Liz Cheney Goes Down In Flames

More language from the commie play book.

Democrats strongly support somebody like DumBama, they're loyal voters.
Republicans strongly support somebody like Trump, they're cultists.
The amount of support Obama got from Democrats was far too excessive in my opinion. I liked him, but the praise he got was over the top even for me. Like any other president, he has faults and he made mistakes. Yes, Obama received cult-like worship and it was pretty obnoxious. Reagan as well, but that’s too long ago for me.

Then Trump came along and his supporters completely obliterated the previous standard of cult-like behavior. The entire Republican party has been transformed under Trump. I’ve watched it happen in front of my eyes. The term “RINO” is specifically used to describe any Republican who doesn’t kiss Trump’s ass. You guys deny it, of course, but that’s exactly how it is used.
Democrats complain about something, they are concerned voters.
Republicans complain about something, they are whiners.
Both sides are whiners. Democrats whined when they lost the 2016 election. Republicans have been whining non-stop conspiracy theories for the last 2 years.

No matter what is implemented in our voting process, no matter who wins, I guarantee that about a third of the country will whine when they lose.

See that? I can call out both sides. I can criticize Democrat leaders. I can have an open mind and express an opinion that doesn’t always fall along party lines. I’m not a cultist.
The amount of support Obama got from Democrats was far too excessive in my opinion. I liked him, but the praise he got was over the top even for me. Like any other president, he has faults and he made mistakes. Yes, Obama received cult-like worship and it was pretty obnoxious. Reagan as well, but that’s too long ago for me.

Then Trump came along and his supporters completely obliterated the previous standard of cult-like behavior. The entire Republican party has been transformed under Trump. I’ve watched it happen in front of my eyes. The term “RINO” is specifically used to describe any Republican who doesn’t kiss Trump’s ass. You guys deny it, of course, but that’s exactly how it is used.

The term RINO has been around for decades before Trump even thought about running for office. We've always had a few in our party. Our approval for Trump is not cultist. We had a great President that put this country on track. We had a great economy, lower taxes, got rid of Commie Care fines, stopped UN from firing off his test rockets, did wonders on the border, and strongly supported our military and police. He's just about everything a conservative could want in a leader. And because we finally got such a representative, we're cultists because we want to bring those great days back and he's just about the only one who could do it.

Until that time, we have to put up with an out of control border, very high fuel costs, going further and further into debt over some unproven theory like climate change, some families unable to buy what they need from the grocery store, 2/3 of Americans living paycheck to paycheck thanks to inflation that hasn't been this high in 40 years, and because we want this all reversed, we're cultists.

Liz Cheney Goes Down In Flames​


How Does Kamala Harris Go Down?​

Best answer wins a date with Liz or Kamala.
It means the same thing it always did. My Lord, this obsession with Trump you have is embarrassing.
No, it doesn’t. Now you guys use that term on anyone anti-Trump. That’s not what a RINO meant before Trump.

I guarantee you voted for Romney and McCain. Now you guys consider them RINOs. Romney, McCain, McConnell, Cheney, Pence. All turned into RINOs the moment they went against Trump. What a magical coincidence.

Prove me wrong. Name any Republican who has been exposed as a RINO in the last few years.
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I agree that the voters in Wyoming are not the same as the conservatives on this message board. It’s not a perfect 1-to-1 comparison.

However, I think it’s reasonable to see that there will be a correlation between how conservatives throughout the country think and how Republican voters in Wyoming vote. I see two populations that will likely have more in common than not.

Is this proof of my claim? Absolutely not for the reason you explained. However it does seem reasonable to me, and therefore likely. Once again, I do not share the same threshold for proof that you require. I can make what I would consider reasonable inferences without that requirement.
Then it would make more sense to say being anti-TRUMP! was A reason for her rejection, not the ONLY reason.
Oh not at all.
The higher powers in the Democrat Party see her as a glorious opportunity that could actually take the 2024 election where they didn't see much hope. And she is too stupid to realize it.
The left media like CNN and MSNBC are already getting behind her and yelling "you go girl!!".... a bid for the Presidency, obviously no way on the Republican ticket. She would get laughed out of every place she went - but a third party.
If she can muster enough energy to split the red ticket by only 10% - this would give the Dems a solid chance to elect some other figure head that will sign anything they put on a desk.

Who exactly are you saying would support her? I'm confused by your post
Who exactly are you saying would support her? I'm confused by your post
Not support her - use her. Thus why I said "she is to stupid to see it"
The left media has already gave her a wide platform to talk about running for Prez. Not that they think she has a ghost of a chance, she certainly does not. That is laughable. But if she can spilt the red ticket - even a little - that gives who they really support (anyone with a D ) a better chance to win.
Not support her - use her. Thus why I said "she is to stupid to see it"
The left media has already gave her a wide platform to talk about running for Prez. Not that they think she has a ghost of a chance, she certainly does not. That is laughable. But if she can spilt the red ticket - even a little - that gives who they really support (anyone with a D ) a better chance to win.

What I argued was that no one is going to vote for her. There aren't many Republicans who support her and the ones who do have massive TDS and were never going to vote for Trump anyway. But yes, Democrats are using her all over the place for their own selfish benefit, and she's obviously fine with that despite "voting with Trump 90% of the time"
True in the sense that both are supported by a minority of the country, but other than that, you really didn't make any point
My point was that the voters of Wyoming voted Cheney out entirely because she attacked Trump.

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