Liz Cheney says Trump appears to have been ‘personally involved in planning’ 6 Jan insurrection

ThisIsMe wrote: You keep saying this, and I keep bringing up the national popular vote compact. 21NOV06-POST#851

NFBW wrote: The national popular vote compact was not a subversive move by a sitting President to overturn the election for a second term that he or she lost. There is no reason to bring it up. 21NOV06-POST#861
ThisIsMe wrote: AND to think that he would be able to hold congress hostage with a small crowd of people. 21POST06-POST#852

NFBW wrote: You are not paying attention to the facts. The Eastman plan did not call for a small number of anti-American subversives holding Congress members hostage. It was an unAmerican, unconstitutional scheme to overturn the election without violence. Key word -unconstitutional. 21POST06-POST#859
Well, I understand, but the you said in an earlier post #645

I’m saying we already know as a fact that the purpose of the riot and the purpose of the Eastman Plan are conjoined

So, the Eastman Plan and the riot were all part of the same plan.

The left has said many times that the lives of the people in congress were in jeopardy, so, the crowd of rioters had to be there to do some kind of harm. I figure that in order to change the outcome of an election, it would have only been through means of occupying the room and holding the members there hostage until they returned the suspect electors, but once they did that, they would have had to have stayed because if they left, then congress would have just went back to what they were doing and reinserted those electors.

The plan would have only worked if they held congress long enough for the information to get back to the States, and for Trump to get him and his team back into the white house. I'm figuring the 2 flag pole weilding mob would have had to hold that room for a week or two at least, right?

Of course, the police and the national guard standing outside would have not attempted to halt their plan in any way.

Again, sounds like a great plan, so, I agree with you now. That was the plan all along. Everyone involved knew that it would have worked.
ThisIsMe wrote: You keep saying this, and I keep bringing up the national popular vote compact. 21NOV06-POST#851

NFBW wrote: The national popular vote compact was not a subversive move by a sitting President to overturn the election for a second term that he or she lost. There is no reason to bring it up. 21NOV06-POST#861
No, but it would have been a subversive move by 16? States to undermine and steal the votes of millions of people to change their votes to something other than what they wanted. So, it's totally relevant, and the left supported it, I'm just curious if you did as well. I mean, sure, the mechanism of it's execution would have been different, but the result would have been the same.
NFBW wrote: Why can’t we have a discussion based on what I write, and not your revised version ThisIsMe , of what I actually wrote? 21NOV07-POST#864

ThisIsMe wrote: OK, so it goes back to my question. If he KNEW that he had lost, then he would have known that his plan wouldn't work. 21NOV06-POST#852

NFBW wrote: DJT also knew that he was lying ever since he lost and that his base was sending him money to fight based on his big lie. 21NOV06-POST#853.

ThisIsMe wrote: Trump and crew had full knowledge that he lost the election but decided they didn't like that outcome, so they plotted a plan, that they knew to be illegal, to reverse the election so that Trump could be installed as an illegal president. 21NOV06-POST#858

NFBW wrote: I wrote to answer your POST#852 question , . . . “DJT also knew that he was lying ever since he lost and that his base was sending him money to fight based on his big lie.” . . . The BIG LIE was the first step in the scheme to subvert the election. It did not succeed because all fifty states survived the BIG LIE with no turning back according to the Constitution when they all certified their election results by mId-December. It was past time for DJT to challenge his election losses in the four to seven states that he needed overturned to win. There was no path to staying in office other than a soft coup scheme (nothing violent) where the voter machines lies, the voter fraud lies, and the voter laws lies and all other vote counting lies became the “seven states want their certifications back” BIG LIE . - - - And then the Jan6 certification ceremony became the JULY 4, 1776 , Pearl Harbor and the 09/11/01 most pivotally most significant day in American history to SAVE AMERICA for the dog whistle phrase “real Americans” . The Jan6 “Stop the Steal” peaceful rally was planned - the MAGA mob’s attendance was required in order to SAVE America because without the biblical god’s chosen DJT in power, America has no chance to survive. and for some reason the planned peaceful rally Jan6 rally was gonna be “ “wild” 21NOV07-POST#864

NFBW wrote: DJT’-s summons to a peaceful but wild protest of the Jan6 transfer of power ceremony on Capitol ‘bunker’ Hill began mid December.

"Statistically impossible to have lost the 2020 Election. Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!" he tweeted on December 18. On Sunday, the president again promoted the protests, writing on Twitter, "I will be there. Historic day!"

Trump tweeted "Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!"

Jan 13, 2021 — The invasion of the U.S. Capitol last Wednesday was stoked in plain sight. … Some interpretations of the POTUS call for his historical wild political orgy was a call to arms Oldestyle Correll …. GIVE ME LIBERTY or GIVE ME DEATH! - - -
Even before the call to orgy tweet , On Dec. 12, a poster on the website urged violence if senators made official the victory of President-elect Joe Biden. …. "If this does not change, then I advocate, Revolution and adherence to the rules of war," wrote someone identifying themselves as I3DI. "I say, take the hill or die trying. 21NOV07-POST#864
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NFBW wrote: Why can’t we have a discussion based on what I write, and not your revised version ThisIsMe , of what I actually wrote? 21NOV07-POST#864

ThisIsMe wrote: OK, so it goes back to my question. If he KNEW that he had lost, then he would have known that his plan wouldn't work. 21NOV06-POST#852

NFBW wrote: DJT also knew that he was lying ever since he lost and that his base was sending him money to fight based on his big lie. 21NOV06-POST#853.

ThisIsMe wrote: Trump and crew had full knowledge that he lost the election but decided they didn't like that outcome, so they plotted a plan, that they knew to be illegal, to reverse the election so that Trump could be installed as an illegal president. 21NOV06-POST#858

NFBW wrote: I wrote to answer your POST#852 question , . . . “DJT also knew that he was lying ever since he lost and that his base was sending him money to fight based on his big lie.” . . . The BIG LIE was the first step in the scheme to subvert the election. It did not succeed because all fifty states survived the BIG LIE with no turning back according to the Constitution when they all certified their election results by mId-December. It was past time for DJT to challenge his election losses in the four to seven states that he needed overturned to win. There was no path to staying in office other than a soft coup scheme (nothing violent) where the voter machines lies, the voter fraud lies, and the voter laws lies and all other vote counting lies became the “seven states want their certifications back” BIG LIE . - - - And then the Jan6 certification ceremony became the JULY 4, 1776 , Pearl Harbor and the 09/11/01 most pivotally most significant day in American history to SAVE AMERICA for the dog whistle phrase “real Americans” . The Jan6 “Stop the Steal” peaceful rally was planned - the MAGA mob’s attendance was required in order to SAVE America because without the biblical god’s chosen DJT in power, America has no chance to survive. and for some reason the planned peaceful rally Jan6 rally was gonna be “ “wild” 21NOV07-POST#864

NFBW wrote: DJT’-s summons to a peaceful but wild protest of the Jan6 transfer of power ceremony on Capitol ‘bunker’ Hill began mid December.

"Statistically impossible to have lost the 2020 Election. Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!" he tweeted on December 18. On Sunday, the president again promoted the protests, writing on Twitter, "I will be there. Historic day!"

Trump tweeted "Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!"

Jan 13, 2021 — The invasion of the U.S. Capitol last Wednesday was stoked in plain sight. … Some interpretations of the POTUS call for his historical wild political orgy was a call to arms Oldestyle Correll …. GIVE ME LIBERTY or GIVE ME DEATH! - - -
Even before the call to orgy tweet , On Dec. 12, a poster on the website urged violence if senators made official the victory of President-elect Joe Biden. …. "If this does not change, then I advocate, Revolution and adherence to the rules of war," wrote someone identifying themselves as I3DI. "I say, take the hill or die trying. 21NOV07-POST#864
How do you "interpret" Trump telling people to protest "peacefully"? Duh?
We're talking about what happened, not what could have happened. Those three cops were in a dangerous position so they cleared out. Ashes Targetpractice still attempted to lead a violent mob into the House chamber and had to be put down to prevent the violent mob from following her.

That cop is a hero who saved lives.
Why aren't we talking about what could have happened? Why were those three Police officers ever put in that position? Why wasn't that empty hallway on the other side of those doors filled with riot gear wearing Capitol Police ready to defend members of Congress? Why wasn't a non lethal response such as a Taser or chemical agent used when that door was breached? Were those 3 officers ordered to leave or did they do so on their own? Did the plain clothes Capitol Police officer who executed Ashli Babbitt do so on his own or was he ordered to shoot someone?

That cop is someone who killed an unarmed protester because the planning and response to a protest was so badly handled that someone felt that needed to happen! That doesn't make anyone a "hero"!
How do you "interpret" Trump telling people to protest "peacefully"? Duh?

NFBW wrote: I interpret that he wanted the people that he was speaking to on the morning of the rally on Jan6 to protest peacefully as long as Mike Pence set the gears in motion to stop the constitutional peaceful transfer of power to Biden. But DJT in December also invited the people to come to DC for the protest and he told them it was going to be wild.- expect it to be wild. Pence didn’t do what he was told to do and that really pissed DJT off. And it is really sad, real fucking sad to learn ThisIsMe Correll that a US president actually sat on his fat lazy ass watching the attack against the United States of America at the US Capitol during a live session of Congress when the vice president and his family were in that building, for four hours before he told the rioters that he loved them and told them to go home. So what about it Oldestyle ? 21NOV07-POST#867
That cop is someone who killed an unarmed protester

Ashley Babbitt was not a “protester” the minute she went past police barricades and entered the building joining other attackers some of which premeditated and abd conspired to do what DJT incited them to do - steal the election for DJT.
Why aren't we talking about what could have happened? Why were those three Police officers ever put in that position? Why wasn't that empty hallway on the other side of those doors filled with riot gear wearing Capitol Police ready to defend members of Congress? Why wasn't a non lethal response such as a Taser or chemical agent used when that door was breached? Were those 3 officers ordered to leave or did they do so on their own? Did the plain clothes Capitol Police officer who executed Ashli Babbitt do so on his own or was he ordered to shoot someone?

That cop is someone who killed an unarmed protester because the planning and response to a protest was so badly handled that someone felt that needed to happen! That doesn't make anyone a "hero"!
Sadly, you just can't stop lying. You've been shown that hallway wasn't empty.
Sadly, you just can't stop lying. You've been shown that hallway wasn't empty.
When Babbitt was shot? Who cares who was in the hallway earlier! You clear out the hallway. You pull the cops from in front of the door. You have one plain clothes officer hiding off to the side of the door who then pops out and shoots to kill.
Why did that happen? Who made that happen?
Ashley Babbitt was not a “protester” the minute she went past police barricades and entered the building joining other attackers some of which premeditated and abd conspired to do what DJT incited them to do - steal the election for DJT.
Interesting liberal protesters that took over public buildings should have been shot down in cold blood even though they were unarmed? Why is Babbitt NOT a protester and those liberals ARE?
NFBW wrote: I interpret that he wanted the people that he was speaking to on the morning of the rally on Jan6 to protest peacefully as long as Mike Pence set the gears in motion to stop the constitutional peaceful transfer of power to Biden. But DJT in December also invited the people to come to DC for the protest and he told them it was going to be wild.- expect it to be wild. Pence didn’t do what he was told to do and that really pissed DJT off. And it is really sad, real fucking sad to learn ThisIsMe Correll that a US president actually sat on his fat lazy ass watching the attack against the United States of America at the US Capitol during a live session of Congress when the vice president and his family were in that building, for four hours before he told the rioters that he loved them and told them to go home. So what about it Oldestyle ? 21NOV07-POST#867
So someone saying that an event is going to be "wild" is inciting violence? Kind of a major reach on that one, Notfooled! Good luck on making that a criminal act!
While the MAGA cowards were beating up police officers and smearing their shit on the walls and screaming death threats, this brave cop stood between them and the people he was hired and sworn to protect. He knew he could not win against hundreds of hysterical, angry MAGA cowards. But he was going to hold his ground and empty his clip into them anyway.
When Babbitt was shot? Who cares who was in the hallway earlier! You clear out the hallway. You pull the cops from in front of the door. You have one plain clothes officer hiding off to the side of the door who then pops out and shoots to kill.
Why did that happen? Who made that happen?
It was two minutes earlier and it was the catalyst for that mob to break into the Speaker's Lobby.
His job is to protect members of Congress. It's not to shoot unarmed protesters when a protest gets out of hand because the Capitol Police prepared for it so badly!
Correct, his job was to protect members of Congress; and that's what he did. When a violent mob got too close to members of Congress and threatened to breach the final barricade between themselves and members of Congress, that hero took adequate action to keep that violent mob at bay until all of the members of Congress and staff could be safely evacuated from the House chamber. Had that cop not used his gun to keep Benedict Babbitt from breaking in, the rest of that violent mob would have followed Ashes Targetpractice and police would have had no choice but to open up on Trump's thugs, killing who knows how many.

That cop is a hero who saved lives.
Are you needing some more Trumpy centerfolds you seem awfully grouchy today. Is it your time of the month??
The FBI investigated the Jan 6 events for 8 months and found no wrongdoing by Trump. And now Fatgirl Lizzy is gonna find more???????? She has already been discredited as an asshole and liar by the GOP.
Oldestyle’s logical questions “Why wasn't that empty hallway on the other side of those doors filled with riot gear wearing Capitol Police ready to defend members of Congress? Why wasn't a non lethal response such as a Taser or chemical agent used when that door was breached? Were those 3 officers ordered to leave or did they do so on their own? Did the plain clothes Capitol Police officer who executed Ashli Babbitt do so on his own or was he ordered to shoot someone?”

These are questions that need full public disclosure to provide the missing facts. The public resents coverups, especially governmental coverups, as if these factors never even mattered. Had any of the above actions taken place it would have mattered greatly.

I watched the video several times, critiquing as a juror might when viewing the footage. At the point where you see the cop’s gun and his hand at the bottom left corner of the screen (hardly visible) a man shouts, “ I see a gun” and within second Bobbitt is shot dead.

Did the cop claim he didn’t mean to kill her but aimed for her neck/shoulder anyway? A few seconds before he fired it appeared the gun was trained more in the middle of the door and this was a last minute decision. Did the cop move his gun hand slightly to the left shooting Bobbitt? I am asking this question because if he wasn’t a well-trained professional shooter, he had no business holding that gun in the first place. What kind of training do USCP have regarding weapons and stopping potential threats? What kind of training did this particular officer undergo? More questions that need full disclosure. It appeared that the CP cop moved his hand at the very last second over to the left and made his kill shot. Not good either way if this ever goes to trial.

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