Liz Cheney to abandon Senate bid


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
Liz Cheney, whose upstart bid to unseat Wyoming Sen. Mike Enzi sparked a round of warfare in the Republican Party and even within her own family, is dropping out of the Senate primary, sources told CNN late Sunday.

Cheney, the eldest daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, began telling associates of her decision over the weekend and could make an official announcement about the race as early as Monday.

First on CNN: Liz Cheney to abandon Senate bid -

Excellent news.

WASHINGTON — Liz Cheney intends to withdraw from the Wyoming Republican Senate primary, according to two sources familiar with her plans, bringing an abrupt end to her unsteady challenge to the incumbent, Michael B. Enzi.

Woo! Where did this come from? She must have consulted with Palin...

Must be fallout from the great fishing license debacle of 2013...

Fucking carpet baggers...
She sees the futility of challenging someone so popular. Liz knows that her lesbian sister will do everything she can to destroy her.
It's a shame but she was losing so bad anyway, it's time to throw in the towel. Way past time for all of the Cheneys to give up politics after Daddy Cheney took their name so far down they'll never see the light of day again politically.

So now it's her lesbian sister's fault... This kind of comment is why people hate Republicans. :lol: One of the reasons Kerry lost his bid was because Edwards brought up Cheney's lesbian daughter in his debate. Do you people ever learn?
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Not in Wyoming! In Wyoming, the Cheneys are a first family, loved by all. Liz was just facing Mike Enzi who has the speech he made against obamacare where everything he said would happen happened. Enzi is wildly popular, it would have been almost impossible to over come his lead.
Not in Wyoming! In Wyoming, the Cheneys are a first family, loved by all. Liz was just facing Mike Enzi who has the speech he made against obamacare where everything he said would happen happened. Enzi is wildly popular, it would have been almost impossible to over come his lead.

Yes, Liz made the right decision.
I did not know lesbians had such political power in WY.

Times they are a'changing. :lol:
Well this should make the Cheney haters dance with joy...

Yeah, because they matter ever-so.

They do to some people. TM for example still wishes death upon good ole Dick Cheney I'm sure.

Personally, I couldn't care less except to say that those who are still hating on the Cheney's really need to move on...

Go get the post where I said that.

why cant you people EVER remember what was REALLY said?

why does it always turn into some fucking lie when your head gets information and tries to HOLD it.

I said that Cheney is EVIL and the day of his death will forever be a holiday for me.

It is completely true.

the man is EVIL.

hes a sociopath and got people killed so he could STEAL power.

you made a claim go fucking prove it liar
Cheney could steal power????? Really???? What power did he steal and what did he do with it?

I appreciate your feelings about Cheney being evil and deserving death. I feel much the same way about obama.
Well this should make the Cheney haters dance with joy...

Yeah, because they matter ever-so.

They do to some people. TM for example still wishes death upon good ole Dick Cheney I'm sure.

Personally, I couldn't care less except to say that those who are still hating on the Cheney's really need to move on...

Discussing our dislike of Cheney's positions makes perfect sense given she was a candidate for Senate and this is a political message board. Should we have simply ignored her run?
So...who gets the blame Liz?

Mainstream media
Your own shortcomings
Liz Cheney's political positions are exactly the same as her opponent, Mike Enzi! I saw some interviews with her. Her sole and only point of difference was that she was younger and would have been some sort of fresh face. That's not good enough. It wasn't good enough. Especially since Enzi was already running clips of his epic speech against obamacare as campaign spots. Cheney had nothing.

Watch: Sen. Mike Enzi Predicted Obamacare Failures Three Years Ago - Cortney O'Brien

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