Liz Cheney says Trump appears to have been ‘personally involved in planning’ 6 Jan insurrection

. I still stand by my argument,
Don’t run away lyin’ .. You revised your argument to mine. “Wait till the committee is finished.” You have no idea if they are too biased to find the truth. You’ve been advocating nonsense for six months. Why? because you are too biased to let facts drive your thinking. So now can we talk about DJT’s bias to spread the anti-American lie that he won the 2020 election and attempted to overturn it which included inspiration for a violent mob attack on the Capitol,
I was trying to address the committees bias in investigating the riot,

All you had for six months was your bias produced baseless opinion. Now you have come around to a sane and rational view if the situation in your own words:

ThisIsMe wrote: I guess we'll just have to wait and see what the committee actually does. 21NOV02-POST#766

your point for months was pointless.

CaN we talk about DJT’s bias regarding the Pennsylvania suit he filed that was ordered by the judge to produce evidence of Mail in voting fraud in order to proceed. DJT Provided no evidence to back up his lawsuit. Don’t you think that after one year if he believes there was fraud he would be able to provide evidence to back up that belief.

BTW you said in July the COMMITTEE would not find any truth because they were too biased. Now you say wait and see. Which is your official position?
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She was not protesting. 20 thousand idiots that believe the lies about the election were protesting, NOT A ONE GOT HURT. Babbitt was a violent and dangerours traitor in the front line if a failed attack Against the United States of America. Period! No if Ann’s or butts. A traitor. Stupid human being. A Trump supporter. A Q anon believer. That’s what BABBIT is. She can be your hero. Never mine. I have no respect for traitors.
In what way was Ashli Babbitt SO violent and dangerous that she needed to be shot without warning from point blank range? She's not a "hero"! She's a victim.
Don’t run away lyin’ .. You revised your argument to mine. “Wait till the committee is finished.” You have no idea if they are too biased to find the truth. You’ve been advocating nonsense for six months. Why? because you are too biased to let facts drive your thinking. So now can we talk about DJT’s bias to spread the anti-American lie that he won the 2020 election and attempted to overturn it which included inspiration for a violent mob attack on the Capitol,
Don’t run away lyin’ .. You revised your argument to mine. “Wait till the committee is finished.”

So, I'm not "running away". There is a difference in running away, and just not wanting to continue in a pointless argument. I just no longer care to try to find different ways to explain the same thing.

Yes, I said let's wait til the committee is finished and see what they find. That, in no way, means I've changed my argument to align with yours. I still have little doubt that they will release some twisted, out of context "evidence", and they will omit other evidence that could prove Trump to have no planned the riot. I have also said, in a few of my posts, that the Committee may surprise me and actually find the hard evidence, in which I also stated that if that happened, I would stand along side you.

You have no idea if they are too biased to find the truth

Yes, I do. They themselves have already indicated that.








There are only 2 that I haven't seen flagrantly state their bias against trump:

Pete Aguilar

Elaine Luria

Pete actually seems like he might really be open to finding the truth, elaine, while she hasn't been openly accusing Trump, she is a bit more vocal against him.

The rest of them have already stated that they believe Trump is guilty, and liz cheney, in the clip I posted, even said "I will do everything in my power to see that Trump never gets close to the oval office ever again'.

So, yes, I believe they are too biased to find the truth.

because you are too biased to let facts drive your thinking

Incorrect. I'm open to the facts, I just don't trust that this committee is going to give us the facts, they are going to give us exactly what they want us to see.

So now can we talk about DJT’s bias to spread the anti-American lie that he won the 2020 election and attempted to overturn it which included inspiration for a violent mob attack on the Capitol,

You mocked me because you claimed "you seem to already have the facts" and yet here you are, already seemingly having the facts.

You don't know that Trump had any involvement in the planning and execution of the riot. THAT is the evidence I'm waiting to see. At this point, there is nothing conclusively linking Trump as being the orchestrstor of the attack.

If this committee can find REAL incontrovertible evidence that is not based on hearsay or circumstance, then, as I said, I will stand in your corner. Yes, I don't have much hope they will get that level of evidence, but they may surprise me.
That, in no way, means I've changed my argument to align with yours.

NFBW wrote: Why are we waiting for the Committee to get done if no truth is gong to be found?

ThisIsMe wrote: Again, no truth will be found. Its impossible with that much hate and contempt just waiting to be released. 21SJUL26-POST#623
ThisIsMe wrote: You don't know that Trump had any involvement in the planning and execution of the riot. 21NOV02-POST#785

NFBW wrote: I never said I knew anything like that. (can we stick to the facts) And more importantly, I do not care if DJT was involved in the planning and execution of the riot. - - - I do know that DJT’s planned and publicly stated objective on Jan6 was exactly identical to the objective of the following indicted for conspiracy Oath Keepers: 21NOV02-POST#789

“”” 32. From at least as early as November 3, 2020, through January 6, 2021, in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, the defendants, THOMAS CALDWELL, DONOVAN CROWL, JESSICA WATKINS, SANDRA PARKER, BENNIE PARKER, GRAYDON YOUNG, LAURA STEELE, KELLY MEGGS, CONNIE MEGGS, KENNETH HARRELSON, ROBERTO MINUTA, JOSHUA JAMES, , JOSEPH HACKETT, JASON DOLAN, and WILLIAM ISAACS, did knowingly combine, conspire, confederate, and agree with each other and others known and unknown, to commit an offense against the United States, namely, to corruptly obstruct, influence, and impede an official proceeding, that is, the Certification of the Electoral College vote, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1512(c)(2)


Purpose of the Conspiracy 33. The purpose of the conspiracy was to stop, delay, and hinder the Certification of the Electoral College vote “”””

NFBW wrote: I also know as a fact that DJT publicly informed the indicted Oath Keepers at the rally the BIG lie that the state’s whose electors he wanted Pence to reject WANTED THEM BACK. He was saying that the states he needed to overturn the election wanted to decertify their SAFE HARBOR certified elections. I would like the Committee to find out if TRUMP’s disinformation about the states wanting Pence to send their electors back influenced the Oath Keepers in any way to commit the attack they allegedly conspired to carry out to help DJT overturn the election. Was DJT or any of his staff in communication with any of the conspirators at any time in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1512(c)(2. 21NOV02-POST#789
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Liz is dumb...I never thought I would say that but she is stupid....
30 seconds into YOUR video it cuts from one camera angle to a totally different camera angle with people missing that were in the first shot! So why was that video edited like that Faun? What were the people that did that trying to portray? That the "mob" was breaking the doors down to go after those Congress people that were shown in the hall earlier? They're gone at that point. The hallway is empty.
Lying con, in seconds prior to 0:30...

5-10: Lawmakers and others seen in the Speaker's Lobby​
14-15: A man yells, "hurry, they're getting away!"
18-22: Someone is smashing the windows​
23: A woman yells, "they're leaving!"
30: A man yells, "they're leaving!"

But you're right that the video cuts to another video here. It pick up where the first leaves off as you can hear the guy yelling, "they're leaving! They're leaving!" There's no time gap. Trump's mob wouldn't be yelling, "they're leaving!" and "they're getting away!" ... if they didn't see them in the Speaker's Lobby.

As I said, there were people being evacuated about 2 minutes before Ashli Targetpractice was shot. And she was shot about six feet away from a door into the House chamber and there were lawmakers and others still inside the chamber.

Byrd is a hero who saved lives.

Here's another video showing the same thing...

At 37:30, the woman yells, "they're leaving!"
At 37:46-38:07, you can see the lawmakers and others being escorted by police out the other side of the Speaker's Lobby...​
At 37:52, you can see the lawmakers and others exiting out the other side of the Speaker's Lobby...​
At 39:10, Ashli Targetpractice is shot.​


  • theyre-getting-away.jpg
    104.1 KB · Views: 13
NFBW wrote: Why are we waiting for the Committee to get done if no truth is gong to be found?

ThisIsMe wrote: Again, no truth will be found. Its impossible with that much hate and contempt just waiting to be released. 21SJUL26-POST#623
Because as I've also said, there is a chance they will surprise me, and also, we really don't have a choice.
Lying con, in seconds prior to 0:30...

5-10: Lawmakers and others seen in the Speaker's Lobby​
14-15: A man yells, "hurry, they're getting away!"
18-22: Someone is smashing the windows​
23: A woman yells, "they're leaving!"
30: A man yells, "they're leaving!"

But you're right that the video cuts to another video here. It pick up where the first leaves off as you can hear the guy yelling, "they're leaving! They're leaving!" There's no time gap. Trump's mob wouldn't be yelling, "they're leaving!" and "they're getting away!" ... if they didn't see them in the Speaker's Lobby.

As I said, there were people being evacuated about 2 minutes before Ashli Targetpractice was shot. And she was shot about six feet away from a door into the House chamber and there were lawmakers and others still inside the chamber.

Byrd is a hero who saved lives.

Here's another video showing the same thing...

At 37:30, the woman yells, "they're leaving!"
At 37:46-38:07, you can see the lawmakers and others being escorted by police out the other side of the Speaker's Lobby...​
At 37:52, you can see the lawmakers and others exiting out the other side of the Speaker's Lobby...​
At 39:10, Ashli Targetpractice is shot.​
That hallway was empty. That piece of shit cop shot an unarmed protester because HE decided a group that hadn't done anything but break down doors needed to be shot at point blank range to defend an empty hallway! He hid out of sight then jumped out and fired at someone who probably never saw him and you're a piece of shit for referring to Ashli as "Ashli targetpractice"! That's somebody that should NEVER have been shot that day! That's a decision that cop will have to live with for the rest of his life. He's not a "hero"! He's someone who chose to do something that no other Police officer did that day...use deadly force when it wasn't called for!
Would you like to explain your "edited" version of events? The one that shows a crowd of congress people right on the other side of the door supposedly right before the door is broken and Babbit is shot but actually didn't happen that way at all? Who spliced that tape together to show that, Faun and what was their reason for doing it like they did? To give that cop an excuse for his use of deadly force when it WASN'T used anywhere else in that building?
Getting Cheney out of leadership is the best thing Republicans have done in the last year. Stefanik isn't a star but she's light years better than Lincoln project Liz.
That hallway was empty. That piece of shit cop shot an unarmed protester because HE decided a group that hadn't done anything but break down doors needed to be shot at point blank range to defend an empty hallway! He hid out of sight then jumped out and fired at someone who probably never saw him and you're a piece of shit for referring to Ashli as "Ashli targetpractice"! That's somebody that should NEVER have been shot that day! That's a decision that cop will have to live with for the rest of his life. He's not a "hero"! He's someone who chose to do something that no other Police officer did that day...use deadly force when it wasn't called for!
Lying con, if the Speaker's Lobby was empty, why do you think Trump's thugs were yelling, "they're leaving" and "hurry, they're getting away?" Who did they see that was "leaving" and "getting away?"
Would you like to explain your "edited" version of events? The one that shows a crowd of congress people right on the other side of the door supposedly right before the door is broken and Babbit is shot but actually didn't happen that way at all? Who spliced that tape together to show that, Faun and what was their reason for doing it like they did? To give that cop an excuse for his use of deadly force when it WASN'T used anywhere else in that building?
Lying con, there were multiple videos record from different angles. You can hear the guy yelling, "they're leaving," in both. At the very end of the first video and at the very beginning of the second. That shows there was no gap in time; it was just two angles. Why? I can only guess the first video didn't capture that hero taking down Ashli Targetpractice.
ThisIsMe wrote: Again, no truth will be found. Its impossible with that much hate and contempt just waiting to be released. 21SJUL26-POST#623

ThisIsMe wrote: Because as I've also said, there is a chance they will surprise me, and also, we really don't have a choice. 21NOV03-POST#782

NFBW wrote: Both of the above referenced statements cannot be true. So which one is it? Which is a lie and which is truth coming from you ThisIsMe ?????? 21NOV03-POST#799

NFBW wrote: I am hoping POST#782 is the honest you ThisIsMe because I had hoped we could agree to some examples of potentially predictable “TRUTHS” that the COMMITTEE can find. - - - As you know if you read my response to the untruth you wrote - POST#785* see below - there is a Federal indictment of a group of Oath Keepers who have been charged with conspiracy “to stop, delay, and hinder the Certification of the Electoral College vote” . . . . those are the FED Indictments’ exact words - take note Oldestyle Correll struth lantern2814 theHawk . . . . . And that means the riot suspects if convicted conspired and attacked the United States of America 🇺🇸 on Jan6 exactly in accordance with the purpose they were called to DC that Day by DJT and all his nationally known supporters, official and lawyers such as John Eastman. See DJTtweet8:17* below. - - - So if the COMMITTEE ThisIsMe uncovers a trail of prior communications, contacts, coordination regarding Trump’s goal to stop the certification of the electors per the Eastman memo, his Jan6 tweet and speech at the rally, such as private communications at the Wiilard Hotel the night before . . . . Wouid that suffice to you ThisIsMe to be the valid TRUTH coming out of the Committee acceptable to you? 21NOV03-POST#799

*** references:

POST#785* ThisIsMe wrote: You don't know that Trump had any involvement in the planning and execution of the riot.

DJTtweet8:17* January 6, 2021 8:17 a.m.: Trump tweets: "States want to correct their votes, which they now know were based on irregularities and fraud, plus corrupt process never received legislative approval. All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!" 21JAN06-DJTtweet8:17
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There is a difference between thinking he is a deeply flawed human, and already thinking he is guilty while you are investigating him.
Also not a problem. Not sure what universe you live in. Humans can think whatever they like. Do you think investigators don't hold opinions? The facts show what they show, no matter what Pelosi has for breakfast.

Oh wait, you say the facts will all be fake. Because your tea leaves said so.

You are scraping for excuses. Dog and pony show. Smoke and mirrors, to obfuscate your actual reasoning.

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