Liz Cheney: trump a unique "domestic threat"

Trump is an enemy of America, a danger to this nation.

Trump sought to destroy the Constitution, the rule of law, and our democratic institutions.

There’s nothing ‘pro-America’ about Trump.
Seems like it's the senile guy in the WH that is wreaking havoc on the nation now.
He tried to contest the election swindle legally. No one is buying your "overthrow" narrative except gullible morons.

Says the guy who spouted the "Russian! Russian! Russian!" hoax for 5 years. Dims are too stupid to believe.
And they still claim Stacy Abrams won Georgia. While not even being embarrassed at their own hypocrisy.
And you vomited the right wing racist asshole talking point. As usual.

If she's a man as suspected of course she'd have balls.
The difference being is you leftist pretend a man can change his sex by just identifying as a women or vice versa.
Big difference.

Some also suspect the Earth is flat.
If she's a man as suspected of course she'd have balls.
The difference being is you leftist pretend a man can change his sex by just identifying as a women or vice versa.
Big difference.

No, the big difference is that you pretend a woman is a man to denigrate her. Like Michelle Obama, I'm a tall slim woman. I've been accused of being a man in drag on more than one occasion. It's offensive and something that only a total dipshit asshole would do.
It's clear as day. But your cultism dictates you must deny it. Sad, really.

Here's your pattern.. Cheney gets an appointment to the 9-11 commission which is acting more like the Spanish Inquisition. She lashed out yesterday and ordered a subpoena to testify against the CAMPAIGN MANAGER of her opposition candidate for re-election.. WHY? He wasn't there, didn't have a Federal consulting role of any kind.. The ONLY reason is this TERMINALLY DERANGED hate-monger wants to ruin the guy only BECAUSE -- he was Trump's 2020 campaign manager.

She's a toxic sour grapes chain saw killer.. You can have her.. Nobody else wants her. And I warn you here. The left's track record of backing anti-Trumpers and Trump haters has blown up on them MANY TIMES.. Remember the "Lincoln Project" group of sour grapes chain saw killers and the creepy porn lawyer Avenati that your media mental morons tried to run for President??????? :dev3:
Oh please. As if you know any Marxists. Paranoid right wing fantasies.

All 3 founders that have rights to the BLM name are self-avowed Marxists. Bernie Sanders has supported every failed Marxist revolution in his lifetime. The ROOTS of CRT are just repackaged Marxism with the word "race" inserted for "class"..

John Brennan the lying bastard CIA chief supported the Communist party in the 60s and 70s. And Biden is nominating Omarova to be Chair of the fucking federal reserve. (out just this week).. This free markets and capitalism opponent graduated from Moscow University in the late 80s on a Lenin scholarship...

The effort to "tear it all down mannn" from the 60s is revitalized and being taught in our universities.

Why ya think so many neo-Marxist anarchist radicals looted and burned our cities in 2020? "Who's streets? OUR streets"...
Trump is the Republican Party, as you Marxists are going to find out in 2022 and 2024.
Sure is. Trump is a criminal mob boss & he runs his party just like a gangster. My way or I'll ruin you.

Trump & his crew are all a bunch of lowlife criminals, no morals or conscience like Meadows today when he thumbed his nose at the supeona. Not one of them has the spine to defend their actions. All cowards.
All 3 founders that have rights to the BLM name are self-avowed Marxists.
Irrelevant character assassination, dog and pony show to hide behind, has nothing to do with BLMs misson, just a way of scaring the more simple minded. If that includes yourself, well... if the shoe fits...

Marxism has zero political traction in this country. Anyone who says otherwise is a gullible, ignorant moron, or a shameless liar. So pick your camp.

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