Liz Cheney says Trump appears to have been ‘personally involved in planning’ 6 Jan insurrection

You assert some false premise and want to keep changing the direction of the conversation away from the questions I asked

You assert that the purpose of the committee is to determine DJT’s guilt. That is not true. It is the false assertion in your question. The purpose of the committee is to investigate the attack on the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021 .
Yet there are still no insurrection charges. And no evidence of ANY plot.
you should trying reading what i provided to you, because it provides some explanation of proud boys role in the riot, along with oath keepers. Its a "clown coup" otherwise known as dress rehearsal for a real coup.

It should become clear why the congressional commission is needed for investigating this; its beyond the scope of the FBI.
Whew! A lot of water under the bridge since I asked for vetting on a poster's assertion back in post #456.

Here, lemme show you:
Oldestyle: "We've had left wing riots in major cities across the country that went on for months...

  • How many cities had riots that went on for months?
  • Which cities?
  • And how many months did these riots go on?

Well, after 130+ posts by many posters, good poster Oldestyle still doesn't have the names of all those cities he claims experienced "left-wing-riots" for months on end.

I didn't realize there was anyone out there that didn't know about the riots......Would you like some help with this topic?

Tell the forum which American cities had 'left-wing-riots' that went on for months.
Hell, tell us how many cities had those 'months long' riots?
You said it poster. You back it up.
Not my job to bail you out of your own assertions.

Batter up.
ThisIsMe wrote: Do you believe they are actually trying to find the truth, or are they just trying to navigate a way to make their presuppositions fit to their desired outcome? 21OCT29-POST#502

NFBW wrote: They are trying to find the truth. Any suggestions otherwise should be shelved as conspiracy theories similar to what caused the riot on Jan6 in the first place. aka Dominion machines & Hugo Chavez, ballots dropped from helicopters shipped in from China …. 21OCT29-POST#575
But isn't that the purpose of the committee? To ascertain if he did anything wrong?

Or, maybe the purpose of the committee is to simply find out what happened. Either way, it doesn't change my argument. At the very basic level, an investigation is supposed to be a fact finding mission. To look at the evidence, and from there, determine what exactly happened, and in this case, make a referral to the justice department if they found criminal wrongdoing.

In either of those cases, if the committee that is doing the investigation is biased against one of the subjects of the investigation, as all of these members of this committee are, then they have a vested interest in steering the investigation toward a direction that aligns with their own desires. That could be in the form of accepting all evidence, but only considering the parts that would, on the surface, make Trump look bad, and taking other bits and assigning skewed context to them, and using that to indicate guilt, while suppressing and ignoring anything discovered that would contradict it.

I think you mistake me for someone trying to defend Trump. That is not the case. What I want, as I have stated from the beginning, is for a fair and unbiased investigation, to bring out the truth, whatever that is. As I have repeatedly stated, I don't see that possible with this committee, because there is nobody on that committee who doesn't want to see Trump found guilty.

They are trying to find the truth. Any suggestions otherwise should be shelved as conspiracy theories

Right there, that is what I'm talking about. You feel as if this committee is not subject to bias, even though this committee looks a lot like the very impeachment team we saw in the impeachment proceedings. You dismiss any argument that they could have an agenda that would impede impartiality as "conspiracy theory".

In your view, Trump and company are already guilty, and this committee, to you, is just a fact finding mission to see how far the corruption goes. You won't consider the possibility that Trump may be innocent in all of this. You and this investigation are similar in scope. They are not trying to find the truth, likely, they will bury the truth if it doesn't point them where they want to go. They want him found guilty, at all costs. Anything that will prevent him from running for any kind of office ever again.

I wish I was wrong, but, in today's partisan climate, it's all about power and control, and partisanship, and keeping power in the party takes precedent over what's good for the country, and I say that in relation to BOTH parties. They don't like Trump, many have stated this openly and proudly, so, to say they will only accept one outcome, and will surpress any evidence to the contrary, is very likely.
Of course it was just before the mob tried to break in. You just can't stop lying.

That video shows the hallway in question, Faun! There is NOBODY in it right before Babbitt is shot! So where did you get yours? You really don't know shit about what happened there that you?
ThisIsMe wrote: In either of those cases, if the committee that is doing the investigation is biased against one of the subjects of the investigation, as all of these members of this committee are, then they have a vested interest in steering the investigation toward a direction that aligns with their own desires. - - - That could be in the form of accepting all evidence, but only considering the parts that would, on the surface, make Trump look bad, and taking other bits and assigning skewed context to them, and using that to indicate guilt, while suppressing and ignoring anything discovered that would contradict it. 21OCT29-POST#584

NFBW wrote: So far the disclosed facts support a conclusion that DJT actually pressured Pence to decertify the election according to the Eastman Plan. You claim to be unbiased but at least you call that action not a good idea. 21OCT29-POST#586

ThisIsMe wrote: I agree, if trumps intent was to have pence decertify the election, that wasn't a good idea, they should have gone through the courts. 21OCT28-POST#478

NFBW wrote: It was way too late to go through the courts. DJT’s pressure on Pence is not likely to qualify as a crime in my non- legal minded opinion. But as one who voted twice with the majority of black white and Latino voters of all religions and no religion at all against the white evangelical Christian nationalistic voting base that empowered DJT’s primary and presidential win in 2016, I consider DJT’s attempt to cancel my vote and the 81 million other Biden voters who abhor what DJT stands for, to be appalling. I was thankful that a huge multicultural coalition tossed the bum out. But he refused to go away the American way. So needless to say I believe DJT’s role in the Jan6 revolt is severely much worse than just a ‘bad idea’. His ‘Save America’ bowel movement unashamedly attempted to eliminate all the black votes from Detroit and other cities with large minority populations in states DJT lost prior to the riot. That still pisses me off that they even dreamed about doing that. Sad really sad for America. - - - And you are concerned about a Republican veteran Congressman on a committee not being fair to victim DJT and his big misunderstanding about the fact that he lost. Mighty sweet of you in my opinion. 21OCT29-POST#586

PS: just in ….. REVEALED: Trump attorney continued to pressure Pence as rioters stormed Capitol calling for his execution John Wright October 29, 2021

Trump attorney John Eastman, the author of the so-called coup memo, emailed a top Mike Pence aide as rioters stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6, blaming the vice president for the insurrection and continuing to pressure him to block certification of Joe Biden's victory.

The Washington Post reports that Greg Jacob, who served as Pence's chief counsel, was under guard with the vice president in a secure area, when he described the ongoing riot as a "siege" in an email exchange with Eastman - - - "The 'siege' is because YOU and your boss did not do what was necessary to allow this to be aired in a public way so that the American people can see for themselves what happened," Eastman wrote to Jacob, referring to Trump's false claims of widespread election fraud, as rioters tore through the Capitol, some calling for Pence's execution.
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ThisIsMe wrote: What I want, as I have stated from the beginning, is for a fair and unbiased investigation, to bring out the truth, whatever that is. 21OCT29-POST#584

NFBW wrote: I want and deserve what 81 million Biden voters want. A complete and immediate investigation into Jan6. I want to know why such a supposedly smart man does not understand that 81 million is more than 71 million and we don’t want him. I consider DJT’s attempt to overturn my choice for President to be based on his nasty ego driven bias. That’s bias. I’m not too concerned about bias involved in the investigation that his actions have forced my country to need. 21OCT30-POST#587
NFBW wrote: In September 2021 we knew this: 21OCT31-POST#588

Steve Bannon Admits He Talked with Trump About ‘Killing’ Biden Presidency Ahead of Jan. 6th - - - Bannon told Trump days before the insurrection that they needed to “kill” the Biden presidency “in the crib,” according to a new book RYAN BORT 21SEP22-RS-rBIRT-BANNON

“”” Bannon played clips of journalists discussing the book, which details how Bannon spoke with the then-president about the “crisis” that needed to be rectified on January 6th. “People are going to go, ‘What the fuck is going on here? We’re going to bury Biden on January 6th, fucking bury him,’” Bannon told Trump days before the insurrection, according to Peril. “We’re going to kill it in the crib, kill the Biden presidency in the crib.”
Here’s how Bannon responded on Wednesday: - - - “Yeah, because his legitimacy. Forty-two percent of the American people — 4-2 — think that Biden did not win the presidency legitimately. It killed itself. … Just let this go with what this illegitimate regime is doing. It killed itself. We told you from the very beginning. Just expose it. Just expose it. Never back down. Never give up. This thing will implode.” - - - Bannon’s admission that he spoke with Trump about overthrowing the election isn’t shocking considering how he was lathering up his followers to take action on the 6th. Bannon told his podcast listeners on January 5th that “all hell was going to break loose” the following day in Washington, D.C., and later encouraged his Facebook followers to “TAKE ACTION. THEY ARE TRYING TO STEAL THE ELECTION, “””

NFBW wrote: October 2021 we get this: 21OCT31-POST#588

ThisIsMe wrote: Again, as was previously mentioned, bannon left the white house years before the capitol riot, so, why even subpoena him? Why does schiff feel the need to threaten him, for something he had no part of? 21OCT12-POST#53
ThisIsMe wrote: In either of those cases, if the committee that is doing the investigation is biased against one of the subjects of the investigation, as all of these members of this committee are, then they have a vested interest in steering the investigation toward a direction that aligns with their own desires. - - - That could be in the form of accepting all evidence, but only considering the parts that would, on the surface, make Trump look bad, and taking other bits and assigning skewed context to them, and using that to indicate guilt, while suppressing and ignoring anything discovered that would contradict it. 21OCT29-POST#584

NFBW wrote: So far the disclosed facts support a conclusion that DJT actually pressured Pence to decertify the election according to the Eastman Plan. You claim to be unbiased but at least you call that action not a good idea. 21OCT29-POST#586

ThisIsMe wrote: I agree, if trumps intent was to have pence decertify the election, that wasn't a good idea, they should have gone through the courts. 21OCT28-POST#478

NFBW wrote: It was way too late to go through the courts. DJT’s pressure on Pence is not likely to qualify as a crime in my non- legal minded opinion. But as one who voted twice with the majority of black white and Latino voters of all religions and no religion at all against the white evangelical Christian nationalistic voting base that empowered DJT’s primary and presidential win in 2016, I consider DJT’s attempt to cancel my vote and the 81 million other Biden voters who abhor what DJT stands for, to be appalling. I was thankful that a huge multicultural coalition tossed the bum out. But he refused to go away the American way. So needless to say I believe DJT’s role in the Jan6 revolt is severely much worse than just a ‘bad idea’. His ‘Save America’ bowel movement unashamedly attempted to eliminate all the black votes from Detroit and other cities with large minority populations in states DJT lost prior to the riot. That still pisses me off that they even dreamed about doing that. Sad really sad for America. - - - And you are concerned about a Republican veteran Congressman on a committee not being fair to victim DJT and his big misunderstanding about the fact that he lost. Mighty sweet of you in my opinion. 21OCT29-POST#586

PS: just in ….. REVEALED: Trump attorney continued to pressure Pence as rioters stormed Capitol calling for his execution John Wright October 29, 2021

Trump attorney John Eastman, the author of the so-called coup memo, emailed a top Mike Pence aide as rioters stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6, blaming the vice president for the insurrection and continuing to pressure him to block certification of Joe Biden's victory.

The Washington Post reports that Greg Jacob, who served as Pence's chief counsel, was under guard with the vice president in a secure area, when he described the ongoing riot as a "siege" in an email exchange with Eastman - - - "The 'siege' is because YOU and your boss did not do what was necessary to allow this to be aired in a public way so that the American people can see for themselves what happened," Eastman wrote to Jacob, referring to Trump's false claims of widespread election fraud, as rioters tore through the Capitol, some calling for Pence's execution.
Once again, we have a breakdown in the communication between us. I've asked you 3 questions, and so far, you have not answered then. You have gone around them, tried to dismiss them, or change the wording of them.

In order for you and I to have a back and forth, it can't be where ots just you asking the questions and I answer them, you need to answer the questions I ask if you as well.

If you prefer not to answer, then just say so.
NFBW wrote: In September 2021 we knew this: 21OCT31-POST#588

Steve Bannon Admits He Talked with Trump About ‘Killing’ Biden Presidency Ahead of Jan. 6th - - - Bannon told Trump days before the insurrection that they needed to “kill” the Biden presidency “in the crib,” according to a new book RYAN BORT 21SEP22-RS-rBIRT-BANNON

“”” Bannon played clips of journalists discussing the book, which details how Bannon spoke with the then-president about the “crisis” that needed to be rectified on January 6th. “People are going to go, ‘What the fuck is going on here? We’re going to bury Biden on January 6th, fucking bury him,’” Bannon told Trump days before the insurrection, according to Peril. “We’re going to kill it in the crib, kill the Biden presidency in the crib.”
Here’s how Bannon responded on Wednesday: - - - “Yeah, because his legitimacy. Forty-two percent of the American people — 4-2 — think that Biden did not win the presidency legitimately. It killed itself. … Just let this go with what this illegitimate regime is doing. It killed itself. We told you from the very beginning. Just expose it. Just expose it. Never back down. Never give up. This thing will implode.” - - - Bannon’s admission that he spoke with Trump about overthrowing the election isn’t shocking considering how he was lathering up his followers to take action on the 6th. Bannon told his podcast listeners on January 5th that “all hell was going to break loose” the following day in Washington, D.C., and later encouraged his Facebook followers to “TAKE ACTION. THEY ARE TRYING TO STEAL THE ELECTION, “””

NFBW wrote: October 2021 we get this: 21OCT31-POST#588

ThisIsMe wrote: Again, as was previously mentioned, bannon left the white house years before the capitol riot, so, why even subpoena him? Why does schiff feel the need to threaten him, for something he had no part of? 21OCT12-POST#53
You do realize that the term "kill it" or "kill it in it's crib" is just an expression...right, Not Fooled? Bannon isn't espousing a violent act...he's advising the best steps he sees to stop an election that was fraudulent and advising they do so as early as possible.
do you think there is any circumstance where the dems walk away admitting they were wrong?
No. The work of the committee is necessary and appropriate so it can never be considered wrong by a fair minded unbiased democracy loving American.

The fact that their opinion is predisposed is exactly why the committee is pointless.
That is not a fact, period.

If there exists no scenario where the dems could ever walk away admitting they were wrong, then that means that there is only one outcome available and that is a guilty vote.
The committee members have not done anything wrong in being on the committee so they will never have to admit they are wrong for being on the committee.

I don't believe the dems would ever admit defeat or that they were wrong, especially against Trump.
They are not required to do so.

Would you be accepting of this situation if it was a republican committee investigating biden?

My question was, do you feel the dems are capable of being honest and fair and objective.

I agree, there will be a lot of irrelevant and made up "facts". It's why I asked if you felt the dems could be objective and honest.
Until you can cite the use of irrelevant and made up "facts" presented in the finding I will withhold judgment on such a scenario.

Do you believe the democrats are capable of being completely objective and unbiased?
Yes, sufficiently capable.

Do you believe that if the evidence takes them to a place that shows Trump and company to not be guilty that they will admit they are wrong, and would they publicly attest to that fact?
No akready explained why.

Do you believe they are actually trying to find the truth, or are they just trying to navigate a way to make their presuppositions fit to their desired outcome?
Yes and No in that order. I believe they are honorable people specifically Kinzinger.

The answers to all those questions are obvious, ThisIsMe! This is not a committee that was assembled to be objective and unbiased. Nancy Pelosi made sure of that by determining who would be sat and who wouldn't. Her action...refusing to seat the Republicans that the GOP leader named on the basis that THEY were biased towards Trump...becomes laughable considering the Democrats that now sit on that board! Does anyone here really think Adam Schiff isn't biased?
I Don’t agree with your predisposed conclusion before the Committee is barely getting started . Your judgment is already shown to be flawed when you question the subpoena to Bannon because you said he was no longer involved with the President. He was in the Willard Hotel on riot eve. You have discredited yourself on this subject ThisIsMe. .

.I asked if you felt the dems could be fair and unbiased.
I’m certain they can because much of the case will undoubtedly be based on documented evidence and video recordings And because Cheney have put their careers and lives on the line to get to the truth for the country they love.

Do you believe that if the evidence takes them to a place that shows Trump and company to not be guilty that they will admit they are wrong, and would they publicly attest to that fact?
answered and I’m not interested in them finding Trump guilty.

You can't answer a question about a committees fairness because them gathering evidence about someone's being guilty or not guilty of anything is a false premise?
No. I have answered your questions to the best if my ability and understanding of them. I dont care if DJT Is found guilty of a crime. His conduct after losing is unAmerican and deplorable, I want his private written communications unedited to be made public since he was supposed to be working for me but he worked so hard against me and against the Constitutional process of elections.

Thank you. We have an answer,
so there. what about that one.

Are you saying that the fact that the Committee could find evidence that Trump had nothing to do with it as being a false premise?

Or that the Committee finding him guilty or not guilty in general is the false premise?

If it is the second one, then what is the purpose of the committee?
To investigate the political effort to overturn the election and the riot we all saw that happened because of it,
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You do realize that the term "kill it" or "kill it in it's crib" is just an expression...right, Not Fooled? Bannon isn't espousing a violent act...he's advising the best steps he sees to stop an election that was fraudulent and advising they do so as early as possible.


I’m pointing out that your fellow DJTvoterrr was absolutely wrong about Bannon’s deep active involvement in the Eastman plot to destroy American democracy by putting an end to Biden’s win by unconstitutional means. SO Bannon must sit before the committee .

ThisIsMe wrote: Again, as was previously mentioned, bannon left the white house years before the capitol riot, so, why even subpoena him? Why does schiff feel the need to threaten him, for something he had no part of? 21OCT12-POST#53
Paranoid fantasy, pre-emptive excuse you have at the ready. Your true position is becoming very, very clear.

There was a helluva lot of prejudice bias partisanship and prejudging when this was written a couple weeks ago.

ThisIsMe wrote: Again, as was previously mentioned, bannon left the white house years before the capitol riot, so, why even subpoena him? Why does schiff feel the need to threaten him, for something he had no part of? 21OCT12-POST#53
There was a helluva lot of prejudice bias partisanship and prejudging when this was written a couple weeks ago.

ThisIsMe wrote: Again, as was previously mentioned, bannon left the white house years before the capitol riot, so, why even subpoena him? Why does schiff feel the need to threaten him, for something he had no part of? 21OCT12-POST#53
Yes. Somehow, he knows all the facts already. But we don't need an investigation to find the facts. Even though he is certain that the facts clear everyone. Curious.
Liar, I backed it up. Your denials can't wash away the charges against those Oath Keepers. Neither can your pathetic attempts at deflecting.

You backed up nothing. You talked some shit and seemed to pretend that words meant something they did not.

Meanwhile in the real world, 4 hours of rioting is not nearly as bad as four years of rioting.

You people are lying scum of the earth.
Meanwhile in the real world, 4 hours of rioting is not nearly as bad as four years of rioting.

NFBW wrote: Rioting is bad - even four years of rioting on DJT’s watch some with his white nationalist militia types agent provocateurs involved instigating violence. But still Trump’s watch while placating the militias and lying about BLM being violent. 21OCT30-POST#597
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Paranoid fantasy, pre-emptive excuse you have at the ready. Your true position is becoming very, very clear.
Your true position is becoming very, very clear
I would hope so, I've been stating it over and over in this thread, though I don't think my position is what you think it is.

Paranoid fantasy, pre-emptive excuse you have at the ready.

I get it, you have no position other than the people on the committee are honest and fair and are just looking out for the truth of what happened, even though every one if them voted to imoeach Trump, twice, and many of them have made it clear that they have nothing but contempt for Trump, yet you believe they are capable of complete objectivity.

Between myself, you, and nfbw, I think I am the ONLY one interested in the truth, and a fair investigation.
you should trying reading what i provided to you, because it provides some explanation of proud boys role in the riot, along with oath keepers. Its a "clown coup" otherwise known as dress rehearsal for a real coup.

It should become clear why the congressional commission is needed for investigating this; its beyond the scope of the FBI.
YOU should try keeping up with reality. FBI says NO evidence of any plot. Your desperation to save your failing narrative is funny. Now it’s a “ dress rehearsal”. Weak.

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