Living the good life off of government benefits

MSNBC Lawrence O'Donnell does one of those Lib commercials on his network,they all do them over there.Well this one is on kids going to school and they seem to be unprepared compared to the rest of their classmates.He is almost in tears,these kids don't have the necessary items to be able to
participate in the class work.No pens,no pencils,what have you....

So now I'm heading out to work and I'm supposed to feel bad about myself.
Why is it that these kids don't have what they need to to to school.
Now I need to pay higher taxes to cover the parents who don't give a shit that can't provide the basics for their kids.

So now it's societies fault these kids don't have what's needed to compete in the world and we
Lawrence probably feels it's the republicans fault.(although he did not say it)are to blame....
MSNBC Lawrence O'Donnell does one of those Lib commercials on his network,they all do them over there.Well this one is on kids going to school and they seem to be unprepared compared to the rest of their classmates.He is almost in tears,these kids don't have the necessary items to be able to
participate in the class work.No pens,no pencils,what have you....

So now I'm heading out to work and I'm supposed to feel bad about myself.
Why is it that these kids don't have what they need to to to school.
Now I need to pay higher taxes to cover the parents who don't give a shit that can't provide the basics for their kids.

So now it's societies fault these kids don't have what's needed to compete in the world and we
Lawrence probably feels it's the republicans fault.(although he did not say it)are to blame....

There are a lot of us who don't have kids of our own that are paying taxes through the nose to educate those kids from poor parents. The education system also gets a large chunk of lottery sales & gambling proceeds. There is no excuse for government failing to educate these kids. They have more than enough money. Get rid of the defined benefit pension funds & the education system will be bursting with money.
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can she work in another occupation?

The hospital needs medical billers, coders, appointment takers etc.

You mean a bunch of scrub jobs that don't pay as well, that they can easily hire someone to work for a lot less money.

Those kinds of jobs?

so it's fine for someone else to do the scrub job but not her?

Just suck off the govt tit

arrogance certainly runs in the family

She paid into that system for 35 years for just this kind of contingency. So did her husband, who died at 55 and never collected social security...

Point was, she is a college educated nurse with 35 years of experience. It would like asking an ex-CEO to flip burgers.
You mean a bunch of scrub jobs that don't pay as well, that they can easily hire someone to work for a lot less money.

Those kinds of jobs?

so it's fine for someone else to do the scrub job but not her?

Just suck off the govt tit

arrogance certainly runs in the family

She paid into that system for 35 years for just this kind of contingency. So did her husband, who died at 55 and never collected social security...

Point was, she is a college educated nurse with 35 years of experience. It would like asking an ex-CEO to flip burgers.

US tax payers can't carry everyone. Life is not fare & she is still lucky. There are millions who can't even get a scrub job. She should take what she can get & be thankful she is not in poverty. She only has to work 10 more years to retire.
more importantly, the work force is shrinking, becoming less competitive, and America is dying under the weight of libturd union schools that turn out the dumbest kids in the world and under pressure from Obama's subversive need to buy a voting constituency with ever growing welfare programs!!

The education system is being starved of cash. Schools are crumbling, especially in low income school districts. There are not enough text books for each student to have one so they share, and American teachers are not well paid compared to other first world countries, so there is little incentive for bright caring people to go into teaching as a profession.

Your education system is fragmented, with right-wingers trying to rewrite history to give it a more conservative slant, schools need computers and other modern electronics and equipment to prepare for the jobs in this century, and be more competitive in maths and sciences.

American manufacturing is no longer competitive in large part because of the high cost of health insurance for employees. With comprehensive family plans running to $12,000 per year, how can the US compete with Canadian manufacturers who are playing 1% of salary for their employees' OHIP coverage, and about $2500 a year for supplemental coverage. For an employee making $50K, that's $3,000 versus $12,000.

And then there's the crumbling infrastructure. Roads and bridges in the US have not been maintained, as citizens continually vote for lower taxes, at the expense of their cities and towns. The US invented the internet but has relied upon private business to build the high speed networks that business needs for the modern communications systems. Other first world countries recognized the value of having their entire countries wired for high speed and they've got their countries completely covered.

Americans are so busy calling themselves the greatest nation on earth, that they're missing the real picture of what's going on the in the rest of the world.
more importantly, the work force is shrinking, becoming less competitive, and America is dying under the weight of libturd union schools that turn out the dumbest kids in the world and under pressure from Obama's subversive need to buy a voting constituency with ever growing welfare programs!!

The education system is being starved of cash. Schools are crumbling, especially in low income school districts. There are not enough text books for each student to have one so they share, and American teachers are not well paid compared to other first world countries, so there is little incentive for bright caring people to go into teaching as a profession.

Your education system is fragmented, with right-wingers trying to rewrite history to give it a more conservative slant, schools need computers and other modern electronics and equipment to prepare for the jobs in this century, and be more competitive in maths and sciences.

American manufacturing is no longer competitive in large part because of the high cost of health insurance for employees. With comprehensive family plans running to $12,000 per year, how can the US compete with Canadian manufacturers who are playing 1% of salary for their employees' OHIP coverage, and about $2500 a year for supplemental coverage. For an employee making $50K, that's $3,000 versus $12,000.

And then there's the crumbling infrastructure. Roads and bridges in the US have not been maintained, as citizens continually vote for lower taxes, at the expense of their cities and towns. The US invented the internet but has relied upon private business to build the high speed networks that business needs for the modern communications systems. Other first world countries recognized the value of having their entire countries wired for high speed and they've got their countries completely covered.

Americans are so busy calling themselves the greatest nation on earth, that they're missing the real picture of what's going on the in the rest of the world.
Wonderful. Greece built incredible amounts of infrastructure in the 90s and the first decade of the 21rst. The Athens Airport, Metro, tram, ring roads, the bridge at Rio, Olympic venues and new highways in the Peloponnese and Macedonia & Thrace. Universal health care and education were also funded with high taxes which was limited because no one in their right mind would invest given the power of the unions and a series of socialist governments.

Today, China is showing Greeks the how to run an economy (ironic, huh?) while Europe is pouring Euros into it and forcing them into viscous austerity. 27% unemployment and a vanishing economy is the legacy, but they still have the infrastructure and an educated workforce.

We really should emulate Greece, huh?
We really should emulate Greece, huh?

Why does everyone say that the US will end up like Greece? What about the Scandanavian countries - highest standard of living in the world, best education system, quality infracstructure, stable economy, and cradle to the grace social programs. Or Canada, Germany, or the Netherlands? Why not pick the countries where the mixed economy is strong and vibrant?

Of course Republicans only want to paint social programs as communisitic and unworkable. They refuse to believe that countries with strong social safety nets are in better shape than the US economy, or that there are better places to live than the US.
We really should emulate Greece, huh?

Why does everyone say that the US will end up like Greece? What about the Scandanavian countries - highest standard of living in the world, best education system, quality infracstructure, stable economy, and cradle to the grace social programs. Or Canada, Germany, or the Netherlands? Why not pick the countries where the mixed economy is strong and vibrant?

Of course Republicans only want to paint social programs as communisitic and unworkable. They refuse to believe that countries with strong social safety nets are in better shape than the US economy, or that there are better places to live than the US.

if we would send Scandinavia 10 million illiterate meso americans that would change everything

what if we moved Detroit across the border? that's a
GOP city, right?
We really should emulate Greece, huh?

Why does everyone say that the US will end up like Greece? What about the Scandanavian countries - highest standard of living in the world, best education system, quality infracstructure, stable economy, and cradle to the grace social programs. Or Canada, Germany, or the Netherlands? Why not pick the countries where the mixed economy is strong and vibrant?

Of course Republicans only want to paint social programs as communisitic and unworkable. They refuse to believe that countries with strong social safety nets are in better shape than the US economy, or that there are better places to live than the US.
Smaller homogeneous northern wealth-producing state can maintain the tons of neat stuff you talk about, but is all to obviously not the case in the US or even Canada for that matter. It won't be long till those countries you cited are faced with the economic realities of a globalised world. It is nonsense to think that they can continue to do so. This realization hit the most vulnerable of the west (Greece) and is continuing to spread.

Production and wealth are slipping from the those states that once had a monopoly and is readily spreading the Asia. Just as nature abhors a vacuum, so does economics, and Asia is an immense vacuum sucking up everything from raw materials to financial services. Pollyannas like yourself continue to believe this cradle to "grace" entitlement system and spending which we can no longer afford can go on indefinitely. Such disillusions are what came home to roost in Greece. There are more chickens on the way. The results are all to obvious.
Wonderful. Greece built incredible amounts of infrastructure in the 90s and the first decade of the 21rst. The Athens Airport, Metro, tram, ring roads, the bridge at Rio, Olympic venues and new highways in the Peloponnese and Macedonia & Thrace. Universal health care and education were also funded with high taxes which was limited because no one in their right mind would invest given the power of the unions and a series of socialist governments.

Today, China is showing Greeks the how to run an economy (ironic, huh?) while Europe is pouring Euros into it and forcing them into viscous austerity. 27% unemployment and a vanishing economy is the legacy, but they still have the infrastructure and an educated workforce.

We really should emulate Greece, huh?

China? Seriously? A place where they execute people and harvest their organs for transplant?

As I said, I recently played host to a co-worker from one of our China offices. When she saw Chicago, she was amazed that it was as large a city as it was and not engulfed in blankets of smog and that lake Michigan was as clean as it was.

China is probably an ideal place to Capitalist apologists like you. the government is letting big corporations exploit their labor and pollute their land with impunity.

For Greece, her problem was that she joined a currency she couldn't control, and the German banks abused the crap out of the situation.
My slut step granddaughter has made so much money that her sister is getting a divorce so she can start making the big money too.

Dang. I can't remember if its you or Stephanie who wrote that her "doctor" said he "might" leave practice over ObamaCare. Easy mistake to make because your wild stories are so similar. Anyway, seems to me, your step granddaughter and her sister are just as imaginary as that doctor. :cuckoo:
You mean a bunch of scrub jobs that don't pay as well, that they can easily hire someone to work for a lot less money.

Those kinds of jobs?

so it's fine for someone else to do the scrub job but not her?

Just suck off the govt tit

arrogance certainly runs in the family

She paid into that system for 35 years for just this kind of contingency. So did her husband, who died at 55 and never collected social security...

Point was, she is a college educated nurse with 35 years of experience. It would like asking an ex-CEO to flip burgers.

From the article:

She turned down a raise because she said the extra money would decrease her government benefits.

I was 16 when my father died. He had worked his whole life but never collected his Soc Sec because he died. To put food on the table for her kids, my mother worked at everything she could find and lied about how much she made because she would have lost his Soc Sec.

If I had ever found myself in a situation of lie or die, I would do whatever I had to in order to put food on the table for my kids.

Those who hate these people really should take a long look at the corporate welfare they wholeheartedly support with their votes.
Our family would be eligible for $14,976 in free day care, another $13,400 for Head Start and Early Head Start, $7,148 in housing vouchers, $6,500 for weatherization projects, $400 to pay heating bills, $480 a year for a cell phone, with an extra $230 for a land line, and $182 in free legal advice.

The family would get more than $6,028 in food assistance and another $6,045 in medical assistance. The mother is eligible for $5,500 in Pell Grants for school with an additional $12,000 for the Education Opportunity Grant; SMART Grant; and TEACH Grant.

Our family would also get $6,800 in tax credits, and $1,900 in withholding would be returned.

Add it up and this family can get $81,589 in free assistance.

Staph, you still don't get it, do you?

Once upon a time, Americans had good union jobs and they got all these things themselves. Wives could stay home with the kids because their Husbands earned good paychecks.

And the Plutocrats decided this was just horrible, because they didn't have enough money for Dressage Horsies.

But here was the thing... working folks and poor folks didn't just obediently starve so their Plutocratic Masters could have more Dressage Ponies.

They voted for programs so they could keep eating. They became Democrats.

And this is the tragedy of the whole thing. You did this to yourselves.

oh boy, the almighty has spoken

Translation: Staph knows he's right.
Living the Good life off of Goverment Benifits it to few years ago, reporter Chris Papst worked with a single mom who had two children. She turned down a raise because she said the extra money would decrease her government benefits. It was hard to understand why she did that, until Chris started working on this story.

Republicans train workers to be government dependents. They refuse to keep the minimum wage up to the poverty level in order to subsidize workers for big corporations & maximize the number of workers on the government dole. This is their Fascist/Statist dream, Big Government Subsidized Corporations who kick them back tons of cash & keep workers under tight government & corporate control. They subsidize big corporate importers & job exporters to drive down wages & jobs & increase government dependency. The exact opposite of freedom!

Republicans Explode the Size of Government.
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actually dear you can pinpoint the destruction of the American family to the Great Society/ War on Poverty.

First, the increase in single parent homes started in the late 1950's over 6 years before the War on Poverty legislation was implemented. Secondly, there was two pieces of legislation that came out of the War on Poverty, the Social Security Act of 1965 and the Equal Opportunity Act which included the Job Corp, Vista, Head Start and a number of community action programs. It would be a real stretch to claim that these programs were in any way responsible for the breakup of the American family.

What you fail to grasp is that the increase in single parent homes was not just an American problem but a world wide problem. Large increases in single parent homes in the second half of the 20th century was occurring in Africa and Latin American which had little to no increase in social welfare programs.

The primary factors in the rise of single parent homes are cultural changes. The barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen image of women began disappearing after WWII. Economic opportunities for women made it possible for a mother to support children without a husband. The stigma of child birth out of marriage was disappearing. No fault divorce which became available in all states in the late 20th century made divorce relatively easy to obtain. These and a number of other cultural changes are responsible for the rise of the single parent home, not a government program.
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Saw this tonight at the 7-11
Is it fair for someone to use an EBT card to buy junk food like cookies and candy and stuff.
Then go over to the Lottery line to play the lottery.

She has money to gamble because she has the taxpayers to buy her food.

Yup. Saw it myself just yesterday in 7-11.

This chick used her EBT for soda, chips and basically junk for her and her two rug rats.

Glad my hardearned money is feeding her face. NOT
actually dear you can pinpoint the destruction of the American family to the Great Society/ War on Poverty.

First, the increase in single family homes started in the late 1950's over 6 years before the War on Poverty legislation was implemented. Secondly, there was two pieces of legislation that came out of the War on Poverty, the Social Security Act of 1965 and the Equal Opportunity Act which included the Job Corp, Vista, Head Start and a number of community action programs. It would be a real stretch to claim that these programs were in any way responsible for the breakup of the American family.

What you fail to grasp is that the increase in single parent homes was not just an American problem but a world wide problem. Large increases in single family homes in the second half of the 20th century was occurring in Africa and Latin American which had little to no increase in social welfare programs.

The primary factors in the rise of single family homes are cultural changes. The barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen image of women began disappearing after WWII. Economic opportunities for women made it possible for a mother to support children without a husband. The stigma of child birth out of marriage was disappearing. No fault divorce which became available in all states in the late 20th century made divorce relatively easy to obtain. These and a number of other cultural changes are responsible for the rise of the single family home, not a government program.

Great post.

However since it can't be put on a bumper sticker or made into a catchy, mindless slogan, don't expect the member you addressed to acknowledge it.
What you fail to grasp is that the increase in single parent homes was not just an American problem but a world wide problem.

of course as a liberal you will lack the IQ to understand this issue. Jefferson created America as the empire of liberty 200 years ago. America creates the world's culture. As America was subverted by the liberal agenda so was the world, just as American blacks were first attacked by liberalism and white followed behind in the destruction of love and family. Simply put, the liberal is anti-family and anti-love. You no longer need to love and marry to procreate. In liberal America you merely have loveless sex with a stranger and kill the baby that results. Love is too Republican for the liberal.

Africa in particular has followed the liberal example and now about 50 million are dying of AIDS

We could survive slavery, we could survive Jim Crow, but we could not survive liberalism."- Walter Williams

Even in the antebellum era, when slaves often weren’t permitted to wed, most black children lived with a biological mother and father. During Reconstruction and up until the 1940s, 75% to 85% of black children lived in two-parent families. Today, more than 70% of black children are born to single women. “The welfare state has done to black Americans what slavery couldn’t do, what Jim Crow couldn’t do, what the harshest racism couldn’t do,” Mr. Williams says. “And that is to destroy the black family
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