Living the good life off of government benefits

He[Jefferson] and James Madison formed the Democratic-Republican Party in 1793 in opposition to John Adams and Alexander Hamilton's Federlist Party.

IF you have evidence that it was called Democratic-Republican rather than Republican in the 18th Century I'll pay you $10,000. Bet???? or must you withdraw from the discussion again???

And this has "what" to do with what I just wrote?

you said Jefferson formed the Democratic-Republican Party when in fact he formed the Republican Party.

It's very very important to know the history of todays Republican Party to see how American it is and how unAmerican the Democratic Party is.

Democratic principles have nothing to do with American principles which is why the Democrats spied for Stalin.


Living the good life

Reported by: Chris Papst

Email: [email protected]

Contributor: Nate Wardle

Published: 2/04 9:34 pm
Updated: 2/05 10:41 pm
We’ve all heard the line that America is becoming an entitlement society or welfare state, with half of U.S. households now receiving some type of government benefit. But a CBS 21 News investigation has taken that stat one step further to show you how much people are actually getting for free.

A few years ago, reporter Chris Papst worked with a single mom who had two children. She turned down a raise because she said the extra money would decrease her government benefits. It was hard to understand why she did that, until Chris started working on this story.

“You do what you have to do as a single mom,” explained Kristina Cogan. “And that’s what I did.”

For Kristina Cogan, a single mom of two, life has been a challenge. Ever since her divorce, she has struggled to simply give her kids what they need.

So five years ago, she walked through the doors of the Department of Public Welfare and applied for welfare.

“What was it like the first time you had to walk into that office?” we asked her.

“It’s scary. You’re depending on other people,” Cogan replied.

“What if that assistance wasn’t there for you?” we continued.

“I don’t know what I would have done, I mean, it’s critical for a lot of people,” Cogan answered.

So critical that Cogan is still collecting. The Lancaster native’s in nursing school and hopes to one day free herself from the system. But she admits living a life off the government can be comfortable.

“If you’re going to get something for free, are you going to work for it?” Cogan explained. “It kind of like sucks you in. They feel like they are hopeless. They feel like they have no alternative.

It’s not hard to see why. For this story, CBS 21 researched what government programs are available to a single mother of two making $19,000 a year. What we found was incredible.

Our family would be eligible for $14,976 in free day care, another $13,400 for Head Start and Early Head Start, $7,148 in housing vouchers, $6,500 for weatherization projects, $400 to pay heating bills, $480 a year for a cell phone, with an extra $230 for a land line, and $182 in free legal advice.

The family would get more than $6,028 in food assistance and another $6,045 in medical assistance. The mother is eligible for $5,500 in Pell Grants for school with an additional $12,000 for the Education Opportunity Grant; SMART Grant; and TEACH Grant.

Our family would also get $6,800 in tax credits, and $1,900 in withholding would be returned.

Add it up and this family can get $81,589 in free assistance.

“This isn’t the American dream,” commented Matt Brouillette of the Commonwealth Foundation.

Matt Brouillette is with the Commonwealth Foundation, a government watchdog group which emphasizes a safety net, not a safety hammock.

“When there are taxpayer funded programs that could give you the equivalent lifestyle of a middle-class family, why would you have an incentive to go to work?” Brouillette questioned.

Government figures show, Pennsylvania’s Welfare Department now takes up a whopping 43 percent of the state’s budget. That number is growing much faster than revenue.

Brouillette admits in our hyper-politicized culture, meaningful reform is unlikely until there’s a financial crisis, which he says is coming.

all of it here
Living the good life off of government benefits - CBS 21 News - Breaking news, sports and weather for the Harrisburg -York -Lancaster -Lebanon Pennsylvania area
There are a lot programs available but for one reason or another you'll find you're not qualified for most of them. Things like having any retirement programs will disqualify you from most welfare programs. Being fired from a job can cut you out of unemployment. If you're going back to school, you can't get child care while you're in class. If you owe more than a $100, you can't get help with your electric bill. If you don't own your home, weatherization does work for you. There are lots of programs available but you can't qualify for most of them.

Thank you. All these benefits are to aid all of those who could use it for those situations.
It's not FREE MONEY! BECAUSE WE BELIEVE YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE TO WORK HURR DURR. It's to help you get to your goal, which can be followed by success.
IF you have evidence that it was called Democratic-Republican rather than Republican in the 18th Century I'll pay you $10,000. Bet???? or must you withdraw from the discussion again???

And this has "what" to do with what I just wrote?

you said Jefferson formed the Democratic-Republican Party when in fact he formed the Republican Party.

It's very very important to know the history of todays Republican Party to see how American it is and how unAmerican the Democratic Party is.

Democratic principles have nothing to do with American principles which is why the Democrats spied for Stalin.

The modern republican party was formed in 1856 and had nothing to do with the party Jefferson formed.

Did you learn this bunk on or something, because you have no idea what you're talking about.
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The modern republican party was formed in 1856 and had nothing to do with the party Jefferson formed.

Dear, Jefferson's Party was called Republican and it was formed to stand for very very limited government. So in terms of name and philosophy it was identical to today's Republican Party.

Welcome to your first lesson in American History!!

Majority Party: Federalist (22 seats)

Minority Party: Republican (10 seats)

Other Parties: 0

Total Seats: 32


6th Congress (1799-1801)

Majority Party: Federalist (22 seats)

Minority Party: Republican (10 seats)

Other Parties: 0

Total Seats: 32


7th Congress (1801-1803)

Majority Party: Republican (17 seats)

Minority Party: Federalist (15 seats)

Other Parties: 0

Vacant: 2

Total Seats: 34
The modern republican party was formed in 1856 and had nothing to do with the party Jefferson formed.

Dear, Jefferson's Party was called Republican and it was formed to stand for very very limited government. So in terms of name and philosophy it was identical to today's Republican Party.

Well that's a rather creative and loose history. :lol:

Perhaps that's why the democratic party is known as the party of Jefferson.

And if you think the modern GOP stands for limited government, you're a damned fool.

Finally, I'm not your fucking dear.
Well that's a rather creative and loose history. :lol:

dear, you forgot to say why loose. What are you afriad of????

Perhaps that's why the democratic party is known as the party of Jefferson.

Democrats stand for very very limited governemnt or always expanding government??? See why we say a liberal is guaranteed to be slow!!

And if you think the modern GOP stands for limited government, you're a damned fool.

dear, Republicans sign the pledge not Democrats!! What planet have you been on?? See why we say slow??

Finally, I'm not your fucking dear.

you're very dear; with the brains of a small child or a liberal adult
Well that's a rather creative and loose history. :lol:

dear, you forgot to say why loose. What are you afriad of????

Perhaps that's why the democratic party is known as the party of Jefferson.

Democrats stand for very very limited governemnt or always expanding government??? See why we say a liberal is guaranteed to be slow!!

And if you think the modern GOP stands for limited government, you're a damned fool.

dear, Republicans sign the pledge not Democrats!! What planet have you been on?? See why we say slow??

Finally, I'm not your fucking dear.

you're very dear; with the brains of a small child or a liberal adult

Sorry, I'm not gay, so please stop hitting on me. It won't get you anywhere.

Now then, you and you're extremely warped sense of history, logical falacies and ad hominems are cordially invited to go fuck yourself.

Have a lovely day.
dear, Republicans sign the pledge not Democrats!! What planet have you been on?? See why we say slow??

The Republicans signed a pledge. Well whoopdy fucking do!!! Did they abide by any of the pledges they signed???? If they signed a pledge, why has government employment grown more under Republican administrations than Democrats?

They signed a pledge.:razz:
dear, Republicans sign the pledge not Democrats!! What planet have you been on?? See why we say slow??

The Republicans signed a pledge. Well whoopdy fucking do!!! Did they abide by any of the pledges they signed???? If they signed a pledge, why has government employment grown more under Republican administrations than Democrats?

They signed a pledge.:razz:

Nobody signs a pledge of that nature unless:

a. They have a crystal ball


b. Thery're incredibly naive and/or stupid.
Well that's a rather creative and loose history. :lol:

dear, you forgot to say why loose. What are you afriad of????

Democrats stand for very very limited governemnt or always expanding government??? See why we say a liberal is guaranteed to be slow!!

dear, Republicans sign the pledge not Democrats!! What planet have you been on?? See why we say slow??

Finally, I'm not your fucking dear.

you're very dear; with the brains of a small child or a liberal adult

Sorry, I'm not gay, so please stop hitting on me. It won't get you anywhere.

Now then, you and you're extremely warped sense of history, logical falacies and ad hominems are cordially invited to go fuck yourself.

Have a lovely day.

typical violent liberal who lacks IQ for substance
The modern republican party was formed in 1856 and had nothing to do with the party Jefferson formed.

Dear, Jefferson's Party was called Republican and it was formed to stand for very very limited government. So in terms of name and philosophy it was identical to today's Republican Party.

Well that's a rather creative and loose history. :lol:

Perhaps that's why the democratic party is known as the party of Jefferson.

And if you think the modern GOP stands for limited government, you're a damned fool.

Finally, I'm not your fucking dear.
Army, it's impossible to have an intelligent exchange with Edward because he's creating facts as needed and filling his posts with off topic rhetoric. Pardon me while I unsubscribe to this thread.
The Republicans signed a pledge. Well whoopdy fucking do!!! Did they abide by any of the pledges they signed????

according to Grover they very definitely did!!!

If they signed a pledge, why has government employment grown more under Republican administrations than Democrats?
They signed a pledge.:razz:

for 2 reasons:

1) A Republican administration is not a Republican Government. This is why Obama just reminded us he was the president not the emperor

2) If it happened under Republican influence then it was not conservative influence which is all about shrinking government or freedom from liberal government. Get it?? A Tea Party Republican is different than a Bush '43 Republican.
Dear, Jefferson's Party was called Republican and it was formed to stand for very very limited government. So in terms of name and philosophy it was identical to today's Republican Party.

Well that's a rather creative and loose history. :lol:

Perhaps that's why the democratic party is known as the party of Jefferson.

And if you think the modern GOP stands for limited government, you're a damned fool.

Finally, I'm not your fucking dear.
Army, it's impossible to have an intelligent exchange with Edward because he's creating facts as needed and filling his posts with off topic rhetoric. Pardon me while I unsubscribe to this thread.

translation: as liberal I lost the debate again and will try to exist without admission of such. Why be so afraid to identify the created fact?????

What does your fear tell us???
He[Jefferson] and James Madison formed the Democratic-Republican Party in 1793 in opposition to John Adams and Alexander Hamilton's Federlist Party.

IF you have evidence that it was called Democratic-Republican rather than Republican in the 18th Century I'll pay you $10,000. Bet???? or must you withdraw from the discussion again???

I will take that bet. Please send me a PM with your e-mail address. You need to put the money in escrow and provide me proof of same.
The modern republican party was formed in 1856 and had nothing to do with the party Jefferson formed.

Dear, Jefferson's Party was called Republican and it was formed to stand for very very limited government. So in terms of name and philosophy it was identical to today's Republican Party.

Well that's a rather creative and loose history. :lol:

Perhaps that's why the democratic party is known as the party of Jefferson.

And if you think the modern GOP stands for limited government, you're a damned fool.

Finally, I'm not your fucking dear.

if you truly want to know the beliefs of Jefferson I suggest you read his writing to Britain at this link. It is long but worth it for any and all. You will have to substitute the f in most of the writing to an s so it may be correctly read and understood.
Starting at page 14 really gets to his philosphy.
I think the basic question that needs to be asked is if the situation of today's American blacks are in a better position than they were before.

under the new liberal Jim Crow there are more blacks in prison than there were slaves in 1860!! I'd say thats worse off as compared to a modern liberal prison!!

Obviously, failure upon failure attests to one of two things.

I'd say 3 things:

1) blacks are inferior or
2) they are victims of slavery or
3) they are victims of liberalism

"We could survive slavery, we could survive Jim Crow, but we could not survive liberalism"- Walter Williams, PH.D

Even in the antebellum era, when slaves often weren’t permitted to wed, most black children lived with a biological mother and father. During Reconstruction and up until the 1940s, 75% to 85% of black children lived in two-parent families. Today, more than 70% of black children are born to single women. “The welfare state has done to black Americans what slavery couldn’t do, what Jim Crow couldn’t do, what the harshest racism couldn’t do,” Mr. Williams says. “And that is to destroy the black family

Edward: It seems like you and Mr. Williams (no surprise there) are saying that blacks were really better off under slavery. Correct? Tell me in words I can understand, my being a liberal with a low IQ and all.
To inject a little sanity into this debate.

The real problem here is not that the evil government is conspiring to put everyone one welfare and continue a political dominion. Frankly, a lot of people on the federal dole vote Republican because they honestly think their entitlements (Social Security, Unemployment, etc.) are "Earned" while "Those people", usually being browner in skin tone, are living off of them.

No, the real problem is that business and corporations have supervised a massive transfer of wealth from the working class to the monied class. As a result, we have a lot of people working very hard for less money. A lot of people take two jobs while others can't find one.

The problem is not that people are "living large". Most aren't. The problem is that they are insisting on actually living, and if that means voting for more of the same, so be it. No one is going to watch his child starve on "principle".
Well see, now we've determined you're a hypocrit as well.

care to explain or are you playing pretend like a little girl??

You really hate it when an intelligent woman makes destroys your position. And you're so fixated on everyone's IQ, but your conclusions are based on false information.

To start with, the founding fathers, including Jefferson, were hardly conservatives. If all of your ideas flow from an error in fact, how can your conclusions be anything but wrong? You keep talking about God and nature and love, and then spout racism, misogynism, and hatred of anyone who disagrees with you.

Poor Eddie, keeps trying to suck and blow at the same time.

No. Your the poor dear.

The FF pitched a fit about some wanting to give French Imigree's $10,000 to help them settle in America after the Revolution. Hell. The French helped us gain our independence and they still didn't feel that American money should help them out.

I doubt the FF would look at us today without turning in their graves. One part of the population supporting another part of the population? Doubt thats what they had in mind when then fought a revolution.

Funny how no one thought of welfare, medicaid or an of the other social bs that we have today until the 30's or 40's. Yep. All brought to you by the Democratic party of America.

The FF would surely pitch a bitch just like loads of we taxpayers are doing right now.

Take care of yourselves. Take responsibility for yourselves and don't expect others to pay for your bullshit.
To inject a little sanity into this debate.

The real problem here is not that the evil government is conspiring to put everyone one welfare and continue a political dominion. Frankly, a lot of people on the federal dole vote Republican because they honestly think their entitlements (Social Security, Unemployment, etc.) are "Earned" while "Those people", usually being browner in skin tone, are living off of them.

No, the real problem is that business and corporations have supervised a massive transfer of wealth from the working class to the monied class. As a result, we have a lot of people working very hard for less money. A lot of people take two jobs while others can't find one.

The problem is not that people are "living large". Most aren't. The problem is that they are insisting on actually living, and if that means voting for more of the same, so be it. No one is going to watch his child starve on "principle".

contrived horse shit as is usual ^
To inject a little sanity into this debate.

The real problem here is not that the evil government is conspiring to put everyone one welfare and continue a political dominion. Frankly, a lot of people on the federal dole vote Republican because they honestly think their entitlements (Social Security, Unemployment, etc.) are "Earned" while "Those people", usually being browner in skin tone, are living off of them.

No, the real problem is that business and corporations have supervised a massive transfer of wealth from the working class to the monied class. As a result, we have a lot of people working very hard for less money. A lot of people take two jobs while others can't find one.

The problem is not that people are "living large". Most aren't. The problem is that they are insisting on actually living, and if that means voting for more of the same, so be it. No one is going to watch his child starve on "principle".

contrived horse shit as is usual ^

More truth than you can handle living in your double-wide, Cleetus^^^^

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