Living the good life off of government benefits

of course if she had adhered to Republican family values and had a child with a man she loved and to whom she was married all the welfare would not have been necessary in the first place.

She could have had an abortion. It was free. She opted to have her child and raise him. He's 24 now. If the sperm donor had stood by her and married her, she would have done so but he would have made a lousy husband. She was better off without him.

She's now married to a great guy, who loves her, who treats her well, and who is a great Dad to their three boys.

She could have not gotten pregnant in the first place; i.e., not had sex with a man until she knew what sort of man he was, and saved herself and her poor kid a lot of heartache, and never gone on welfare in the first place.
She could have not gotten pregnant in the first place; i.e., not had sex with a man until she knew what sort of man he was, and saved herself and her poor kid a lot of heartache, and never gone on welfare in the first place.

Yes, she could have been perfect, just like you, but she wasn't and as a result she has a handsome young man for a son who is a credit to his mother and to himself.

She said having my grandson was one of the few smart things she did with her life at that point, and because of him, she smartened up and turned herself around. Neither my daughter or my grandson had heartache because of his birth.
The GOP will never give up on Reagan's welfare queen picking up her welfare check in a Cadillac.

Yeah. My neighbour was divorced with two young children. Her ex was an unemployed deadbeat, and she was on welfare. She lived with her mother and an older, unmarried sister, in the home she grew up in. When her kids started school, my neighbour went back to school, studied hard and was getting good marks.

When the Mike Harris Conservative government was elected in Ontario, they cut welfare benefits across the board by 20%, and he put a workfare program into place. My neighbour qualified for assistance on her tuition, but with the cut to her general welfare, she couldn't afford a Metropass ($85.00 at that time) to get back and forth to school and it was too far to walk. Her rent and her food didn't go down in cost, but her income did. In frustration, she left school, 6 months before graduation. It took her additional two years to finish school, but she was finally able to arrange a ride back and forth and got her degree.
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"Living the good life on government benefits".....this idea has been around for as long as I can remember, more than 40 years at least. So, why is it considered a 'current event'? Nothing new here.

Anyway, from what I've seen, it doesn't look like a very good life to me: they live like trailer trash and most of the people I've ever met or seen who were living on benefits were white 'cracker' trailer trash types. What's so good about such a life? :eusa_hand:
It's not such a good life. If you think so, you should try to live that life. Since the first government check was written to support the needy, people have been repeating the same lies. I have never known anyone that preferred public assistance to a job.

Oh, most of them would like a job...provided it is a job that pays really well and requires no effort from them.

Welfare lifers aren't workers.

But MOST benefits subsidize families that work from a little a whole lot.

The problem is, they don't think they can make it on their own, because they've never made it on their own. They put all this energy into getting and maintaining benefits....and don't realize that if they would put the same energy into getting and keeping a job, their lives would just naturally begin to improve as they become more skilled, more intelligent, and in higher demand as a worker with a history of working.

I've seen people who have devoted years of their lives to getting disability...when they aren't really disabled. Eventually they LEARN to be disabled, and they either get an attorney or accrue enough medical history (that's work in and of itself) that they get their ssi...of roughly $700 a month. What a waste!
The right wing wet dream of achieving full employment by cutting social services is not supported by the facts. Most of the people receiving social services are the elderly, children, physically or mentally disabled, or in between jobs. Removing social services does not put people back to work.
What a refreshingly novel idea it would be if they decided to get off their asses and earn feed for their spawn instead of demanding that others do it for them.

The woman in the story was going to school, raising two children and trying to better her situation but needed help getting there. I would saying she's working damn hard to make a better life for herself, and I'd give her a hand.

My first grandson was born when my daughter was 17. Without a high school education, she had no hope of getting a job that paid enough to support her and her son. She got government funded daycare and went back to school, then went to beauty school, while receiving social assistance. When she graduated, she found a program to pay half the salary for apprentices for one year and took an application for that program one of the top hairdressers in Canada and begged him to take her on as his apprentice. If he would, she would apply for the apprentice grant. When the grant ran out, he kept her on saying she was the most talented apprentice he had ever had.

Today, my daughter has her own salon, and employees three people. The Conservative government of Mike Harris, ended every single one of the programs, my daughter used to get herself off of social assistance.

It's a hand up, not a hand out.

Congratulations to your daughter for her success. I would consider her a fine example of how these programs should be used. I have no problem providing a hand up for those willing to work to improve themselves. But there are way too many people who don't use assistance to dig themselves out of the pit they find themselves occupying. They decide that it's easier not to work, and then they make a career out of mooching off the taxpayer. It is so bad, it's now become an inter-generational career path, passed from mother to daughter (usually).
We tried time-limiting how long a person could receive some types of assistance, but then wrote so many exceptions into the programs that limits make no difference. I would rather see receipt of public money tied to a work program, something like the apprenticeship you describe. I'd also like to see people required to pay back (at least some of) the funding they used to get a better start. Pay back into a program that could then be used to help other people in their situation. Right now we have a mindset that it's all "free". Free housing, free food, free medical, free goodies...but not one of those "free" programs is free. Somebody has to pay for all of those programs.
What a refreshingly novel idea it would be if they decided to get off their asses and earn feed for their spawn instead of demanding that others do it for them.

The woman in the story was going to school, raising two children and trying to better her situation but needed help getting there. I would saying she's working damn hard to make a better life for herself, and I'd give her a hand.

My first grandson was born when my daughter was 17. Without a high school education, she had no hope of getting a job that paid enough to support her and her son. She got government funded daycare and went back to school, then went to beauty school, while receiving social assistance. When she graduated, she found a program to pay half the salary for apprentices for one year and took an application for that program one of the top hairdressers in Canada and begged him to take her on as his apprentice. If he would, she would apply for the apprentice grant. When the grant ran out, he kept her on saying she was the most talented apprentice he had ever had.

Today, my daughter has her own salon, and employees three people. The Conservative government of Mike Harris, ended every single one of the programs, my daughter used to get herself off of social assistance.

It's a hand up, not a hand out.

of course if she had adhered to Republican family values and had a child with a man she loved and to whom she was married all the welfare would not have been necessary in the first place.

That is also very true. Or if her family had supported her.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) also says the government is subsidizing the Big Banks. "The top 18 banks in America are receiving what, in practical terms, amounts to a welfare check in the amount of $83 billion dollars each and every year." Without the bank welfare, they would have not gotten bonuses or made a profit. It's nice of them to point fingers at the 47% while our taxes paid their multi billion dollar bonus. These banks have been getting subsidized since the 1980's. The Middle-Class carries the rich & poor on their back. We create all the wealth & they steal it from us.

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The International Monetary Fund (IMF) also says the government is subsidizing the Big Banks. "The top 18 banks in America are receiving what, in practical terms, amounts to a welfare check in the amount of $83 billion dollars each and every year." Without the bank welfare, they would have not gotten bonuses or made a profit. It's nice of them to point fingers at the 47% while our taxes paid their multi billion dollar bonus. These banks have been getting subsidized since the 1980's. The Middle-Class carries the rich & poor on their back. We create all the wealth & they steal it from us.


All kinds of welfare needs to be abolished. If these banks are so big, maybe they need to fail. But the pols buy votes using welfare at one level, and they buy power by subsidizing power and money mongers at another level. The abuse is rampant and pervasive where ever and when ever the pols can see some personal gain in it.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) also says the government is subsidizing the Big Banks. "The top 18 banks in America are receiving what, in practical terms, amounts to a welfare check in the amount of $83 billion dollars each and every year." Without the bank welfare, they would have not gotten bonuses or made a profit. It's nice of them to point fingers at the 47% while our taxes paid their multi billion dollar bonus. These banks have been getting subsidized since the 1980's. The Middle-Class carries the rich & poor on their back. We create all the wealth & they steal it from us.


All kinds of welfare needs to be abolished. If these banks are so big, maybe they need to fail. But the pols buy votes using welfare at one level, and they buy power by subsidizing power and money mongers at another level. The abuse is rampant and pervasive where ever and when ever the pols can see some personal gain in it.

yes power corrupts so the only solution is to vote libertarian Republican so pols don't have the power. This was the purpose of the Constitution but liberals lack the IQ to grasp that so progress is slow.
yes power corrupts so the only solution is to vote libertarian Republican so pols don't have the power. This was the purpose of the Constitution but liberals lack the IQ to grasp that so progress is slow.

The Republicans have been in thrall to Milton Friedman and the Chicago School of Economics since Richard Nixon. It has lead to multiple stock market crashes, high inflation, high unemployment, the biggest transfer of wealth to corporations and the rich in US history, stagnant wages for the working poor and middle class, and massive deficits.

Sadly, idiots like you continue to believe these economic policies work despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Fortunately, the rest of the USA is waking up to the fact that you can't fix 40 years of mismanagement and misdirection in 4 years.

You swallowed the poison pill of free market reforms in the 1980's and until the balance is restored in wages and benefits to the working poor and middle class, you're going to have to deal with the consequences of allowing the Republicans to fuck over the poor and middle class, for a long time to come.
The Republicans have been in thrall to Milton Friedman and the Chicago School of Economics since Richard Nixon. It has lead to multiple stock market crashes, high inflation, high unemployment, the biggest transfer of wealth to corporations and the rich in US history, stagnant wages for the working poor and middle class, and massive deficits.

so why not think it over with your husband and then give us your best single example of what you are talking about or admit you lack the IQ to do so.
allowing the Republicans to fuck over the poor and middle class, for a long time to come.

do you have a best example or must you once again admit to lacking the IQ to present one that supports your theory?

Can I ask you, do you feel morally superior to Republicans?

I've seen people who have devoted years of their lives to getting disability...when they aren't really disabled. Eventually they LEARN to be disabled, and they either get an attorney or accrue enough medical history (that's work in and of itself) that they get their ssi...of roughly $700 a month. What a waste!
The right wing wet dream of achieving full employment by cutting social services is not supported by the facts. Most of the people receiving social services are the elderly, children, physically or mentally disabled, or in between jobs. Removing social services does not put people back to work.

I have to wonder where there is someone who can survive on $700.00 a month?

I've seen people who have devoted years of their lives to getting disability...when they aren't really disabled. Eventually they LEARN to be disabled, and they either get an attorney or accrue enough medical history (that's work in and of itself) that they get their ssi...of roughly $700 a month. What a waste!
The right wing wet dream of achieving full employment by cutting social services is not supported by the facts. Most of the people receiving social services are the elderly, children, physically or mentally disabled, or in between jobs. Removing social services does not put people back to work.

I have to wonder where there is someone who can survive on $700.00 a month?

The average SSDI payment in 2013 is $1,132. The maximum disability benefit in 2013 is $2,533. Often the women will get welfare or section 8 while the live in men will get disability.

1960 455,00 workers got disbility
2010 8.2 million
2011 8.6 million
2012 8.7 million

despite huge rise in public health and work place safety Barry lets millions and millions on disability so his unemployment numbers won't look so horrendous. Liberalism should be illegal!
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Yes, I'll admit to my remark being classist. Although many of my own relatives might be considered white cracker/red neck trailer trash types, though I don't know of any that were on benefits except unemployment. Some of my antecedents were part of the Dust Bowl exodus to the West Coast and have been called 'Okie,' which was a derogatory term. Trust me, living the life of poor white 'trash' isn't really any fun, defnitely not 'the good life'

Shhhh... according to Staph, "those people" are living large eating steak while she is eating Hamburger Helper(TM).

They really need to believe that when they keep voting against their own economic interests.

no according to the reporter who investigated it says they are living stop with your whining about me AND MITT..,.

You're operating on what some reporter wrote. No figures on what these people on public assistance bring in monthly that gets some people fired up? From what I've seen in California, people on the dole receive subsistence level at best. Certainly not enough to live the good life. Part of our problem is so many jobs that went to other countries. The inequality of wealth has for the last few decades been in favor of the wealthy class also. When are we allowed to say enough is enough? When the top 1% own 60% of all the wealth? No? Of course not. They deserve it because they work smarter and harder than the rest of us, correct?
Certainly not enough to live the good life.
when you have been ruined and cripppled by generations of welfare the good life is not having to answer to the man, to sleep in every day of your llife!!

When the top 1% own 60% of all the wealth? No? Of course not. They deserve it because they work smarter and harder than the rest of us, correct?

too stupid and liberal by 1000% if you work as hard and smart as Jobs, Gates, Buffett you 'd make their money too. Does it break your equalitarian little liberal heart to know you wern't good enough to make the Little League Team or work for Apple??

Also, its not 0 sum. Todays poor are better off than the rich of 50 years ago because of what the rich invented! Do you really want to steal from the rich like a common thief and perhaps lose the invention that might cost your child his life??? Think!!

See why we say a liberal wil be slow, so very very slow??
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