daddy? No one knows.

Now her sister is going to get on the welfare bandwagon with this divorce. Not that hubby is going anywhere. They aren't splitting up, just getting a divorce because single motherhood pays more. It's like having a second income and pays more than working.

I'd at least consider inviting her to dinner...and putting a few crushed RU-486 pills in her food. (Yes, I'm dead serious.)

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