Liz Cheney says Trump has caused a ‘personality cult’ among Republicans

Liz Cheney just DROPPED the hammer on Trump:
“Any man who would provoke a violent assault on the Capitol to stop the counting of Electoral Votes and watch television as his supporters were invading the Capitol of the US -- is clearly unfit for future office."


The Never-Trumper bleats again.

Hey - for all Trump's faults, I would a THOUSAND times rather see him in office than any Neo-Con.
Yup, NOT a cult. LOOLOL Oddball
Fucking loons that support POS trump are calling Cheney a Kook.
Yup, don't say ANYTHING negative about dear cult leader or you get labeled a Kook.
'Dear Leader'?! This is about Lizzie, not Barry.

Lizzie claims she is a Republican who supports conservatives, but her biggest supporters right now are exposed proven scandal-mongers, seditious / treasonous RussiaCollusion / Russian Bank Connection scandal perpetrators, failed faux criminal coup Impeachent pushers, admitted Insider Trading perps, and leftists who want to spend more time, effort, and tax dollars in another failed 'We've got him this time' scam than addressing the real problems America is facing right now.
'Dear Leader'?! This is about Lizzie, not Barry.

Lizzie claims she is a Republican who supports conservatives, but her biggest supporters right now are exposed proven scandal-mongers, seditious / treasonous RussiaCollusion / Russian Bank Connection scandal perpetrators, failed faux criminal coup Impeachent pushers, admitted Insider Trading perps, and leftists who want to spend more time, effort, and tax dollars in another failed 'We've got him this time' scam than addressing the real problems America is facing right now.
Maybe 10% of America want's 'Your America'
10% doesn't seem like much, but that is a lot of CRAZY.
groomed by the orange cult.

That's so true, let's keep using it.

Maybe 10% of America want's 'Your America'
10% doesn't seem like much, but that is a lot of CRAZY.
What is 'my Anerica', since you - like other idiot snowflakes on this board who have repeatedly proven themselves to be wrong - think you can speak for me?

First define 'my America' then provide the link showing 10% of Americans want the same thing, just to prove you didn't pull both silly statements out of your ass
Once again, in a thread about someone completely different, we are forced to endure the interruptions of obsessed, TDS-suffering snowflakes....


'.....b...b...BUT TRUUUUUMP!!!'



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Yup, NOT a cult. LOOLOL Oddball
Fucking loons that support POS trump are calling Cheney a Kook.
Yup, don't say ANYTHING negative about dear cult leader or you get labeled a Kook.

Spot on.
Russia Russia Russia was deemed a witch hunt hoax, but now they are doing far worse by continuing the Big Lie for 2+ years.
They worship trump....not the Con-stitution...not this country....just trump.
Cheney is butthurt that Republican voters got fed up with the Republican establishment leadership and chose an outsider.
Liz Cheney has it bassackwards.

The cult existed before Trump. It was a cult in search of a personality.

Trump was the horse, that's all. ("My kingdom for a horse", kind of thing).

If you think the cult goes away when Trump does, you're so badly mistaken as to be almost delusional. It would be a total misread of the landscape
Liz Cheney has it bassackwards.

The cult existed before Trump. It was a cult in search of a personality.

Trump was the horse, that's all. ("My kingdom for a horse", kind of thing).

If you think the cult goes away when Trump does, you're so badly mistaken as to be almost delusional. It would be a total misread of the landscape
Newsflash, we don't care if the left calls us a cult. Our goal is to wipe out the Democrats, deal with it.
Newsflash, we don't care if the left calls us a cult. Our goal is to wipe out the Democrats, deal with it.
Hey, I'm on your side. I'm your staunch libertarian ally.

I'm loose with words, I figure as long as we both know what we're talking about we're communicating. Cult seems like a more convenient usage than "group of people who vote for Donald Trump". I'm just lazy, it's four letters instead of a dozen words.

Besides, this is politics, remember? Thick skin and all that? (wink) :)
Liz Cheney just DROPPED the hammer on Trump:
“Any man who would provoke a violent assault on the Capitol to stop the counting of Electoral Votes and watch television as his supporters were invading the Capitol of the US -- is clearly unfit for future office."


Polls are polls ... But some polls have Representative Cheney 30 points behind her challenger Harriet Hageman in the Wyoming GOP Primary.

I don't know if it is because Former President Trump endorsed Hageman ...
But even before he did, I suggested Representative Cheney wasn't going to head back to the Beltway after her next run for office.


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