Liz Cheney says Trump appears to have been ‘personally involved in planning’ 6 Jan insurrection

With all due respect, Care...the Capital Police coming up the stairs weren't "swapping out" with the guards that had left...they were standing down in that stairwell watching the protesters start to break down that set of doors. I'd like to know who it was that made the decision to allow those protesters to do that without resistance only to have a plainclothes officer come out of hiding to the side of the door and shoot an unarmed woman at point blank range? You've cleared out the hallway. You've removed the Police from in front of the door. What do you think is going to happen next? You KNOW that those protesters are going to force their way through that doorway. So has someone made the call to shoot to kill at that point? If so...who made that call and why did they feel that deadly force was called for when all that the protesters had done so far was push their way into the building?
So the cops, who were being threatened by that mob, should have stood their ground and risked getting beat up like some other cops were?
ThisIsMe wrote: Even I agree, I think its time for trump to pack it up. 20DEC06-POST#209

NFBW wrote: it’s been a year since DJT started in with the he will win unless its stolen. He has not packed it in as you said he should in December last year. His Big LIE bias incited the attack on the Capitol. If there was no BIG LIE then there was no attempt whatsoever to stop democracy. The BIG lie led to that attempt to deprive millions of Americans the right to have their votes counted as guaranteed under the Constitution. You must know that DJT took the oath to uphold and defend the Constitution. The attempt to toss legal votes based on lie after lie was attempted subversion of the Constitution and you have yet to condemn that attack on our democracy ThisIsMe. You need to wait until the Committee’s catches DJT on a recording Telling an Oath Keeper Terrorist directly to invade the Capitol and hang Mike Pence for ruining his quest for power, Nothing but contemptuous drubbing of the investigation from you while nothing but DJT is a victim of the nasty lefty, deep state and all that . America deserves better than you and your DJT Malarky.
So the cops, who were being threatened by that mob, should have stood their ground and risked getting beat up like some other cops were?
Well gee, Faun! If "I" were in charge of security for the Capitol and REALLY wanted to protect members of Congress I would have had Police officers on the OTHER side of those doors! I would have presented a show of force to let protesters know that they'd gone as far as they were going to go. Of course if "I" were in charge of Capital security I would have had my officers in full riot gear. I would have had them armed with batons, with shields, with mace, with tear gas and with Tasers as well as with firearms so that I could have responded to an uptick in violence from protesters with something OTHER than lethal force fired without warning at an unarmed female protester!

The thing I WOULDN'T have done was to make it look like I was inviting them to break down those doors and then assassinate one of them in cold blood! That didn't have to happen. That shouldn't have happened!
lantern2814 wrote: Another leftard who needs to be informed that the FBI found NO evidence of an organized plot. No charges or accusations against Trump. 21OCT23-POST#253

NFBW wrote: That is a lie lantern2814 The real FBI released no such statement, ever. They never did You are a liar. You have no valid sources. You are as dumb as Trump abd his dumb lawyers telling that lie to a judge. 21NOV04-POST#825
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The thing I WOULDN'T have done was to make it look like I was inviting them to break down those doors and then assassinate one of them in cold blood! That didn't have to happen. That shouldn't have happened!
NFBW wrote: OH MY GOD THE DEEP STATE HAS FAKE CAPITOL SECURITY “SELF BREAKING’ WINDOWS INVENTED BY HUGO CHAVEZ , manufactured in China, Marketed by Hunter Biden THAT CAN MAKE IT LOOK TO ANTI- FRAUD STUPID FEMALE MARAUDER LOOTER, RIOTER types and just plain old run-of- the- mill Q-Anon NitWits LIKE THEY ARE BEING INVITED IN to sit in the tourist section during live sessions of Congress IN ORDER TO SHOOT THEM 21NOV04-POST#826
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ThisIsMe wrote: So, they launch an illegal plan, and start a violent riot that they know is going to be a legal problem for them, in order to force the country to let Trump remain in office, because they thought they could get away with it by hiding behind the presidency? 21NOV04-POST#814

NFBW wrote: The good news for America ThisIsMe is that you are getting into the truth matters zone on the question of whether DJT is in denial of the fact - truth - reality that he lost the 2020 election by a landslide and a popular vote margin of 8 million. Knowing where you stand on the matter of election fraud is important so I ask do you believe Youngkin is the legitimate Governor-elect in Virginia? - - - Please note that my wife, daughter and I all mailed in our votes for the first time ever in a trending blue state because the Demicrats granted us 45 day no excuse early in person voting and every registered voter in Virginia newly has the option of mailing their mass issued ballot. So I wonder if Youngkin and his DJT MAGA voters are gonna challenge the massive fraud that you anticipate must have taken place, 21NOV04-POST#817

ThisIsMe wrote: Nope, extremely possible. In fact, ill go one step further, ill say that there is almost no possible way that trump voters didn't cheat as well, just like biden voters cheated. It happens in every election, probably always will. 20DEC06-POST#48

ThisIsMe wrote: If, however, you implemented a new system by which voter fraud has a chance to increase, wouldn't you want to weed that out? I'm guessing your answer is "no". You will probably say that the convenience of being able to mail in a vote outweighs the potential increase of voter fraud. 20DEC06-POST#48

ThisIsMe wrote: So, there is currently only few instances of voter fraud, but we only had, 5 states? doing mass mail in votes? What happens when they make that system available in all 50 states? 20DEC06-POST#48

ThisIsMe wrote: Now imagine that for a moment. In 50 states, there will be hundreds of millions of ballots floating around the mail system, with no way to track them, no way to make sure that the ballot was received by its intended recipient, no signature matching, and no way to make sure that someone else doesn't fill out a ballot that was not intended for them. 20DEC06-POST#48

ThisIsMe wrote: Do you not see how much of a mess that would be? You could be sure that, with mass mail out balloting, you would never have a legitimate election ever again. 20DEC06-POST#48
Yes, the truth matters, but I'm just trying to point out that there would be no point to go through this whole plan if they knew it was illegal and it wouldn't work.

I don't understand what Youngkin has to do with this discussion.
ThisIsMe wrote: Even I agree, I think its time for trump to pack it up. 20DEC06-POST#209

NFBW wrote: it’s been a year since DJT started in with the he will win unless its stolen. He has not packed it in as you said he should in December last year. His Big LIE bias incited the attack on the Capitol. If there was no BIG LIE then there was no attempt whatsoever to stop democracy. The BIG lie led to that attempt to deprive millions of Americans the right to have their votes counted as guaranteed under the Constitution. You must know that DJT took the oath to uphold and defend the Constitution. The attempt to toss legal votes based on lie after lie was attempted subversion of the Constitution and you have yet to condemn that attack on our democracy ThisIsMe. You need to wait until the Committee’s catches DJT on a recording Telling an Oath Keeper Terrorist directly to invade the Capitol and hang Mike Pence for ruining his quest for power, Nothing but contemptuous drubbing of the investigation from you while nothing but DJT is a victim of the nasty lefty, deep state and all that . America deserves better than you and your DJT Malarky.
I'm pretty sure I've said, several times, that the riot was wrong, also, I've never said that Trump wasn't involved with a plan to have pence try and send elections back to the States in order for them to sure up some things. What I did say is that I need evidence before I will believe that Trump and his team planned to have rioters attack the capitol. I also stated that it wouldn't have made sense for them to embark on all of this if they knew it to be illegal, and if they knew the election had not been stolen, they would have had to have known it would never work.
The thing I WOULDN'T have done was to make it look like I was inviting them to break down those doors and then assassinate one of them in cold blood!
NFBW wrote: Why would Oldstyle ever be working for and defending the Constitution and the Deep State. 21POST04-POST#829

The President is allowed to plan for a rally and protest.
NFBW wrote: DJT took the oath of office - He put the same hand he uses for grabbing pussies on the HOLY BIBLE and swore to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States 🇺🇸 of America. Therefore he must not be allowed to plan to violate the Constitution by having his vice president decertify the election ONLY in the states that he lost because a lot of Black people voted against him in the major cities. 21POST04-POST#829

NFBW wrote: DJT told you about the plan to decertify the election right in front of God and everybody the morning of the riot. He is no longer an OATH KEEPER when he planned to violate the Constitutional right to vote and not have it count for millions of Americans. 21POST04-POST#829


Trump rallying the forces at noon January 6, 2021: - - - “John is one of the most brilliant lawyers in the country, and he looked at this and he said, “What an absolute disgrace that this can be happening to our Constitution.”

And he looked at Mike Pence, and I hope Mike is going to do the right thing. I hope so. I hope so. - - - Because if Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election. All he has to do, all this is, this is from the number one, or certainly one of the top, Constitutional lawyers in our country. He has the absolute right to do it. We’re supposed to protect our country, support our country, support our Constitution, and protect our constitution. - - - States want to revote. The states got defrauded, They were given false information. They voted on it. Now they want to recertify. They want it back. All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” 21JAN06-DJT-jEASTMAN

DJTtweet8:17* January 6, 2021 8:17 a.m.: Trump tweets: "States want to correct their votes, which they now know were based on irregularities and fraud, plus corrupt process never received legislative approval. All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!" 21JAN06-DJTtweet8:

NFBW wrote: A good number of the Oath Keepers (how ironic) have been indicted by the FBI for a conspiracy to attack the US capital in order to - get this - stop, impede the certification of the election on Jan6 - They were conspiring fir weeks. 21POST04-POST#829

ThisIsMe wrote: I 'm pretty sure I've said, several times, that the riot was wrong, also, I've never said that Trump wasn't involved with a plan to have pence try and send elections back to the States in order for them to sure up some things. 21POST04-POST#828

NFBW wrote: And you reject the reality that the Eastman and DJT plotted to carry out a scheme that had it succeeded , had pence agreed, DJt’s scheme would violate the Constitutional right to vote and have it count of millions of Americans. 21POST04-POST#829
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ThisIsMe wrote: I don't understand what Youngkin has to do with this discussion 21POST04-POST#827

NFBW wrote: I believe it was self-explanatory but you don’t want to address it. DJT’s big lie is the foundational factor in this discussion regarding the Jan-Six Insurrection. DJT, his Lawyers and you ThisIsMe are focused on the election fraud that comes from early voting and mass mail in ballots. From what I hear Youngkin won out of over 3 million voters with a million early votes and mail in ballots with zero complaints about fraud over that issue following Youngkin‘s win. It’s just another point to prove DJT‘s big lie is nothing but a big filthy anti-American sore loser lie. You need to quit supporting it or mealy mouthing it and excusing DJT as a victim of nasty lefties. 21POST04-POST#830
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The irregularities and against legislature is ALL BULL CRAP by the Trump team.

They know the legislatures sued, about those changes made And brought them to court...

And the Courts at all levels, ruled against the republicans fighting the changes made....

Thus the changes were legal, the election precincts ran their elections according to the court decisions, under the law.

Rs won a couple of cases though, early on, and again, the election districts ran their elections according to the court decisions.

Whether all the courts were wrong or not, the elections were run, according to legal rulings from the court.

That's NOT illegally stealing an election, that's not fraud.

More citizens, legal, upright citizens, got to vote, and got their legal votes counted. Under any circumstance, that's a good day, for Democracy.
More citizens, legal, upright citizens, got to vote, and got their legal votes counted. Under any circumstance, that's a good day, for Democracy.

NFBW wrote: And when a right-leaner like ThisIsMe wants to legitimize DJT’s attack on the constitutionally guaranteed right of legal upright citizens to have their votes count as DJT attempted to do in the Jan-Six-Insurrection JSI = Eastman Coup Plan , he and his more crazed and radical anti-American pals here, need to be called out as an American who would be ok with DJT pulling it off had PENCE gone over to the fascist anti-democracy side and stopped Biden from being inaugurated by letting Republican states’ Congress members decide to install DJT for four more years against the will of the 81 million who voted for Biden - the most diverse white and non-white share of the electorate in American history would not have counted if DJT’s anti-democracy and unconstitutionally fascistic scheme and worked. But Trump did nothing wrong here with people like ThisIsMe and his head in the sand politics. 21NOV04-POST#832
Whether all the courts were wrong or not, the elections were run, according to legal rulings from the court.

And DJT ran according to those legal rulings - he did not sue until after he lost being the un-American waste of a beating heart that he is.
And DJT ran according to those legal rulings - he did not sue until after he lost being the un-American waste of a beating heart that he is.
Yes, in many cases....which is illegal so to say, that's why the judges turned down a lot of the lawsuits. It was required that he sue, BEFORE he knew the election results if he had a true complaint....not after he found out he lost.

Yes there were other complaints heard before the elections with similar complaints, where the courts, all of them, ruled in favor of the changes made, prior to the election by state officials and election boards, due to the emergency, of covid, for the public.
Well gee, Faun! If "I" were in charge of security for the Capitol and REALLY wanted to protect members of Congress I would have had Police officers on the OTHER side of those doors! I would have presented a show of force to let protesters know that they'd gone as far as they were going to go. Of course if "I" were in charge of Capital security I would have had my officers in full riot gear. I would have had them armed with batons, with shields, with mace, with tear gas and with Tasers as well as with firearms so that I could have responded to an uptick in violence from protesters with something OTHER than lethal force fired without warning at an unarmed female protester!

The thing I WOULDN'T have done was to make it look like I was inviting them to break down those doors and then assassinate one of them in cold blood! That didn't have to happen. That shouldn't have happened!
Regardless of what could have been done with security, it was what it was. So their choice was to stand there in front of a violent mob, smashing windows next to their head and threatening them, or to get out of the way.
NFBW wrote: Why would Oldstyle ever be working for and defending the Constitution and the Deep State. 21POST04-POST#829

NFBW wrote: DJT took the oath of office - He put the same hand he uses for grabbing pussies on the HOLY BIBLE and swore to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States 🇺🇸 of America. Therefore he must not be allowed to plan to violate the Constitution by having his vice president decertify the election ONLY in the states that he lost because a lot of Black people voted against him in the major cities. 21POST04-POST#829

NFBW wrote: DJT told you about the plan to decertify the election right in front of God and everybody the morning of the riot. He is no longer an OATH KEEPER when he planned to violate the Constitutional right to vote and not have it count for millions of Americans. 21POST04-POST#829


Trump rallying the forces at noon January 6, 2021: - - - “John is one of the most brilliant lawyers in the country, and he looked at this and he said, “What an absolute disgrace that this can be happening to our Constitution.”

And he looked at Mike Pence, and I hope Mike is going to do the right thing. I hope so. I hope so. - - - Because if Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election. All he has to do, all this is, this is from the number one, or certainly one of the top, Constitutional lawyers in our country. He has the absolute right to do it. We’re supposed to protect our country, support our country, support our Constitution, and protect our constitution. - - - States want to revote. The states got defrauded, They were given false information. They voted on it. Now they want to recertify. They want it back. All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” 21JAN06-DJT-jEASTMAN

DJTtweet8:17* January 6, 2021 8:17 a.m.: Trump tweets: "States want to correct their votes, which they now know were based on irregularities and fraud, plus corrupt process never received legislative approval. All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!" 21JAN06-DJTtweet8:

NFBW wrote: A good number of the Oath Keepers (how ironic) have been indicted by the FBI for a conspiracy to attack the US capital in order to - get this - stop, impede the certification of the election on Jan6 - They were conspiring fir weeks. 21POST04-POST#829

ThisIsMe wrote: I 'm pretty sure I've said, several times, that the riot was wrong, also, I've never said that Trump wasn't involved with a plan to have pence try and send elections back to the States in order for them to sure up some things. 21POST04-POST#828

NFBW wrote: And you reject the reality that the Eastman and DJT plotted to carry out a scheme that had it succeeded , had pence agreed, DJt’s scheme would violate the Constitutional right to vote and have it count of millions of Americans. 21POST04-POST#829
No, we know there was a plan, but did they know it was illegal? We know they believed the election to have been stolen, so, in their eyes, they were trying to reverse a stolen election. If they knew they had legitimately lost the election, the plot to overturn it would have made no sense. There is no way any of them could have believed they could overturn a legitimate election, and just assume power. They would have known that the courts and the people wouldn't have stood for it.

To think that they thought they could just steal the election when they knew they lost is just illogical, so therefore, they must have thought the election had been stolen and they thought they had legal standing to do it.

DJt’s scheme would violate the Constitutional right to vote and have it count of millions of Americans

Sure, and do you also agree that had that national interstate popular vote compact been used, it would also have violated the rights of millions of voters? I'm not saying either plan is right, but I want to make sure that you can recognize and admit that the left is also guilty of trying to steal votes.
lantern2814 wrote: Another leftard who needs to be informed that the FBI found NO evidence of an organized plot. No charges or accusations against Trump. 21OCT23-POST#253

NFBW wrote: That is a lie lantern2814 The real FBI released no such statement, ever. They never did You are a liar. You have no valid sources. You are as dumb as Trump abd his dumb lawyers telling that lie to a judge. 21NOV04-POST#825
STFU you ignorant pissant. Another illiterate who refuses to read the MULTIPLE sources saying the FBI found NO evidence of any plot. Zero ties to Trump. You are the liar. You are an ass. You are crying and are desperate to save your failing narrative. And you’re failing.
No, we know there was a plan, but did they know it was illegal?

No, they tried to tell the DOJ to do nothing because they thought it was legal. They are trying to hide everything, because they thought it was legal. Trump went and hid instead of marching with them, because he thought it was perfectly legal. Trump incited a violent mob to threaten the lives of Congresspeople because, ya know, who doesn't do that, when attempting something perfectly legal?

Stop embarrassing yourself.
ThisIsMe wrote: I don't understand what Youngkin has to do with this discussion 21POST04-POST#827

NFBW wrote: I believe it was self-explanatory but you don’t want to address it. DJT’s big lie is the foundational factor in this discussion regarding the Jan-Six Insurrection. DJT, his Lawyers and you ThisIsMe are focused on the election fraud that comes from early voting and mass mail in ballots. From what I hear Youngkin won out of over 3 million voters with a million early votes and mail in ballots with zero complaints about fraud over that issue following Youngkin‘s win. It’s just another point to prove DJT‘s big lie is nothing but a big filthy anti-American sore loser lie. You need to quit supporting it or mealy mouthing it and excusing DJT as a victim of nasty lefties. 21POST04-POST#830
but you don’t want to address it.

Yes, because you seem to be migrating this discussion. It's like we get on one topic, then you'll start talking about other stuff. Like when I'm talking about bias on the committee and then you start talking about facts of the case.

In this case, we are talking about the Eastman memo and whether Trump is guilty if planning a riot, then you start talking about youngkin.

DJT, his Lawyers and you ThisIsMe are focused on the election fraud that comes from early voting and mass mail in ballots.

I'm not, I don't think I've even brought it up in our discussion. I've been focused in the (lack of) integrity of this commission, and now, about the culpability if Trump and his team in regards to planning and executing a riot.

From what I hear Youngkin won out of over 3 million voters with a million early votes and mail in ballots with zero complaints about fraud over that issue following Youngkin‘s win.

Do you believe fraud was present in that election? If so, you have a right to make your case.

It’s just another point to prove DJT‘s big lie is nothing but a big filthy anti-American sore loser lie

What does the Virginia election have to do with Trump?

You need to quit supporting it or mealy mouthing it and excusing DJT as a victim of nasty lefties.

I'm not saying that, again, my discussion with you has been purely about integrity and culpability.

However, and you can use your magic research machine to verify this, but, I don't believe I've ever said the election was stolen. I've said there were some things I found to be irregular, I've also said that there is cheating in every election, by both sides, but, I don't recall ever actually saying that this election was stolen. It's been awhile ago though, so maybe I did and have just forgotten. Again, use your magic search thingy and find that out.

Speaking of that, what the hell kind of search function do you have that you can go back and find topic relevant posts from months and years ago? Do you just read old posts and save relevant ones for future use, or do you have the ability to type in any topic and a user's name and it will spit out posts of them? I'm just curious lol.

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