Liz Cheney reads January 6th emails begging trump to stop the US Capitol attack on January 6th

I think most conservatives enjoyed the protests over the election, which is completely legal.

So what?

Who here endorses criminal activity though? Did Trump? If so, where?

And no, these were not white supremacist protests.

I think most people that claim they are conservative wouldn't know a conservative if they jumped up and bit them on the ass. Trump is not conservative, far from it. But he has virtually hijacked the conservative movement to serve his own agenda. And no, January 6 was not a protest, again

Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States

January 6 was a direct attempt to subjugate "the authority of the United States". The sole purpose that day was to stop Congress from doing their legal duty, certifying the results of the election. It was absolutely unprecedented in American History, not even after the election of 1860 was such actions taken. Lincoln was elected president and he wasn't even on the ballot in many Southern states. And then there was the election of 1876, Tilden-Hayes. You dumbshit Trumpsters continually believe there was fraud, but in the Tilden-Hayes election there was rampant fraud. State electoral boards overwhelming rejected ballots from the opposing party. South Carolina had more votes counted that the number of voters. It was a hell of a fiasco and yet Congress managed to come to a compromise and settle the election without a single damn protest. And I got to tell you something, when the 45th Congress outperforms you, well you have to be at the bottom of the barrel.

Trump did not make America Great, despite what you sick morons want to believe. He has all but turned us into a banana republic. Congress is filled with idiots, MTG, Cawthorn, and Boebert at the top of the list. And the responsibility lies clearly in the laps of you flippin MORONS. Look, I can understand voting for Trump in 2016, I mean a little bit anyway. But obviously, if you did, you knew very little about the man. The idea that he was some kind of great businessman is laughable. The idea that he had some kind of moral compass is unbelievably naive. The thought that he cared about anyone, other than himself, is downright insane. The fact that charismatic Christians flocked to him is just a statement of how damn stupid they really are. And if you ask me, a vote for Trump is probably an instant ticket to hell once someone meets Saint Peter. But to vote for him again in 2020? That is beyond the pale. And since I am quite sure not a damn one of you Trumpbots even know where that phrase comes from, I will just mark that off as sailing right over your head.

I mean you guys really are stupid. And I hate to use that word, it is one of only two words that were banned from my household. The other was shut-up. I never gave two shits if my kids cursed, but wrath came down if they said "stupid" or "shut-up". But there is a real difference in stupid and dumb. Dumb can't be helped. Stupid is on purpose. There are resources out there, there is real logic, and yet you Trumpbots refuse to utilize them and you remain, yes, STUPID. Bless your heart.
Yeah, and the peepee tapes and Russian collusion and tax returns and blah blah fucking blah.... you dumb fucking animals have whiffed on several hundred "GODDAMMIT WE GOT HIM THIS TIME FOR SURE!!!!!"

Nobody believes you anymore. Instead, we laugh and point at you. Just like I did in 8th grade when I threw you head first in the girls restroom and made you cry. Nothing has changed.
You seem irritated...sorry.... :abgg2q.jpg:

But he didn't, because he was enjoying the scenes he was seeing on TV....the scenes we were ALL seeing on TV. He waited for over three hours to do anything. MAGA cult, please explain this. Let the Spin begin!
Guess what, moonbat, nobody gives a fuck about your sham "investigation" of the Reichtag fire.
Charlottesville was the dress rehearsal for January 6th. January 6th was the dress rehearsal for....heaven knows what MAGA is planning?
Yeah, and you eat the corn out of biden's shit and your breath doesn't really smell like corn, if you can follow that logic.
How soon before Father of the Year Trump turns on his own son over those text messages?

Trump is a no good bastard who deserves a cell in Leavenworth or some Super Max like where Gotti ended up.
How soon before Father of the Year Trump turns on his own son over those text messages?

Trump is a no good bastard who deserves a cell in Leavenworth.
No, he is a waste of air and should be strung up with piano wire.
How soon before Father of the Year Trump turns on his own son over those text messages?

Trump is a no good bastard who deserves a cell in Leavenworth or some Super Max like where Gotti ended up.
How soon before the stuttering shit clown turns on his own sprog and says "listen, even I don't rape and torture 10-year old girls.... errr I've never been caught anyway.... you take that laptop from hell and get the fuck out of the biden crime family.... you crackhead Fredo..."
I really feel sorry for FOX 24/7 viewers. Many have died from the misinformation they heard from FOX lies about the vaccine. The ones that haven't are just walking along with their heads in a cloud...drooling their approval of all the FOX lies.
This is literally a group pathology. They've been conditioned to believe that they'll ONLY get "The Truth" from Fox and AON and NewsMax. Everything else is "commie", I guess.

Incredible. We're re-living history here.
This is literally a group pathology. They've been conditioned to believe that they'll ONLY get "The Truth" from Fox and AON and NewsMax. Everything else is "commie", I guess.

Incredible. We're re-living history here.

And you get your thoughts and faux outrage from Ofrah and that sad little queer, Don Lemon.

See how easy that was?

But he didn't, because he was enjoying the scenes he was seeing on TV....the scenes we were ALL seeing on TV. He waited for over three hours to do anything. MAGA cult, please explain this. Let the Spin begin!

Trump instigated the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on the Capitol Building and refused to do anything to stop it.

That’s how much Trump hates America – and conservatives want Trump to be president again.
How soon before the stuttering shit clown turns on his own sprog and says "listen, even I don't rape and torture 10-year old girls.... errr I've never been caught anyway.... you take that laptop from hell and get the fuck out of the biden crime family.... you crackhead Fredo..."
Too bad you're too gullible to see thru people like Trump, Meadows, Fox News goons & the rest of that mob who are without a doubt the most morally bankrupt bunch of power hungry sons of bitches who ever set foot in Washington.

Have fun with it.

Trump instigated the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on the Capitol Building and refused to do anything to stop it.

That’s how much Trump hates America – and conservatives want Trump to be president again.
trump doesn't give a flip about this country. He is only concerned about how much money he can grift out of his cult and how he can regain power again. trump is a Slug. Until the repub party pulls their collective heads out of their ass, they will be his footstool.


Liz Cheney reads​

No one gives a shit what she thinks.

January 6th emails begging trump​

Who cares what other people thought or did? What makes them right?

to stop the US Capitol attack​

Since when did Trump have the power to just wave a wand and make the capitol police and hundreds of protestors all just stop fighting each other? And how was he supposed to magically get word to them all? You shitheads keep posting this garbage because you want to imply Trump had the power to STOP the riot because that implies he must then have also had the power to START it.
Flag poles, bear spray, crutches, and assault style rifle...

Crutches? Seriously, crutches? So how come the filthy communists didn't blend all over the Capitol steps. MO
How soon before Father of the Year Trump turns on his own son over those text messages?

Trump is a no good bastard who deserves a cell in Leavenworth or some Super Max like where Gotti ended up.
Did you ever see the movie Gotti? At the end was clips from his real funeral and comments from the people. He was a real hero to the people. They loved him. He kept the streets safe.

Trump is loved by the people. He gave them safety and security when communist democrats would sell white skin to any black savage. I can hardly wait until Trump is back running the country.
Crutches? Seriously, crutches? So how come the filthy communists didn't blend all over the Capitol steps. MO
Did you ever see the movie Gotti? At the end was clips from his real funeral and comments from the people. He was a real hero to the people. They loved him. He kept the streets safe.

Trump is loved by the people. He gave them safety and security when communist democrats would sell white skin to any black savage. I can hardly wait until Trump is back running the country.
Trump & Gotti have a lot in common. Both organized crime racketeers with Trump leaning more towards being a conman who fleeces people out of their money.

But he didn't, because he was enjoying the scenes he was seeing on TV....the scenes we were ALL seeing on TV. He waited for over three hours to do anything. MAGA cult, please explain this. Let the Spin begin!
Bull. It was a left wing conspiracy and AOC got a million bucks shortly afterward for her little boo hoo Im so afraid theater that was wink wink all the way to the bank account of some deep state billionnaire who also hated Trump's world peacemaking he didn't want to happen, the dirty rat.
Trump & Gotti have a lot in common. Both organized crime racketeers with Trump leaning more towards being a conman who fleeces people out of their money.
Girl you got that false DNC narrative Hillary's hatemongers dreamed up on the spur of the moment down pat.

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