Liz Cheney: Those conservatives who led the charge not to certify the election should be disqualified from running for President.

This is exactly what Ms. Cheney said

“I think we have a huge number of interesting candidates, but I think that we’re going to be in a good position to be able to take the White House. I do think that some of our candidates who led the charge, particularly the senators who led the unconstitutional charge, not to certify the election, you know, in my view that’s disqualifying,” she said.

I agree very little with what Liz Cheney has to say, but she is right here. If you lead an insurrection against the nation or incite a mob to attack our capitol you should be disqualified from running for the presidency. Actually, sedition should be disqualifying for running for any public office.

As far as Cheney running for president, I doubt that she will, but if she does, it will be the last hurrah for the party of Reagan.
I guess then everyone in the Democrat Party that contested the 2016 election results should have been disqualified. That includes everyone who ran for president.

"Biden denied the objections one by one, at times jocular and apparently determined to finish the tally. “It is over,” he said at one point, to laughter from Republicans."

How strange. So basically they did what the Republicans wanted to do, but for some strange reason (like the recount in AZ) the powers that be prevented this from going thru it's proper course, and started a riot at the Capital, bringing it to a complete halt. The Dems claim Trump started the riot....when in fact Trump supporters were still at his rally when the Capital riot began. Then the Dems, and their friends in the Republican party, blamed Trump.

Well first you said that Biden Contested the 2016 election yet he was the one presiding over the Jan 6th Counting Ceremony in Congress.
The only reason he didn't contest it during the certification is because he knew the Democrats didn't have any evidence that Trump cheated. They created the Russian Collusion Hoax later...with Biden's help. So Biden was deeply involved in trying to overthrow the Trump Administration.

You're just trying to make me spit coffee on my keyboard aintcha?
How dare she demand they elect Americans who support the Constitution, the integrity of our elections and rule of law.
The Constitution allows for the citizens to fight for our country against a corrupt election. The "rule of law" buullshit is funny stuff. I think Nazi Germany used that line.

Each state has its own process for handling such allegations. There is no provision for citizens to take up arms against the government of the people. There is the next election.
You mean there's no provision for BLM terrorism?
This is exactly what Ms. Cheney said

“I think we have a huge number of interesting candidates, but I think that we’re going to be in a good position to be able to take the White House. I do think that some of our candidates who led the charge, particularly the senators who led the unconstitutional charge, not to certify the election, you know, in my view that’s disqualifying,” she said.

I agree very little with what Liz Cheney has to say, but she is right here. If you lead an insurrection against the nation or incite a mob to attack our capitol you should be disqualified from running for the presidency. Actually, sedition should be disqualifying for running for any public office.

As far as Cheney running for president, I doubt that she will, but if she does, it will be the last hurrah for the party of Reagan.
I guess then everyone in the Democrat Party that contested the 2016 election results should have been disqualified. That includes everyone who ran for president.

"Biden denied the objections one by one, at times jocular and apparently determined to finish the tally. “It is over,” he said at one point, to laughter from Republicans."

How strange. So basically they did what the Republicans wanted to do, but for some strange reason (like the recount in AZ) the powers that be prevented this from going thru it's proper course, and started a riot at the Capital, bringing it to a complete halt. The Dems claim Trump started the riot....when in fact Trump supporters were still at his rally when the Capital riot began. Then the Dems, and their friends in the Republican party, blamed Trump.

Well first you said that Biden Contested the 2016 election yet he was the one presiding over the Jan 6th Counting Ceremony in Congress.
The only reason he didn't contest it during the certification is because he knew the Democrats didn't have any evidence that Trump cheated. They created the Russian Collusion Hoax later...with Biden's help. So Biden was deeply involved in trying to overthrow the Trump Administration.

Trump created the Russian collusion investigation all by himself Mud!!!! Nobody had to make anything up, except Trump himself when he said "Never happened! Believe ME!" Every time Donald Trump says "Believe me!", he's lying. A man who is truthful has no need to sell the lie! The phrase "believe me" is the "liar's tell". People who tell the truth expect to be believed because they don't lie.
She's as worthless as most R's in the house and senate.

Do you have any REAL or substantive criticisms of Cheney or are you just parroting the Trump Cult line, as always????
She voted to impeach Trump. That's all the criticism needed to kick her ass out of office.

Trump has never won a single election. What convinces you he won the 2020 election, other than wishful thinking?
He won 2016, moron.
This is exactly what Ms. Cheney said

“I think we have a huge number of interesting candidates, but I think that we’re going to be in a good position to be able to take the White House. I do think that some of our candidates who led the charge, particularly the senators who led the unconstitutional charge, not to certify the election, you know, in my view that’s disqualifying,” she said.

I agree very little with what Liz Cheney has to say, but she is right here. If you lead an insurrection against the nation or incite a mob to attack our capitol you should be disqualified from running for the presidency. Actually, sedition should be disqualifying for running for any public office.

As far as Cheney running for president, I doubt that she will, but if she does, it will be the last hurrah for the party of Reagan.
^^ LMAO.

Another lefty coming in to White Knight for a neocon RINO piece of shit.
How dare she demand they elect Americans who support the Constitution, the integrity of our elections and rule of law.
How many times did the Supreme Court rule Barry Hussein violated the Constitution? About a dozen, right?

And not once did President Obama hold a rally or urge his faithful followers to march on the SC and fight for him!
At least you agree you voted for a clown who violated the Constitution about a dozen times.

Without looking at the political tone of obstruction Mitch brought down on Obama and the hundreds of EO's Obama used to get around the obstructionism, it is a clownish partisan view of the man.
EOs cannot be used to change laws on the books passed by Congress, moron.
This is exactly what Ms. Cheney said

“I think we have a huge number of interesting candidates, but I think that we’re going to be in a good position to be able to take the White House. I do think that some of our candidates who led the charge, particularly the senators who led the unconstitutional charge, not to certify the election, you know, in my view that’s disqualifying,” she said.

I agree very little with what Liz Cheney has to say, but she is right here. If you lead an insurrection against the nation or incite a mob to attack our capitol you should be disqualified from running for the presidency. Actually, sedition should be disqualifying for running for any public office.

As far as Cheney running for president, I doubt that she will, but if she does, it will be the last hurrah for the party of Reagan.
I guess then everyone in the Democrat Party that contested the 2016 election results should have been disqualified. That includes everyone who ran for president.

"Biden denied the objections one by one, at times jocular and apparently determined to finish the tally. “It is over,” he said at one point, to laughter from Republicans."

So Biden determines whether the election is valid?
How dare she demand they elect Americans who support the Constitution, the integrity of our elections and rule of law.
How many times did the Supreme Court rule Barry Hussein violated the Constitution? About a dozen, right?

And not once did President Obama hold a rally or urge his faithful followers to march on the SC and fight for him!
At least you agree you voted for a clown who violated the Constitution about a dozen times.

Without looking at the political tone of obstruction Mitch brought down on Obama and the hundreds of EO's Obama used to get around the obstructionism, it is a clownish partisan view of the man.
That's called "politics". You guys preach cooperation and bipartisanship, but your actions are totalitarian. Grow up.
This is exactly what Ms. Cheney said

“I think we have a huge number of interesting candidates, but I think that we’re going to be in a good position to be able to take the White House. I do think that some of our candidates who led the charge, particularly the senators who led the unconstitutional charge, not to certify the election, you know, in my view that’s disqualifying,” she said.

I agree very little with what Liz Cheney has to say, but she is right here. If you lead an insurrection against the nation or incite a mob to attack our capitol you should be disqualified from running for the presidency. Actually, sedition should be disqualifying for running for any public office.

As far as Cheney running for president, I doubt that she will, but if she does, it will be the last hurrah for the party of Reagan.
I agree with her, but she doesn't go nearly far enough. Those people violated their oaths to the constitution and are now ineligible to serve in congress in any form.
Funny, did you say the same for all the Democrats that objected to the electoral votes in 2016?

Of course you didn’t.
How dare she demand they elect Americans who support the Constitution, the integrity of our elections and rule of law.
The Constitution allows for the citizens to fight for our country against a corrupt election. The "rule of law" buullshit is funny stuff. I think Nazi Germany used that line.
Yep. NAZI Germany had laws that allowed them to put Jews in gas ovens.

Nah, Like Trumpybear the Nazis were very good at hiding their conspiracies. They left no written records or orders, just a wink and a nod.
How dare she demand they elect Americans who support the Constitution, the integrity of our elections and rule of law.
How many times did the Supreme Court rule Barry Hussein violated the Constitution? About a dozen, right?

And not once did President Obama hold a rally or urge his faithful followers to march on the SC and fight for him!
At least you agree you voted for a clown who violated the Constitution about a dozen times.

Without looking at the political tone of obstruction Mitch brought down on Obama and the hundreds of EO's Obama used to get around the obstructionism, it is a clownish partisan view of the man.
That's called "politics". You guys preach cooperation and bipartisanship, but your actions are totalitarian. Grow up.

That's politics ala Rushbo, which is now mainstream for the NEO-GOP. My way or the Highway!
She's as worthless as most R's in the house and senate.

Do you have any REAL or substantive criticisms of Cheney or are you just parroting the Trump Cult line, as always????
She voted to impeach Trump. That's all the criticism needed to kick her ass out of office.

Trump has never won a single election. What convinces you he won the 2020 election, other than wishful thinking?
He won 2016, moron.

No he didn’t fool. He won the electoral college not the election. He lost the election by 3 million votes.

This is the part you fools keep forgetting. Donald Trump has never won an election. He didn’t even win the Republican nomination.

He accumulated enough delegates with 15% of the vote in “winner take all” Primaries with 17 candidates in the clown car. 85% of Republicans voted for someone else.

Obama followed the Constitution and the political norms of a faithful and non violent transfer of power. Trump didn't and his NEO-GOP support his unconstitutional efforts to halt the transfer of power to the then President Elect.
There is no way Biden got over 80 million votes. Something stinks.

I think there are more than a few votes against Trumpybear. Next to Hillary, he is the most hated by voters.
Most hated by whom? Chinese communist and the mentally ill Msnbc watchers.

Trump isn't hated, fool. 70% of the American people recognize that Donald Trump is an incompetent asshole, and a conman to boot. 30% of Americans believe every word out his mouth. Just like 30% of Americans believed the birther lie.

Trump has completely driven away the people who demanded refunds of the $122 million he stole from their bank accounts. More and more people are leaving the Republican Party, while the Democrat membership is going higher and higher.

Pretty soon, Trump will be totally irrelevant and I hope it's soon. The Republican Party will be dead as a doornail if legislative Republicans don't wrest from the influence of Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell, and the other Trump enablers.

The American public in general is done with Trump and his party of crazy.
Trump has completely driven away the people who demanded refunds of the $122 million he stole from their bank accounts.

Link to this theft? Where are the charges for these crimes? Surely you aren't a lying sack, right?
She's as worthless as most R's in the house and senate.

Do you have any REAL or substantive criticisms of Cheney or are you just parroting the Trump Cult line, as always????
She voted to impeach Trump. That's all the criticism needed to kick her ass out of office.

Trump has never won a single election. What convinces you he won the 2020 election, other than wishful thinking?
He won 2016, moron.

No he didn’t fool. He won the electoral college not the election. He lost the election by 3 million votes.

This is the part you fools keep forgetting. Donald Trump has never won an election. He didn’t even win the Republican nomination.

He accumulated enough delegates with 15% of the vote in “winner take all” Primaries with 17 candidates in the clown car. 85% of Republicans voted for someone else.

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