Living the good life off of government benefits

So you're admitting you really can't refute what I said, then?

So when are you going to starve to death to be too proud to take a government assistance?

But here's the thing about middle class entitlement... you think you are "entitled" to Social Security and Unemployment, but "Those people" getting food stamps and WIC, those "moochers" and "Takers".

And the Plutocrats laugh all the way to the bank.

what the hell are you babbling about, and what does your opinion on why thing are the way they are have to do with the article posted?
we get it you think you know all and we here need to be informed of it

Did you need someone to explain the big words to you?

Do you want me to read it to you slowly.

Frankly, I agree, we have too many people on the dole and not enough people pulling the wagon.

but that's the problem. The goal of business has been to reduce the labor force to the smallest number of people possible making the least amount of money.

And what you complain about is the inevitable result.

No one proudly watches his child starve for the greater glory of capitalism.

They demand food stamps, section 8 housing and government assistance, and teh government is happy to give it to them.

What a refreshingly novel idea it would be if they decided to get off their asses and earn feed for their spawn instead of demanding that others do it for them.
"Living the good life on government benefits".....this idea has been around for as long as I can remember, more than 40 years at least. So, why is it considered a 'current event'? Nothing new here.

Anyway, from what I've seen, it doesn't look like a very good life to me: they live like trailer trash and most of the people I've ever met or seen who were living on benefits were white 'cracker' trailer trash types. What's so good about such a life? :eusa_hand:

According to Republicans, they are "Living the Dream".
"Living the good life on government benefits".....this idea has been around for as long as I can remember, more than 40 years at least. So, why is it considered a 'current event'? Nothing new here.

Anyway, from what I've seen, it doesn't look like a very good life to me: they live like trailer trash and most of the people I've ever met or seen who were living on benefits were white 'cracker' trailer trash types. What's so good about such a life? :eusa_hand:

According to Republicans, they are "Living the Dream".

Sadly, for many liberals living the dream is simply not having to work!!
Liberals by the millions fight to get on disability, for example, not so they can travel the world but so they don't have to get out of bed each morning.
Sadly, for many liberals living the dream is simply not having to work!!
Liberals by the millions fight to get on disability, for example, not so they can travel the world but so they don't have to get out of bed each morning.
Really? Maybe this is true, I'm not sure and can't find any links showing the percentage of people applying for disability who would identify themselves as liberal or conservative. Apparently you know though, so I'd be interested to hear it. What percentage is it?

I do know the state with the highest percentage (by far) of people on disability is West Virginia, at 9.5%. I'm not really familiar with the politics of West Virginia, and I guess it doesn't matter as I'd assume it is more related to the types of jobs available in WV than anything else.

California is often bandied about as a big liberal state. Interesting they are one of the lowest for percentage on disability at 3.1%.

What a refreshingly novel idea it would be if they decided to get off their asses and earn feed for their spawn instead of demanding that others do it for them.

Again, if you are stating that we should promise every able bodied American a job, I don't have a problem with this.

But the closest we got to that in my lifetime were the Clinton years, when we had unemployment down to 3%, everyone had a Help Wanted sign up, and you could send in a resume written in crayon and get a job interview.

And big business hated it. They dumped a shitload of money into Bush's campaign to put an end to that shit.

You think business wants everyone employed? Hell, no. They want us all desperate enough to take whatever bone they'll throw us!

So you're admitting you really can't refute what I said, then?

So when are you going to starve to death to be too proud to take a government assistance?

But here's the thing about middle class entitlement... you think you are "entitled" to Social Security and Unemployment, but "Those people" getting food stamps and WIC, those "moochers" and "Takers".

And the Plutocrats laugh all the way to the bank.

There's a big difference because many of us have paid into Social Security our entire working lives. We've contributed to that fund. Just what exactly have those "starving", collecting foodstamps and social welfare, paid into those programs? Programs that wre intended to be temporary assistance until people could get on their own feet are now multi-generational "careers".

I think you need to educate yourself a bit on who gets assistance.

Let's start with food stamps. 40% of the households getting food stamp assistance has at least one person in it earning a salary or wage.

Furthermore, most people on welfare are off of it within a year. 93% of welfare fraud is not committed by recipiants, but by vendors who admister the programs.

Eight Great Myths About Welfare

Now to the other half of your argument. You don't pay into unemployment, your employer does, and what he pays into it is only 6.5% of the first $7000.00 paid. Which means that if you find yourself on unemployment, what's been paid into it on your behalf personally maybe amounts to two weeks. After that, you are being covered by the guys who didn't get fired and then the taxpayer.

Much the same with social security. If you retire at 65, you've gotten everything you've paid into it back by the time you hit 72. Average American lifespans are now 78, hense why Social Security is in so much trouble now.
So you're admitting you really can't refute what I said, then?

So when are you going to starve to death to be too proud to take a government assistance?

But here's the thing about middle class entitlement... you think you are "entitled" to Social Security and Unemployment, but "Those people" getting food stamps and WIC, those "moochers" and "Takers".

And the Plutocrats laugh all the way to the bank.

There's a big difference because many of us have paid into Social Security our entire working lives. We've contributed to that fund. Just what exactly have those "starving", collecting foodstamps and social welfare, paid into those programs? Programs that wre intended to be temporary assistance until people could get on their own feet are now multi-generational "careers".

I think you need to educate yourself a bit on who gets assistance.

Let's start with food stamps. 40% of the households getting food stamp assistance has at least one person in it earning a salary or wage.

Furthermore, most people on welfare are off of it within a year. 93% of welfare fraud is not committed by recipiants, but by vendors who admister the programs.

Eight Great Myths About Welfare

Now to the other half of your argument. You don't pay into unemployment, your employer does, and what he pays into it is only 6.5% of the first $7000.00 paid. Which means that if you find yourself on unemployment, what's been paid into it on your behalf personally maybe amounts to two weeks. After that, you are being covered by the guys who didn't get fired and then the taxpayer.

Much the same with social security. If you retire at 65, you've gotten everything you've paid into it back by the time you hit 72. Average American lifespans are now 78, hense why Social Security is in so much trouble now.

Yeah, I read the "Myths" article you cited before. Fraud and abuse is rampant at all levels.

Second: I didn't address the unemployment issue.

Third: As far as SS goes, most of us have paid into the fund our entire working lives. No one offered us a choice not to. The implied promise for the funds so extorted from the workers is that we will receive a monthly stipend beginning at a certain age. SS is not in trouble now because of increased longevity but because instead of wisely investing the funds collected for the purpose intended (i.e. retirement accounts), government decided to use those funds for whatever bought the pols the most votes. I receive a letter every year from the SS Administration. That letter details how much money has been contributed by me and my employers on my behalf. It outlines how much I can expect to receive monthly if I retire at a certain age. You know, every year I write back and tell them I'd be perfectly happy to have my money back and I would take care of my own retirement. I never get an answer, or a check.
I cannot blame young working people for hating social security.

they can see the handwrting on the wall.

They're being forced to give up 15% of incomes and they think there will be nothing for them when it comes time for them to collect.

Given the way or government is going I suspect they are right to be worried.

But if social security fails us, the USA and it citizens are going to have bigger problems than JUST that their retirement is gone.

Our entire economy is going to be toast by the time that happens.

What a refreshingly novel idea it would be if they decided to get off their asses and earn feed for their spawn instead of demanding that others do it for them.

Again, if you are stating that we should promise every able bodied American a job, I don't have a problem with this.

But the closest we got to that in my lifetime were the Clinton years, when we had unemployment down to 3%, everyone had a Help Wanted sign up, and you could send in a resume written in crayon and get a job interview.

And big business hated it. They dumped a shitload of money into Bush's campaign to put an end to that shit.

You think business wants everyone employed? Hell, no. They want us all desperate enough to take whatever bone they'll throw us!

Great stuff! LOL :thup:
I cannot blame young working people for hating social security.

they can see the handwrting on the wall.

They're being forced to give up 15% of incomes and they think there will be nothing for them when it comes time for them to collect.

Given the way or government is going I suspect they are right to be worried.

But if social security fails us, the USA and it citizens are going to have bigger problems than JUST that their retirement is gone.

Our entire economy is going to be toast by the time that happens.

Nope, I don't blame younger workers for their anger, either. I know as an older person, I get pretty pissed off when they start telling me that the first thing the pols plan on taking away will be SS. Of course, that's little more than a ploy to drive people into a panic and have them demand their representatives NOT make ANY cuts.
But the closest we got to that in my lifetime were the Clinton years, when we had unemployment down to 3%, everyone had a Help Wanted sign up, and you could send in a resume written in crayon and get a job interview.
Exaggerating a bit here don't you think?
Sadly, for many liberals living the dream is simply not having to work!!
Liberals by the millions fight to get on disability, for example, not so they can travel the world but so they don't have to get out of bed each morning.
Really? Maybe this is true, I'm not sure and can't find any links showing the percentage of people applying for disability who would identify themselves as liberal or conservative. Apparently you know though, so I'd be interested to hear it. What percentage is it?

I do know the state with the highest percentage (by far) of people on disability is West Virginia, at 9.5%. I'm not really familiar with the politics of West Virginia, and I guess it doesn't matter as I'd assume it is more related to the types of jobs available in WV than anything else.

California is often bandied about as a big liberal state. Interesting they are one of the lowest for percentage on disability at 3.1%.

1960 455,00 workers got disbility
2010 8.2 million
2011 8.6 million
2012 8.7 million

And all this libturd welfare happened when there was huge rise in public health and work place safety and far less chance of actually becomming disabled!!!!
They're being forced to give up 15% of incomes and they think there will be nothing for them when it comes time for them to collect.

Yes its the crime of the century isn't it!! 15% in a Republican private account and they'd retire with $1.4 million rather than liberal dog food money!!
You think business wants everyone employed? Hell, no. They want us all desperate enough to take whatever bone they'll throw us!

to stupid but perfectly liberal .Yes business wants price for labor low and price for products high. But, under a Republican capitalist system they must compete against each other for labor and drive wages up as much as possible and compete against each other for customers and drive prices down as much as possible.

THe only way to avoid it is through a liberal crony capitalist deal with a liberal governemnt.

See why we are positive a liberal will be slow, so very very slow.
What a refreshingly novel idea it would be if they decided to get off their asses and earn feed for their spawn instead of demanding that others do it for them.

The woman in the story was going to school, raising two children and trying to better her situation but needed help getting there. I would saying she's working damn hard to make a better life for herself, and I'd give her a hand.

My first grandson was born when my daughter was 17. Without a high school education, she had no hope of getting a job that paid enough to support her and her son. She got government funded daycare and went back to school, then went to beauty school, while receiving social assistance. When she graduated, she found a program to pay half the salary for apprentices for one year and took an application for that program one of the top hairdressers in Canada and begged him to take her on as his apprentice. If he would, she would apply for the apprentice grant. When the grant ran out, he kept her on saying she was the most talented apprentice he had ever had.

Today, my daughter has her own salon, and employees three people. The Conservative government of Mike Harris, ended every single one of the programs, my daughter used to get herself off of social assistance.

It's a hand up, not a hand out.
What a refreshingly novel idea it would be if they decided to get off their asses and earn feed for their spawn instead of demanding that others do it for them.

The woman in the story was going to school, raising two children and trying to better her situation but needed help getting there. I would saying she's working damn hard to make a better life for herself, and I'd give her a hand.

My first grandson was born when my daughter was 17. Without a high school education, she had no hope of getting a job that paid enough to support her and her son. She got government funded daycare and went back to school, then went to beauty school, while receiving social assistance. When she graduated, she found a program to pay half the salary for apprentices for one year and took an application for that program one of the top hairdressers in Canada and begged him to take her on as his apprentice. If he would, she would apply for the apprentice grant. When the grant ran out, he kept her on saying she was the most talented apprentice he had ever had.

Today, my daughter has her own salon, and employees three people. The Conservative government of Mike Harris, ended every single one of the programs, my daughter used to get herself off of social assistance.

It's a hand up, not a hand out.

of course if she had adhered to Republican family values and had a child with a man she loved and to whom she was married all the welfare would not have been necessary in the first place.
of course if she had adhered to Republican family values and had a child with a man she loved and to whom she was married all the welfare would not have been necessary in the first place.

She could have had an abortion. It was free. She opted to have her child and raise him. He's 24 now. If the sperm donor had stood by her and married her, she would have done so but he would have made a lousy husband. She was better off without him.

She's now married to a great guy, who loves her, who treats her well, and who is a great Dad to their three boys.
You think business wants everyone employed? Hell, no. They want us all desperate enough to take whatever bone they'll throw us!

to stupid but perfectly liberal .Yes business wants price for labor low and price for products high. But, under a Republican capitalist system they must compete against each other for labor and drive wages up as much as possible and compete against each other for customers and drive prices down as much as possible.

THe only way to avoid it is through a liberal crony capitalist deal with a liberal governemnt.

See why we are positive a liberal will be slow, so very very slow.

Except they do nothing like that.

Frankly, I've found that capitalism is about busting the middle class as much as making a profit.

Again, the monied classes should have been happier then shit after the Clinton years. They were making record money. Record stock market record property values, record profits. And they had to share a little bit of that with the wage slaves because the job market was so good.

And they thought that was terrible. Couldn't wait to get Bush in there and fuck it all up.

Which is pretty much what he did.
Sadly, for many liberals living the dream is simply not having to work!!
Liberals by the millions fight to get on disability, for example, not so they can travel the world but so they don't have to get out of bed each morning.
Really? Maybe this is true, I'm not sure and can't find any links showing the percentage of people applying for disability who would identify themselves as liberal or conservative. Apparently you know though, so I'd be interested to hear it. What percentage is it?

I do know the state with the highest percentage (by far) of people on disability is West Virginia, at 9.5%. I'm not really familiar with the politics of West Virginia, and I guess it doesn't matter as I'd assume it is more related to the types of jobs available in WV than anything else.

California is often bandied about as a big liberal state. Interesting they are one of the lowest for percentage on disability at 3.1%.

LA and SF are progressive...the rest of the state not so much.

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