Liz Cheney says Trump appears to have been ‘personally involved in planning’ 6 Jan insurrection

Of course Liz Cheney would say Trump was involved in the Jan 6th “insurrection.” Liz is part of the old outdated GOP that hates the fact that Trump hijacked their fact old elephant and rode it to victory over Hillary.

If Trump would have really been involved in the planning, the insurrection would have succeeded.
ThisIsMe wrote: Yes, because if they actually believe that the election was stolen, it's not a lie, if they really believed it, that would be a misunderstanding 21OCT30-POST#606

NFBW wrote: So there are thirty to fifty maybe a hundred million special DJTvoterrs who don’t understand that they lost a fair and legitimate election , so the winners are supposed to accept their misunderstanding and do what I wonder / have the Biden’s removed from the White House so DJT can move back in. I don’t get it. What are the majority of Americans who have a solid attachment to reality and know how an election process in a Democratic Republic needs educated facts based voters to function, supposed to do with so many ignorant sore losers in our midst. 21OCT31-POST#
The only reason she has the job she has now is because of who her DADDY was! You know...kind of like Hunter? :)

That's not true. She was voted there like everyone else.

Your hatred of her originates when she admitted there was no fraud in the election. Until then you were quite happy to own her as a Republican.
When she shit on trump you coincidentally decided to hate her.
Sound familiar?
That's not true. She was voted there like everyone else.

Your hatred of her originates when she admitted there was no fraud in the election. Until then you were quite happy to own her as a Republican.
When she shit on trump you coincidentally decided to hate her.
Sound familiar?
You think she'd be there if she wasn't Dick Cheney's little girl? Aren't you the naive one!
The issue is that they are still viewing the attack as having been set off by Trumps speech, but we've already seen evidence the attack was not a spontanious event but was carefully planned weeks before the rally. Unless they have evidence that Trump or his staff had had prior knowledge of, and/or, took part in maing those plans, then I have to say that there is always the chance that Trump might not have known exactly what was going to happen. But seeing as his campaign and that "stop the steal" campaigh had close ties to the Proud Boys, one of the groups who planned the attack, and have members currently facing conspiracy and insurrection charges, I have to say that the chances of someone in that administration not being aware of what was going to happen are low.
I have to say that the chances of someone in that administration not being aware of what was going to happen are low.

NFBW wrote; THANKS Leviticus - And that is exactly the kind of evidence the Committee would be looking for.. I think what ThisIsMe is pushing for is “IF” there is no evidence that connects DJT and his close advIsers / confidants like Roger Stone / or the DJT suckbutt members of Congress to a militia or political organization’s premeditated plan and close communication then ThisIsMe wants the Committee members to apologize for looking into all of that. ThisIsMe is being absurd. 21OCT31-POST#628 HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!
The issue is that they are still viewing the attack as having been set off by Trumps speech, but we've already seen evidence the attack was not a spontanious event but was carefully planned weeks before the rally. Unless they have evidence that Trump or his staff had had prior knowledge of, and/or, took part in maing those plans, then I have to say that there is always the chance that Trump might not have known exactly what was going to happen. But seeing as his campaign and that "stop the steal" campaigh had close ties to the Proud Boys, one of the groups who planned the attack, and have members currently facing conspiracy and insurrection charges, I have to say that the chances of someone in that administration not being aware of what was going to happen are low.
Did you not read the FBI report on this? They found little to no evidence that an attack on the Capital was planned. They found no evidence at all that anyone from the White House was involved.

This was a protest that got out of hand because the Capital Police were so unprepared for what happened that day despite being warned ahead of time that it was going to be a large demonstration and that people were angry. This was never an "insurrection"!
Did you not read the FBI report on this? They found little to no evidence that an attack on the Capital was planned. They found no evidence at all that anyone from the White House was involved.

This was a protest that got out of hand because the Capital Police were so unprepared for what happened that day despite being warned ahead of time that it was going to be a large demonstration and that people were angry. This was never an "insurrection"!
A number of proud boys were indicted for preplanning their actions during that attacking
Did you not read the FBI report on this? They found little to no evidence that an attack on the Capital was planned. They found no evidence at all that anyone from the White House was involved.

You Oldstyle have an Abrams tank blocking your shot at the eight ball - it is called REALITY - most humans need it like food air water and shelter to survive - I don’t know how long you, ThisIsMe Correll lantern2814 etc can survive running on DJT’s inexcusable toxic and alternative reality for as long as you all have - The findings of the Committee could save you - but you need to sit back quit dissing them and wait for it’s results and read this when you think DJT is not watching you. 21OCT31-POST#631

“”” Speaking with host Kendis Gibson, {on MSNB} the attorney said written documents and recorded comments by three have built the case against them. 21OCT31-RS-tBoggioni - - - Trump and his lawyers have handed investigators what they need to charge them with 'seditious conspiracy': former prosecutor - - - “You know Kendis, it is not that Vice President Pence did not have the courage or the spine to overthrow the election's result, it is that he did not have the law or the authority to overthrow the election results," he began. "There's nothing in the 12th Amendment, nothing in the Electoral College Count Act that gives a vice president the unilateral authority to just disregard or throw out the results of the popular vote, as he is presiding over the count of the Electoral College votes." - - - "What all of this shows us, Kendis, is that there is going to be so much evidence coming out, that will prove, I suggest, like guys like [John] Eastman and certainly Donald Trump, and Jeffrey Clark -- who was assisting Trump in his efforts to overturn the election results -- they are going to build the case for this being a criminal conspiracy, indeed, a seditious conspiracy." - - - "I think that the select committee will have the evidence that it needs to really make some progress in its investigation," he added “””
You Oldstyle have an Abrams tank blocking your shot at the eight ball - it is called REALITY - most humans need it like food air water and shelter to survive - I don’t know how long you, ThisIsMe Correll lantern2814 etc can survive running on DJT’s inexcusable toxic and alternative reality for as long as you all have - The findings of the Committee could save you - but you need to sit back quit dissing them and wait for it’s results and read this when you think DJT is not watching you. 21OCT31-POST#631

“”” Speaking with host Kendis Gibson, {on MSNB} the attorney said written documents and recorded comments by three have built the case against them. 21OCT31-RS-tBoggioni - - - Trump and his lawyers have handed investigators what they need to charge them with 'seditious conspiracy': former prosecutor - - - “You know Kendis, it is not that Vice President Pence did not have the courage or the spine to overthrow the election's result, it is that he did not have the law or the authority to overthrow the election results," he began. "There's nothing in the 12th Amendment, nothing in the Electoral College Count Act that gives a vice president the unilateral authority to just disregard or throw out the results of the popular vote, as he is presiding over the count of the Electoral College votes." - - - "What all of this shows us, Kendis, is that there is going to be so much evidence coming out, that will prove, I suggest, like guys like [John] Eastman and certainly Donald Trump, and Jeffrey Clark -- who was assisting Trump in his efforts to overturn the election results -- they are going to build the case for this being a criminal conspiracy, indeed, a seditious conspiracy." - - - "I think that the select committee will have the evidence that it needs to really make some progress in its investigation," he added “””
I already know what the committee will "find", NotFooled! They'll find that the Trump people planned to challenge the validity of an election that they saw as fraudulent. Then they'll try to make the leap of logic that THAT constitutes a "seditious conspiracy"!

It's the same thing buffoons like Adam Schiff tried and failed miserably with the Russian Collusion sham. We're STILL waiting on him to show the "proof" that he claimed he had that collusion took place back then! This will be the same dog and pony show!
If Trump would have really been involved in the planning, the insurrection would have succeeded.
Well, poster Batcat, there is the alternative view that the 'insurrection' didn't succeed because of, well, because of Trump.
His record on successes ain't stellar.

Sorta like Trump University, Trump Casinos, Trump Pale Ale, Trump Vodka, Trump Airlines, Trump Mortgage, Trump Steak, Trump Tower Tampa, yadda, yadda, yadda.

But seeing as his campaign and that "stop the steal" campaign had close ties to the Proud Boys, one of the groups who planned the attack, and have members currently facing conspiracy and insurrection charges, I have to say that the chances of someone in that administration not being aware of what was going to happen are low. (underlining by my avatar)
It seems to me that poster Leviticus is sensing there's a fire underneath all that smoke.
I too think that there is more to this story than what has been revealed to date.
In my opinion, there seems to be some curious aspects that Americans would benefit if they better understood if there was or was not a connection:

  • “Big protest in D.C. on January 6th,” Mr. Trump tweeted on Dec. 19,...... “Be there, will be wild!
  • On his podcast on January 5, Bannon encouraged listeners eager for “revolution” to go to Washington the following day. “All hell is going to break loose tomorrow, he said.
  • GOP lawmaker Mo Brooks says he wore body armor at the January 6 Trump rally and was tipped off to 'risks'

  • Oathkeepers, who joined the attack on the Capitol, guarded Roger Stone on January 5th and part of the 6th.

Those developments require a thorough vetting. So let's let the cake bake....and see what comes out of the oven.

Who cares? Red herring. This is you trying to talk about ANYTHING but the facts,.
I'm not avoiding anything. I'm trying to talk about the FACT that thus committee is not looking for the truth. They are looking for anything they can find to refer Trump to the doj. If they find any evidence that would indicate Trump is not responsible for planning and directing the attack, they will bury it. You seem to think they won't, that they will go on live TV and announce "after months of investigating, we have found nothing that would indicate that Trump and company had no involvement with planning and coordinating the attack on the capitol", and then Trump would be free to run for office again. My claim is that there is no scenario where that would ever happen. If they find any evidence that doesn't paint Trump in a bad light, they will throw that away and only bring forward anything that makes him look guilty, and I also claim they will be taking a lot of things and trying to twist the context.

Again, you see to believe these people are being honest and in the up and up. I'm sorry, I don't share that sentiment, based on past observation.

Also, what facts? An investigation doesn't uncover "facts" they uncover "evidemce" which if the evidence is strong enough, they take it to court, where they doecover the facts, and the defense gets to tear down that evidence. At this point, other than there was a riot, and you have an Eastman memo that lays out a plan to have the vp reject some electors, we don't have any "facts". Everything is supposition until they discover the FACTS about them.

This is what I'm getting from you: "these are the FACTS, he did it, he's guilty, he needs to be prosecuted and put in prison, and never allowed to run for office again, and that committee will be competent unbiased in their approach". THAT is certainly the sentiment I get from you, and has been spoken by many members here on these forums, and I'm sure you've done your fair share of condemning in the same manner.

I, on the other hand, am saying that, until they find hard evidence the he was responsible, I will not claim he is guilty, because of what I have SEEN, and because the FBI has already stated, he has no involvement in planning.and even being a part of the riot.

I ALSO have stated that if they find HARD evidence that he did all that, that I will stand with you guys I'm recommending him to prosecution and never being put in office again, but due to the nature of the people on the committee, I have doubts they can be objective about the investigation.

How about you, will you stand with me if they can't find the evidence necessary to convict?
I already know what the committee will "find", NotFooled! They'll find that the Trump people planned to challenge the validity of an election that they saw as fraudulent.

The activities being investigated that took place on January 6 were not a legal challenge of the validity of an election that they saw as fraudulent. 60 challenges of that nature were already failed attempts due to lack of evidence. - - - The activities being investigated that took place on January 6 were an attempt to overturn the election based on a lie and absolutely out of the boundaries set in the Constitution, that Mike Pence could do it on that day. Those are the FACTS. You are wrong. DJT quit using your money to challenge the election by the end of January He moved on to attempting to overturn it the Eastman way. Pence refused.
Don't you just miss those days when Halliburton was getting those multi billion dollar no-bid contracts?

Liz sure does.

What an amazing phenomenon it is to see all the site Stalinists yearning for the good old days just because they see the enemy of their enemy as being their friend.
False. You very clearly said the original committee was also pointless, because Republicans would just be overruled at all times. You had to be corrected with information showing that was false

I am not going to do this with you. Find someone else to lie to.
Yes, someone mentioned the other committee, as I had understood that commission to have been stacked more toward the dems, I was corrected. It doesn't matter if I admitted I was wrong before or after someone corrected me, I still admitted the mistake. That was 1 post in this sea of text that we've been having. It wasn't even relevant to the overall context of everything I've been saying.
there was a riot, and you have an Eastman memo that lays out a plan to have the vp reject some electors

What was the purpose of the plan to have Mike Pence reject the electors? Was the purpose of the riot and the purpose of the Eastman plan engaged to accomplish the same thing?

By not answering these questions I have to assume that you don’t have an answer that can support “Normalizing” your client DJT And abnormalizing any critic of the victim. #640
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