Liz Cheney Suggests a New Political Party May Be Needed

We definitely need a strong and viable third party. The two "major" parties are controlled by their wings.
The Socialist Democrat Party or the Populist Republican Party ( or ) the Constitutionalist party
I appreciate and respect Liz Cheney for calling out Donald Trump for the threat he is to the nation. She is right.

Other than that I have never been a Cheney fan. I thought the way the Bush/Cheney Administration handled the aftermath of 9/11 was a disgrace.

Be that as it may, it is interesting to watch MAGA march to the left and the Democratic Party march to the right on national security issues.

Cheney is right that the current makeup of the Republican party is polluted with Trumpists, who really don't have a coherent ideology other than loyalty to an individual and a crushing sense of victimhood. It's not a great combo for a viable political party.

Provided Trump is defeated, there will be reckoning a war in the Republican Party. Either it will be either the MAGAs or the old-line conservatives who will be pushed out of the party. A new party may then emerge.
I appreciate and respect Liz Cheney for calling out Donald Trump for the threat he is to the nation. She is right.

Other than that I have never been a Cheney fan. I thought the way the Bush/Cheney Administration handled the aftermath of 9/11 was a disgrace.

Be that as it may, it is interesting to watch MAGA march to the left and the Democratic Party march to the right on national security issues.

Cheney is right that the current makeup of the Republican party is polluted with Trumpists, who really don't have a coherent ideology other than loyalty to an individual and a crushing sense of victimhood. It's not a great combo for a viable political party.

Provided Trump is defeated, there will be reckoning a war in the Republican Party. Either it will be either the MAGAs or the old-line conservatives who will be pushed out of the party. A new party may then emerge.
A Trump election loss will result in a replay of 2020 with baseless lies of a ‘stolen’ election, lies about ‘voter fraud,’ and lies about Democrats ‘cheating’; for Republicans, Trump’s election loss will be further proof of a corrupt political establishment and the failure of democracy.

Republicans will wallow in a stew of grievance, victimhood, and a desire for revenge.

Trump is a product of the GOP; Trump will likely remain in control of the Republican party, along with devoted Trump Cult members.
"No she didn't... her self awareness level is zero.."

Frankly, poster Rambunctious, to me and my avatar such an allegation appears to be silly. Unserious. Unless, of course, you can tell us of your personal experience with Liz Cheney so that your assertion about her "self awareness"... can have any credibility.

First, and I'll be blunt -----you don't know.
You ..WANT ....her self-awarness to be zero but you have no experience with Cheney where you have interacted with her on any matters, so can have no basis from experience on what she is like either in a personal or professional setting.

No offense intended, but......but your post smacks of 'blowhardery'.
It is an example of partisan boo-birdism.

If you disagree with that assessment, well, I, and perhaps others here would welcome your bona fides on being able to offer the forum and insightful experienced-based perspective on Cheney's 'self-awareness'.

So, saddle up Skippy. Show the forum your ability to rope & ride.
There's a hundred of them out there. All Liz has to do is pick one that represents a freaking traitor and phony republican.
What do you think this message board is all about?... everyone here is a blowhard including you... I said what I hear and see when I listen and watch Liz... she really thought that opposing Trump would elevate her to the top of the party...
She is out of touch with the country...
Just like her father...
Say what you want about Trump... but he won a battle with ISSL that Obama couldn't... brought thousands of our troops back home... and started no new wars...
Cheney started two wars that lasted for 20 years and killed or maimed thousands of good men and women...
Fuck the Cheney's....
How's that for blowhardery?.... I guarantee you if Kamala wins she will put Cheney in charge of our military.... That's why Liz is babbling on....
She is out of touch with the country...
Might as well double-down on your 'blowhardery' poster Rambunctious.
You have no bona fides for a credible perspective on Liz Cheney's "self awareness". Nor her 'out-of-touchness'.
I suspect your view is derived from Alex Jones, Info-Wars, Mike Lindell, Rudy Giuliani.
NOT....from any insightful personal experience.


she really thought that opposing Trump would elevate her to the top of the party...
"she really thought.....would elevate her..."
OK, once again.
You blow hard but you gotta prove it.
Otherwise you become just like that loudmouth at the end of the bar who has an unsupported and unsupportable opinion and damn thing that comes down the pike.
Your assertions are silly and unserious.
Unless you can vet them with evidence or experience.
If you can.....well, right now would be a good time to do so.

Cheney started two wars that lasted for 20 years
Liz Cheney was 24yrs old when the first Gulf War began. She was 6 years out of high school. Her involvement and contribution to starting the Gulf War seems, in my rather skeptical view, to be rather limited.

Silly and unserious.......seem to have traction here.
But you be you.

I guarantee you if Kamala wins she will put Cheney in charge of our military...
Another silly statement. Unserious.

So, throw something foolish and unvettable on the wall as evidence of your deep thinking on the subject?

Partner, you are gonna need more to impress.
We assume you got it in you.
However, admittedly, we are evidence-free in that assumption.
Might as well double-down on your 'blowhardery' poster Rambunctious.
You have no bona fides for a credible perspective on Liz Cheney's "self awareness". Nor her 'out-of-touchness'.
I suspect your view is derived from Alex Jones, Info-Wars, Mike Lindell, Rudy Giuliani.
NOT....from any insightful personal experience.


"she really thought.....would elevate her..."
OK, once again.
You blow hard but you gotta prove it.
Otherwise you become just like that loudmouth at the end of the bar who has an unsupported and unsupportable opinion and damn thing that comes down the pike.
Your assertions are silly and unserious.
Unless you can vet them with evidence or experience.
If you can.....well, right now would be a good time to do so.

Liz Cheney was 24yrs old when the first Gulf War began. She was 6 years out of high school. Her involvement and contribution to starting the Gulf War seems, in my rather skeptical view, to be rather limited.

Silly and unserious.......seem to have traction here.
But you be you.

Another silly statement. Unserious.

So, throw something foolish and unvettable on the wall as evidence of your deep thinking on the subject?

Partner, you are gonna need more to impress.
We assume you got it in you.
However, admittedly, we are evidence-free in that assumption.
So I can't comment on what I think of Liz Cheney?... this is an opinion board dummy... why do you libs always try to curtail ones opinion?.... can't handle the truth?... dang talk about a blow hard... look in the mirror buddy...
"...this is an opinion board dummy... why do you libs always try to curtail ones opinion?.... can't handle the truth?..."

First rule of 'blowhardery'.......cage everything one asserts as fact. Not as an opinion. Even if there are no verifiable facts to support ones blowhardery.

Look, poster Rambunctious, I'm sure you can find a TED Talk on the protocols, expectations, and decorum of responsible adult discourse.

You could be a better poster if you found it and heeded its instruction.

Trust me.
First rule of 'blowhardery'.......cage everything one asserts as fact. Not as an opinion. Even if there are no verifiable facts to support ones blowhardery.

Look, poster Rambunctious, I'm sure you can find a TED Talk on the protocols, expectations, and decorum of responsible adult discourse.

You could be a better poster if you found it and heeded its instruction.

Trust me.
Your post is a perfect example of a thoughtless pointless blow hard... why are you attacking me instead of debating my points... an insult is not a cohesive argument... try and be a little intellectual for crying out loud...
Ms. Cheney, a longtime Republican, said that the G.O.P. “has rejected the Constitution in the name of supporting Trump” and that Mike Johnson should not be speaker.

“Whether it’s organizing a new party — look, it’s hard for me to see how the Republican Party, given what it has done, can make the argument convincingly or credibly that people ought to vote for Republican candidates until it really recognizes what it’s done,” Ms. Cheney said at the Cap Times Idea Fest in Madison, Wis.

By chance, Ms. Cheney was speaking at the same time that Ms. Harris was also in Madison, holding a rally across town. Ms. Cheney said she had spoken with the vice president since announcing her support and hinted that she might participate in the campaign in some way.

This lady has guts. Not to mention principles. And, I say that as someone who couldn't stand her or her dad.

Going head-to-head against Trump, fully aware that she could lose her seat, is a true profile in courage. Bravo to her! I hope she successfully establishes a new party that embodies the old principles of the party that once represented Lincoln.
America... When people like this sing you're praises, you're doing the wrong thing.
"...why are you attacking me instead of debating my points."

To date, you have no 'points'.

Unsupported and unverifiable opinions offered as 'facts' ain't points.
They are blowhadery.
I am mildly convinced you should know that.

'Liz Cheney has no self-awareness'??
For Chrissakes! That is a "point"?
Gimme a break.
If it is a "point"......then vet the damn accusation.
Man up and show that you can do due diligence, homework, and follow responsible adult conversation expectations.

Good luck.
To date, you have no 'points'.

Unsupported and unverifiable opinions offered as 'facts' ain't points.
They are blowhadery.
I am mildly convinced you should know that.

'Liz Cheney has no self-awareness'??
For Chrissakes! That is a "point"?
Gimme a break.
If it is a "point"......then vet the damn accusation.
Man up and show that you can do due diligence, homework, and follow responsible adult conversation expectations.

Good luck.
I had a good enough point that it got you to try and insult me instead of debate me... by the way calling me a blowhard doesn't bother me I admitted to being a blowhard... everyone here is including moderators and including you... defending a Cheney is ludicrous... so knock yourself out...
yea until you vote for one of them then your not...
Republicans vote for Democrats quite often.

Democrats vote for Republicans quite often.

Independents vote for Republicans OR Democrats quite often.

How one votes in a given election does not define one's political affiliations nor inclinations.
  • Look, poster Rambunctious, I'm sure you can find a TED Talk on the protocols, expectations, and decorum of responsible adult discourse.
  • "I had a good enough point that it got you to try and insult me instead of debate me... by the way calling me a blowhard doesn't bother me I admitted to being a blowhard... everyone here is"
No, everybody here is NOT a blowhard.
Your posts too often are exactly that.
And, today, specifically.....your accusation that Cheney has no self-awareness is exactly that in spades. A blowhard partisan polemic which you attempted to re-cast as responsible debate 'points'. It wasn't. It was a disgruntled opinion coming to this venue as a keyboard enema....more than responsible adult discourse.

Republicans vote for Democrats quite often.

Democrats vote for Republicans quite often.

Independents vote for Republicans OR Democrats quite often.

How one votes in a given election does not define one's political affiliations nor inclinations.
if you vote for someone you are supporting that person and their party.....for that election, you are no longer an independent,you are what you voted for....
The Cheney's and the Bush's have never done anything positive for the American working class... they are DC scum who only care about themselves and their rich friends....
So if dems are now going to adopt them so be it.... they can have them.... as far as Liz goes... there must be something wrong with her that she can't see how hated her and her father have become... at least GW saw how disliked he is and left the stage to hold up on his ranch....

It says a lot about how your side is less a political movement and more a cult if you have denounced - in order - Pence, Romney, Ryan, McCain, Bush, and Cheney. Nearly everyone you guys have put on a political ticket since 2000.

Everyone else is wrong and Trump is right.
You may be right. But the point is that they have lost credibility.

GOP used to stand for morality, fiscal conservatism, and a deep respect for the Constitution. All three are in tatters after the orange douchebag took over the party.

Can they recover and move on as if nothing happened when Trump is gone? Not sure. Hence Cheney's idea of a new party to start fresh.

Again, they recovered from Nixon. And they were back in the White House only six years after Nixon resigned in disgrace.

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