Liz Cheney says Trump appears to have been ‘personally involved in planning’ 6 Jan insurrection

ThisIsMe wrote: Again, no truth will be found. Its impossible with that much hate and contempt just waiting to be released. 21SJUL26-POST#623

ThisIsMe wrote: Because as I've also said, there is a chance they will surprise me, and also, we really don't have a choice. 21NOV03-POST#782

NFBW wrote: Both of the above referenced statements cannot be true. So which one is it? Which is a lie and which is truth coming from you ThisIsMe ?????? 21NOV03-POST#799

NFBW wrote: I am hoping POST#782 is the honest you ThisIsMe because I had hoped we could agree to some examples of potentially predictable “TRUTHS” that the COMMITTEE can find. - - - As you know if you read my response to the untruth you wrote - POST#785* see below - there is a Federal indictment of a group of Oath Keepers who have been charged with conspiracy “to stop, delay, and hinder the Certification of the Electoral College vote” . . . . those are the FED Indictments’ exact words - take note Oldestyle Correll struth lantern2814 theHawk . . . . . And that means the riot suspects if convicted conspired and attacked the United States of America 🇺🇸 on Jan6 exactly in accordance with the purpose they were called to DC that Day by DJT and all his nationally known supporters, official and lawyers such as John Eastman. See DJTtweet8:17* below. - - - So if the COMMITTEE ThisIsMe uncovers a trail of prior communications, contacts, coordination regarding Trump’s goal to stop the certification of the electors per the Eastman memo, his Jan6 tweet and speech at the rally, such as private communications at the Wiilard Hotel the night before . . . . Wouid that suffice to you ThisIsMe to be the valid TRUTH coming out of the Committee acceptable to you? 21NOV03-POST#799

*** references:

POST#785* ThisIsMe wrote: You don't know that Trump had any involvement in the planning and execution of the riot.

DJTtweet8:17* January 6, 2021 8:17 a.m.: Trump tweets: "States want to correct their votes, which they now know were based on irregularities and fraud, plus corrupt process never received legislative approval. All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!" 21JAN06-DJTtweet8:17
Both of the above referenced statements cannot be true. So which one is it? Which is a lie and which is truth coming from you

It is my expectation that they cannot be honest, but there is always a chance they could prove me wrong. I'm not above admitting that, so, yes, both statements can be true.

And that means the riot suspects if convicted conspired and attacked the United States of America on Jan6 exactly in accordance with the purpose they were called to DC that Day by DJT and all his nationally known supporters, official and lawyers such as John Eastman.

So, if Trump lays out a plan to send back electors (the Eastman plan), and a group of people find out about it (as you have already corrected me, the Eastman Plan did get divulged), and they decide they are going to "help" Trump by taking matters into their own hands, that's not evidence that Trump told them to do that.

That's what I meant about circumstantial evidence. If their prosecution is going to be based on the oathkeepers devised a plan to enter the capitol building based on the Eastman Plan combined with some rhetoric by the president, I don't thinks that's going to be enough. To get passed the "shadow of a doubt" metric, they are going to have to have some audio/video, or some documents that have Trump or those around him talking about a riot, or an attack.

Just saying he had a plan to overturn the election, and he incited people by saying the election was stolen isn't going to be enough. If someone says something and that causes someone else to commit a crime, I don't see how you can hold that against the speaker unless he specifically called them to do it, and even then, there is the matter of free will. Those people listening have to make up their own mind if they want to do it or not.

Again, in my opinion (and I'm no lawyer, so this is just my opinion), I just don't see how you get the incitement to cause a riot, because he never actually called for violence. Yes, he said they were going to go to the capitol to cheer on then "weak ones" to give them support to "do the right thing".

All that stuff about "you don't win with weakness" and "fight" etc, is going to be difficult to prove he meant that in the context of physical means and not in terms of character.

Plus, again, if they knew that the Eastman Plan was illegal, it makes no sense to even attempt it, and start a riot over it, they would have had to have known that it would have never worked, so why even attempt it.
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Also not a problem. Not sure what universe you live in. Humans can think whatever they like. Do you think investigators don't hold opinions? The facts show what they show, no matter what Pelosi has for breakfast.

Oh wait, you say the facts will all be fake. Because your tea leaves said so.

You are scraping for excuses. Dog and pony show. Smoke and mirrors, to obfuscate your actual reasoning.
Tea leaves? Huh?

OK, scenario: you learn that you are being investigated, and you learn who the team is that are conducting the investigation.

"Um, excuse me, but everyone on that committee has already expressed their disdain for me, and at least one of then has stayed that it is their mission to see me punished"

And you think that would be OK?

I'm not trying to obfuscate my position. My position is very clear. I've listed all the committee members and their bias. If all the members were like Pete Aguilar, then I'd be content. He appears to be one of maybe 2 on that committee who hasn't flagrantly stayed his disdain for Trump and desire to see him prosecuted. From the interviews, he appears to really be interested in the truth and wants to get down to the bottom of it all. In other words, he appears, at least from my quick research, to not have any bias.

A committee full of people like that would make me change my mind.
OK, scenario: you learn that you are being investigated, and you learn who the team is that are conducting the investigation.
Doesn't matter. Facts are facts. You think police and FBI agents don't hold opinions on suspects?

Just give it up. Your word salads are not getting you anywhere.

You don't want them to find facts. Everyone knows why at this point.
Lying con, there were multiple videos record from different angles. You can hear the guy yelling, "they're leaving," in both. At the very end of the first video and at the very beginning of the second. That shows there was no gap in time; it was just two angles. Why? I can only guess the first video didn't capture that hero taking down Ashli Targetpractice.
And none of those videos show people in that hallway for about two and a half minutes before that Capitol Police officer assassinated an unarmed female protester. The one that you tried to claim hadn't been edited made it look like there were members of Congress in that hallway but the truth is that those members were long gone. So why was the decision made to pull those cops out from in front of the door? Who made that decision? What was the order given to the plainclothes officer who pulled the trigger? Why did HE decide deadly force was warranted when no other Police officer in the entire Capitol building fired THEIR weapons? If the security of that hallway was of such importance than why wasn't it being guarded by Capital Police? Who gave the order to make it look like the Police were clearing out only to have someone jump out of hiding and shoot someone for breaking a window? Why wasn't tear gas used on the protesters? Why weren't Tasers employed? Why weren't the Capital Police in riot gear?
ThisIsMe wrote: So, if Trump lays out a plan to send back electors (the Eastman plan), and a group of people find out about it (as you have already corrected me, the Eastman Plan did get divulged), and they decide they are going to "help" Trump by taking matters into their own hands, that's not evidence that Trump told them to do that. 21NOV03-POST#801

NFBW wrote: Try to focus ThisIsMe . . . . I’m not here to find evidence to prosecute Trump. ’Here is what you were asked:

- - - So if that COMMITTEE ThisIsMe uncovers a trail of prior communications, contacts, coordination regarding Trump’s goal to stop the certification of the electors per the Eastman memo, his Jan6 tweet and speech at the rally, such as private communications at the Wiilard Hotel the night before . . . . Wouid that suffice to you ThisIsMe to be the valid TRUTH coming out of the Committee acceptable to you? - - -

Your reply ThisIsMe goes like this:

… if Trump lays out a plan … and so some domestic terrorists find out about it … and they conspire to attack the United States of America to overturn the election so Trump can steal it. that's not evidences that Trump told them to do that. . . .

I ‘m not looking for evidence that In the weeks leading up to the insurrection, Trump told anyone to commit violence. I want to know from you ThisIsMe if the COMMITTEE uncovers a trail of prior communications, contacts, coordination between the Oath keepers and any of DJT’s advisers like Bannon, would that be something importsnt and worthwhile that the investigation digs up?
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ThisIsMe wrote: So, if Trump lays out a plan to send back electors (the Eastman plan), and a group of people find out about it (as you have already corrected me, the Eastman Plan did get divulged), and they decide they are going to "help" Trump by taking matters into their own hands, that's not evidence that Trump told them to do that. 21NOV03-POST#801

NFBW wrote: Try to focus ThisIsMe . . . . I’m not here to find evidence to prosecute Trump. ’Here is what you were asked:

- - - So if that COMMITTEE ThisIsMe uncovers a trail of prior communications, contacts, coordination regarding Trump’s goal to stop the certification of the electors per the Eastman memo, his Jan6 tweet and speech at the rally, such as private communications at the Wiilard Hotel the night before . . . . Wouid that suffice to you ThisIsMe to be the valid TRUTH coming out of the Committee acceptable to you? - - -

Your reply ThisIsMe goes like this:

… if Trump lays out a plan … and so some domestic terrorists find out about it … and they conspire to attack the United States of America to overturn the election so Trump can steal it. that's not evidences that Trump told them to do that. . . .

I ‘m not looking for evidence that In the weeks leading up to the insurrection, Trump told anyone to commit violence. I want to know from you ThisIsMe if the COMMITTEE uncovers a trail of prior communications, contacts, coordination between the Oath keepers and any of DJT’s advisers like Bannon, would that be something importsnt and worthwhile that the investigation digs up?
Yeah, if they uncover evidence that Trump instructed them to attack the capitol, as in to actually break in to the capitol, then I would agree that would make him culpable. I've been saying that from the beginning.

So, lay out the communications that you are referring to? Again, as I've said, I've not been glued to this investigation like you all have, so if you want to talk about specifics, you'll have to help me understand where you are coming from, and I can give you an opinion.
Doesn't matter. Facts are facts. You think police and FBI agents don't hold opinions on suspects?

Just give it up. Your word salads are not getting you anywhere.

You don't want them to find facts. Everyone knows why at this point.
I think bias in an investigation does matter. I think if an fbi agent is discovered to have a bias toward the person he is investigating, they would be removed from the investigation.

Again, you only respond to part of my response, like you left out the entire section of where I said that if all of the investigators were like Pete aguilar, I'd be OK with that. Now, that should tell you that I'm not opposed to the investigation.
ThisIsMe wrote: So, if Trump lays out a plan to send back electors (the Eastman plan), and a group of people find out about it (as you have already corrected me, the Eastman Plan did get divulged), and they decide they are going to "help" Trump by taking matters into their own hands, that's not evidence that Trump told them to do that. 21NOV03-POST#801

NFBW wrote: Try to focus ThisIsMe . . . . I’m not here to find evidence to prosecute Trump. ’Here is what you were asked:

- - - So if that COMMITTEE ThisIsMe uncovers a trail of prior communications, contacts, coordination regarding Trump’s goal to stop the certification of the electors per the Eastman memo, his Jan6 tweet and speech at the rally, such as private communications at the Wiilard Hotel the night before . . . . Wouid that suffice to you ThisIsMe to be the valid TRUTH coming out of the Committee acceptable to you? - - -

Your reply ThisIsMe goes like this:

… if Trump lays out a plan … and so some domestic terrorists find out about it … and they conspire to attack the United States of America to overturn the election so Trump can steal it. that's not evidences that Trump told them to do that. . . .

I ‘m not looking for evidence that In the weeks leading up to the insurrection, Trump told anyone to commit violence. I want to know from you ThisIsMe if the COMMITTEE uncovers a trail of prior communications, contacts, coordination between the Oath keepers and any of DJT’s advisers like Bannon, would that be something importsnt and worthwhile that the investigation digs up?
Plus, again, if they knew that the Eastman Plan was illegal, it makes no sense to even attempt it, and start a riot over it, they would have had to have known that it would have never worked, so why even attempt it.

Also, please answer this. It just doesn't make sense. If they knew this whole plan was illegal, it doesn't seem logical that they would believe they could get away with it, so what would be the point?
ThisIsMe wrote: If they knew this whole plan was illegal, it doesn't seem logical that they would believe they could get away with it, so what would be the point? 21NOV03-POST#808

NFBW wrote: Who is the “they” ? Do you mean the Oath Keepers or DJT’s lawyers. 21NOV03-POST#809
I think bias in an investigation does matter.
Then go yell at the GOP, for hiding in their hidey holes. You have been told this how many times? You are just covering for them to get away with blowing up any investigation, with your rigged little game.

The GOP can say no to the bipartisan committee, so therefore no committee, ever. Neener neener. All the facts will be fake, bias, Pelosi, bias, fake facts, Bannon is in the clear.

You have been doing this for like 3 days. You are not fooling anyone. I don't know how else to put it.
Also, please answer this. It just doesn't make sense. If they knew this whole plan was illegal, it doesn't seem logical that they would believe they could get away with it, so what would be the point?
Because they thought they could hide behind the power of the Presidency, of course.

You know... exactly what you are suggesting and arguing that they should get away with doing. Exactly what you have put days of effort into covering for, nurturing, and condoning.

This is just getting ridiculous. This cheap con by you is no different than what Trump or just about any GOP Senator is Tweeting and retweeting. The shit has rolled ALL the way downhill, and here it is.
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ThisIsMe wrote: So, lay out the communications that you are referring to?

NFBW: Study DJT’s tweet on the morning of Jan6.

DJTtweet8:17* January 6, 2021 8:17 a.m.: Trump tweets: "States want to correct their votes, which they now know were based on irregularities and fraud, plus corrupt process never received legislative approval. All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!" 21JAN06-DJTtweet8:17

DJT Saying "States want to correct their votes” is a lie. If DJT wants to claim he got the advice from Eastman, the Committee should get those communications. Did any other adviser communicate to DJT the plain truth that no state wanted to correct their votes. We need to discover all communications regarding the subject of that Trump tweet. Here is why it matters.

Since that unusual point is a lie traceable to the singular one and only source that has a reason to tell it. Yes, DJT in order to overturn the election by having Mike Pence send the sealed election result back to the only swing states because they wanted them back - - - Now compare key phrases in the Trump tweet to the Oath Keeper indictment

*** 32. From at least as early as November 3, 2020, through January 6, 2021, . . . did knowingly combine, conspire, confederate, and agree with each other and others known and unknown, to commit an offense against the United States, namely, to corruptly obstruct, influence, and impede an official proceeding, that is, the Certification of the Electoral College vote, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1512(c)(2 . . . 33. The purpose of the conspiracy was to stop, delay, and hinder the Certification of the Electoral College vote “””

We need all of the key player’s communications as well. Mike Pence. The Committee must get all the Jan5 Willard HOTEL “command center” communications, We and have some concept about the command center thanks to Costa and Woodward’s book:

“”” Costa, who said he was outside the hotel that night and saw Proud Boys and Oath Keepers gathered there, said the call from Trump to the "command center" happened shortly after Trump and Pence had a one-on-one meeting the night of Jan. 5 when Pence informed the president that he didn't have the power to reject electoral votes. The vice president also informed Congress of this conclusion “””

Pence told DJT on Jan 5 he would not do it.

Lets get all the facts - what were the Oath
keepers doing there. / hope to find out if the Oath Keepers were in on a DJT - Bannon loop., but I really want to know when and how the Oath Keepers knew about the Eastman Plan and when they first knew causing them to conspire to attack the USA. IF they were in communication with the President’s inner circle and how could that be? How can we have an outgoing First Term President plotting and lying his way to a plan to overturn the election and that plan is known to a domestic terror group outside of his inner circle before he made a public message about it a few hours before the Jan6 attack to disrupt the certification of the election in the nations’ Capitol????? 21NOV04-POST#812
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ThisIsMe wrote: If they knew this whole plan was illegal, it doesn't seem logical that they would believe they could get away with it, so what would be the point? 21NOV03-POST#808

NFBW wrote: Who is the “they” ? Do you mean the Oath Keepers or DJT’s lawyers. 21NOV03-POST#809
I mean Trump and his team. Any of them actually. Launching a plan to steal an election and start a riot when they know it's an illegal thing to do, and the whole country is watching means that they also know there is no way it would work, and they also know that it would spell legal trouble for them. So, why would they even do it?
Because they thought they could hide behind the power of the Presidency, of course.

You know... exactly what you are suggesting and arguing that they should get away with doing. Exactly what you have put days of effort into covering for, nurturing, and condoning.

This is just getting ridiculous. This cheap con by you is no different than what Trump or just about any GOP Senator is Tweeting and retweeting. The shit has rolled ALL the way downhill, and here it is.
Because they thought they could hide behind the power of the Presidency, of course.

So, they launch an illegal plan, and start a violent riot that they know is going to be a legal problem for them, in order to force the country to let Trump remain in office, because they thought they could get away with it by hiding behind the presidency?

You know... exactly what you are suggesting and arguing that they should get away with doing. Exactly what you have put days of effort into covering for, nurturing, and condoning.

I didn't do any of that.
ThisIsMe wrote: So, lay out the communications that you are referring to?

NFBW: Study DJT’s tweet on the morning of Jan6.

DJTtweet8:17* January 6, 2021 8:17 a.m.: Trump tweets: "States want to correct their votes, which they now know were based on irregularities and fraud, plus corrupt process never received legislative approval. All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!" 21JAN06-DJTtweet8:17

DJT Saying "States want to correct their votes” is a lie. If DJT wants to claim he got the advice from Eastman, the Committee should get those communications. Did any other adviser communicate to DJT the plain truth that no state wanted to correct their votes. We need to discover all communications regarding the subject of that Trump tweet. Here is why it matters.

Since that unusual point is a lie traceable to the singular one and only source that has a reason to tell it. Yes, DJT in order to overturn the election by having Mike Pence send the sealed election result back to the only swing states because they wanted them back - - - Now compare key phrases in the Trump tweet to the Oath Keeper indictment

*** 32. From at least as early as November 3, 2020, through January 6, 2021, . . . did knowingly combine, conspire, confederate, and agree with each other and others known and unknown, to commit an offense against the United States, namely, to corruptly obstruct, influence, and impede an official proceeding, that is, the Certification of the Electoral College vote, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1512(c)(2 . . . 33. The purpose of the conspiracy was to stop, delay, and hinder the Certification of the Electoral College vote “””

We need all of the key player’s communications as well. Mike Pence. The Committee must get all the Jan5 Willard HOTEL “command center” communications, We and have some concept about the command center thanks to Costa and Woodward’s book:

“”” Costa, who said he was outside the hotel that night and saw Proud Boys and Oath Keepers gathered there, said the call from Trump to the "command center" happened shortly after Trump and Pence had a one-on-one meeting the night of Jan. 5 when Pence informed the president that he didn't have the power to reject electoral votes. The vice president also informed Congress of this conclusion “””

Pence told DJT on Jan 5 he would not do it.

Lets get all the facts - what were the Oath
keepers doing there. / hope to find out if the Oath Keepers were in on a DJT - Bannon loop., but I really want to know when and how the Oath Keepers knew about the Eastman Plan and when they first knew causing them to conspire to attack the USA. IF they were in communication with the President’s inner circle and how could that be? How can we have an outgoing First Term President plotting and lying his way to a plan to overturn the election and that plan is known to a domestic terror group outside of his inner circle before he made a public message about it a few hours before the Jan6 attack to disrupt the certification of the election in the nations’ Capitol????? 21NOV04-POST#812
OK, again, as I've been saying, yes, if they find that Trump did conspire with outside groups to have them launch an attack on the capitol, yes, then he needs to be held accountable, but the only way they are going to get to that point, in my opinion, is if they find that direct evidence of trump actually knowing, intending, and ordering it to happen. If they try to use 'round a bout" reasoning, I don't think they get there.

Also, Costa, who is writing a book, just happens to be at the same hotel all this was going on at? How does he get this inside information? How does he know who is in the room, and what phone calls are being made? If this is such critical information, yet he just sits on it until he can release it in a book? Makes you wonder how much is true and how much is stretched just to be able to sell books?
And none of those videos show people in that hallway for about two and a half minutes before that Capitol Police officer assassinated an unarmed female protester. The one that you tried to claim hadn't been edited made it look like there were members of Congress in that hallway but the truth is that those members were long gone. So why was the decision made to pull those cops out from in front of the door? Who made that decision? What was the order given to the plainclothes officer who pulled the trigger? Why did HE decide deadly force was warranted when no other Police officer in the entire Capitol building fired THEIR weapons? If the security of that hallway was of such importance than why wasn't it being guarded by Capital Police? Who gave the order to make it look like the Police were clearing out only to have someone jump out of hiding and shoot someone for breaking a window? Why wasn't tear gas used on the protesters? Why weren't Tasers employed? Why weren't the Capital Police in riot gear?
Not certain if you saw this video of it?

This article explains some things...the guards were being swapped out, with guards coming up the stairs....

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ThisIsMe wrote: So, they launch an illegal plan, and start a violent riot that they know is going to be a legal problem for them, in order to force the country to let Trump remain in office, because they thought they could get away with it by hiding behind the presidency? 21NOV04-POST#814

NFBW wrote: The good news for America ThisIsMe is that you are getting into the truth matters zone on the question of whether DJT is in denial of the fact - truth - reality that he lost the 2020 election by a landslide and a popular vote margin of 8 million. Knowing where you stand on the matter of election fraud is important so I ask do you believe Youngkin is the legitimate Governor-elect in Virginia? - - - Please note that my wife, daughter and I all mailed in our votes for the first time ever in a trending blue state because the Demicrats granted us 45 day no excuse early in person voting and every registered voter in Virginia newly has the option of mailing their mass issued ballot. So I wonder if Youngkin and his DJT MAGA voters are gonna challenge the massive fraud that you anticipate must have taken place, 21NOV04-POST#817

ThisIsMe wrote: Nope, extremely possible. In fact, ill go one step further, ill say that there is almost no possible way that trump voters didn't cheat as well, just like biden voters cheated. It happens in every election, probably always will. 20DEC06-POST#48

ThisIsMe wrote: If, however, you implemented a new system by which voter fraud has a chance to increase, wouldn't you want to weed that out? I'm guessing your answer is "no". You will probably say that the convenience of being able to mail in a vote outweighs the potential increase of voter fraud. 20DEC06-POST#48

ThisIsMe wrote: So, there is currently only few instances of voter fraud, but we only had, 5 states? doing mass mail in votes? What happens when they make that system available in all 50 states? 20DEC06-POST#48

ThisIsMe wrote: Now imagine that for a moment. In 50 states, there will be hundreds of millions of ballots floating around the mail system, with no way to track them, no way to make sure that the ballot was received by its intended recipient, no signature matching, and no way to make sure that someone else doesn't fill out a ballot that was not intended for them. 20DEC06-POST#48

ThisIsMe wrote: Do you not see how much of a mess that would be? You could be sure that, with mass mail out balloting, you would never have a legitimate election ever again. 20DEC06-POST#48
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Not certain if you saw this video of it?

This article explains some things...the guards were being swapped out, with guards coming up the stairs....

With all due respect, Care...the Capital Police coming up the stairs weren't "swapping out" with the guards that had left...they were standing down in that stairwell watching the protesters start to break down that set of doors. I'd like to know who it was that made the decision to allow those protesters to do that without resistance only to have a plainclothes officer come out of hiding to the side of the door and shoot an unarmed woman at point blank range? You've cleared out the hallway. You've removed the Police from in front of the door. What do you think is going to happen next? You KNOW that those protesters are going to force their way through that doorway. So has someone made the call to shoot to kill at that point? If so...who made that call and why did they feel that deadly force was called for when all that the protesters had done so far was push their way into the building?
NFBW wrote: Do you continue to profess that DJT has a legitimate case that he won the election but it was stolen from him? It is not as you wrote “Regardless of whether or not he has a legitimate case” It’s whether or not he is delusional or lying that he won a second term and there is legitimate proof of that. - - - The Committee does not necessarily need to find evidence of a crime, they more importantly must make the case that his election fraud and stop the steal desperation emerged from his being delusional with millions being convinced he was quite normal and on to sonething.. 21NOV04-POST#819

ThisIsMe wrote: Even I agree, I think its time for trump to pack it up. Regardless of whether or not he has a legitimate case, we are seeing that the courts are not going to rule in his favor. This latest scotus ruling seems to be a telegraph that they are not having any of it. - - - He should show everyone he can be the bigger man and go ahead and conceed, for the benefit of a smooth transition. He doesn't need to be defiant til the end. When you see that things are not going to go your way, you can keep running into brick walls, or face reality and try to make it easier on yourself, and everyone else. 20DEC06-POST#209
And none of those videos show people in that hallway for about two and a half minutes before that Capitol Police officer assassinated an unarmed female protester. The one that you tried to claim hadn't been edited made it look like there were members of Congress in that hallway but the truth is that those members were long gone. So why was the decision made to pull those cops out from in front of the door? Who made that decision? What was the order given to the plainclothes officer who pulled the trigger? Why did HE decide deadly force was warranted when no other Police officer in the entire Capitol building fired THEIR weapons? If the security of that hallway was of such importance than why wasn't it being guarded by Capital Police? Who gave the order to make it look like the Police were clearing out only to have someone jump out of hiding and shoot someone for breaking a window? Why wasn't tear gas used on the protesters? Why weren't Tasers employed? Why weren't the Capital Police in riot gear?
"none of those videos show people in that hallway for about two and a half minutes before that Capitol Police officer assassinated an unarmed female protester."

You're still lying. I literally posted video evidence of it. And Ashli Targetpractice wasn't assassinated. She was stopped from leading a mob into the House chamber where lawmakers were still hiding from that mob.

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