Living the good life off of government benefits

Republicans usually just care about a fetus until it's born.

Then its a worthless parasite sucking off the poor taxpayers.

actually Republicans care a great deal that a baby is loved and supported by 2 parents as nature and God intended.

Liberals defy God, nature, science and human decency by putting poor men in jail and paying women per illegitimate child. You don't have a right to kill a baby or to have others support you and your baby. That's the way it was done in the glory days, before disgusting liberalism.

Glory days? You mean right wing fantasy days, right?

dear it was no fantasy. Before the liberal genocide against the American family 90% of kids were born to 2 parent households. Today 74% of black kids are born to poor single mothers.

Do you have the IQ to understand that??
actually Republicans care a great deal that a baby is loved and supported by 2 parents as nature and God intended.

No they don't. If the parents are poor, they shouldn't have had a child. If they live in a dangerous neighbourhood, they won't pay taxes to build recreational facilitites or better schools so that child will have an opportunity to escape poverty. No, he's just one of the 47% takers.

Nature and God intended us to live as communities. Jesus said "I am my brother's keeper". It does take a village to raise a child. That is what God and nature intended. That is how tribal peoples lived from the dawn of time. The Isrealites were God's tribe. The men hunted together, the women gathered together and shared child care, and when the hunt was over, EVERYBODY ate.

You need to look at anthropology and read your Bible before you start spouting God and nature comments.
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actually Republicans care a great deal that a baby is loved and supported by 2 parents as nature and God intended.

Liberals defy God, nature, science and human decency by putting poor men in jail and paying women per illegitimate child. You don't have a right to kill a baby or to have others support you and your baby. That's the way it was done in the glory days, before disgusting liberalism.

Glory days? You mean right wing fantasy days, right?

dear it was no fantasy. Before the liberal genocide against the American family 90% of kids were born to 2 parent households. Today 74% of black kids are born to poor single mothers.

Do you have the IQ to understand that??

There have always been one parent households, orphangaes, etc.

Furthermore, what I took most exception to was your fantasy about 2 parent households being the way nature intended. Most species are raised by a single parent, with few exceptions. Wars, migrations, societies, etc have made one parent households a fixture through history.

Hell, my ancesters were raised, upon attaining the age of 7, by the state and many other variances have existed through history.

Don't worry though, I doubt you have the IQ to comprehend anything that isn't fed to you by the rightwing media.
In America, if you can't afford to give birth in a hospital, you should just have the baby in the alley.

Because, "values."


Republicans usually just care about a fetus until it's born.

Then its a worthless parasite sucking off the poor taxpayers.

actually Republicans care a great deal that a baby is loved and supported by 2 parents as nature and God intended.

Liberals defy God, nature, science and human decency by putting poor men in jail and paying women per illegitimate child. You don't have a right to kill a baby or to have others support you and your baby. That's the way it was done in the glory days, before disgusting liberalism.

Bullshit! The only time a republican cares about a baby is before it's born.
actually Republicans care a great deal that a baby is loved and supported by 2 parents as nature and God intended.

No they don't. If the parents are poor, they shouldn't have had a child.

this is true. It is why relativiely wealthy Jewish and Japanese Americans have so few children: so they can support them well and so they can succeed.

If they live in a dangerous neighbourhood, they won't pay taxes to build recreational facilitites or better schools so that child will have an opportunity to escape poverty. No, he's just one of the 47% takers.

too stupid of course!!! Newark,NJ kids get are the most costly to governemnt in the world and the worst performers in the world too. Government welfare does not replace loving parents. How can you be so slow??? It seems you understand nothing about humanity!!

Nature and God intended us to live as communities. Jesus said "I am my brother's keeper". It does take a village to raise a child. That is what God and nature intended. That is how tribal peoples lived from the dawn of time. The Isrealites were God's tribe. The men hunted together, the women gathered together and shared child care, and when the hunt was over, EVERYBODY ate.

too stupid!! we have found that the more everybody eats the less everyone hunts and the more welfare rolls grow and the poorer everyone gets. Exactly wht planet have you been on. THe USSR and Red China tried communism and 125 million slowly starved to death.
Do you like seeing millions slowly starve to death??????

You need to look at anthropology and read your Bible before you start spouting God and nature comments.

and now you know better, but do you have the character to learn or does your pride prevent it???
actually Republicans care a great deal that a baby is loved and supported by 2 parents as nature and God intended.

Liberals defy God, nature, science and human decency by putting poor men in jail and paying women per illegitimate child. You don't have a right to kill a baby or to have others support you and your baby. That's the way it was done in the glory days, before disgusting liberalism.

Glory days? You mean right wing fantasy days, right?

dear it was no fantasy. Before the liberal genocide against the American family 90% of kids were born to 2 parent households. Today 74% of black kids are born to poor single mothers.

Do you have the IQ to understand that??
The primary reasons for one parent households are birth to single mothers, changes in divorce laws, attitudes toward single parenting, and better economic opportunities for women. Social welfare policies in the US have little to do with these change. Single parent homes have been increasing throughout the world with little correlation to social welfare. If anything, increases in social welfare is a result of the breakout of the traditional family not the cause.
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Right now my sister is going round and round with the disability people, because she lost sight in her left eye and can't work as a nurse. If you really think it's that easy for people to get on disability, you are just stupid.

can she work in another occupation?

The hospital needs medical billers, coders, appointment takers etc.

You mean a bunch of scrub jobs that don't pay as well, that they can easily hire someone to work for a lot less money.

Those kinds of jobs?

so it's fine for someone else to do the scrub job but not her?

Just suck off the govt tit

arrogance certainly runs in the family
Not at all, Lad.

Perhaps I am simply more capable of understanding the difference between classism and racism than you are.

and I know hypocrisy when I see it

she brought race into it. How would the two of you react if the insult was directed at poor blacks?

I'll bet you would have a conniption, Esmerelda certainly would.

If the insult was directly at POOR Blacks, it would STILL be classism.

If the insult were directed at ALL BLACKS, THEN it would be racism.

I don't know why this issue so confuses you.

Classism is thinking about people (either in a good OR a bad way) based on their socioeconomic class.

Racism is thinking about people (either in a good OR a bad way) based on their race.

Pretty simply concepts, really.

so then it would not be racist to state

25% of blacks are lazy good for nothing black ghetto trash insert racial slur here?
Republicans usually just care about a fetus until it's born.

Then its a worthless parasite sucking off the poor taxpayers.

actually Republicans care a great deal that a baby is loved and supported by 2 parents as nature and God intended.

Liberals defy God, nature, science and human decency by putting poor men in jail and paying women per illegitimate child. You don't have a right to kill a baby or to have others support you and your baby. That's the way it was done in the glory days, before disgusting liberalism.

Bullshit! The only time a republican cares about a baby is before it's born.

Saw this tonight at the 7-11
Is it fair for someone to use an EBT card to buy junk food like cookies and candy and stuff.
Then go over to the Lottery line to play the lottery.

She has money to gamble because she has the taxpayers to buy her food.
Glory days? You mean right wing fantasy days, right?

dear it was no fantasy. Before the liberal genocide against the American family 90% of kids were born to 2 parent households. Today 74% of black kids are born to poor single mothers.

Do you have the IQ to understand that??
The primary reasons for one parent households are birth to single mothers, changes in divorce laws, attitudes toward single parenting, and better economic opportunities for women. Social welfare policies in the US have little to do with these change. Single parent homes have been increasing throughout the world with little correlation to social welfare. If anything, increases in social welfare is a result of the breakout of the traditional family not the cause.

actually dear you can pinpoint the destruction of the American family to the Great Society/ War on Poverty. That is almost the exact instant the black family was destroyed as anti-science, anti-evolution libturds started paying women per illigitmate child. Of course the rest of the liberal agenda didn't hurt: feminism, no fault divorce, abortion, birth control, welfare.

Republicans opposed it all of course oddly clinging to the traditional value that a loving traditional family was far better than the liberal near genocide.

"We could survive slavery, we could survive Jim Crow, but we could not survive liberalism"- Walter Williams PH.D

Even in the antebellum era, when slaves often weren’t permitted to wed, most black children lived with a biological mother and father. During Reconstruction and up until the 1940s, 75% to 85% of black children lived in two-parent families. Today, more than 70% of black children are born to single women. “The welfare state has done to black Americans what slavery couldn’t do, what Jim Crow couldn’t do, what the harshest racism couldn’t do,” Mr. Williams says. “And that is to destroy the black family
actually Republicans care a great deal that a baby is loved and supported by 2 parents as nature and God intended.

Liberals defy God, nature, science and human decency by putting poor men in jail and paying women per illegitimate child. You don't have a right to kill a baby or to have others support you and your baby. That's the way it was done in the glory days, before disgusting liberalism.

Bullshit! The only time a republican cares about a baby is before it's born.

yes and a liberal is happy to kill a baby before its born. Now in NY Cumo is proposing you can kill a baby right up until it is born. What the next stop for liberals?
Saw this tonight at the 7-11
Is it fair for someone to use an EBT card to buy junk food like cookies and candy and stuff.
Then go over to the Lottery line to play the lottery.

She has money to gamble because she has the taxpayers to buy her food.

This attitude is disgusting. She may be working two jobs and earning the money she is using to play the lottery. Why aren't you concerned about the mega-profitable corporations like Walmart who use government programs to subsidize their payroll. Every taxpayer in America contributed $2500 to Walmart's profits in 2012.
I have to wonder where there is someone who can survive on $700.00 a month?

The average SSDI payment in 2013 is $1,132. The maximum disability benefit in 2013 is $2,533. Often the women will get welfare or section 8 while the live in men will get disability.

1960 455,00 workers got disbility
2010 8.2 million
2011 8.6 million
2012 8.7 million

despite huge rise in public health and work place safety Barry lets millions and millions on disability so his unemployment numbers won't look so horrendous. Liberalism should be illegal!

Right now my sister is going round and round with the disability people, because she lost sight in her left eye and can't work as a nurse. If you really think it's that easy for people to get on disability, you are just stupid.

obviously its 20 times easier than it was even when working conditions are about 20 times better than they were!!
Saw this tonight at the 7-11
Is it fair for someone to use an EBT card to buy junk food like cookies and candy and stuff.
Then go over to the Lottery line to play the lottery.

She has money to gamble because she has the taxpayers to buy her food.

This attitude is disgusting. She may be working two jobs and earning the money she is using to play the lottery. Why aren't you concerned about the mega-profitable corporations like Walmart who use government programs to subsidize their payroll. Every taxpayer in America contributed $2500 to Walmart's profits in 2012.

Why just Walmart?? Why not every business that pays any person less than $10.oo/hr. Does the governemnt give welfare only to low wage Walmart workers??

IF you want higher wages try:
1) kicking liberal unions out of schools so our kids are not dumbest in world
2) make liberal unions illegal again and bring back 30 million jobs
3) send liberal illegals home and get back 15 million of our jobs
4) make Federal debt illegal so Japs and Chinese must buy our products with their US dollars.

Way over your liberal head I know.
Saw this tonight at the 7-11
Is it fair for someone to use an EBT card to buy junk food like cookies and candy and stuff.
Then go over to the Lottery line to play the lottery.

She has money to gamble because she has the taxpayers to buy her food.

This attitude is disgusting. She may be working two jobs and earning the money she is using to play the lottery. Why aren't you concerned about the mega-profitable corporations like Walmart who use government programs to subsidize their payroll. Every taxpayer in America contributed $2500 to Walmart's profits in 2012.

since it's our tax money why don't you fuck off?
Saw this tonight at the 7-11
Is it fair for someone to use an EBT card to buy junk food like cookies and candy and stuff.
Then go over to the Lottery line to play the lottery.

She has money to gamble because she has the taxpayers to buy her food.

This attitude is disgusting. She may be working two jobs and earning the money she is using to play the lottery. Why aren't you concerned about the mega-profitable corporations like Walmart who use government programs to subsidize their payroll. Every taxpayer in America contributed $2500 to Walmart's profits in 2012.

since it's our tax money why don't you fuck off?

dear, tax money should not be wasted. You didn't know that?? Get it?? the half that is wasted might have been used to pay off the debt rather than wasted. Slow liberal???
The average SSDI payment in 2013 is $1,132. The maximum disability benefit in 2013 is $2,533. Often the women will get welfare or section 8 while the live in men will get disability.

1960 455,00 workers got disbility
2010 8.2 million
2011 8.6 million
2012 8.7 million

despite huge rise in public health and work place safety Barry lets millions and millions on disability so his unemployment numbers won't look so horrendous. Liberalism should be illegal!

Right now my sister is going round and round with the disability people, because she lost sight in her left eye and can't work as a nurse. If you really think it's that easy for people to get on disability, you are just stupid.

can she work in another occupation?

The hospital needs medical billers, coders, appointment takers etc.

My wife's friend is a of the nurses she used to work with had one eye! Joey is making shit up again.
My slut step granddaughter has made so much money that her sister is getting a divorce so she can start making the big money too.

The apples don't fall to far from the old tree, I guess.
more importantly, the work force is shrinking, becoming less competitive, and America is dying under the weight of libturd union schools that turn out the dumbest kids in the world and under pressure from Obama's subversive need to buy a voting constituency with ever growing welfare programs!!

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