Liz Cheney says Trump appears to have been ‘personally involved in planning’ 6 Jan insurrection

It's rather revealing how you can't post without lying. I posted this video which shows lawmakers and others being escorted out through the Speaker's Lobby which you lied about and claimed was empty.

In reality, it wasn’t empty about 2 minutes before Ashli Targetpractice got herself shot.

And after spotting that group in the Speaker's Lobby, Trump's mob yelled, "hurry, they're getting away!" Followed by smashing the windows right behind the cops. Followed by, "they're leaving! They're leaving!"

I would say you should stop lying; but clearly, you're pathological and can't stop.

So your claim is that video took place about 2 minutes before that cop overreacted and shot an unarmed woman protester?

You do realize that the video you provided has been edited? That it cuts from one moment to another with no way of knowing how much time was cut out? Why do you think that is, Faun? So someone like you can claim they were trying to break that door down to "get" the Congress members who in actuality were already gone?
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Just curious, Faun...did you happen to notice that link also reported that the FBI found that the group who planned to "break into" the Capitol had no plan to DO anything once they did? Some violent "insurrection"! (eye roll) It more like a bunch of students occupying the Dean's office back in the Vietnam War protest days. Once they were there...they didn't really know what else to do other than stand around.
Lying con. You said there was no plan to break into the Capitol. Took one post to send you running in another direction.
So your claim is that video took place about 2 minutes before that cop overreacted and shot an unarmed woman protester?

You do realize that the video you provided has been edited? That it cuts from one moment to another with no way of knowing how much time was cut out? Why do you think that is, Faun? So someone like you can claim they were trying to break that door down to "get" the Congress members who in actuality were already gone?
You're lying again. There is no such cut. You can even hear the mob as the camera pans from the lawmaker to the mob in one continuous shot. Then you can hear someone in that mob yell, "hurry, they're getting away!" Further evidence you're lying about that video being cut.

It's amazing how you can't post without lying. :eusa_liar:

And not all of the lawmakers were gone. So.e were still hold up inside the chamber just feet away from where Benedict Babbitt committed suicide by cop.
NFBW wrote: Question for Correll & Oldestyle … How do the indicted Oathkreepers physically and logistically knowingly combine, conspire, confederate, and agree to stop, delay, and hinder the Certification of the Electoral College vote from OUTSIDE of DC and without putting their terrorist boots on the ground INSIDE the Capitol Bldg where Mike Pence was? 21NOV02-POST#765

NFBW wrote: Correll & Faun in agreement / domestic Terrorists planned in advance to attack the Capitol (next 3”2 para) 21NOV02-POST#765

Faun wrote: We know some extremist groups had plans for that day. 21 OCT29-POST#514

Correll wrote: My understanding is that some people had plans ahead of time to use the demonstration as cover to start a violent confrontation. 21MAR07-POST-#1042

NFBW wrote: A peaceful Rally OUTSIDE of the Capitol does not disrupt the proceedings INSiDE the Capitol (next para) 21NOV02-POST#765

Correll wrote: Trump called for a demonstration to put political pressure on Congress. You saying "disrupt" is you lying. 21OCT16-POST#882

Faun wrote: We know some extremist groups had plans for that day. 21 OCT29-POST#514

NFBW wrote: But old wily Oldestyle figgerd he caught Faun in this huge lie (next para) 21NOV02-POST#765

Oldestyle wrote: Show me where in the FBI report it says that those extremist groups were planning to breach the Capital building, Faun! 21OCT29-POST#500

Faun wrote: “PERSON ONE continued, “I do want some Oath Keepers to stay on the outside... 21 OCT29-POST#523

NFBW wrote: Correll can’t read link Faun posted (next para) 21NOV02-POST#765

Correll wrote: Outside of what? The crowd? The city? YOU made the claim, show me where anyone said shit about going INSIDE THE CAPITOL BUIDLING 21OCT29-POST#524

NFBW wrote: the Oathkeeoer insurrectionists planned and conspired to corruptly obstruct, influence, and impede an official proceeding. The purpose of the conspiracy was to stop, delay, and hinder the Certification of the Electoral College vote. The insurrectionists could not stop, delay, and hinder the Certification of the Electoral College vote.from outside and if they all stayed outside there would be no plans ahead of time to use the demonstration as cover to start a violent confrontation. 21OCT29-POST#765

32. From at least as early as November 3, 2020, through January 6, 2021, in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, the defendants, THOMAS CALDWELL, DONOVAN CROWL, JESSICA WATKINS, SANDRA PARKER, BENNIE PARKER, GRAYDON YOUNG, LAURA STEELE, KELLY MEGGS, CONNIE MEGGS, KENNETH HARRELSON, ROBERTO MINUTA, JOSHUA JAMES, ,

did knowingly combine, conspire, confederate, and agree with each other and others known and unknown, to commit an offense against the United States, namely, to corruptly obstruct, influence, and impede an official proceeding, that is, the Certification of the Electoral College vote, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1512(c)(2)


Purpose of the Conspiracy

33. The purpose of the conspiracy was to stop, delay, and hinder the Certification of the Electoral College vote
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No, I would have to say you intentionally misrepresented and obfuscated it, as I have stated it directly to you a few times, and it was basically one sentence. Notice I don't have to equivocate or stumble or backtrack or lob word salads over my shoulder as I retreat from a point, when taking this simple stance:

It is important to finds out facts about January 6th, 2021. We should do it. Right now.

To add: And I think the committee will find facts. And already has.

And there you have it. No 10 pages of equivocation and stumbles. No attempts to put words in "just the right order" to make something false or dubious be true.

Your now extended effort in pushing back against this is telling.

And your attacks are very oblique.

"But, uh, what if ____, then that would just be a waste of time then..."

"But all the facts will just be fake"

"Bannon had nothing to do with it"

"But those people there will form biased opinions about the facts"

None of these oblique shots are doing any damage, or really even landing at all.
Notice I don't have to equivocate or stumble or backtrack or lob word salads over my shoulder as I retreat from a point, when taking this simple stance:

Where have I equivocated or stumbled or backtracked? Where have I retreated from a point? My original intent and questioning is still the same.

I could keep debating you about this but it would be pointless, I've stated my argument many times, and it has only ever been about one thing, my belief that the committees investigation will be tainted with personal bias. You don't believe that. OK, we both have stated our points. To keep rehashing this is a waste of time, and at the end of it all, it makes no difference anyway, what we say here has no bearing on what they will do.
Fort Fun Indiana wrote: Because whether or not something is strictly illegal is not the only standard we hold in this country. ….. The FBI can find factual info on this to give to the committee, and the committee is tasked with pulling that and all other info together into a bigger picture. 21JUL25-POST#40

ThisIsMe wrote: Yeah, but you'll never find any truth, the dems aren't looking for truth. They're looking for whatever Republicans they can nail to the wall. …. 21SJUL26-POST#595

NFBW wrote: ThisIsMe already knew back in July that the bigger picture the committee produces will not be based on finding any truth. There is truth but this particular committee wont find “any” of it or will suppress it. 21NOV02 POST#759 I've said to fort, this is going nowhere, I guess we'll just have to wait and see what the committee actually does. Really no point in hashing on about it here. We are just going in circles, getting nowhere.

NFBW wrote: CONGRATS 🎊🎈 to you FORT! it took at least 90 days but you finally walked ThisIsMe off his “personal bias and coddling of Trump” ledge . 21NOV02-POST#767

Fort Fun Indiana wrote: So your { ThisIsMe } opinion they wont find any truth is fact. Sure pal. Get that nonsense out of here. - - - ‘I bet they do find some truth. I also think you know thwy will. So the preemptive excuses start flying 21JUL25-POST#40

ThisIsMe wrote: I've said to fort, this is going nowhere, I guess we'll just have to wait and see what the committee actually does. Really no point in hashing on about it here. We are just going in circles, getting nowhere. 21NOV02-POST#766

NFBW wrote: Perhaps now ThisIsMe has freed up his mind enough to discuss what normal Americans like Liz Cheney and Adam Kissinger need us to discuss - what exactly is DJT’s massive disinformation campaign that continues to deconstruct America’s valued democratic system all about and what must we do to stop him and his millions who have sold out on America to be “with him” on such anti-American authoritarian ideas and dishonesty. 21NOV02-POST#767
You're lying again. There is no such cut. You can even hear the mob as the camera pans from the lawmaker to the mob in one continuous shot. Then you can hear someone in that mob yell, "hurry, they're getting away!" Further evidence you're lying about that video being cut.

It's amazing how you can't post without lying. :eusa_liar:

And not all of the lawmakers were gone. So.e were still hold up inside the chamber just feet away from where Benedict Babbitt committed suicide by cop.
There's no cut? Bullshit! Go look at it again. If there isn't a cut then one of the protesters has the ability to disappear because one moment he's there and the next he's not! Someone edited that and you're too stupid to see it. I wondered why the tape I'd seen didn't show that happening and went back and watched yours carefully again. If you'd like I'll give you the exact moment in your tape where that took place. Do I need to?
Where have I equivocated or stumbled or backtracked? Where have I retreated from a point? My original intent and questioning is still the same.

I could keep debating you about this but it would be pointless, I've stated my argument many times, and it has only ever been about one thing, my belief that the committees investigation will be tainted with personal bias. You don't believe that. OK, we both have stated our points. To keep rehashing this is a waste of time, and at the end of it all, it makes no difference anyway, what we say here has no bearing on what they will do.
Anyone who doesn't KNOW this committee's investigation will be tainted with political bias is either naive to a fault or deliberately lying. That was made perfectly obvious when Pelosi "named" Cheney and Kinzinger as the GOP reps!
Lying con. You said there was no plan to break into the Capitol. Took one post to send you running in another direction.
Some plan. The FBI said that one small group didn't even plan what it was they'd do once they were IN the Capitol building! This narrative that you're desperately pushing that there was some master plan to invade the Capital and take hostages is nothing more than made up bullshit! It was a protest that got way out of hand because the Capitol Police allowed that to happen by ignoring all of the warnings that it was going to be bigger than expected and the crowd was going to be angry.
There's no cut? Bullshit! Go look at it again. If there isn't a cut then one of the protesters has the ability to disappear because one moment he's there and the next he's not! Someone edited that and you're too stupid to see it. I wondered why the tape I'd seen didn't show that happening and went back and watched yours carefully again. If you'd like I'll give you the exact moment in your tape where that took place. Do I need to?
Lying con, there is no cut. Again, from the very beginning while the camera is on that crowd inside the Speaker's Lobby, you can hear Trump's mob on the other side.

And someone even yells, "they're getting away."

Who do you think they meant if not the lawmakers and others seen in the Speaker's Lobby just moments before they tried to break in?
The FBI said that one small group didn't even plan what it was they'd do once they were IN the Capitol building!
They started a war (cop beating heard around the world) but they were stopped. Then the President seeing failure and defeat that day told his patriotic fighters he loved them - It’s alright it’s time to go home. The disinformation war he started will push on - send him money.
Lying con, there is no cut. Again, from the very beginning while the camera is on that crowd inside the Speaker's Lobby, you can hear Trump's mob on the other side.

And someone even yells, "they're getting away."

Who do you think they meant if not the lawmakers and others seen in the Speaker's Lobby just moments before they tried to break in?
30 seconds into YOUR video it cuts from one camera angle to a totally different camera angle with people missing that were in the first shot! So why was that video edited like that Faun? What were the people that did that trying to portray? That the "mob" was breaking the doors down to go after those Congress people that were shown in the hall earlier? They're gone at that point. The hallway is empty.
They started a war (cop beating heard around the world) but they were stopped. Then the President seeing failure and defeat that day told his patriotic fighters he loved them - It’s alright it’s time to go home. The disinformation war he started will push on - send him money.
Give that a rest, Not Fooled...the left had been "beating" cops for the better part of two YEARS in demonstrations all over the country! So how many of THOSE protesters were shot at point blank range when they were unarmed?
Give that a rest, Not Fooled...the left had been "beating" cops for the better part of two YEARS in demonstrations all over the country!

Yeah like when the cops beat the Iraq antiwar protesters and now the guy who said he was antiwar has started a war of his own to stay in power. But no leftist protester has every best up Capitol Police in the attempt to take over the US Capitol to stop the peaceful transfer of power and overturn a presidential election to keep their authoritarian loser in power.
So how many of THOSE protesters were shot at point blank range when they were unarmed?
Babbitt attacked the United States of America in an attempt to forcibly install an authoritarian mobster to the presidency. Perhaps she is the first dumbass casualty to die in DJT’s war against America - she is a traitor and deserved what she got. Being stupid is no excuse for her attack on my country,
Babbitt attacked the United States of America in an attempt to forcibly install an authoritarian mobster to the presidency. Perhaps she is the first dumbass casualty to die in DJT’s war against America - she is a traitor and deserved what she got. Being stupid is no excuse for her attack on my country,
She was someone who was protesting against what she perceived to be a fraudulent election. An unarmed protester that was shot at point blank range. Show me a single liberal protester that had that done to them in two YEARS of burning and looting American cities, Not Fooled!
She was someone who was protesting against what she perceived to be a fraudulent election.

She was not protesting. 20 thousand idiots that believe the lies about the election were protesting, NOT A ONE GOT HURT. Babbitt was a violent and dangerours traitor in the front line if a failed attack Against the United States of America. Period! No if Ann’s or butts. A traitor. Stupid human being. A Trump supporter. A Q anon believer. That’s what BABBIT is. She can be your hero. Never mine. I have no respect for traitors.
Do you seriously not grasp the difference between planning to take part in a "rally" outside of the Capitol building in which they are worried they will come into conflict with Antifa groups...and planning an assault on the Capitol building itself?
And how do you explain the order to attack police officers

NFBW wrote: CONGRATS 🎊🎈 to you FORT! it took at least 90 days but you finally walked ThisIsMe off his “personal bias and coddling of Trump” ledge . 21NOV02-POST#767

Fort Fun Indiana wrote: So your { ThisIsMe } opinion they wont find any truth is fact. Sure pal. Get that nonsense out of here. - - - ‘I bet they do find some truth. I also think you know thwy will. So the preemptive excuses start flying 21JUL25-POST#40

ThisIsMe wrote: I've said to fort, this is going nowhere, I guess we'll just have to wait and see what the committee actually does. Really no point in hashing on about it here. We are just going in circles, getting nowhere. 21NOV02-POST#766

NFBW wrote: Perhaps now ThisIsMe has freed up his mind enough to discuss what normal Americans like Liz Cheney and Adam Kissinger need us to discuss - what exactly is DJT’s massive disinformation campaign that continues to deconstruct America’s valued democratic system all about and what must we do to stop him and his millions who have sold out on America to be “with him” on such anti-American authoritarian ideas and dishonesty. 21NOV02-POST#767
Oh, don't pat yourself on the back lol, he hasn't "walked" me off anything. You havent changed my mind. I still stand by my argument, I'm just disengaging because the discussion isn't going anywhere.

Honestly, I think I was having one discussion and you were having another. I was trying to address the committees bias in investigating the riot, you were discussing his trying to overturn the election via the Eastman memo.

In any case, there comes a point in a discussion when you realize that neither party is going to convince the other, so, it becomes a futile effort.

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