Liz Cheney says Trump appears to have been ‘personally involved in planning’ 6 Jan insurrection

What kind of an asshole wants to shoot people without warning for protesting?
Babbitt was not protesting - She was involved with hundreds of Trump Supporters commiting a physical attack against members of Congress and the second and third in line in succession to the Presidency. She was involved in an attack against the United States of America. We shoot our enemies. No need to give a warning.
Babbitt was not protesting - She was involved with hundreds of Trump Supporters commiting a physical attack against members of Congress and the second and third in line in succession to the Presidency. She was involved in an attack against the United States of America. We shoot our enemies. No need to give a warning.
What member of Congress was physically attacked?
She and the others were involved in a protest against an election they felt had been stolen. That's not an attack on America...that's a protest.
What member of Congress was physically attacked?
All of them. Plus Pence. Plus the hundred and some police officers who were injured trying to protect all the members of Congress. Breaking and entering to a live session of Congress is a physical attack. Babbitt took a bullet and it stopped the physical attack pretty much.
All of them. Plus Pence. Plus the hundred and some police officers who were injured trying to protect all the members of Congress. Breaking and entering to a live session of Congress is a physical attack. Babbitt took a bullet and it stopped the physical attack pretty much.
Really? So how many of them were even TOUCHED by a protester? Do you even grasp what the term "physical" means?
Go find them then and take it up with them . There wouid be no election that way if that process was determined to be unconstitutional.

This thread is about a constitutional crisis unnecessarily created AFTER a REAL election and caused by the sitting President who lost. Please participate.
I am participating, my discussions with you have been about the committee integrity, and the legality of the Eastman Plan. At present, I'm trying to understand how the left is so angry about something they themselves were ready to do, and 16 states joined in on, and enacted.
I am participating, my discussions with you have been about the committee integrity, and the legality of the Eastman Plan. At present, I'm trying to understand how the left is so angry about something they themselves were ready to do, and 16 states joined in on, and enacted.
Ignore latest red herring attempt
What kind of an asshole wants to shoot people without warning for protesting? You people on the left have lost your collective MINDS over this! We literally had months of violent protests by the left in cities all across the country and not a single unarmed protester was shot by a single police officer...we had a protest at the Capitol that lasted a few hours and an unarmed protester is shot at point blank range...yet you idiots think this guy is a "hero" for losing his cool?
You're lying again, lying con. She was warned.
ThisIsMe wrote: Are both plans, at their core, not the same thing? Do they both not subvert the will of the voter? 21NOV10-POST#929

NFBW wrote: One is a proposal regarding future elections likely never to see the light of day. The other is a private blue-print by a constitutional lawyer advising Trump that may have evolved from right-wing anti/governments pro-Trump militia types starting in December 2020. 21NOV10-POST#938

NFBW wrote: I say the Eastman memo may have evolved from militia types because this was posted on social media in December 22 21NOV10-POST#938

““””On Dec. 12, a poster on the website urged violence if senators made official the victory of President-elect Joe Biden. …. "If this does not change, then I advocate, Revolution and adherence to the rules of war," wrote someone identifying themselves as I3DI. "I say, take the hill or die trying “”””

That comes from the following earlier post:

“”””” NFBW wrote: DJT’-s summons to a peaceful but wild protest of the Jan6 transfer of power ceremony on Capitol ‘bunker’ Hill began mid December.

"Statistically impossible to have lost the 2020 Election. Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!" he tweeted on December 18. On Sunday, the president again promoted the protests, writing on Twitter, "I will be there. Historic day!"

Trump tweeted "Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!"

Jan 13, 2021 — The invasion of the U.S. Capitol last Wednesday was stoked in plain sight. … Some interpretations of the POTUS call for his historical wild political orgy was a call to arms Oldestyle Correll …. GIVE ME LIBERTY or GIVE ME DEATH! - - -

Even before the call to orgy tweet , On Dec. 12, a poster on the website urged violence if senators made official the victory of President-elect Joe Biden. …. "If this does not change, then I advocate, Revolution and adherence to the rules of war," wrote someone identifying themselves as I3DI. "I say, take the hill or die trying. 21NOV07-POST#864 “””””
One is a proposal regarding future elections likely never to see the light of day.

Why did 16 states sign on to, and pass the resolution to do it? Besides, my point isn't whether or not they did it, or intend to do it. My point is that when it happened, the left defended it.

poster on the website urged violence if senators made official the victory of President-elect Joe Biden. …. "If this does not change, then I advocate, Revolution and adherence to the rules of war,"

I have no idea how the Eastman memo came to be, but I wouldn't necessarily say that this tweet indicates that it was created from a militia. I mean it could have been, but we don't know.

Be there, will be wild

I can see where you might want to promote this as his call to violence, but, again, we don't know. He mentioned the word peaceful a few times during those days, both at the rally and in his tweets. Maybe "wild" indicstes that there are going to be a lot of people all protesting together? Hell, I don't know.
You're lying again, lying con. She was warned.
By whom? The officer who shot her? He didn't say a word. He hid out of sight. Waited until the other officers left their post in front of the crowd of protesters and then he stepped out and fired a shot at point blank range at an unarmed female protester. That's your "hero"! (Eye Roll)
So what you're basically saying is that not a single Congressperson was so much as even touched by any of the protesters?
You know they weren't just like you know they had to be evacuated for safety from a violent mob threatening to kill some of them.
By whom? The officer who shot her? He didn't say a word. He hid out of sight. Waited until the other officers left their post in front of the crowd of protesters and then he stepped out and fired a shot at point blank range at an unarmed female protester. That's your "hero"! (Eye Roll)
He says he did and a guy next to Ashes Targetpractice say he heard cops warning that mob to get back.
You know they weren't just like you know they had to be evacuated for safety from a violent mob threatening to kill some of them.
So basically you're saying that an unarmed protester that hadn't harmed anyone was shot to death because someone made the call that she "might" be violent? Who was it that made that call and isn't it amazing that no other Police Officer in the Capitol building that day decided to fire their weapon EXCEPT your "hero"!
So basically you're saying that an unarmed protester that hadn't harmed anyone was shot to death because someone made the call that she "might" be violent? Who was it that made that call and isn't it amazing that no other Police Officer in the Capitol building that day decided to fire their weapon EXCEPT your "hero"!
Nope, I'm not saying that.
He says he did and a guy next to Ashes Targetpractice say he heard cops warning that mob to get back.
I listened to the audio, Faun...when was that warning issued? If you can hear it...point it out please because I heard NOTHING in the way of a warning before that shot was fired except protesters screaming that they saw a gun!

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